Tuesday, October 29, 2019

I am Legion

This sentence has bewildered the world the most. It is the main event in Diablo 3, before the end-battle; it is the silent theme of the Series Legion, about a psychic, who believes himself a monster, and is told since the Word "Monster" is not really a name, but requires action to become that. A Statement, what is not entirely the truth. For that, let us delve into, there "I am Legion" comes from. It is located at Mark 5:9 being the name of a host of demons, possessing a man, who made the roads of Gadarene countryside unsafe. Living on a cemetery and injuring himself with rocks, he used to beat and cut himself, to get rid of the demons, to no avail. Then this tormented soul meats Jesus, and immediately recognizes the authority of Him. Or should I say, the demons inside, for they implore not to be tormented or cast out of this region, to have at least a hoard of swine to possess, in order to be content, if they can't remain in this human body.

Those demons knew Jesus! They knew about His authority! They didn't need Jesus to fetch some ID like a bad joke of Mulder and Scully or MIB etc. They knew, then the rest of Israel had theories and assumptions; opinions about Him, how to feel about His teachings, and Himself! The problem was a man possessed -- not even shackles and exile could not stop him. Freeing that man cost a fortune, and in itself was monstrous indeed to the coffers of those who owned the swine. Those people kindly asked Jesus to leave, lest to suffer more such damages. In Legion, the protagonist was said, that "Monster" is no name but requites action, to be that. Actions can be passive or aggressive; active or proactive; productive or deflective. They can come from you, or from somewhere else. The society can also have actions for or against you. Exiling somebody, is an action. Calling somebody "Monster" is an action. That is the reason, why the saying: "Monster" is not a name, is incorrect. It means all too well. That possessed man also had to bear such name and fate. To be possessed, meant that he was ostracized from his family and society. He could no longer live a normal life. The life moved on, but passed him. While he was wrestling with his entire being... It took Jesus only to present Himself, to make that suffering end. Naturally such kindness begets want to follow your saviour. He was denied that chance, but was rather required to tell about his ventures to other people, and so the man proclaimed Jesus to Decapolis for the peoples bereavement and rejoice altogether. A man was saved from his disease; his misfortune and discomfort. Just like a nation rejoices, then his occupants are leaving. Many had possessed him, and now he was free!

It still says something about us. How easily we forsake those, who happen to fail. There there no other healers or holy men, at the times of Jesus, to help this poor fellow? The only remedy, what the world had to offer – was bondage and exile... Just don't bother us with your problem! If a thing has no easy answer, it is neglected. For we are not our brothers keeper, as Cain would put it. At best we can only ask for ourself to be avenged seven times seven fold, if Cain is to be avenged seven fold. Those there the kind words of Lamech, son of Cain, when he boasted about his deed to his two wives. The plea for help goes unanswered many times. Just as said Jesus in Luke 4:24-27 “Assuredly I say to you, no prophet is accepted in his own country. But I tell you truly, many widows there in Israel, in the days of Elijah, when the heaven was shut up three years and six months, and there was a great famine throughout all the land; but to none of them was Elijah sent except to Zarephath, in the region of Sidon, to a woman, who was a widow. And many lepers there in Israel in the time of Elisha the prophet, and none of them was cleansed, except Naaman the Syrian.” Only few receive divine intervention, and that angered greatly those who listened to those words the first time. So great was their outrage, that they even intended to cast Jesus down the mountain, but He escaped. The reason why we seldom receive aid from God, or have our prayers answered, is how we treat those, who we deem unworthy.

While I was writing this, I had to take a breather, so I watched “The lost city of Z” In this Percy Fawcett, who's father was a drunk gambler, not allowing him to advance in his career in the army above the rank of Corporal. In a way that man was also possessed. It was Duty; Honour; and Conduct, what possessed him. And yet in all this, he remained human. People cared very little about his circumstances, and only by accident was he granted this expedition to map the border of Bolivia and Brazil. No one wanted to hear stories about shards of clay witnessing the intellect of savage Indians. It was too much. Even then he got the second expedition there, it was thwarted by a highly esteemed fellow archaeologist, James Murray, who refused to eat human meat with the Cannibals, for being too Christian! Then ate a great deal of their forages for being hungry, managed to injure himself, becoming even more a burden to all, and then got sick to the point he had to be excused from there with more food and the last horse and a guide, to the nearest mining camp. What was the man raving, while being at deaths wake? That Percy Fawcett is a Judas and not worthy of his presence and intellect as he is unworthy of the Lord. And as he was excused, he first wasted the rest of the food supplies with oil, to make sure, that the expedition not succeed and he wouldn't look like a coward. So very Christian of Him. Later on, then they met at the RGS he had to debunk the accusations of forsaking the very same guy, who he had to save from himself and fellow adventurers, who just wanted to leave this dead weight behind. What did this man want? An apology for daring to be his equal! Percy Fawcett did apologize – but to his comrades, for honouring rank and not true values behind them. He stepped out of the society, for he could not accept the demands of the accuser. Who at the other moment rebelled on his next expedition. So very Christian of him! Percy Fawcett then goes to WW1 survives a Chlorine gas attack and gets a chance to go back to his jungle. The most moving point in that masterpiece is, then he has to stoically accept his death, while being accompanied only by his eldest son... He remained a master of his convictions and open to new insights to the end, while others there more concerned about reputation and esteem. It is easy to deem someone unworthy, because his ideas are too crazy and madly insane... We are the navel of the world! And then comes something or somebody and changes that all. Do you possess your dreams and aspirations, or do they possess you? Who has your time and ear? Don't tell me, tell yourself and set your life free! Or are you also Legion, who just is looking for a hoard of swine to command and get by, to not be bothered by the horrors of every day life... What has your faith and conviction commanded you and cost? There did it lead you? Percy Fawcett, like Jesus Christ gave up all for his way. Nothing could stop them fulfilling their ultimate goal. What say you? Will you accept the rally call of Lord Jesus Christ or will you excuse yourself with family and children; work to do; or something else... I wish you all Godspeed.

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