Wednesday, November 13, 2019

On the Nature of Good and Evil

What does it really mean, if you talk about Good and Evil? Not just about doing something right or wrong but having a metaphysical entity about itself. Nietzsche, the one who was never very prone to thinking about alternate dimensions or personalities, because such thought is not very rewarding to a person, who wants to achieve real tangible things in this world. Why create a Cathedral, for instance, what takes three generations to build, then the fourth will reap the rewards? What's in it for the first, second and third. A thank you in the after life and a jolley good feeling? That's not very much to look forward to... How ever that is not there the problem ends. How do you even define Good i. e. God and Evil i. e. Devil? You can say, that we have the scripture, but there exactly lies the problem. "We" don't "Have" the scripture -- only if "We" accept the scripture as Truthful and the Way to God and the path with its own unique Guidelines, we "Have" it!! If "We" reject it, makes us automatically the "Advercary" for daring to challenge the narrative. You can't even approach the topic, without being indoctrinated into the pro or contra side. Even if you somewhat try to claim neutrality in Science, it wont work, because of the persecutions such people have received prior; because of the ambitions every scientist has per se, and in assuming funding; and because nobody is a blank slate, without their interverence from family; friends; neighbours; wife; children; work etc.

There is nothing more aggrevating, than having Values! To be more precise, in a soccer match, there are two sides. Mostly only one side can win, because draws are boring. But in real life, sometimes draws are really essencial to every day life. There are times, then Mercy triumphs over Law -- and while at first glance, it doesn't appear to obscure the ancient battle between Good and Evil, the problem immediately arises.

Then a Law gets defeated, its not simply the problem, that the zealot couldn't reaffirm his condemnation over somebody and lost credibility; respect in the process. That is also important, but irrelevant at the time being. Exceptions make it possible to perceive things differently, what requires "thinking" -- and that can result in unorthodox circumstances. If things can be solved differently, like on the issue of kosher food, when Jesus said: "There is nothing from without a man, that entering into him can defile him: but the things which come out of him, those are they that defile the man." Mark 7:15 calling all food pure, but if all food is pure, why mind about how its been made, or even there it was prior, to the point, there some people thought, it would be ok to eat meat, what was previously offered to false idols, putting the faith of the weaker follower at risk.(1Co 10)

Good and Evil start to matter the most, then ambivalence and nihilism come to play. For Good and Evil, life is monochrome and either this or that. Even Jesus said, then something is not Yes Yes or No No, its evil -- because things must be clearcut to avoid controvercy and confusion. What to do with a world, there are too many values, or seemingly no value at all? St Paul nocked at it, with his famous quote to be worshiping the unknown God, who's altar he found amongst all the other pagan sites, what was built just in case, lest to anger any potential deity with negligence. How do you say to your child, that he should eat his porridge or your coworker, that something should be done in a particular way, then there is no ruler, with which to measure, what ought to be done. Nietzsche claims not to believe in metaphysics, but citing, that the world needs Heroes or how he names em: "Supermen" the whimsical question presents itself -- Why exactly should we believe Nietzsches insight to be true, that we need em? If there is an abundance of values or no values at all, why should we give a fuck, if yet another preacher proclaims his sorrow-drowned God? The moment, you detach yourself from any value, and asume zero gravity and perception of space itself, what makes you great anything from nothing, while your mind is afloat over it? Why should you do that gargantuan effort, just to reach Value-Town and be either Good or Evil? In that sense a demagogue and zealot at least has something, while the nihilistic philosophy knows painstakingly all too well, of not even having nothing. Because his existential calamity is at the very least something. His anxiety and distortion from the status quo, what doesn't let him believe, like Descartes: "God is a Gentleman and dost not cheat!"

No, Good and Evil define much more, than simply the advercity between God and Devil! Its the difference being efficient and proactive. People encounter it, then they read MTG cards and fuss about their goodness or wickedness. What do Evil cards have in common. They are somewhat shorted out, for they seem to leave the B and C out, while going from A to D - sometimes they go straight from A to O like using a wormhole creating 0-inteference loopholes and breaking sound barriers. Morality and psychology also have such boundaries, what can break the psyche when you travel at a certain pace -- you can travel much slower and be a holyman or travel much faster and be a trickster -- but if you travel at that excact pace, bad things shall happen to you, and the fabric of your very reality will collapse.

