Tuesday, October 29, 2019


Black knighted murderous riders horsed around;
the hidden reefs of soundbites arouse from graves.
Michael Jackson played Long nobody would count.
Even Dracula issued his copyright strikes enraged.

It was milky in my way, as my brain shut down;
I was watching the saints cry: Bohemian Rhapsody.
The Gospel choir was gossiping between sown
Burbon and reeking Absinthe - the Fairy experienced my body!

Outer reach expo was on demand, while listening to Gorillaz;
my Yellow Submarine sweat shirt was too Yesterday and Morrowing.
Sex Pistols overdosed with reality and withdrew their Unreal spa
registration, making some journalists spill some bloody hatchlings...

The freedom of the duress, is always too young-old to begin with;
askew any Pikachu about sneezing banana jokes, then get banned,
for insestuous innuendo. All know, that bananas are Gay as meh!
UWU at your spacebars, what you there trapping at Heavens manhole.

I can whore any rhyme from this side of Rio-Grande and Styx;
even Wolfenstein, in his death incarnate interstate could not surpass...
OvO at your spacebars and a knuckle witch called Sandy Onyx.
Her parents there glutton for Pokemon, so what you gonna fuss!

I had a White-out. My memory banks there wiped clean.
All I could read was: "Tyra was here!" and I had to gringe...
Not to mention, my Cosmo subs got canceled and slain;
how is a Man truck gonna find his way in this lunatic fringe??

Give me some brakes. My carburator already broke up on me...
The tank had too much sugar in, and I believe I was on lent.
Some asshole desided to show "Chokolat" on traffic Cam - Fuck ME!!!
I'm gonna crash and burn, to move into Burger-Tory and repent...

You know, then Burger King and Westminster Abbey merge,
they gonna need a new name. England is too runic anyhow...
all locked up and the key broken on the ground; on the verge
of madness, how many wordsmiths must fix this pickled cow?

"Ask Nietzsche" was the most potent research engineer found on Germany.
some white mice there chasing white russians around the room reigning
cats and dogs and white elephants under the carpet and into the pillow shant they!
Somehow Trump enrolled in Slytherin and killed nearly headless Nick, while granging.

Kill you in the shower

Almost perfect stand ups covering up the pretense;
war mongering saints, who have forsaken wingmen.
Women on offence, all the fence, to wear pants- fat chance;
flat rated incrementions to cool-aid the detention pen...

Thrilling in the solemn dowry of absolution neglect;
the senses are adding subtracted pinnacles of crosshairs.
My bald statements there singled out as bipartisan deflect.
Reflecting on my navelgazed cult of a dead vow au-pair!

Birds are becoming the new It, their poisoned beaks rap;
"Nevermore", the anthem of failed merchants of Doom!
I kill you in a shower of guilded appraised booby traps;
sidewinding the danse macabre and tin foil jaded gloom...

Softly whispering your despaired destitute and shortcomings;
cumming on your lap-dance of voracious sin eaters.
Tell me your secret, and its posted on Twitter -- privacy roaming;
today St. Peter upside down, tomorrow China at all theaters.

What is Communism without Lao zi? Confucius not trying to think;
because he can't imagine the Fish doing it! Not being one, likeness...
The empty mirror debunking all crack-pots and long-nosed kinks.
Nothing to see over the rainbow, as desire has set sail and mind less!

As the gilded Chris Mclean crosses my mind I zone out;
drama is everything, selling the stack of Sex short.
Some people rewind the tape backwards to get shout:
"I can hear Satan -- The mark of the beast revealed, news-sport!

In my ye older retort I disavow the elongated musk of blue roses;
Maga hat wearing Violets and freshly plucked daffodils.
She doxx me; she doxx me not, She doxx me -- shit my proses
assumed her gender, maybe its transmissionary imposed over-shill!!

How long til my close encounter of the Elm-street kind with Yandere-Chan?
I'm waiting under the mistle toe, and I even booked Harry Potter thrice...
the suspence is blowing me head on and ballsdeep dancing cancan;
I don't know how much I can take anymore, before I rub it in a Cockatrice.

Stone me, or else! I even turn the other cheek, to have a better profile -
#InsultToInJusticeAdjourned or ITIJA in short to get free tickets to Ibiza.
Ferrari volunteered to crowdfund for the next Kill-Bill movie virile...
Some transmen condescending to womenhood wanted to participate the extra mile,

I am Legion

This sentence has bewildered the world the most. It is the main event in Diablo 3, before the end-battle; it is the silent theme of the Series Legion, about a psychic, who believes himself a monster, and is told since the Word "Monster" is not really a name, but requires action to become that. A Statement, what is not entirely the truth. For that, let us delve into, there "I am Legion" comes from. It is located at Mark 5:9 being the name of a host of demons, possessing a man, who made the roads of Gadarene countryside unsafe. Living on a cemetery and injuring himself with rocks, he used to beat and cut himself, to get rid of the demons, to no avail. Then this tormented soul meats Jesus, and immediately recognizes the authority of Him. Or should I say, the demons inside, for they implore not to be tormented or cast out of this region, to have at least a hoard of swine to possess, in order to be content, if they can't remain in this human body.

Those demons knew Jesus! They knew about His authority! They didn't need Jesus to fetch some ID like a bad joke of Mulder and Scully or MIB etc. They knew, then the rest of Israel had theories and assumptions; opinions about Him, how to feel about His teachings, and Himself! The problem was a man possessed -- not even shackles and exile could not stop him. Freeing that man cost a fortune, and in itself was monstrous indeed to the coffers of those who owned the swine. Those people kindly asked Jesus to leave, lest to suffer more such damages. In Legion, the protagonist was said, that "Monster" is no name but requites action, to be that. Actions can be passive or aggressive; active or proactive; productive or deflective. They can come from you, or from somewhere else. The society can also have actions for or against you. Exiling somebody, is an action. Calling somebody "Monster" is an action. That is the reason, why the saying: "Monster" is not a name, is incorrect. It means all too well. That possessed man also had to bear such name and fate. To be possessed, meant that he was ostracized from his family and society. He could no longer live a normal life. The life moved on, but passed him. While he was wrestling with his entire being... It took Jesus only to present Himself, to make that suffering end. Naturally such kindness begets want to follow your saviour. He was denied that chance, but was rather required to tell about his ventures to other people, and so the man proclaimed Jesus to Decapolis for the peoples bereavement and rejoice altogether. A man was saved from his disease; his misfortune and discomfort. Just like a nation rejoices, then his occupants are leaving. Many had possessed him, and now he was free!

It still says something about us. How easily we forsake those, who happen to fail. There there no other healers or holy men, at the times of Jesus, to help this poor fellow? The only remedy, what the world had to offer – was bondage and exile... Just don't bother us with your problem! If a thing has no easy answer, it is neglected. For we are not our brothers keeper, as Cain would put it. At best we can only ask for ourself to be avenged seven times seven fold, if Cain is to be avenged seven fold. Those there the kind words of Lamech, son of Cain, when he boasted about his deed to his two wives. The plea for help goes unanswered many times. Just as said Jesus in Luke 4:24-27 “Assuredly I say to you, no prophet is accepted in his own country. But I tell you truly, many widows there in Israel, in the days of Elijah, when the heaven was shut up three years and six months, and there was a great famine throughout all the land; but to none of them was Elijah sent except to Zarephath, in the region of Sidon, to a woman, who was a widow. And many lepers there in Israel in the time of Elisha the prophet, and none of them was cleansed, except Naaman the Syrian.” Only few receive divine intervention, and that angered greatly those who listened to those words the first time. So great was their outrage, that they even intended to cast Jesus down the mountain, but He escaped. The reason why we seldom receive aid from God, or have our prayers answered, is how we treat those, who we deem unworthy.

