Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Bill of rights

You have the right to remain silent – to see the lie in believe;
if my acts don't prove my guidance, don't follow my “ardent” and “true”.
If my anger is brighter than mercy; if pride omniscient of compassion. –
Don't follow the lead of that blind and cut down that fashion;
abandoned is that forsaken silver into led – just leave –
you have the right to remain silent, and disgusted in your feel!

You have the right to refuse a say – to ignore the shows of an entertainer;
if my hand is too short in need, but too long to grab my fair share.
If I'm under the rock or on top of the mighty tree fasting –
you know, who smelt it, that dealt it everlasting!
How can “The mare” be your spiritual coach or trainer?
You have the right to refuse a say – that is a no-brainer!

You have the right to forsake and leave – to cast out the weak weary salt;
to trample with your feet, what insults and can't redeem.
For how can Jim Beam; James Dean and Mr. Bean;
be better of a ruffian in the squaller of self-esteem?
If you see the ravine in my sheep coating, the wolf – than halt;
you have the right to forsake and leave – as though tasting vinegar with rotten malt!

You have the right to remain sober – if you doubt my “Holy spirit” –
if my providence looks like success-rattling, like the empty nutshells;
what the wager offers you on the street-corner hiding the nut. –
You don't have to bet on anything, that stands firm before the “but”;
for good intentions pave ways to Hell – like a vengeful spirit!
You have the right to remain sober, if I'm not living it!!

For those who are called and witness, what Jesus on Calvary meant;
who love God and hate their own to be the Heavens welcome mat. –
According to purpose and not for the hidden covert purse;
that Man will indeed be a blessing to multitudes and not a vile curse.
Worthy of mention, raising the hat – who has all on Jesus spent;
You can call that a stalwart witness and never his hollowed ways relent!

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