In a way Nietzsche and Akutagawa both encountered this phenomenon in their writings, talking with Good and Evil. What does it really mean, then you argue about values, and they are not in some intangible Platonic never-realm locked away from mortal enterprice? Ask any programmer, what it means, then  the internet would be spread-sheet commanded, and any free loader, given he could find that file, could omit it, and thus change the rules, by which the internet would operate. That's a scary thought to contemplate and a lot of power in ones hands. Now imagine the same, but on reality itself -- there you decide how the walls are drawn, what defines the very Tabula Rasa, what shall hold all information, formulated in your New World? What does it mean, to talk about Good and Evil; right and wrong, in such circumstance? There would be the values, what should prevent you to go berzerk and for instance rewrite a 1001 female characters to make your own personalized harem! Only sky and Event Horizon is the limit, if you can vager over Good and Evil. I believe, that was the thought, that drove those previous mentioned Great Thinkers Mad!! How do you escape the embrace of Oblivion, to want something great, over what? -- What should ensalt and envalue your flavour, to say unto you, that it is Good, like God said, while creating the World? That is here the question...

Good cards are the ones, what allow you enjoy the game, because they make more combinations and play styles possible. That in effect forces people to think, and thinking is painful, for you could be defeated in that. Wouldn't it be better, then somebody else would do it for you - either to exalt you into an angelic being, who is like the sword and shield of God, or who is like the spawn of Hell, doing what ever the devil whispers in his ear! Having no free will, makes so many things overtly easier. the first thing what goes amiss, is pain and anxiety. If you have no free will, you don't suffer, for not finding a decition inside your Ego, because it dost not exist. Controvercially the scriptures also advice to cramp down on Ego!! Even being perverted requires to heed one set of logic and motions, while ignoring another set. A chainsmoker has to plan ahead, to be able to afford his every day fix. It's not an easy task, for us who don't suffer underneath its cluches, to even contemplate, what riggors it takes. The same goes with any effort or value. But stating, that any of it is not important, because there are too many values or none at all -- or that there is no metaphysical plane for those values, for only the here and now exists. In that thing Nietzsche shot way over his head and was dead wrong! If there was no Good and Evil on that sense, why even have this conversation, but to assume the life expectancy of a bacteria, and just grind in birth-eat-fuck-shit-hibernate-die endless tape! Why even bother with anything in this world, if you can't break the 4th wall into something More, what takes drug induced haze to even achieve? Why ever come back from it, like the rat of Pavlov, then no metaphysical exists but our own mortality in the physical plane. What does it make us different, compared to a mammal?

We need Good and Evil, because our mind needs it to focus on something. To challenge itself, like with 3rd person talk and thinking, what was previously impossible. In the future, people will be able to think in multible personal dimension or with multi-nihilistic impersonal dimesnsions. It may not make much sense now, but it will become. All that open new borderlines and moralities, what to do and what not to do... There can't be no free will or course of action, if our attribute knowledge about Good and Evil dost not enhance. For that defines, if we see something as a door and a safe passage, or as a ravine and a perilous journey.


Get shipped by the long whip of the show;
south-paw hooking up with the "Hazemaker".
Put up on Youtube to gif the bitch down the Manhole.
Something about Alice going to visit a pervy Hare;
speaking of splicing hairs for manaburns and Smithers
the new renamed chocolated bullshit batons for the E-wokation.
Ewoks and other Star wars races approve this virtuous signaling.

I flare well, to be Orwellian, to spit inside your wishing well;
as my How do you do, was answered by Cpt. Howdy, corrupted
a young female, for not spelling LGBTQ on her board of conscience!
Those, who never were at war, must now be werewared and wolfed in;
for if you don't howl with them, you're Garruk, of the Wild Huntsman Brigade.
WHB has been reported by checked angry news-bullets, to be in league with Zarathustra!!
If you should ever encounter Him coming down the High-Mountain resort, report asap...