While I was writing this, I had to take a breather, so I watched “The lost city of Z” In this Percy Fawcett, who's father was a drunk gambler, not allowing him to advance in his career in the army above the rank of Corporal. In a way that man was also possessed. It was Duty; Honour; and Conduct, what possessed him. And yet in all this, he remained human. People cared very little about his circumstances, and only by accident was he granted this expedition to map the border of Bolivia and Brazil. No one wanted to hear stories about shards of clay witnessing the intellect of savage Indians. It was too much. Even then he got the second expedition there, it was thwarted by a highly esteemed fellow archaeologist, James Murray, who refused to eat human meat with the Cannibals, for being too Christian! Then ate a great deal of their forages for being hungry, managed to injure himself, becoming even more a burden to all, and then got sick to the point he had to be excused from there with more food and the last horse and a guide, to the nearest mining camp. What was the man raving, while being at deaths wake? That Percy Fawcett is a Judas and not worthy of his presence and intellect as he is unworthy of the Lord. And as he was excused, he first wasted the rest of the food supplies with oil, to make sure, that the expedition not succeed and he wouldn't look like a coward. So very Christian of Him. Later on, then they met at the RGS he had to debunk the accusations of forsaking the very same guy, who he had to save from himself and fellow adventurers, who just wanted to leave this dead weight behind. What did this man want? An apology for daring to be his equal! Percy Fawcett did apologize – but to his comrades, for honouring rank and not true values behind them. He stepped out of the society, for he could not accept the demands of the accuser. Who at the other moment rebelled on his next expedition. So very Christian of him! Percy Fawcett then goes to WW1 survives a Chlorine gas attack and gets a chance to go back to his jungle. The most moving point in that masterpiece is, then he has to stoically accept his death, while being accompanied only by his eldest son... He remained a master of his convictions and open to new insights to the end, while others there more concerned about reputation and esteem. It is easy to deem someone unworthy, because his ideas are too crazy and madly insane... We are the navel of the world! And then comes something or somebody and changes that all. Do you possess your dreams and aspirations, or do they possess you? Who has your time and ear? Don't tell me, tell yourself and set your life free! Or are you also Legion, who just is looking for a hoard of swine to command and get by, to not be bothered by the horrors of every day life... What has your faith and conviction commanded you and cost? There did it lead you? Percy Fawcett, like Jesus Christ gave up all for his way. Nothing could stop them fulfilling their ultimate goal. What say you? Will you accept the rally call of Lord Jesus Christ or will you excuse yourself with family and children; work to do; or something else... I wish you all Godspeed.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Spit it out!

Spirited you snivel and shout, hauling in your shovel,
as death does a part in your life to aghast a gown.
Entrenched too deep to comprehend the gravel --
life turns to brash nightmares and dost not marvel..
There is the alloted place you could be renown?
When your gilded leafs turn to wilted brown;
sickly sweet, bitter in the chocolate after-ravel...

Spit it out, shout! Let it out, stout - what you all about;
pout make your tongue roll loud! Lapse in you lewdest
doubt. Dreams are the stuff to route off the lands Abound!!

Broken you hump back on your half-assed selfies retract;
doubting twisted perhapses and mayhaves to be continued.
Not as smart-ass, than the mirror images of a contract,
you never wanted to sell your soles or even lace their tact.
Feeling nauseated, for not decreeing the world to be imbued
with an interlude of disposition out of proportions so crude...
Perfection the affection of success meating an unmolded Tesseract!

Spit it out, shout! Let it out, stout - what you all about;
pout make your tongue roll loud! Lapse in you lewdest
doubt. Dreams are the stuff to route off the lands Abound!!

Love is, but a vision between sanity and madness, at peace;
the contemporary art of cutting paper-dolls out of hearts...
When you hold on too close, and don't let go, release
your mind and body -- the fervor and glee turns into a leash.
Don't call on its favors, if not ready to play a mayor part;
teasing Love, like tickling a sleeping dragon is not smart.
Enjoy the insolence, to be young and take the world at ease...

Theology -- why does it exist.

 At large, theology is the exaltation of God. In Christianity, that means, talking about Jesus, how He came to be; how that coming is divine; how it fulfilled the scriptures, gathered before as Jews and how that leads us to the rupture, where we go to Heaven. Depending on the arteficial preferences of different denominations, such as claiming virgin Mary to be sinless from birth if you're Catholic or Sola scriptura, if you're protestant etc. different theologians highlight different topics and characters of faith, to have their points met. But in a way, that all doesn't really regard the main line of theology very well - namely, the exaltation of God.

It's not very helpful, then one side argues about the bread and wine turning to Christs body and blood, to be met with the other side arguing back, not wanting to be a Pagan and eat their God! According to 1Cor 8:1-13 about eating meat, what was offered to Idols -- if your insight allows you to regard bread and wine as God's body and blood, it should not kill those Christians, who can't suffer that... lest to make the service of God Idolatry! Both sides should get along, worshipping about Christ and his second coming, not about aspects what drive us apart. As said St. Peter, we should concern ourselves with prayers and not about our feasts!

That is theology, then you bring your garbage out without muttering and posing a lip, and without writing notes about your good deeds. Those, who have to selfie themselves, so people notice their good deeds, already have their reward met! Mat 6:1

That is theology, then you do whatever is necessary and worthy of Mankind, while not regarding your own value! Those kind of things exalt the Lord Jesus Christ.

Proving your opponent wrong, because he didn't know this book or that quote and teacher, does nothing to show your God as benevolent and Good. All people can do the same, and prove their product to be the Best, as stated in the famous joke about Guiness, there three CEO's order their brew and only the CEO orders Coca-Cola, for no real beer has not yet been served, and he wanted to be nice. All such legal disputes will end in the very same spot...

How does you, being a Christian, make your life better? Why should people give a fuck about it? Nobody likes a door-to-door salesman or a telephone Merchant -- even worse a market hound!! Market hounds are those insurance and bank salesmen, what await you at the mall, to bombard you when you enter or leave a supermarket. That practice should be illegal. So don't make it as vexing to others time and experience, as the mentioned examples.

If people ask you the shortest way from A to B you should not bother them with C; D or even H. People don't hate God, they hate certain people, serving that God, they met, just as I hate those hounds... ugh! Don't try to leech on people, to be their friend, just "to get them in". It's too Blood 1 butcher chanting "Join us" while acid goo oozes from his broken stomache... Churches don't go to Heaven, people go to Heaven. Jesus didn't say to the Catholic church or any other denomination, that on him he built his church, but to St.Peter - a Person - and your relationship with God should also be Personal and not Institutionalized, regardless of confession... To me all confessions are right and wrong at the same time, highlighting some points well others not so much. Don't be an Alp causing Nightmares to others about your faith; Creed; denomination! That person, who received such honors, also renounced Jesus thrice and almost drowned while trying to walk on water, because of shortcomings in faith! Your faith is the good days and the bad! There are no shortcuts...

All your life and expression, what you do; what you mean -- how you treat others, is the calling card of your God. Mistreating somebody, because he's not on the list or even worse on the black list doesn't make you fare betters. Many Christians don't go to Hell because they did horrendous crimes, but for failing to see Jesus in the next Witch or Harlot or Infidel they met, forgetting how they there on the hour of conversion and experiencing their own moral bankrupcy! Mat 18:21-35; 25:31-46 That is one of the reasons why I can't forgive the Democrats about their policies and impeachment on Trump. They claim to be morally superior, to know better - yet they resort to violence; false evidence; propaganda; slander over not being able to take him being a Republican; being more popular and having a loose tongue! Hitting the underdog gets you enemies not friends! It doesn't matter, that you think, that you fight a bully, then others see you fight an underdog!! Never ever claim more moral highground as you can vouch for... remember what happened to the sons of Sceva, who exorcised demons: "In  the name of Jesus, whom Paul preaches!" Acts 19:13-16 Have your own insight of your faith, not through some other holy man!

All prophets and disciples of the Lord have been transgressors, who admitted and accepted their fate. How say you!

Saturday, October 26, 2019


I crossed my heart, trespassed my soul --
some of the beaches and birches of virtues.
Unhinged my faith, devoured me whole..
Silver turned led and gold went to coal;
save for ones blinds, patience nurtures
the once, upon a bold -- furnitures
of booksmarts and oldtongues sojourn.

I once was a part of impart too impartial;
the outstanding upstart to prodigee far.
The church, built in the middle martian,
to be or not to apply leftovers partisan...
In love all roads lead to spoils of war;
for God and Good Will, huntings mar!
the hanged fan and befuddled artisan...

Rekindle the foaming spirit of despair;
mingle in the edges of solitude and solace.
Pain the opposite language of Endear;
wounds draw wombs closer the rear.
As the bosom of Man is defaced;
dispatched the arduous, wild-goosed; disgraced!!
The juggernaut veni vidi minces at top gear...

Who shall blabber about and whats up;
who should go on the rooftops or horsemounts?
Rally the evil spirits, run with the wolves pups;
while eating the shards of broken guilded cups.
"Two Dollars, One quater and a dime!" counts;
what the thinger sprays on the walls in taunts!
As precept over precept, enforces into bad luck...

All bottles and jars of clay filled with spirits;
any kind of wicked, humble on stricken not guilty.
People wanna be one of a kind to exceed limits;
as Kansas - Kentucky was goaded to Hell's cubids...
frisky beyond reason, is to treason all fealty;
but the last season still strays behind the door wilthy --
look at the cat or the car, who dragged in the dimwits.

Godspeed was accursed as the morning dost know betters;
forlorn and begotten -- as from the toad humping a Man.
The truck went awol, lest to birth another Icarus -- it matters.
Not that I would know anything about the stout saints-ladders,
there the snakes drag you down under and Nightingales cancan!
I was forestbathing, and having too much of a Hill-Billy tan;
Death wrote a complaint in black, I answered in red letters...

