Monday, October 1, 2018

The Summoning

Prospects of virtue, hopes of great venture, you get what you give;
forget what's in your sleeve - is it a hand or an ace, rat-races outpaced.
Maybe the promised land, your trick or your trade, holding your glaive.
Rave the day, the ravens had a say, and men understood out of grace!

Wanting to be famous, hoping to be special, protecting your interest;
you never look for enemies close, but friends afar - like a wormwood jar.
More fears in the mind than Midas could abide as sorrow infests
your time and effort. Null is your impact, when the last breathe is drawn!

Don't cast out demons, more than you'd defeat; don't summon angels,
more than you'd worship! Other mans scorn, some chosen's whip...
A blessing in disguise, what you can't remorse. We're endangered,
when playing God, while suffering like newts - shouldering the chip!

Wanting to be big boys and tough chicks; who is betters our skill or the play?
Summoning passion with rigor to bleed your own success. I confess the excess.
Loosing your mind and burning like a candle - as the wise men once said;
it's not nice to taste the bread from the bowl, milked by the serpents mess...

What you see, you cannot unsee, what you taste unknow from your tongue;
what is real, defined by your choices. Don't choose to jump the ravine!
Many have ventured to never return, leaving behind only sobbed blue songs;
still amazing is youth, how it grows to redeem - fall boys the futures eagles may be!

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