took me a long time, to figure out what to write in here, for it has
bothered me since I left my church on December 3rd
and some time before to have more Christ in my life and less legalism
through church. What does it mean to be a true disciple of Jesus
Christ? Is it the fact that we, Christians, own the Bible? Is it the
fact that we have certain mental or spiritual faculties? Maybe we
have some social and economical faculties? Are we Christian because
we have the Gospel? Before you read this I encourage you to listen to
brother Voddie Bauchan's Sermons Getting the Gospel right:
the Parable of the older son (The best of its kind I have ever
what I have to say, is in response of those two sermons. And it all
starts with the question, brother Voddie Bauchan addresses: “What
is the Greatest Commandment?” and
comes out of it saying ironicly, referring to Christ: “Commandment
1 to 4 followed by 5 to 10!! - that's what it means to love your God
with all your heart and soul and strength and your neighbor just like
the problem is, that we have to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ –
that he died for our sins on Calvary, rows up according to scripture
and prophesy, showed himself to the various disciples and then went
to Heaven to do prayer for us so that we might follow His witness…
but, how will it look like for the other people and not for us, if
we're honest to each other? How do we proclaim the Gospel of Jesus
am not objecting to brother Bauchan's arguments, I am merely
referring to that we wont even get to that argument if we don't
understand what the issue with the church of Corinth and the church
of Ephesians and the church of Galatia was about. They had factions!
Mostly it was dominant in Corinth, who had the most spiritual fruit
and that made them proud. What do people do then they're proud –
they pick sides! It's not even that those people there truly at the
side of Paul the Evangelist; or Apollos of Alexandria (Acts 18:24) or
Peter (Cephas) or even on the side of Jesus Christ our Lord and
Savior (gnostic Christians through various cryptic teachings, what
are not in the bible) for then they would have done according to
their teachings. Just because you can exclaim: “Lord,
Lord – I believe in you, that you died on the Cross for my sins!!”
that one is easy. It becomes hard, if we have to say it through our
actions… Let's go to:
Gal 2:11-16 Now when Peter had come to Antioch, I withstood him to his face, because he was to be blamed; for before certain men came from James, he would eat with the Gentiles; but when they came, he withdrew and separated himself, fearing those who were of the circumcision. And the rest of the Jews also played the hypocrite with him, so that even Barnabas was carried away with their hypocrisy. But when I saw that they were not straightforward about the truth of the gospel, I said to Peter before them all, “If you, being a Jew, live in the manner of Gentiles and not as the Jews, why do you compel Gentiles to live as Jews?
is here the problem? Peter, who is called “the rock” and is a
celebrity amongst Christians has a problem – he used to be a
fisherman, and as such, he has not studied the Torah, but most of
those Jew's, he had to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ, there –
just as he obtained it through discipleship to lord Jesus Christ! How
do you compete with that? You have a fancy title and your awesome
experience, which by the way is a true account… but no respect
among the Pharisees and Sadducees, who only respected people with
scholarship inside the Torah – especially they disrespected people
who would eat with gentiles and the sinners, for that was the main
problem between Jesus Christ and the spiritual authorities of
Jerusalem. And Paul had to rebuke Peter for acting like a gentile and
not like a true Jew – for he was scared of the opinions of the Jews
and not what Jesus might have a say or two about being embarrassed in
this world! He was about to get lost for Jesus Christ to have some
“true believing Jews” who by other things bullied the gentiles
around by claiming that their conversion to lord Jesus Christ's
teachings is not good enough for their came from the “outside”
and have their Willy under the coat and if they would get the Coat
off and flash in their lives (being proud about the circumcision and
not humbled in God) then all would be happy – especially lord Jesus
Christ – for those people never even wanted to get out of the Torah
and believe in lord Jesus Christ! Otherwise they would not have
persecuted the saints especially St. Paul for teaching about that and
disproving of having to first convert into Judaism before you are
able to understand the Gospel!! There is no before, you can
understand it now!
wanted those inside the church for they there “spiritually rich”
and that made him cast everything else out – including the
teachings of Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ Himself! He was about to
become a hypocrite and that would have also endangered Barnabas –
“the son of Joy” the “Mr. nice guy” who tried to live
according to the 11th
commandment, brother Bauchan was referring to as not very nice to the
Gospel, who also started to prefer not to eat with the Gentiles. For
those who don't understand what the big deal about table partners is
– it was Facebook official. It's the same, as though you put a
friend of yours into the ignore list or at least into a different
community so he wont get response when you write something to the
real group you are having. For in real, he is not your friend, you're
faking love towards him and playing it like the Heathers at school!
For you are the popular kid and they are out!! And that ought to be
rebuked, otherwise we wouldn't have no brother Peter in Christ for
being a hypocrite and no brother Paul if he had shut up, like many
respectful Christians do these days. “What
if some gentile sees that and does not convert? What if some rich guy
rethinks about his donations and turns around?