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Sabbath Day

This Essay is based on Luke 14. What do you think, when you hear the word: “Sabbath”. It's a day of celebration. A day of being alone with God. Doing, what you otherwise wont do. A Holy Day! It could be said, that the entire ministry of Jesus, was such a day. It was also the Pharisee day – the day, then they had the most to say. The day, then people looked up and revered, those who put their own needs aside, to be with God and give to the people, what the scripture says about the Law and Mercy of God. While the lawful side, was easy to relate, the Mercy side was somehow neglected. And then came along Jesus and started up fights with Pharisees, like He owns everything. Preaching, like he has some kind of Divine power and authority, the Pharisees dost not possess. At Luke 14:1-6 the hostilities are self-evident. Jesus comes to a head Pharisees house, to eat at Sabbath day – which was a big deal indeed, for you couldn't prepare meals on that day, so all you ate, had to be prepared on Friday! And there was a guy with Dropsy. Pharisees couldn't care more about it, they just worried, what ever would Jesus do about it! Because you shall not work on Sabbath day, and healing a sick is work!! And Jesus healed that Dropsy, after he got no answer from the Pharisees, about his rights to heal on Sabbath day. Pointing out, that even the Pharisees would pull their cattle out of a well, even on Sabbath day. The question was not only about work, or that you would loose the donkey; ox, but it would also endanger your water supply... It couldn't be helped. In a way, Jesus pointed out, that not helping somebody, because it is a Sabbath day, or something else like that, while you follow the law, you also break it, because you failed to understand and comprehend the heart of the problem. On a prior Sabbath day, Jesus already had a falling out with the Pharisees Luke 13:10-17 when he healed a Woman who had suffered the spirit of Infirmity for 18 years! When he pointed out, that Donkey's; oxen drink water even on Sabbath day, but the current parable of helping such a beast out of the well, is much more demanding. While you can ignore thirst, while being cruel in so doing, neglecting to mind about the purity of a well is also insane. That was the reason, why the Dropsy guy was regarded so well, to find something against Jesus, although they should have been with God on that day. It makes it kinda ironic and sad, that such Supermen of God became all too human.

At Luke 14:7-14 Jesus talks about choosing the lowly place. After all, he was invited to a head-Pharisees house, and all, who there invited – the establishment and burgeoisie, who there thinking themselves betters, than the tax-collectors or Romans occupying Israel. The Sabbath day was one of the Places there Israelites could be their way, then otherwise, they had to do business in the Roman way. Even their holy currency was only valid on Temple mount and elsewhere they had to resort to Roman currency!! Being invited there was a big deal, being able to talk to the host, while dining – for only the three seats closest to the host, could do that on both sides of the table. That meant only 6 people could be privileged to talk with the host, while the rest could only listen. That is the reason, why people craved for those places. And that is the reason, why Jesus was against it – you cant worship and commemorate God justly, if you're worried about the seat you're taking or whether somebody more worthy could appear on that festivity and cast you down. It was a practical advice, but also a slap in the face to the Pharisees, who had to shut up about the Dropsy guy being healed on Sabbath day...

Now happens a thing, what is quite common in such dinners. Luke 14:15 A young boy, who was also invited, jumps up and does a homage and fealty roll: “Blessed is he, who shall eat bread in the Kingdom of God!” In a way, it was similar to a different quote in the Torah. Amos 5:18 “Woe to you, who desire the day of the Lord! For what good is the day of the Lord to you? It will be darkness and not light!”

When people hear a prophet or a preacher speak, they naturally think, that they are among the righteous. They think, that at least them got more things right than the rest... That's a natural human response of self-preservation. Why not be happy about, what the young man said? It was Sabbath day! But in a way, that F didn't go to God, or meant something else, as Sabbath was destined to meat. It was like blessing somebody with Godspeed in the morning, then you didn't know, what the future brings, or not even the character of your own heart, lest to speak about, who you're blessing. We mean well with our blessings, because we want to get along with one another. Would we bless same fold a Communist; a Satanist; somebody we loathe and detest? Jesus Christ came to this world to die for all of us, and to search and save those, who are lost. Does someone, who thinks, he is eligible to sit in the Heavens and dine with God, feel anyway lost, as did Jacob or Isaiah. When ever prophets meat God, they have obsoleted themselves, confessing to deserve rather death, than exaltation. And yet again, if we come together to dine for God or to preach on Sunday, we expect people to say nice things and not salty vitriol statements of gloom and doom. People wanted to be happy in that table, there they all had been invited. And then comes the tzar bomber shell and nukes them all: Luke 14:16-24 What is the problem with this parable? There there no refrigerators back then, so when you prepared meat, it had to be consumed instantly, or it would have been rotten. So, then the servant said: “All is ready!” He meant, that after you have issued your timely reply and the host has inquired it from all participants, the correct schedule will be drawn and the final invitation will be sent out – and then the feast will be prepared by slaughtering the meat, what is to be consumed. Because of that, all those statements, why the invitees excused themselves. They there more than poorly chosen. You can't test your oxen indefinitely; nor fuck your wife nor inspect new landings. The real reason was, that those invited had no regard towards the host. In fact, they loathed the host! They didn't wanna do anything with him. In the Eastern world, if somebody sends you such an invitation, especially if it's somebody of high esteem and power, you can't simply excuse yourself from it. You go there with your entire family! It is The Event! The Sabbath was supposed to be such kind of Event as well. There God is the Host, and we breathe of our deeds to the Lord, to exalt Him!! And somehow, the issue of whether a Dropsy guy or a woman, with a spirit of Infirmity gets help on Saturday, is an issue. Just like it became an issue to the Christian church, whether Greek widows should be treated the same as Jewish widows, and the Deacons there first called, lest to make St. Peter and the others stop praying to the Lord, in order to give something, what should have already been granted. (Acts 6) Somehow authority becomes more important, than the nature and reason, why a certain rule or law has been put to place. The Young man, didn't think, he was stealing something from God. He was just being nice, but Jesus said, that non of the chosen shall feast upon it. Because when you have the honour and privilege to dine with God, it is not, because you did something right – it is because, God had mercy on you, and didn't do, what your deeds deserved! It couldn't have been more clearer, what the parable was talking about, to foreshadow, how the Jews would be pushed aside in this world, and a new church would be formed. Do I say that, to congratulate us? No! I say that, to remind us, as the Lord pushed aside the Jews, who where His Divine People and Priesthood for the rest of the world, how much more can he do the same to us, who we're pagans of descent! (Eze 16:3) That's, what the true meaning of Sabbath, what Jesus came to proclaim to this world, was. To break loose those, who there unjustly imprisoned under the law. Who lost all their belongings because of the law. For sinfulness is quite expensive if you honestly tithe according to the law. Just try to exclude from your finances as much as a heavy smoker monthly has to, and you will understand, what I mean. The tithe was meant to be a reminded, how cruel can sin be, but it became the enrichment of religious establishment, and not moral. While people respected the Pharisees and also the Zadokite, they there so excluded from the people, that they there not present at the Sabbath, because other things became more imminent and important. The question: “Can you carry a fallen leaf on your shoulder on Sabbath!” is notorious for its stupidity. How does that question exalt the Lord?!

That was the reason, why this parable was so insulting to all, who there invited, including the host. Who was this Jesus, to say that in the house of a head-Pharisee?? It reminds me of a different audacity, then Edward. R. Murrow challenged senator McCarthy in America with his brutally honest shows to protect Americans from false allegations and fear-mongering, in the name of fight against Communism. I recently watched “Good night and Good luck” (2005) Starring George Clooney, and it brought me to tears. If a reporter can't speak, because disagreeing with something is too unpatriotic, or has to have viewpoints to prove his patriotism, when we would look like this young boy, who shouted: “Blessed is he, who shall eat bread in the Kingdom of God!” when already Amos disagrees with it, lest to talk about Jesus or common sense. When our seat or name becomes more important, than the truth, then we have lost something precious.

