Friday, December 15, 2017

Going Hell   Abusive Cop: Pastor Shuts Down Officer Dish or "Why you Christian smacked those coppers?

Who's smitten my Hello Kitty shirt to rewrite the witty shit of having more cum
in his hair than a cop got dollars and the throat is slit? – Newsflash – you there supposed to be on the Bible and not on Law and orders! There you having dunking do-nuts yours waitress told-hers? To record us how you scold a fuss about a suit and tie to rule the world... – But I ain't gonna see it – no Jesus with you!! That really sucks man, that shit ain't cool, that you'd bully an officer and beet him black and blue – yeah, that shit was verbal, so I guess, that makes it cool? You fool!

Was your stalemate really checked – mate, or there you playing checkers in a Speedy Gonzales cartoon to fish some rates, for your FB and BFF to be late on Jeff Bridges to hoist all bridges into self-esteemed fridges – infringing the hinges to valve the Hatred what you got against Cops who tried to protect and serve you some respect – about the lawsuit pending your way, for your too loud “Wazzup!”! Hey! Not all the people are into Jesus, so try to comprehend and some 10 cents from me lend – let's pretend, that you got a heart so tender, so have my Love and splendour!

Newsflash, they there just giving you a minority report – don't shoot the messenger, then you hate the call to go extort them with Ruwl hiss-ruhl fath” discord like you're on speed or some toad to frog-mouth some shouts of famous sports celebrities and go overboard! Abandon ship that friend-chip got Ice-cubed and is sinking, so have a Vodka-Martiny coolade to be smoking hot Mr. Bond and stinking in your fake latex overhaul what ain't real copperhead snakeskin – your grin should be grinded to dust and fed with holy water into you like Nehustan or the Golden Calf into Israel, Fred!”

Your mystery mashine is bust like a marionette or there you cos-playing Marie Antoinette to offer the pupils some peace of cake – for you didn't got two fish and five-loaf of bread and Meatloaf refused your Judgment day call… That shit was so dull! Yo lame bull of bearded old jesters oaks what are hollow trunks like you met Freezer without dragon balls and there drunxed – so now Jesus Christ has to resurrect you like a monkey-king Songoku – go to burger king instead and stop ass-king about your right from the last bill – so chill my man or should Daddy-O be you last call!

Like Emma-O angeled some fake dreams inside a Christian who couldn't redeem!
And so are you – for you ain't Watson, nor Sherlock, mister Fullness – or are you the Jeti or Loch Ness? Even Potter would Gedavra you over-where there Scorpion could sting you with “Get over here” to overhaul your dare what wasn't even the deer that King David was referring to then he was so blue for running from his son who wanted his scull and groom! But still you would swear on your belittled big spoon like it was the ark of the Covenant and you there FBI from the Government?

Did David run with it like did the sons of Skeva and Eli blundered it to squander hissy-fits of younger brothers in older shoes to run green miles in Miles Gordon home-runs? – But you ain't playing ball with Jesus Christ! What gives, are you gull – maybe an albatross or Steven Segall? What the fuck are you performing there to comfort a gridlocked stronghold day-care of signposts I didn't notice there, for lawyer must have edited them out to have the right to remain silent and not be used against you! Maybe you wanna get stoned like Steven had gone… No? So what's your scam!

Old Jam of same old chum-buckets to con out the recipe of Mr. Crabs so have some raspberries instead in front of the broken trough to lunge through the ears of a servant as the Fairy Godmothers didn't die and make you King of the universe – to be well versed in you rights but not in the Gospel! – Did that cup go away from him or from the brothers of Sebedee? When they longed to sit on the left and right of Jesus and angered Peter and Judas Iscariot – are you a servant of servants ho lives to serve to hate his own to go blur his face to show the cross instead on your backgrounds!!

Why are your clown frowns not grounded like you got struck with Jack-o-Lantern and not Jesus or are you having a Halloween show and not the Christmas spirit inside you? Are you the Grinch or the Humpty-Dumpty to reminisce in Bridges of Madison County – was that your Bounty mr. Christian? So shame-full to tattoo Thug-life on your scull or was that your dick or Batmans sidekick to pass away the cornerstone and replace with bricks? Maybe you're stuck Between Oldman and Garry to russian roulette your pamphlet on a chest plate drawn Ouiya bored trading card! – your bet?

What are your stats and your toughness, your strengths and mechanics – is it really what Paul was about? Or some gimmicks of “ooh so precious and shiny”. What this button do? – for you are on site and razed to the ground for running berzerk like your house on fire, or was that the roof, Motherfucker? There you offering those cops protection as you ass-fucked them with prank-calls to waste their time, so they couldn't answer the 911 calls?? Why are you obstrucked with Justice or are you in league with the devil – at least Cruella to chase around some dogs for pearls?

Burn me like you burned those Cops on your bonfire misquoting Paul into Saul like he's gone mad King Saul and was found amidst the prophetic students to be prudent in past tense and you lost your sense in the translation of King James as you had a tough shit inside a Johns! Or there you like those Pharisees from James? So I will picture in slow-mo your frames glitched or was that your soft what's gone hard? Omm my Rod! OMG – Retard! Let me go to Hell for yours sake in blood -
for you ain't God not even Gad to startle David and ass-smart!!