There is no room for Him, as theirs have left the guilding to NPC algoritms;
rhapsody in Dune to see some worms play Armageddon and Booby Trap
Duke Nukem to be mated with Jax to have a more diverse retroactive comotion.
The White Whale carcas being assailed by peasants at Caracas, to fathom the booty;
her rimp body never loved somebody more Sundays, as Wednesday could abjure...
Fake germans opening their gurmans slideshow to torture french shefs with
formaldehyde formalities, encased in Jaccobite soundwaves and midi captions.

Marat' was on the T-shirt, misgendered and unstabbed -- the bath tube photoshopped
into a phonebooth, while adding a proton pack and a Gremlin on the siluette for reference.
Geniuses left out of the bottleneck hanged themselves at the borderline of Madness...
Being historically acurate, has never been a thing for revolutionaries, who reinvent
the rupture of the first Communist into Martyrdom, as their handmaids bring them their lunch!!
How many black butlers takes it, to haul a Socialist close enough to a lightbulb,
so armed with a hammer and a sickle, he could amend the problem of disenlightenment?

The Berzerking Haze was at it again, and got a ticket for violating the Img- limit
and had to format all its jpg into Gif. The loss in color authenticity was nobodies business!!
Ex-Stacy offered to meet up with the next Abismal Genius, to gaze into oblivion
playing centi-Metal and deci-Minal subliminal Sully's to smoulder over the opositions lip.
I hipped a huray on a gunslingers shitpeace to graze encrazed Lunarios mooning Pocahontas.
Winntetou promised to buy green frogskins and be more democrat, but Good Indians end up...
Joe'd -- G.I.J's end up as obituaries in strange philosophical manuscripts, nobody reeds...

Samaritans can agree, while helping out somebody on the road to Jericko; the firstborn
had to pay for the founding of "Help Now" initiative and the youngest son for the digitation
onto a childfriendly Network. Most Pharisee's and Sodokite agreed, that personal holyness
and going to the church was far more important, than "Help Now" -- who knows,
it could have been a white dwarf, an unholy coalition fruit from Galadriel and a stocky Gimly!
That can't be helped, so let us assume a prenatal position, and pretend the floor is Havanna...
Casa Blanca and Cosa Nostra are also ok, as long you dont mar it with the infidel sign...

Monday, November 11, 2019


Ordained to honest-T your funny bones and frozen marrows;
casual T's awaiting their submission-mashine runs for the get go.
Training your pitching with well aimed “Grow-up” throws;
grinning in the city of the pickled dead cultivated Cow.
Was that the worth, for what dies a Charley Hebdo?
Was that ignorance, what blissed the blisters into Blizzards #Metoo?
Looking an endless motion of faked contemplated Wur-rows...

I'm Perfect – Imperfect; Perfect-Imp infect;
get rekt intermission to mediate the context.
The Alp on your nightmared mountains dismounting...
I'm Perfect-Imperfect; Perfect-Inc. The INRI intellect
omniscience, to bend your so serious Om... counting;
so many things could kill you, but you found bereft!

Modest T joined the Mossad to molest the K-Mart:
Why aren't here any Jewish Ouija boards to call King Saul?!”
As soon as the co-worker said: “But alas, I am..!” the Jew impart
ran, like the devil was after him, or the demon of Skeua did fart...
He assumed a new ID and called itself Trans-Dim Paul;
oddly enough, his handkerchiefs started to repel the haul
of any vendor, he would try to visit for a free reward!!

I'm Perfect – Imperfect; Perfect-Imp infect;
get rekt intermission to mediate the context.
The Alp on your nightmared mountains dismounting...
I'm Perfect-Imperfect; Perfect-Inc. The INRI intellect
omniscience, to bend your so serious Om... counting;
so many things could kill you, but you found bereft!