But it doesn't stop there. Jesus knows, how to crank it up a nudge further. Luke 14:25-33!! Great multitudes there following Christ and what does he do? He turns over and sais thus: “If anyone, who comes to me, and doesn't hate his father or mother; wife or children; brothers and sisters, yes and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple!” Let's stop here and think... No success theologian or other person, who lives by Sermon or book-sales or Essay draft, would ever dare to say that nowadays!! You don't insult your audience with controversy – the thing Mr. Murrow was accused of, for defending probable Communists. Controversy doesn't sell well, it makes people choose sides and sometimes those choices leave you bleeding out in the desert all alone... Big organisations don't like that, because they have a lot to account for. (Mat 19:22) The more money you possess, or power, the more it possesses you. It is funny, how I cannot even play Diablo 3, without thinking about, how the wizards who summoned the first demons in the lore, became their servants! How that speaks against us, just like Jesus Christ; or when J.K Rowling wrote “Harry Potter” how it speaks against us. Not because it speaks of Witch-Craft, but how we neglect the mercy part of our faith all too eloquently and readily. It is so easy to erect your own Voldemort and follow it, to further your own goal, until it leads to Hell. It becomes more important to say thus, that 'you shall not let a witch live'; or 'don't to wizardry'. When all our deeds could be like wizardry to God – for what did the prophet say to King Saul, then that person could not await the arrival of Samuel; or how the king spared the better cattle from destruction, to then tithe some of it to the Lord? Isn't that born for loving ourselves and our loved-ones too much. To the point, we would sacrifice even truth itself, lest we could live one more day untouched. If you don't possess this kind of self-loathing, there you're for life and the truth, you cannot find Jesus! The problem stands, that the Torah also said: Pro 30:17 one of my favourite quotations: “The eye, that mocks his father; scorns obedience to his mother. The ravens of the valley will pick it out, the young eagles will eat it!” Israel was built upon respect. And now Jesus demands us to disregard all that, to follow rather Him! Must have been hard for the Jews, especially for the Pharisees to hear thus. He even adds to parables to further his intent. The building of a tower, which was a defensive structure and only valuable, if finished. You had no luxury to ponder upon it indefinitely, because your competition would just smother you. So telling about how you should know if you could make ends meat, was like telling how every bottle shall be filled with wine! (Jer 13:12,13) Everybody already knew about it! Or the parable about Two Kings warring and the other sending out emissaries to acquire for peace, because he is unable to fight. Nobody disputed those kind of things. And yet demanding to follow him without regard, was a lot to ask – on a Sabbath day!
And now for the punchline or the nail in the coffin. Luke 14:34,35! Unflavoured salt has the same problem than gold, what lost his shine, it is both worthless and impossible. In normal circumstances neither gold nor salt can't stop being what they are. And yet, the Pharisees and Israel became exactly that! We could become exactly that! Tasteless salt and shineless gold... If something becomes self-evident and compulsory, it will assume the place, what it's meant to represent. In that case, priesthood will become its own deus ex machina! Just a mere contraption of theatrics and amusement, nothing more. The Sabbath is indeed more, than amusement and holiday from work. It is breathing along with God, so others could share in with that exaltation of the High Heavens. It is about living for something far greater than Myself! To the point we give up our lives for that dream, others could depict as madness. Who wants to become a Christian and follow to the Cross?

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Great Heart

Not he, who shouts the loudest or has the sassy look;
or she, who with her wits outsmarts the filthy crook.
Not them matter, who team up to score some loot;
for the root of evil lies in money and the soldiers boot

Not fame and glory, condescending on least expressions;
expecting prospects to be splendid, obnoxious in passion.
That is not a Great Heart indeed - not even a lofty mansion...
A shoulder to cry on, and a silent witness to confessions!

Those, who don't tell the tale, then you are breaking;
those, who don't scatter gossip to reap the weakling.
Those, who don't aspire to know all codes-phreaking;
those, who are just there, when you need a meekling…

Faith and Virtue can help you so far indeed;
Cunning and Deceit, make Victory from defeat!
Grandeur like an alchemist, making Gold from led;
but only Great Hearts know how souls have bled...

Some are modest upfront, others proud behind;
the place dost not name the meaning of Defind!
Know your place, thou strengths and shorting blinds;
Great Hearts labour ardently and gut their minds...

Thursday, October 17, 2019


Words can't hurt you, unless you will it;
shouts don't matter their sut in jars;
the broken ambers, who lost arrows crit.
insults just meager remnants of petty wits;
like Job's friends, who came from afar --
to say the most, help the least in bars...
Those, who sow in tears, reap in Joyous fit!!

Words, can't blur you, unless you allow it;
faith may be shattered like glass or jars of clay.
Those, who've never been tested, dost not knit
together, how meek is betters than bold shit;
for them honor is just for prides and not for prey.
As I pray, may the light guide and keep you from sway!
Humility the Christians first aid kit...

Words can't merry you with darkness, unless you want it;
many give up, when the price is too low to pay the piper...
As the fat ladies sing and encore ruptures the fancy jit;
sunder from within, shall reveal, what people are elite.
As the salt wears out, some find new flavor to smither;
Jesus upon you -- may you heart be the loving-kindness quiver!
You're the temple of the Holy Spirit and in Heavens built...

Monday, October 14, 2019


Bemoan, bemoan - as I grow undisclosed;
the cloths of my mind, disposed to be entwine.
Shine by my darkness and hearken my soul.
The west became east; north wedded south...

Bemoan, bemoan - alas, forsaken youth!
There's your innocence and virtue to plough?
As the seven are gone, the Bear grieves her sons...
Bemoan, bemoan - you and me as One.

Light up your tears; the festivities surge.
The stage and the gallows; the yoke and the marrows...
Bemoan, bemoan - the town-hall, the church;
all down to rubble, ensalted the earth!

Who should be pointed; who has the ears?
Bemoan, bemoan, for all you held dear....
Once there was champions; my soul was at ease.
There once was fair maidens; and wisdom's appease...

Now only madness, has blackened the sun;
the moon turned to scarlet bittering waters.
Who shall I gather, for the death to outrun?
Who should I follow to the brink of despair.

Bemoan, bemoan -  in silence all matters...
Maybe morrow a new hope be born...

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Argh a Warg, blarg tan blorp zor carb

Hold your hoarse raddishes as I cut down on onions;
Milky-Way was circumvented to Orions belt, holding
Thor's hammer and the hairpins of Morgan la Fay for eons.
The spinache was making no sense, as it had peons
to arrest, for a feud, what never happened when scolding
the astray-men of loose canons and musketeers unfolding
to the abstract truth of nihilistic dispersal into oblivion...

There is no smooth operators on the other side of the 3/4;
my 2 cents already know, there to spend all pennies...
for Moneypenny doesn't stink and Bond is a NewYorker.
Only Lancaster would doubt that, or some russian co-workers!
My 10 cents think, what the hell is wrong with enemies,
crossing the distance between treason and Mardi-Gras remedies.
Bordering at the intersection of falling down the Fanta

Actually it was Fanta-Morgana -- the new conglomerate,
who bought all the shares of Fantagiro and Yamagato Ind.
to create a new super-soldier, who could berate
the opposition into a catatonic state of mind there karate
seems to be made of chicken wings and katas of insulted furys;
Gintama was sure, the sword is sharper than the injury,
a feather could score, but I dripped on some ink, and check-mate...

The steel-trap of mind I used version undisclosed, but made in China;
I believe it was late tangent period of nine months full of roosted marshmellows.
Ghostbusters there looking for slimer, but I needed a wingman to whiner,
so I conscripted him to be my second in command writer of Schnitzel-Weimars.
We drank only Vichy water and drove Tesla cars, still Bruce Allmighty bellows:
"Who spilled my beans??" I wasn't too keen on admitting, blaiming gremlins Hello's...
I could have also blame it on slimer, but I used that card up at lunch in Montezuma!

Obscuro was back in town

Guilt was bed-ridden and begrudged to fathom;
nothing was guilded to venture in his way.
Worry wanted to carry some weighted ransom
out of the door, like fermented garbage too hansome.
Molesting on the thought of dread or naught say --
the blues of under the  Coventry of spent youth's berave
I had to travel to Montmartre, catching the last opera for the phantom...

I don't know how rules have such a way with me,
that reverse becomes Rhein to Shamps Elyses in stitches...
Obscuro was back in town, for his Fabergee eggs decreed:
Highlanders and cliff-hangers must dismount to remove the debris.
The entrenched bipartisan parrots and ducks eating donut sandwiches;
wished for seconds to Darken Volk with transkripts of "Mein kampf"riches.
Literary, my battle networth was down the sewer to stew its own plot-home.

Howl, sweet Gown, RNGeesus is just over the mainboard of directories;
just left from the next folder, omitted in V - Rocky had a Total Recall
a deja-vu moment, when Rambo promised to be the new True Lies History.
The channel to air all the prose and contrapoints of disected misogyny,
a misantrope could envision. He just had to go to the red room and play ball.
The red room was a Legion affiliate, just after you entered Valhalla - appall-mall!
The root folder was left empty, as Matrix had left the heart of congruity...

Obscuro was back in town and batted an eye on the Fischer's price;
to play checkers on a Chesterfield board and smoke tweed-jackets.
In the left jacket pocket, he had some impossible missions to orifice...
Cruise missiles over your head joined the army and wanted no rice;
the emissions of the Emissary of Cabal, wanted to mission hatchets
to become the new satisfaction on Jagged rolling stones and torn Pratchets.
The tear reminded me of Sixto's Arch-Angel marrying Madonna on ice...

