James 2:1-4 “My brethren, do not hold the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, with partiality. For if there should come into your assembly a man with gold rings, in fine apparel, and there should also come in a poor man in filthy clothes, and you pay attention to the one wearing the fine clothes and say to him, “You sit here in a good place,” and say to the poor man, “You stand there,” or, “Sit here at my footstool,” have you not shown partiality among yourselves, and become judges with evil thoughts?”
times I hear about, how Christians send Bibles to Metallica members;
or eating together with celebrities or doing other public stuff, what
might be important – but then they get proud about it – like
their really made a difference. Some other people make You-tube
videos, about celebrities they found in Hell – because that makes
people repent and become true and faithful followers of Christ! Now I
have a problem with that assumption… because, if a teenager would
be around those, who send bibles who literally could buy the entire
library full of bibles and donate it to Uganda or some street kids,
they wouldn't even see that kid to buy him a new bible or gift their
own – because there is no fame there to catch. Nobody will picture
it, if you gave the bible to a nobody on the street – but Hey,
members of Metallica – for if they converted into a church, all the
people would flock together and…
a minute – did you just say that? You want people to come to church
now, and not anymore, that Metallica members would be Christian?
Because of what? Of their 10% - because it will vindicate you and
your ministry or something else what is about you? Aren't you abusing
the scripture and the people you are talking to like that? Ain't that
pretty lame and fake? Tell me about it! Or if you can show Michael
Jackson in Hell because he was trialled for pedophilia and you think
now is your last chance to get your 60 minutes of fame to show it all
what Christianity is all about? You know brother, that fame wont last
only 60 minutes – that fame will last an Eternity! It will be so
notorious that Jesus wont even want to know you, once you get in
front of His court to be judged, the way you judged others! Because
you would think that you are so much better than Michael Jackson! Or
did you convert yourself into Jesus Christ and resurrected yourself
in the Holy Spirit believing in Christ and now you will even go to
Heaven yourself, like its your house – for real!? What about:
Isa 47:5-9“Sit in silence, and go into darkness, O daughter of the Chaldeans; For you shall no longer be called The Lady of Kingdoms. I was angry with My people; I have profaned My inheritance, and given them into your hand. And you said, ‘I shall be a lady forever,’ So that you did not take these things to heart, Nor remember the latter end of them. You showed them no mercy; On the elderly you laid your yoke very heavily. “Therefore hear this now, you who are given to pleasures, Who dwell securely, Who say in your heart, ‘I am, and there is no one else besides me; I shall not sit as a widow, Nor shall I know the loss of children’; Zep 2:15 “This is the rejoicing city
That dwelt securely, That said in her heart, “I am it, and there is none besides me.” How has she become a desolation, A place for beasts to lie down! Everyone who passes by her Shall hiss and shake his fist.”
are you proud of stuff you didn't even do, or did you cast Michael
Jackson to Hell or made him sin – because then you could brag about
it, but it wouldn't be so very Christian of you… I mean you are
lying about things you don't know, for only God knows who is in
Heaven and who is in Hell, so how can you say it out-loud and make a
video on You-tube? “I
found this and that in my visions, so repent!” I
found my fist inside your Anus! I mean, how does it build someone up
and is delivered in love, if you find somebody in Hell and come
praging about it? I mean, we are not even supposed to search for the
splinter in our brothers eyes BEFORE we have found the log in OUR own
eye? How can you even see through it??
Mat 7:3“And why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye?”
talk is very cheap, if you reveal other peoples sin's and not your
own. It wont cost you absolutely nothing, and the people will be
like: “Wow,
this preacher really rocks, man!
I'm feeling the Holy Spirit move right now!!” No!
I think what was moving, was the bullies dick, who played Mr.