Heatseaking the blue checkmark for Zuckenberg or not Zucker-Zwerg;
to ZZZ a new anon hastag rascal raceflag, repeating the platinum records
with copy-paste and omit the contex to: “Lay waste, inlay on waist” Sucker-works.
The three T's hooked up at pizzahut, what got hacked by Hackenstein dorks;
they there shouting: “We are VR, We R! Lanowars, but nobody played cards
anymore, so they D&D account had no funds and had to be foreclosed. Shards
of Alara promised to take care, bnt it came out, that they there fake-Wert!

I'm Perfect – Imperfect; Perfect-Imp infect;
get rekt intermission to mediate the context.
The Alp on your nightmared mountains dismounting...
I'm Perfect-Imperfect; Perfect-Inc. The INRI intellect
omniscience, to bend your so serious Om... counting;
so many things could kill you, but you found bereft!

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Rage - Quit, what's the indifference?

This Essay talks about Enlightenment. What does it mean to you, if you're enlightened? Does it make you a Godlike creature, shooting Kame-Hame-Ha's from your balm like in ROTT (Rise of The Triad)? Is it, like Neo, Flying around and jumping inside agents, to kill from whithin? How does that contemplation helps You -- the average free loader on the internet, being bored and sad, and not knowing what yo do with himself or his spare time. The problem about life is not Existence per se, but it ultimatively means to you and others around you.

A heavy drinker, who has guzzled down all his wealth with hookers can have zen; a binge-eater who lives his last breathes in the infirmary because of Diabetes also. Death draws us closer to the Truth, what a life could be worth, which is not to say, I'd aprove those kind of ways, but for reference and practical notion of an ignorants amusement. We all should know, like Socrates, that we know jack shit about anything. Or how was the famous quote in "Revolver" "Experts know Jack shit about anything!" When Buddha encountered zen, it approached him in his highest wealth and luxury, then his parents went to great lengths in hiding the Truth from him. It was in the guise of a toothless oldster. The Truth, like said in Blood 2 behind the door, waiting to be let in: "Everybody Dies!!" A good name for your firstborn, I can promise you, if you don't take it too seriously... Joker is my favoriite character after all, so you should always know, even if I speek the truth, I am lying, and if I am lying it is so, to tell the Truth. It's my way to paraphraze Lao Zi's "Those who know, don't speak, and those, who speak don't know!"

The problem is our perception. We see a physical world, filled with ideas, created inside out minds, to describe that physical world, we can see; touch; taste and hear. The problem is -- how could we trust those sources of information? Every child encounters at a certain part of his development the notion, what is between being awaken and being inside a dream state. What does it mean, if you wake up? Did you really wake up, or did you actually started dreaming, and your dream state is, you waking up!! Or the Question: "Can God create a boulder He cannot lift?" If He can -- he is not omnipotent, because he failed to lift something He Himself created; If he can't He is simply impotent per se, because He failed in exceeding His limitations -- something that humans experience in everyday life, that your limitations are just assumptions on the paper, and mean nothing... I mean, we can already fly with planes; submerge under water with submarines and stay there indefinitely; go into space etc. What is this "I can't!" there? Yet, it doesn't answer our biggest craving, to know the truth. What does it mean to exist and to think?

Even then you have it all -- let us delve into a computer game. Let us assume, that you're playing Diablo 3 and have met all the possible achievements. Would you be happy? What would that game have to offer to you in the future? It's not the point, that all games need to end some day, for as a reference to your life -- I hope not any time soon!! Otherwise it would be suicidal and I'd see you sought educated help, either in a church or at a hot-line...

It matters, that what you do is not only challenging, but the challenge is relishing and selfcontaining. Like Batman forever fighting Joker, none gaining the upper hand, while häving minuscule day to day savings...