I turned over my other cheek and cheered at the matrimony of Mammoth tanks
and think-crackpots, who ostracized the last ostrich from Oestereich and Tuvalu.
My fourth reich was too forthcoming and came at my six to whoop some skunks.
The nuclear meltdown what came after the cold winter of my shoulders humped
over the grave contradiction, of third party Quasimodus operandi's involved
in deus express machinations to cause coolant leaks in the obstructed valve...
Syrrealism was Assyrian and had only the whore of Babylon in mind while giving thanks!

Obscuro was the new sherif in town and blew up the world! Not with dynamite,
but Nobel One-Pieced wardens, who had novel ideas to please the breadcrumbs
and circuits to clown the next generation of stand-up commotions in Fortnite...
I was adamant to my Tommy guns alloy, which was gummy-bears and cryptonite,
able to kill any Superman or Abel -- Kain would have approved to Nimrod's thumps
on the counter, but the glass of Wiskey there taken by the whiskers of a pussy-stamps
and other kitten selfies or Umbridged canvases on readers divest/ inbreaders rights.

Yonder lies Babylon

As the rain bows down, to great the silent moon;
the path so arduous, the pilgrims hope still lingers.
The mist was accompaning them and the eyes loom;
lanterns cast their vice, to add some murky gloom...
Regrets in my sorrowful heart to ponder upon, hinders.
I can see the journey meat its promised hithers;
"Will I be with you, my love, so soon!"

Shielded by our faith, the task is firm at hand;
bewitched, the sentinel, an owl on treetop stands its guard.
Yonder lies Babylon, our accursed and promised land;
cleance our minds and souls for the quest so grand!
Orders cleared and hardened glimpses ward;
"Who shall witness thus and there shall be the Bard?"
Forgotten, not forgiven -- the few faithful mercilessly stand...

Together Vanity and Fervor, hand in hand come Entitled with Proudmore;
Godspeed was also amongst, and so was Splendor. Judgment held the banner;
Dauntless gallavanting. All hefting sword and shield, most certain bored:
"Nothing shall challenge us, and be of worthy adversary be it a Hells overlord!!"
"Will I be with you, my love, so soon -- as the anvil longs for the hammer!"
Abrupt was the ending to this jolly ride, like a breaking gossamer;
the mist held tight; bows stretched to breaking point, the moon turned scarlet-gored!

All was up or nothing, Babylon at hand, short came might, was wrested;
scattered faithfuls stand. Avengers, but mighty, still blight upon them;
Vanity was treasoned; Proudmore daggered thee! Godspeed trampled hasty;
his corpse drowned in the blood. Dauntless met his terror; Fervor faithless, bested;
Entitled stubborn screaming, denyed himself retreat: "Curse them!"
snarled his voice, to shatter and never speek again... A Golem
standing in its place and the hooting of the owl, was all what had outlasted!

Splendor, but forgotten, amongst the broken weapons was his save;
as the minions parted, so left honor, name! Yonder lied Babylon
quiet was his entry; sorrowful his shame... Was he maddened--sane?
Who could tell you thee, the former champions folly, like a song inane;
no-one wanted notice; in the trenches scorned. Knight, so broken, lone --
looking gaunt and fiendish; scrambled all his gesture, former Joy all gone!
"Will I be with you, my love, so soon -- as vows hands could stave!"

Friday, October 11, 2019


Answer to Youtube Video https://youtu.be/YesD9TjrUes comment stephenpaul wilson: "Saint Faustina describes Purgatory, after being taken there by the Holy Spirit! The Holy Spirit isn't a liar, so be very careful with your words. God Bless"

"It is doubtless not profitable for me to boast. I will come to visions and revelations of the Lord: I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago—whether in the body I do not know, or whether out of the body I do not know, God knows—such a one was caught up to the third heaven. And I know such a man—whether in the body or out of the body I do not know, God knows— how he was caught up into Paradise and heard inexpressible words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter. Of such a one I will boast; yet of myself I will not boast, except in my infirmities. For though I might desire to boast, I will not be a fool; for I will speak the truth. But I refrain, lest anyone should think of me above what he sees me to be or hears from me. And lest I should be exalted above measure by the abundance of the revelations, a thorn in the flesh was given to me, a messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I be exalted above measure. Concerning this thing I pleaded with the Lord three times that it might depart from me.And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christ’s sake. For when I am weak, then I am strong." 2Cor 12.1-10
I don't doubt the Holy Spirit, but mortal men and women interpreting visions from the Holy Spirit and turning them into Dogma, everybody should understand the same. Because, if the translation was in the Holy Spirit, why did it cause Luther to abandon the Catholic church? Why should there be something challenging the Holy Cross, for we get saved through faith alone, and not through deeds of the Law!
"for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus," Rom 3.23,24
"Pursue love, and desire spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy. For he who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God, for no one understands him; however, in the spirit he speaks mysteries. But he who prophesies speaks edification and exhortation and comfort to men. He who speaks in a tongue edifies himself, but he who prophesies edifies the church. I wish you all spoke with tongues, but even more that you prophesied; for he who prophesies is greater than he who speaks with tongues, unless indeed he interprets, that the church may receive edification. But now, brethren, if I come to you speaking with tongues, what shall I profit you unless I speak to you either by revelation, by knowledge, by prophesying, or by teaching? Even things without life, whether flute or harp, when they make a sound, unless they make a distinction in the sounds, how will it be known what is piped or played? For if the trumpet makes an uncertain sound, who will prepare for battle? So likewise you, unless you utter by the tongue words easy to understand, how will it be known what is spoken? For you will be speaking into the air. There are, it may be, so many kinds of languages in the world, and none of them is without significance. Therefore, if I do not know the meaning of the language, I shall be a foreigner to him who speaks, and he who speaks will be a foreigner to me. Even so you, since you are zealous for spiritual gifts, let it be for the edification of the church that you seek to excel." 1Cor 14.1-12
How does this Purgatory exalt God? The Cross? The Holy Spirit? Jesus Christ? When you can bypass all that and have through your own merits have the same effect, while diluting the need to be ready now and not later. Or have you forgotten the parable of the foolish virgins?
Then the kingdom of heaven shall be likened to ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom.

“Now five of them were wise, and five were foolish. Those who were foolish took their lamps and took no oil with them, but the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. But while the bridegroom was delayed, they all slumbered and slept. And at midnight a cry was heard: ‘Behold, the bridegroom is coming; go out to meet him!’ Then all those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps. And the foolish said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.’ But the wise answered, saying, ‘No, lest there should not be enough for us and you; but go rather to those who sell, and buy for yourselves.’ And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the wedding; and the door was shut. Afterward the other virgins came also, saying, ‘Lord, Lord, open to us!’ But he answered and said, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, I do not know you.’ Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming." Mat 25.1-13 If this Purgatory would exist, why doesn't wanna God know about those, who aren't ready in this life? Isn't that disingeneous? Why wouldn't the good virgins share, nor any of the merchants sell? If there is a time after this time to get passed, why even bother suther the cost of acknowledging the Cross in this life, then somebody could just pray or buy through his awesome deeds into Heaven?? 

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Kata Liszt

Delusions kata liszt my primary objective
to subjective transfusion of lucent screams.
I dream to redeem sadness; hold me while I wheeze;
My “but” squeezed itself in between “Maybe” and “I do”.

I know, that I know nothing – that's a good start;
God only knows, there to venture from here…
Yonder lies Babylon; Legion and the Fisting of the East;
a succubus latched at my mind and gave me her finger!

I took the second mile and third, then she said: “Later, tiger...”
as though I was Peter Parker, and she was Mary-Jane Watson/ Emma.
I had to exorcize my own demons and found out,
I was my owned whimpers and neglects…

Babylon was out of bricks so I sent them a boatload;
after Job was well done, or was that medium rare…
Anyway Legion had a close encounter with Nicolas Cage;
it burned her/his eyes out as them inbound to Minas Anon—

Saheeli or bust. East went West and ordered a monkey suit;
to put a wrench inside the cogs of Rashomon…
What a time to be alive, alike the dead memes,
what killed the joke of the looney tunes.

Hit the deck and my face as my space inside my mind
is overcrowded with Chowder and spilled beans.
Legion and I there having some tea, and cupcakes…
I invited she/him to a slumber party and pillow fight.

Liszt was also invited and played his Liebestraum;
I didn't have all my keys up my piano and scrambled
black keys became red and went inside the fouth wall.
Skywalker became my father and adopted a french accent.

