Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Kill you in the shower

Almost perfect stand ups covering up the pretense;
war mongering saints, who have forsaken wingmen.
Women on offence, all the fence, to wear pants- fat chance;
flat rated incrementions to cool-aid the detention pen...

Thrilling in the solemn dowry of absolution neglect;
the senses are adding subtracted pinnacles of crosshairs.
My bald statements there singled out as bipartisan deflect.
Reflecting on my navelgazed cult of a dead vow au-pair!

Birds are becoming the new It, their poisoned beaks rap;
"Nevermore", the anthem of failed merchants of Doom!
I kill you in a shower of guilded appraised booby traps;
sidewinding the danse macabre and tin foil jaded gloom...

Softly whispering your despaired destitute and shortcomings;
cumming on your lap-dance of voracious sin eaters.
Tell me your secret, and its posted on Twitter -- privacy roaming;
today St. Peter upside down, tomorrow China at all theaters.

What is Communism without Lao zi? Confucius not trying to think;
because he can't imagine the Fish doing it! Not being one, likeness...
The empty mirror debunking all crack-pots and long-nosed kinks.
Nothing to see over the rainbow, as desire has set sail and mind less!

As the gilded Chris Mclean crosses my mind I zone out;
drama is everything, selling the stack of Sex short.
Some people rewind the tape backwards to get shout:
"I can hear Satan -- The mark of the beast revealed, news-sport!

In my ye older retort I disavow the elongated musk of blue roses;
Maga hat wearing Violets and freshly plucked daffodils.
She doxx me; she doxx me not, She doxx me -- shit my proses
assumed her gender, maybe its transmissionary imposed over-shill!!

How long til my close encounter of the Elm-street kind with Yandere-Chan?
I'm waiting under the mistle toe, and I even booked Harry Potter thrice...
the suspence is blowing me head on and ballsdeep dancing cancan;
I don't know how much I can take anymore, before I rub it in a Cockatrice.

Stone me, or else! I even turn the other cheek, to have a better profile -
#InsultToInJusticeAdjourned or ITIJA in short to get free tickets to Ibiza.
Ferrari volunteered to crowdfund for the next Kill-Bill movie virile...
Some transmen condescending to womenhood wanted to participate the extra mile,

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