Do you Remember Peter and Barnabas at Galatia when they did not eat for Big Brother was watching – the catching of the catcher in Rye or there you cashing some Wiskey on boot-leg and barrel run? – That shit ain't funny, your smoking gun six-killer barrel hunted a stun! Or there you the stunt man of a C-movie to just feel groovy but not for real in Jesus?? Was your stone moved away to let “The Dog” out, or is Jesus still under the threshold of decrees and statements locked in the basement of your embarrassment? To race a mint for the gent to serve them a second ass hole?


Their wrists are bleeding and between the ankles hole in one to exclaim: “Oncle, Oncle – why are you framing me?” is your shy for real?! How can I Bible you Pastor Jeff with no full name, doc! Or are you having a sabbatical and are buying in with Creflo so nope and no-no to Hell noo! I hope not… Or are you Dr. NO to James Bond some blonds and criminally insane some dope? Are you playing gangsta; a lawyer or a servant of Jesus Christ – even Paul lost his head, then he sited the Roman rights on himself to die in Rome and not to live – so what Gives?? Why are you running away?


May-day May-day you only say “Yes” to the “Free World” and not Nay!! Or are you kissed by Morgana to dance with the devil and play Merlin in your dungeon and dragons street cart-board-race for your sword is made of match-sticks so stick it up your throat and swallow it like your girl-friends dildo and net-flick! Don't you know, Hey: “Fuck the Free World!” – but these cops ain't free, they protect and serve – you should also with Jesus, but your wearing pink glasses and fully nerd – you can't even herd the sheep to Christ on the Cross, but to your Self! And you haven't even heard!

How lewd are your megaphone moanings like porn under my pillow of cloud 9 bellows. To mellow some hellow to Hell cow and Yo-yo into the shallow grave of your shell – no! Crowbar some knuckles on your star to Broadway into Joe's bar – Even an official rally must Mulder and Scully some respect for the neighborhood – or are you Robin Hood? So why do you resist the arrest to get up your fists for a anti copper dish? Or are you jerking off with the Bible and Jesus is not real for you – not cool!! You must be what Mr. T refrains as a “Fool!” Is your toolbox now out of tools?

You cheap charlatan and hypocrite who you Charleston and Foxtrot around the Law and scapegoat the Bible into amassed rite like miracles for Christ! – Newsflash! Jesus doesn't know you!! For your knight ain't crucified and put down to follow right – you still follow your own name and blight – it's like Voldemort – for it can't be said, good night! There you buried in a closed casket after the fight. then you lips incinerated yours to rate your gold and Jewels what there not Jesus Christ! For your booty is not in Heaven! – Old-school Pharisees and Sadusees and your paste is of same mold…

How can it redeem when you don't answer my rebuke for pretty pleas! Yourself but send henchmen – or are you too busy in your mid-summer-nights dream to lawsuit the coppers to get some time and answer thus? Or are you after the three L's or LSD and not sages who found Jesus – “but” James Dean? That really amazed me to gaze your glee – why are you laughing and happy like Behemoth in the river to not stop yapping – and now your mouth got too much water in or was that fur then you licked your sofa, thinking its your clit? No shit man – you're full of it!!

Bible me this, why did you smack the ears of those officers down – I'm so mind-blown – like they're against Jesus and not you standing like hurricane Sandy in Christ's way – I'm let down! To not let Him Cross His life for the people to Satan The Way for Real? Say it ain't so! But you moan a groan? Alas, your sideshow like the main event has not relent any captured and rent axes what had fallen into the pond – and you didn't pick it up but had an opera on your soap – and you're so slim?! There is the Fat Love in you, what Jesus got for the people to never kill nor ransom??


Any enemy who didst enmity against Him, He didn't capture the empire with seven angelic legions to whim!! Even prayed on the cross for His foes and their atrocity – like the real city of Angels – that they did not know and there blind to see… Are you also so “Free” like the Masons to delete what the Cornerstone has redeemed??
Why are you purging the Heavens to let the Heathens go to Hell or are you business as usual inside “Your Holy Christian Church; Your Holy Christian Church; Your Holy Christian Church!” Hell Why?! Cut that out and change the record – Bell!!

Have a real score in the second inning before Judgment Day, then Jesus comes with the pink-slip – but you're grinning – for those who can't understand this shit and are still faking it!! Stop grinning. Or don't you know that square will grind your bones and marrow – and you will aghast your broken arrows in a tight dance – to trance for your fans!! Who aren't with Jesus, but with your stance! Just like in Corinth some prophets could but breach, to wait for their turn and have their own besiege! So cut your winnings! - You're lost to Christ and in the translational gold-minings!!

Have some Herrings to fasten your tent and don't pretend that you got some money spent on Jesus when you relent from the Cornerstone and don't repent from your foul detachment to this world and its ways to show off and faint like you're Betty White and not Christ's Saint, who has to be servant of the servants and the last to be meant!
But you sit on the honorary table and not even left or right – and that calls Himself Christian – indeed – Christ was that honored and loved too, then he was carrying the Cross to Calvary – even by Pharisees – you Goof-balled Goon under Deluge!

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