Together we killed a hoard of locusts, to pay life and pray upon death;
Ionize depraved me of my scrutiny and I was game to fairplay –
well, actually I intended to cheat with ROTT codes and turn into a dog.
The best God is the bemoaning hand to Kamehameha everything…

As I went to haunt my dreams, Liszt warned me of grandeur.
The L'eau de toilette and Cologne of mortality.
To catch every giant inside Carbonite and on the pin;
to label everything into the bed of Procrustes.
A little big white lie told me a black truth what had yellow eyes;
I was blue and she/him green of envy, then I told it to shove up their own.
Charley Brown didn't understand the punchline and got a pie in his face;
Joker was laughing in stitches and a Bob-Jacket…

Later we used Joker as a punching bag and finished our leaves.
Simon was on leave and hungry for rumors. I said my farewell;
to wake up in my nightmare, but I got stuck and lost my blindfold.
Kitsune Hime said, that she'll not give me sugar nor honey anymore...

My Tooth there armed with sprinkles and ordinary sups;
I suppose, its uncanny to wish Halloween would last
365 days, instead of one – on the day monsters…
dress like human beings and are free from their shackles.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Oni-Chan in da house

I fourplay after 4Chans batteries calling her Oni-chan;
on the Ouija board, with a flat chestnut and small Dickon
figurine... I insult to deus lo vult your vultures of inane
habitual cultures Sepultura roosts, inventing the goat to
tumult in Germany. My got to go safe haven like Killarney;
as I cancel the insist to incest in Hells least as though,
their Heavens best! Ass-skeletons had to reddit there laid to rest.
I got laid infest to gather interest to my pint of Guiness
and beguiled Ted-Ed the end contests... Goo the gal
@ the Pollution station hard pollen there to occupy Cantebury;
burrowing my heart and empty wounds in there somewhere.

Order was out of business, Mayhams had the floor;
perhaps had left the building, like the King,
and the Queen still stayed on!! The show must go Born;
if Bond had an Ultimatum, that would be the amswering question.
to Bean or not to Bean... may Norway and Daneborg rot in glee
on their trek to communism... Bankrupt for the sins, they
didn't corrupt. but their prodigees will pedigree anyhow...
Anathema the anthem  spirit of St. Louis, who lost his head
on blue jeans canvases; derelikt phonebooths and phoney assassins.
The four headless horsemaidens carried him to Hogwarts.
The four houses turned to five to become two...

Death dug a molehunt and became Huffle so puff daddy;
Ric Flair had a glowing personality and reunion,
Famine took Griffindor and bravehearted in Maverick's;
Ole Anderson had a niece to scold for her cuisine.
War went spoiling Ravenclaw with conundrums and Arthur Conan Doyle clones;
and Arny Anderson was confused between Terminator or Matrix.
Conquest slivered through all nine rims of Cow bells ringing through X-mas to Hail Santa!!
Tully Blanchard was not amused of it any bit, of his RAM...
contemplating the contempt between continental templites
suffocating snuffed candles with whistles, blowing on the alien flames.
That's what I would call the quickening of drive-in ghost writers wet screams...

I busted a nail in your coffin - I hope you don't mine. There are hardly any diamonds
in my closet or chest and the ice run away with the running fridge. We have to settle
with rotten tomatoes, at the hopes Gangrene is not putting his Green thumbs out again.
@the pollution station I had a wet fart and telegraphed it to Olden-Jearsey,
Guernsey moved back to France to have an Islander in New-South-Springfield expo.
I exposed the poser as an impound lot to glitter the pricing on the cake he had
while eating Borch and Brussel sprout. Eclipsing my clipped wings and feathers
to a minority report of a lone scoundrel miserable in throwing up the towel I ate...
Joker promised to redeem my barcode, if I could touchdown in Carteret and
drink some Gasgogne blood and wear iron masks what depleted Pop-Eyes veins...
Some logs there hurled out of the attic to scorn my nosy parking, but my pinky Brainiaced.

Hanging out

I was hanging out my boyscout boy-coyd shouts
to astound about the mount of cotton fiber in a trout.
The rites there reserved to a referred intern unheard
binging at the hinges of St. Shacklebolt Kingsley,
who believed in Cum-Ra and flimsy root directions.
I toried to the next flap-jack inside the gory folklore
of a hangmans worry. The wart was cut off and hugged.

I mugged myself some coffee, to tree-spirit Nirvana;
of coming Baja to commune with the mule in Biblical time.
The clock was punched with corporal punishment;
while being glutton for verbal obtuse, as my gums there flapping,
like an albatross dipped in oil... I had to strap myself to work out.
It was disengaged and fault-lined into some other crappy toy-string!
Fuck the system of a downplayed Jack-O-Lantern thinking...

Hes/hers Dick in the Dox to Iggory Diggory around the block --
new fleets efreeting around the mock battle of broken luck.
I have to sound so sane as I silently relent to be wearing a lions mane;
what was instead my look du pillow, as my ass woke up at 3
and nobody even did the count to call me into the ring to belt me...
I sculldugger a shy plyable comply to shagger all your safe spaces
into the fine neet Stacies feeling like He-man to say "Yes she's Stan"

The glory hole was blackballed to be renamed to a fawn;
all hairpins jumped over the devils tower and wall being lovers
with harpies and behemoths. I was pulled from my hair
and guided by my nostrils as bullshit janked my bricks...
I had so much to say, but ado was on denial and replay.
For this to enter even the stage of a coupe de grace etats units slay
I prayd to the piper and crossed the path of a black cat with a crowbars spithay!

How to become Christian?

Many times I've been asked that question, mostly silently between the flowers and lines of the conversation. It's a tough one indeed…
Now behold, one came and said to Him, “Good Teacher, what good thing shall I do that I may have eternal life? So He said to him, “Why do you call Me good?No one is good but One, that is, God. But if you want to enter into life, keep the commandments.” He said to Him, “Which ones?” Jesus said, “‘You shall not murder,’ ‘You shall not commit adultery,’ ‘You shall not steal,’ ‘You shall not bear false witness,’ ‘Honor your father and your mother,’ and, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ ” The young man said to Him, “All these things I have kept from my youth. What do I still lack?” Jesus said to him, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me.” But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful, for he had great possessions. Then Jesus said to His disciples, “Assuredly, I say to you that it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. “And again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.” When His disciples heard it, they were greatly astonished, saying, “Who then can be saved?” But Jesus looked at them and said to them, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Then Peter answered and said to Him, “See, we have left all and followed You. Therefore what shall we have?” So Jesus said to them, “Assuredly I say to you, that in the regeneration, when the Son of Man sits on the throne of His glory, you who have followed Me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. “And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands, for My name’s sake, shall receive a hundredfold, and inherit eternal life. “But many who are first will be last, and the last first.” Mat 19:16-30
Yeah, poor guy, and poor Peter! On the account of the rich guy – its not that easy to sell everything, if you're the landlord. You have fields and servants who depend on you. You can't just Elisha on them!! The reason why money is the source of Evil 1Ti 6:10 is that if you start loving it, you also start amending your beliefs and thoughts, just like a drug addict raises his daily dosage. Bit by bit you crave more, 'til you're ready to wager your own granny to get a new fix! It's like the little boy in the candy shop, who has no money to buy the stuff he likes, and resorts to stealing it. You can always find good excuses why its happening, but it always starts in your heart – you have to agree with those statements first, then they become reality…
The same is true about becoming Christian. The reason, it is so hard to become one, is not, that it is impossible to live according to Mat 5-7 the Sermon of the Mount, which is the Hallmark of Christianity. It's because, people don't agree with it, in their hearts. They don't agree, because, its expensive. Its expensive to be 'poor in spirit'; mourn openly; to be meek; to thirst for righteousness; to be merciful and pure of heart; to be peacemakers, yet not compromising your values. What is this? The bio of a Paladin Avatar in some kind of RPG!! Who in its right mind is able to follow all that,.. so coming back to the rich guy, selling everything seems like a walk in the park, although they are one and the same. If you value something, you value it with everything you got, not with just a faint smile and tweet you can rub off the other day or even forget. How do you value your first kiss? You do remember it, don't you! The same is about becoming Christian. It is as intimate and unfathomable as your first kiss. You crave so much more, and then its gone, maybe even with the one who you gave it to, but the memory still stays on.