Christian, just like in a Scary Movie Bounty mashup, what stabbed
through your ears and you there lost on a foreign island, for
agreeing with it!! I mean, how is such conduct in any way better of,
from what the bullies are doing at school? For those kind of people,
who respond to such things positively – are scum!! And will never
see the Heavens, for being happy about you slandering and ridiculing
another person – worse of all, that person is dead, and can't even
defend himself!! And why do you even believe that Metallica needs a
bible from You and not from the Mormons or Jehovah's Witnesses or
from somewhere else? Is your faith so much better than the faith and
life of Metallica, or do you in secret not like their music and don't
want to openly say it, lest to be trampled by their fans? But the
Bible is gonna do it! “I
left my bible in the mail of some celeb!! Woo-hoo! Jesus gonna
rule!!” I
left my baby into your girl-friend, that's gonna rule over you!! I
mean, be honest with yourself! You are doing mostly these things to
get attention yourself, and not to draw attention to the Cross…
otherwise you'd do stuff totally different. If you want to confess
something, admit to your own sins, and put it up on You-tube and see
how many Halleluyah's and praise the lords or even likes that gets!
confessing about somebody else – or proving somebody publicly wrong
on the street and making it into a video? Thank you, brother, so very
Christian!! You yourself live like Jesus Christ, and are without sin
and can cast stones!! Honestly! Just because your opponent doesn't
know about a verbal argument how to get away from your dish, doesn't
mean, that you're right – it mostly means, you haven't found a
bigger and better scriptually eloquent bully, who could silence you
on the street in the public. For arguments mean nothing, if you got
no heart and spirit of Love to support them. We don't believe because
of arguments – we believe, because Lord Jesus Christ made that
possible and changed our lives so drastically through His death on
the Cross and His resurrection, although we did not deserve that
chance! What the Gospel says, is not an argument, for you cannot
verify nor falsify it – you have to believe it!! Also it's not on
debate how you should serve and worship Jesus Christ – inside your
own prayer chamber alone without witnesses, but Father; Son and the
Holy Ghost!! And after you came out there with purpose, you can say
this and that about what you think only on facts about you, and not
someone else – for they don't go to Heaven for you and neither can
you go to the Cross for them! It's only Jesus, who saves, you're just
cos-playing and being the sideshow of the awesomeness what the Lord
did… Only your own personal relationship with God matters, and not
the trinkets and trophies you have collected. It's so sad, then those
trinkets and trophies are so called testimonials, what don't confess
your own sins or insights about the bible, but hear-say and
gossiping, what you assume, most of the crowd would be pleased to
hear… I
mean, why can't those people, who's name I don't even wanna know, who
are proud of being able to shut the fuck up inside and out some
non-believers, who don't go into their church for being trans-sexual;
atheist; or simply unpopular politicians, for we didn't know
ourselves that every bottle shall be filled with wine (Jer 13:12)
“but” they cannot shut the Fuck up inside and out themselves…
tell me about it!!
this Christmas, if you wanna do something meaningful to God, then
forget about your bible and spend some quality time with your family
and friends. Hang out with them and forget about preaching and
converting, for why does the Lord want you to trample on His words
and courts (Isa 1:12) Those things will be with you after the
Christmas too, but your friends and neighbors and family may not.
Today you're too busy to fulfill your quota of good deeds and other
things what are important. Good for you, here is your reward – Mat
6:5,16 for you did it for your own brand amongst the people and not
to God! Tomorrow God may take your family or friends or even you away
– maybe you should think about it, this Christmas, and not how to
figure out the next awesome thing you will say and do unto the
Heathens, for you are breathing air and not fire (James 4:13) you're
not God and non of us know the length of our days to say, if the Lord
allows it, I will preach this and that; convert these and those or do
other spiritual things! Maybe God doesn't give you any converts and
you're as forgotten as St. Thomas – you don't hear much in the Acts
about him! So don't be so proud, that you will accomplish something –
Jesus will accomplish something in you and in this World, but you
follow Him – why do you even bother about the “other guy” or is
he like the “Highlander” to you?? Follow Christ by having a merry
Christmas and a happy new year! God bless you all.
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