Sunday, October 7, 2018

Fools Gold - Who called shotgun on Empathy?

You're not cool, same old; the times have changed - struck gold;
I rush on my thunder, why scold! Join us or highway to broken mold...
I know betters, as wise-men told; why not try new things be bold!

I'm short on patience while playing solitaire; whom could my vanity fare,
then doubled down into blind conscience; confessed the I don't care tense.
I lost my common sense, when compassion got copy-righted by leftist translucence...

It's here, it's there, its everywhere, til nowhere becomes Erewon and offers a dare.
I lick my deer, inside my ensalted mines; fair game is better than the hard scare...
Just like Isayah once womitted poetry on a nightmare - The King is dead - Is God - We're!!

Laughing seagulls wanted to selfie Steven Seagal but got into the frenzie universe and had to call;
the number was closed; hands there fisty-cuffed and fold. Money did a parler, and ate bullshit.
I was inside a cinnamon roll. I troll to engross my slow-mo gender biased role and it was embroiled!

Be more Hufflepuff  woah what? So I should be ashamed if meritocracy has a chat? When I want
credit due, to get paid for my swat - because Christian is boo, but let's steal a line, then its a cat!
I refuse to raise my hat, if Sunday - worshipers splat, sprouting out shouts of the badger and bat!

Griffindor's compassion is by tough love. You win friends over and enemies, then you fight the fav.
Not by being thawed by political correctness, loyalty or others paws. Standing your ground in public
as the others roar. Appalled by your last man stand - for here I stand and thus I fall!!

Ravenclaw's compassion is by research and request. Getting through dialogue stuff off the chest.
To rest cases by resolve and believing in the best arguments worthy to defeat the rabble and
war-mongering blood-fest. That is the true quest, indeed if you Godspeed by laissez-faire in trust!

Slytherin's compassion is by merit and class. Some have the gift and some have the brass!
Some are insane - alas - but still got something to say thus! Dost that mean, they messed up
they can't guss? It's so sus, to think that all have to be off the same fuss, to be worthy to pass!

Hufflepuff's compassion is the silent witness! Work hard and pray, life sweats you shitless!
Sometimes their shirtless - they gave their last to the first actress who conned them with trolls,
for Peer Gynt liked Cypress, went over the Hill. That is the chess of confess so don't stress...

One doesn't substitute the other, Ass makes a poor mower. Fox is horrible at babysitting hens -
bummer! You can't expect to brainwash people timing their hammers, in the slammer we shall
regress, what tolerance couldn't dimmer. Damning the dams to gatesweep fans into Hamlet's lan's!

Driving into postal delusions; Drive-in has an allusion to hide the zombie-intrusion; socialist collusion of me, myself and I, is on verbal pollution. I polled the fusion of no-sense. The true Zion had a Nebuchadnezzar moment, ate grass to muse scions. I was short-fused and loose to have my argument die on rouse...

Walk a mile in others - what does it mean? Do they turn into you, to return the past into the future?
Common theme, then you dream a gleam and know what you meany... Sometimes it means, that
the butterfly dies under your pin-up and leans. Being dead liberates the chosen fiends... cheers!

Who called shotgun on Empathy? Was that for real, we ought to feel - everybody like me!
The chosen simulacrum do-deem, not nice to be in it for C! You breathe-size AAA or wee!
My pants can't cry out loud on this trial and let it be. The Beatles also clocks clean... meme!

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