The first thing about becoming Christian, is to develop the ability to remain silent or to 'wash your face' as Jesus puts it when talking about, how to be fasting. The problem with faith or anything, are selfies. In serious matters, people become so serious about it, that it starts feeling so well refined and rehearsed, that its more of a play not to be taken seriously!! You must find your equilibrium between seriousness and laid back. If you start doing things, so people notice you doing them to get the head-pat or like or something else, you're no longer a Christian, but a Pharisee… Only you can value what you do and what you are, but in the end it can lift you up or destroy everything. Being able to remain silent, to contemplate before taking action or even saying something, can be the difference between success and failure. If you can't learn it any other way, play MTG or chess and you understand how thinking in short time notice is kind of a stretch… It needs to be trained, before you're able to think fast and accurate. First you must master thinking slowly, or at all!! Later you can disregard all what's said and stop thinking to let your gut do it for you. But that only works if you have trained your gut first. Bruce Lee has said:
I'm not worried about a man who has done 1000 techniques but once; I'm worried about the man, who has done one technique a thousand times.”
It doesn't speak of much value, when you opt 1000 things, although if you could master them at the same time, it would be a worthy feat marveling of Godliness, the failure to do so is of epic proportions as well. How much effort you put into something, spells out, how much it will give out. Lets take prayer for instance, because people don't get answers to the point there they compared it to talking to a gallon jar of milk and then complimenting it, then something positive happens in your life. How much did you pray for something? How long did you wait? How did you act, while you're awaiting? “How did you thing about God and the Prayer you had? What there you envisioning about the prayer, and what words there you using? Now replace God with the image of your no.1 waifu you would smah and do it again!
Do you treat God with the same reverence as your Nr.1 waifu, who was created by a mortal man – but you still expect a worthy answer. Would a real ship answer you, if he/she knows you're not seriously invested.
Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profits me nothing. Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part. But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away. When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things. 1Cor 13:1-11
Know yourself why you follow God, and want your prayer answered, as you would know, why you love your waifu and want to ship her. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. When I became interested in Jesus, I started to go to the Sunday School always arriving 2 hours prior if possible so I could simply breathe the atmosphere in. I read the Bible thrice; hanged on any words, what dropped out of the mouths of the preachers as though it there pure silver; gold; platinum… Simply put, I was like a groupie. Like said at Yuri on Ice “That look makes even men pregnant” Because that dissonance between Agape and Eros, is the reason why Christians keep failing. While you need more Agape, to understand Christianity, you can't complete and have a point without Eros. Its like Victor choosing to tutor Yuri sacrificing everything for that cause. I don't mind about the gayness of the show, it still has a worthy point to me. I stopped watching the label of things after reading Nietzsche's “Thus spoke Zarathustra” which saved my faith in Christ, otherwise I would have given up. If you invest yourself into Christendom, you can become so meta, that other people wont even know what your talking about, because its no longer English. Forgetting about your past, just because you wanna look more smart; and mature, and because it is forbidden to look back when you have put your hand on the plow:
Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword. “For I have come to ‘set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law’; “and ‘a man’s enemies will be those of his own household.’ “He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. “And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. “He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it.” Mat 10:27-39
Its again about investment, also about honesty. If you are true about something, it shouldn't be too hard to admit it to yourself and to your loved ones – even to the point they disavow you. If you feel ashamed about your beliefs, because those you respect don't respect it back, then do you even like those beliefs truly or your friends. That's why should think first in silence, before you say anything. People might be remembering your quotes. Or like Johnny storm told to the Thing: “You're huge and orange, people might notice!” then they had to explain him, why he can't tag along, while they are fixing their past. Also let's remember how Johnny forgot that same advice with himself, by giving fire to the ape-men!! That was epic priceless… There is something unsettling and obnoxious, then somebody is himself, and truly follows Christ. You can immediately see the difference, like with the taste of salt.
Some of my best prayers have been taken time over a year or longer… I don't pray them on public nor do I shout out, what I got this date or that occasion. Why should you reveal your sex positions with your ship – wouldn't it upset him/her? Prayer and faith is as intimate as that. Also remember, repetition is important. What you repeat shall define you, like water oozing through rock. A good Christian must be like Water, if to quote Bruce Lee again, although he was talking about Jeet kune do. Formless and tasteless, able to become every form and nature. It's our memes and stray puppets we invent, what become our idols, and pervert our true faith. Those who seek, always find an answer, even though, it might not be the same answer, they there expecting. Mary sure as Hell wasn't expecting to get pregnant in the Holy Spirit to have Jesus Christ; to see Him grow up and then loose Him to the Cross! Yet she accepted it. Think of it the next time you say God is unreasonable and don't answer you prayers or that you don't get anything for it. Do you even want it, if such things could be on the menu? Who wants to opt between eating food on human shit or on bull shit? Eze 4:1-11 to show off that the peoples ways are wicked and it will be their undoing? Any takers? Because that's the essence of Christianity for you. You make your food on bullshit, while everybody is watching, and can't have a say but rather turn the other cheek, then people are scolding you about it!!
Now, who wants to become Christian – sees a boatload of people reciting:
From that time many of His disciples went back and walked with Him no more.” John 6:66