Hell, I don't know – tough questions! (sarcasm and irony) If you
start gussing like that, maybe you're embarrassed of having the
Gospel in the first place and having to proclaim it to the people.
Maybe you'd be better of preaching about the booze and not about the
Cross! At least it would be more honest…
those words are not said to brother Bauchan or any other I have met
on youtube, and who's ministry to lord Jesus Christ I respect and
adore, like they got a problem. It's more of a testimonial, for I
have a lot of problems with that too – otherwise I wouldn't be
yapping my by-hole. We all got a problem with that, as fellows in
Christ! That's why we come together to have ourselves redeemed
through the teachings of Jesus Christ by listening and nurturing each
other in the same Lord and not in this world! That is a part of our
true witness to Jesus Christ, that we don't devour our brothers like
wolves eat sheep or kings judge they subjects. For our fight and our
run has not ended yet. Read the respectful letters of Paul about
Corinth, there the brothers thought like Peter and the sons of
Zebedee for honor and recognition amongst the disciples (Mark
10:35-41,42-45) And that almost killed their love so Jesus had to
remind them what was more important – serving your brothers and
sisters in Christ, for martyrdom is the true honor of Christ! – Any
takers, brothers and sisters? Can I hear an Amen or Halleluyah to
Corinth they didn't want to respect each other as brothers – for
just as with Cain and Abel – the offering was more important than
mercy towards yourself and the others. Surely you can mercy on
yourself as long it doesn't require you respecting other people –
but it's the love your neighbor like yourself!
love yourself to go to the best Conferences and to the best Bible
studies and the best Churches – just as I chose my church over that
it had the most number of respectful Baptist Theologians in Tartu and
all over Estonia, and then it came to serve Christ and allow 47 (I
can err with the number, but it was bigger than our church) street
kids into our church, we couldn't deliver because: “Oh
no, they there wearing T-shirts with “Thug life” and gangsta
hoodies; listening to rap music and other stuff we didn't like;
swearing and snarling, like a drunken sailor; showing their undies
over their pants – maybe we have to change too much and are no
longer respectful in our union and amongst respectful people in the
And now that church has lost its youth pastor and work; one of the
pastors who paid a half of my scholarship in KUS to study theology
got sick for overworking and burn-out skipped town and church; I
couldn't finish my studies for problems with liberalism inside the
school and how it looked in the light of the teachings of Jesus
Christ and when I was about to leave and had my formal resignation
letter written to quit my membership in that church, to attend my
last sermon with them as brothers in that church and my last
eucharist – I couldn't take part in it when I listened to this
pre-Xmas Sermon of my former church about being better off than King
David, who fornicated with the wife of Uriah the Hetite; King
Solomon, who forsook the true service of God and became an idolator;
etc. because God is merciful on Christmas!! (I also prayed to Jesus
to make it easy on me so I wouldn't look back so I guess that sermon
knocked it off)... After all that had happened in our church?? Ugh…
I don't know…. No comment… So you don't have to listen to me, if
you honor the titles of men and what is in this world. Amen and
indulge ourselves with scripture like a glutton eats food although
Jesus said in:
Mat 7:6 “Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces.”
refers to our inner life, and not to some infidels. Its our hopes and
desires what are the “pigs” and the “dogs” that want to tear
us to peaces over the teachings of Jesus Christ, our lord and Savior
– our inner demons! For we want to be something, and that will be
the log in our eyes, what makes it hard to discern the splinter in
the brothers eye… Can I get an Amen and Halleluyah to that?
want something from God and he owes us, because of our good deeds and
discipleship (Luke 14 – 17) Because we know of the Gospel that
Jesus died for our sins, but still cast someone out over the grounds
of spiritual race: “You
don't have this; you don't have that – I can't call you my brother
for someone might be watching and be offended.”
Some of my friends in Google are gay; some of them are alt-right;
some of them dabble in witch-craft. Why did I start hanging out with
them if I have read the bible and all the passages about such?
Because I wanted to learn and witness, why the hell did Lord Jesus
Christ have mercy on a bum like me, who gets so many things wrong.
For if Jesus can save me, then that Gospel should be witnessed in
silence amongst those too, for maybe they'll get something out of it,
I was too proud to notice, while I was inside my posh church and
commending myself for being so proud and respectful a Christian –
but those real people on Google are suffering depression and may
loose real lives and not Half-lives on somebody's computer. Some of
them supported Trump others supported Clinton – and I see both
sides as my friends. So if you have a problem with my friends, you
have a problem with me! We should witness in this world and not in
our churches, there its safe and sound – there nobody wants to
kill us, for if you're only respectable and your knowledge about the
Gospel is what the pharisees knew about the Torah, you wont go to
Heaven! Witness it in your own life, outside the church, there it
matters the most!! You can't bring a cathedral into Heaven but you
can see people going there… the real church, those, whom Jesus
Christ hang out with! And those people where not wearing suit and tie
and going into the right church and bible school!
fact, this one is specifically to you, Americans, Love Donald Trump –
Your President of the United States of America – Not because he's
Superman for he's mostly an idiot. Not because he knows so much about
the bible – he has always proven otherwise admitting of not being
able to forgive his opponents and not knowing a single passage in
scripture right, but because there is a reason why he is the
President of the United States of America and why I support him and
pray for him day in and day out – He could be our enemy, because we
chose so and not because of him! I mean, what's the matter
Americans?? Why can't you fucking stand up on the national anthem and
sing it with honor and dignity? “Oh
I cannot, I need to have a strike and show my disrespect for Donald
who I am viewing outside of his office for I never approved of this
man in the first place and then I expect President Trump to act a
proper Christian!”