Friday, October 4, 2019

Smug Christians Ahoy

I normally don't like to write sermons anymore. But because a smug Christian had to ask on twitter about “How many animals Noah took to his Ark?” to verify who is going to Heaven and Hell. Yeah, let's talk about it… When you become a Christian, you don't need to fear atheists, because most of the time, they are nice guys, who don't bother you much, with some exceptions, who can also be evaded and reasoned with. Even Satanists can be talked to in an orderly and normal fashion. The one thing a fledgling Christian has to beware, the reason, why Jesus even had to say:
It is impossible that no offenses should come, but woe to him through whom they do come! It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were thrown into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.” Luke 17:1,2
are other Christians. And not any kind of Christians, but the smug ones, who think about, that they will go to Heaven, because they have aced the faith; because their good deeds and prayer they did in the public, will do it for them. Not Jesus Christ on the cross and His mercy – No! Their awesomeness!! And that's why petty feuds between Christians happen, and why people can't understand our commandment for Love, then we always fight… It's a good thing, the Gospel of Luke is especially well written against smug Christians – since it was addressed to someone called Teophilos, who wasn't Jewish but probably a roman citizen, it couldn't be written like the Gospel of Mathew, which began with inane annals most people skip, for you understand their significance only, when you had previously read all of the Old Testament, If you also can read the Jewish commentaries, what different rabbi's have thought about the Torah, and about contemporary commentaries, you would also understand why Jesus hated them… but I haven't read them, so lets not ponder too long on that… The main concept, what I could gleam through reading the Bible, is that the Pharisees and Sodokite built a fence around the law, so that people couldn't even get close to it, in order to violate it. But if you don't get close to something, you don't reap its rewards as well. The most notorious of that, is the celebration of Sabbath: A leaf drops on your shoulder – what should you do? You can't walk along, because, then you would carry the leaf, and that is work, which violates Sabbath. You can't remove the leaf – that is also work. This bizarre and crazy example sums up, why Jesus hated the scholars. Not understanding what the heart of the Torah was saying. And how to make it benefit real life, and not just your own coffers, because you work as such. In a way the Pharisees and Sodokite, did the same, as the sons of Eli, who lost the Arc of the Covenant. They made people mock God and speak against following the law and tradition. Just as Jesus has said about eating food:
There is nothing that enters a man from outside which can defile him; but the things which come out of him, those are the things that defile a man. Mark 7:15
If you follow the law or faith in such a way, that makes other people feel spite and contempt, you're not helping your cause very well. Because the outside is outside, and doesn't get you as those in the inside. There are the people, who can really hurt your feelings and faith.
Back to Luke's Gospel we come. Before Jesus started His mission on earth, there was John, the Baptist. He was called that, because, he baptized people in the water to cleanse their confessed sins. People there also hoping, that he is the promised Messiah – even some of the scholars, who should have been spotless, came to his, which angered John greatly (Luke 3) When a new preacher comes to town, all men want to be on his good side, so they could benefit from it. For the same reason joined Judas Iskariot the ranks of Jesus. Just because you're able to perceive, that something is good for you, or beneficial to be joined by you, in order to gain access to something you want, doesn't necessarily make you a good person. You could as well join the Nazi's or some other regime like that, and in the court excuse yourself that you where just a cog in the machinery and couldn't know better or do anything – for you being a coward and a fool. John even baptized Jesus, who after that went into the desert (tossed or chased by spirit would be a better translation) also do skip the annals again, what are in the 3rd chapter of Luke, they don't matter, unless you know the back-ground. In the desert Jesus fasted 40 days to attune himself for His ministry. It is so significant to Christians, because of the 3 temptations He went through. According to Luke, they there 1. “Make the stone to bread!” Because, obviously after 40 days of fasting, Jesus was hungry. And Jesus answered thus: “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.’ Luke 4:4 While it sounds corny, it packs a fundamental law of faith. Why do you believe? For yourself and your needs, or for a greater purpose, what sometimes compels you to even forget nourishment and stuff you like. You believe the Word of God, not Yourself and your success story. If you believe yourself, what significance should it pose, compared to something else, what you could do? Others have success stories as well!! The second temptation was 2. “I offer you the world if you acknowledge my dominion!” and the answer was: “Get behind me, for you shall worship God and Him alone!” Luke 4:5-8 The reason, why this is important, you must understand the surroundings. Israel was an occupied territory by Rome. The building of the Temple of Herod, so Jews could worship Yahweh had catapulted the region into hyper inflation and poverty. Only the scholars and tax collectors, who collaborated with the Romans, and wealthy land owners of course had any kind of money. Everybody else labored for the day-wage. In such predicaments a deal with the devil is pretty enticing. It wasn't an empty offer, and packed its punch. Still Jesus was able to say no to it, although many advisers and business men would tear their hair out on this one. You normally don't turn down an offer you can't refuse!! At least that's what humans say. That denial itself showed how out of this world Jesus really is. In the first temptation He talked big, now He lived according to His words. It is easy to say big, that you don't take advantage of your transformative abilities for yourself, but another if you turn down real power. I'll come back to it at the 3rd temptation. So Jesus wasn't willing to directly abandon His mission of being the Messiah, although people didn't even know clearly, what to expect from that figure anyway… The third temptation was: “Throw yourself down from the pinnacle of the temple and God will surely command His angels and save you!” and the answer to that was “Don't tempt God!!” Luke 4:9-12 Have you ever heard such of Christians. That someone teases them, and they answer moderately, not lashing out at their opponents? In a way this temptation, was a repetition of the 1st but indirectly. There He had to help Himself to still the craving of His belly, now He was offered to help “the people” to give them that Messiah, they wanted to see - “He who fell down from Heaven, carried by Angles, as the trumpets sang and the Earth shook!” People, who normally can say no to a direct offer, fall for it, if you repeat that indirectly and add pride or half-truths to it. Many a Christians have failed by helping the people, and not realizing, they are doing it, to further their own agenda and cause. And Jesus had only “Don't tempt God!” to say about it. Wow! What resolve – such honor even when talking with the devil. It shows great lengths, how you treat people, who you perceive to be inferior to you, or in Christian tongue - “those, who go to Hell” I learned it, when I was reading Harry Potter – you know, that book banned in the Schools of Tennessee, because of Witch-Craft; although none of the banning Christians ever read it!! Everybody can treat your boss well, who could fire your ass or give you promotions; treat a star well, because you like his/her show/movies/songs etc. But how you treat those who are down-trodden really defines your character. I'm not a good person, because I work as a security officer – when I started, I had to work at supermarkets, and one of my tasks, what I really hated, was kicking hobos out of my premise. Sometimes it had to be on February, when it was snowing and cold outside, being totally aware, that trey might suffer from the cold. Some others there protecting legal beggings, while kicking out illegal ones. The legal ones there asking for donations to this cancer patient or that blind not able to afford the dog. The problem wasn't about the legitimacy of their claims, it was there it was askewed and why didn't the Health Insurance system called “Haigekassa” didn't help out with it!! Also, I will never believe, that the shop didn't take a cut from that money. They only had it, to make themselves look better, so people would spend more money. When real beggars came to our doors, they there immediately turned out. If the shop had a bleeding heart, why mind a penny to them? There there some scammers too, but mostly people knew about them. And then there are the sales agents, you never get rid off to sell you stuff you don't want or need. But since they pay the shop, that's ok. Sometimes their so obnoxious I have considered to turn back and go somewhere else… I really hate sales agents. I spit fire, whenever one calls my work-phone…
Youtube is full of Christian videos against this and that, there Christians want to help the people. And I can't help but have to wonder, did they just throw themselves from the top of the temple, like Jesus did not! How to detect a good Christian video from a bad one. The good one wont lament how your way of life sucks catapulting you to Hell, but rather tries to find an answer to questions you asked and what are actually helpful… casting stones has made nobody Christians, but has killed many souls…
So there was I? Ah right Luke 5:12-26 Remember then I was talking about the down-trodden. In this passage are two of such. One leper and one paralytic. Jesus heals them both, and what do the pharisees have a problem with? How He does that. Just because he also said, while healing the paralytic: “Your sins are forgiven!” You have to understand what being a paralytic or leper did to you, in a community there it was widely believed, that if you got sick it was your sin or your families sin, what caused it. So instant karma. Living in that thought, is not a nice thing, so it can't be overstated how valuable it really is, when someone, who can actually help you, tells you such words of mercy, when you had thought otherwise since then. Nobody noticed them, because they there listening to Big Jesus, having a say or two, until He healed them and talked weird about sin. Before that, the leper and the paralytic was no-mans business. The latter had to be even hauled in through the roof, because nobody gave way, so the Healer could help. That's how much people wanted to hear Jesus, that an obvious distressed persons need, became irrelevant! Luke 5: 27-32 Jesus visits a tax collector, which brings Him bad blood with the scholars, who like to remain spiritually pure, by not talking to “those who go to Hell” transforming that person. Luke 5:33-39 The pharisees question why Jesus' disciples don't fast. Obviously they couldn't ask Jesus directly, for His piety was well known. Jesus countered it with the parable of the bridegroom to highlight that He must die on the cross, and then His disciples shall mourn and fast – although nobody understood that back then. He also talked about new wine and old skins. And this goes on all His ministry: Pharisees being mad that Jesus does things the new way disregarding the old forcing them to have a thought with status quo. People don't want change, unless they control that change. That's why so much conflict happens between the Democrats and Republicans of America. Both sides want to control the whole table.
The 6th chapter speaks about the Sabbath, how His disciples eating on that day breaks it. The pharisees there not even mad, because of the eating, but because of the plucking and rubbing, which was considered work. Then they got mad that Jesus dared to work Himself by healing a sick on Sabbath!! That all shows you who really cares about the people, and who only cares about reputation. The Beautitudes you can read by yourself along with the Sermon of the Mount at Mathew 5-7 because its too painful. Too many Christians fail against t and I don't think people want to hear my Jeremiyah's lament about it… 7th Chapter of Luke talks about how a Centurions servant gets healed. I find that significant how the problem is presented to Jesus. Jesus must help him, because the Centurion is a nice guy and donated to the Jewish synagogue. The fact of distress is regarded at 2nd or 3rd rate… And then that Centurion, with his limited knowledge about Him offers such insight about Jesus, that it makes you wonder, why we even erect churches… If a person so far, can recognize someone as Son of God, or a man under authority, but pharisees could not, over how Jesus followed the Sabbath, then what does it say about becoming a Jew or Christian?
At Luke 7:36-50 we encounter a sinful woman, who dost not let the Pharisee, who invited Jesus in, to enjoy his loving kindness. That passage reveals something about sin. When you're too righteous, it robs you from understanding people, who are less fortunate. Because if they would walk a mile in your shoes, they would get better! But nobody offers them your shoes, they got their own, what you would be but reluctant to wear… Also Jesus disses the Pharisee for not fulfilling the law about receiving good guests. So Jesus was invited but not as a VIP. There was no red carpet entrance for Him, although it would not have cost the host more. It was a gentle nudge to remind Jesus, there the Host belonged and there the prophetic healer in his opinion. Not seeing the woman's sinfulness as a reason to rebuke her, hurt the pride and purity of the Pharisee. Surely he would not have committed those sins she did!! And that made him a better person.
Lets skip to Luke 19 now. Jesus and Zacchaeus. Again we are talking about a tax collector, but not any kind, he was a dwarf and the chief tax collector. Obviously people hated his guts and he couldn't see Jesus, and had to climb a tree. When he finally found Jesus, who saw him up a tree and volunteered to lodge in his house, that was a big deal. Other Jews didn't wanna know him, for collaborating with the Romans, so people didn't like the idea, of Jesus resting at there. People thought, that tax collector take more than is ought. But that man vowed to give away half his money to the poor and restore wrongfully taken fourscore. That meant only up to 50/4=12.5 percent could have been fraudulent, or he would not been able to fulfill that vow. How many rich people, would do such vow today? At Luke 19:11-27 Jesus talks about authority and what it costs to not recognize it correctly. At Luke 19:45-48 Jesus cleanses the temple so the proselytes and pagans could pray in peace and not amongst cattle crying and the sound of money being weighed and bought and sold. You see, in the temple, only the Sheckel was a valid currency, but in Rome that was not so, and Jerusalem, like all Israel, was occupied under Rome. While it was important to have a place there to do that business, exploiting the part of temple, what was accessible for pagans and proselytes, who couldn't enter the real temple entrance and be with the faithful, was Evil. Why should people become faithful to the Lord, if they could only pray under the stock exchange? You are like a faithful, but not really… Why should anybody allow such humiliation. And the pharisees hated Jesus for being that way. Towards the meek and down-trodden and not towards establishment. There could be more to say about this Gospel, but I don't wanna spoil your fun in reading. The point was, don't trust authority and smug tone/fashion. Normally it contributes to nothing. Trust peoples actions, and whom they do it. That speaks more volumes, than their sermons. Godspeed and good health.