– when Christians act like heathens!! Really? Are you guys on
speed?! What about Gal 2:11-16? Or some others not eating together
with the President because they are celebrities and have to carry out
a role in the society? And what kind of a role is that?
reason, why Donald Trump is President of the United States of America
is the same reason why prophet Jeremiah could preach his say but
prophet Uriah could not (Jer 26) The same reason why Israel had to be
under the yoke of Nebuchadnezzar
27) and why no Hananiah can come and break that yoke and have a say
about it! (Jer 28) For God has put President Donald Trump at his
office to discourage and humble you all for being so posh and in vain
and gibbering with each-other and judging and self-righteous arrogant
sons of Bitches who walk around like the Cows of Bashan while rolling
their eyes and demanding more wine (false doctrine) from their
husbands and fathers (spiritual leaders and peers):
4:1 – 6 Hear this word, you cows of Bashan, who are
on the mountain of Samaria, Who oppress the poor, Who crush the
needy, Who say to your husbands,“Bring wine,
let us drink!” The
Lord GOD has sworn by His holiness:“Behold, the days shall come
upon you When He will take you away with fishhooks, And your
posterity with fishhooks. You will go out through
broken walls,
Each one straight ahead of her, And you will be cast into Harmon,” Says the LORD. “Come to Bethel and transgress, At Gilgal multiply transgression; Bring your sacrifices every morning, Your tithes every three days. Offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving with leaven, Proclaim and announce the freewill offerings; For this you love, You children of Israel!” Says the Lord GOD. “Also I gave you cleanness of teeth in all your cities. And lack of bread in all your places; Yet you have not returned to Me,” Says the LORD.
Each one straight ahead of her, And you will be cast into Harmon,” Says the LORD. “Come to Bethel and transgress, At Gilgal multiply transgression; Bring your sacrifices every morning, Your tithes every three days. Offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving with leaven, Proclaim and announce the freewill offerings; For this you love, You children of Israel!” Says the Lord GOD. “Also I gave you cleanness of teeth in all your cities. And lack of bread in all your places; Yet you have not returned to Me,” Says the LORD.
your haughtiness and insubordination can be as though you're drunk of
wine or on speed! If you cannot follow Donald Trump who is your
President, and who you can see; touch and feel, you cannot follow
anything else about the teachings of Lord Jesus Christ as well. Or
what about:
12:17 “And Jesus answered and said to them, “Render to Caesar the
things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.”
And they marveled at Him.”
time you disrespect President Donald Trump for being an asshole, you
actually disrespect lord Jesus Christ, who has put him in this
office!! Everything you do unto Donald Trump – you do unto Jesus
and Lord Jesus shall judge you for it, then you meet in His court! So
how can you people prevail with that and call yourself righteous or
Christian or anything? Just like some folks did say: “He,
who hangs out with alt-rightists is not a nice guy!” I
am saying:
“If it's not Facebook official, that you can hang out with Donald
Trump, then you shall not inherit Heaven nor be a nice guy!” You're
actually a bully just like the family of the Simpsons when they there
discouraging a star in softball and calling him “Darril” in an
offensive slur for taking the place of Homer Simpson in his former
soft ball team to win the Nuclear cup for Mr. Burns. Get over
yourselves already, its embarrassing! And you call yourself
Christians or anything? Who died and made you king of these things?
Was that really lord Jesus Christ or something else?
back to Corinth – they didn't respect each-other nor their feats in
Christ, which is shown that even the guys with prophetic words,
couldn't wait their line nor those who spoke in tongs and brother
Paul had to tell them about it! 1 Cor 12 – 14 (14:26 – 33) And if
you have done thus, then comes 1 Cor 15 about the resurrection of
lord Jesus Christ and the true Gospel! But if you don't –
Luke 6:49 “But he who heard
and did nothing is like a man who built a house on the earth without
a foundation, against which the stream beat vehemently; and
immediately it fell. And the ruin of that house was great.”
if you wanna be a true Christian, visit
learn it! This is a true witness I found in Youtube and who's sermons
I approve, also
the Mat 5 – 7 the Sermon of the Mount! No Sermon of the Mount –
No life!! I wish you all Godspeed, which means go for it, have your
way exalted in Christ!
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