The Truth is, as to paraphrase dr. House "Everybody Lies!" The reasons might be different, but it is to tell our story-lines. To be approved by our Self and the Community, we wanna be a part of, even if that part is one of a Rogue, soon to be executed for his transgressions. Pride has a funny way with peoples minds. Even the smallest dog can have it, and refuse water from his mug, if he feels cheated out of it... "Everybody wants to rule the World!" as the song by Mojo Jojo paraphrased... adding insult to injury or being so close yet so far to enlightenment. Being a poet really sucks sometimes. When others see words in a normal way -- I see "In-Sult" (Deus vult+random quote from the bible) "In-Jury" etc. I see multiple ways to meme you 'til Kingdom Come and Oblivion. One of my favoriite poems, I myself wrote in Estonian, was:

"Jumal polnud kodus"

Sel päeval Jumalat ei olnud kodus
vaid üksik alandlik ning leinas äng
ja laual sulas viimne - küünal kooldus -
kirjake; ning rebit piiblist silmamäng.

Sel päeval Jumalat ei olnud kodus
mõned ohked siiski kostsid peegli varjel
kuradid ning inglid vereloigu rodus
makk sai pööratud kui viimsepäevakarjel.

Sel päeval Jumalat ei olnud kodus
üks koristaja siiski konte korjas
et nõudis oma seadust õilis loodus
kui pühakuks ja siiski nagu orjaks...

Sel päeval Jumalat ei olnud kodus
ta saatis siiski kirja mõnelt kaugelt maalt
ning nõnda ripub ristil meie lootus
ning kaugeks jäänud verekastest maal.

Sel päeval Jumalat ei olnud kodus
must ängistus mind nööris taeva vahel
ning maast sai põrgukatel soodus
ja mõtetest jäi üle nõutu kahvel...

Sel päeval Jumalat ei olnud kodus
ja isegi ma õnneks endast väljas
kui siiliks kojale ma Kalevite udus
vaid murtud mask veel kujuritenäljas.

If I would have to put it in English I would gringe as soon, as I'm done with the title, which is "God was not home!" The reason being, its so hard to translate your own stuff, without feeling, that something was lost in the translation... Or bastardized... Ah well, lets try our best, shall we...

"God was not home!"

On this day, God was not homie;
only a solitary humble grievous despair.
On the table melting, the last cowering candle;
a letter, a torn out bible quotes hypo-game.

On this day, God was not homie;
some sighs there bellowed underneath a mirror.
Devils and Angels trampling on a pool of blood --
the getospeaker jammed on Doomsday screeches arch.

On this day, God was not homie;
a custodian still was relichunting bonnes.
A Noble Nature craving owns rulings
to be a Saint, albeit in forms of servor.

On this day, God was not homie;
I still received a letter form afar.
The Gospel said: "Thus hangs He there"
so close and yet so far that gory frame.

On this day, God was not homie;
dark anguish dreading me between the Heavens.
The earth seemed couldroned to a Hellish pitch discounted;
and thoughts offended only sudden forks on the board.

On this day, God was not homie;
I was happily ever after out of myself.
To be the hedgehog for court in the fog of Kalev;
but a broken mask, awaiting for the sculptor.

Isn't it ugly and hideous... I wrote it, when I was in depression and didn't know what to do. Got some really nice comments on that, assuming, that I was drunk or something. It really sounds like that too...
That's how zen can look like for you. Only you can tell, what its worth!! For its Just Us -- Me; Myself and I -- who form your halls of Justice... Your right and wrong. Even if you're religious or not... What does it mean to be You? Have you ever asquewed yourself and sqewered the real meanings and what if dont's to find your sugarcanes and nutcases. Does your Sugar-Kane live or is He broken on the street and trampled forlorn? It sounds poetic and funny, but someday you gotta ask it from you. What does it mean to be You? What is it for You? Even Guy Fawkes had Zen, what cost him his life and reputation; Barabas had zen, when he was vagered with Christ! Zen is neither positive nor negative, it merely Is! Your general value for Yourself!! Are you Bankrupt or Are you Winning -- does it even matter to you! Do you wanna Rage or Do you wanna Quit; maybe a little bit of both, with some indulgence from the Pope, lest to be totally lost. People wanna know, like Judas in "Jesus Christ, Superstar" They wanna be sure of themselves before the commitment.  It's not a bad trait -- most of the time we're not given that choice... Tough luck, is the only choice we get and give to the World... If luck was the Big Easy, it wouldn't be valuable... That is the reason, at least for me, why boasting is before the Fall, or why there is a "dis" before the "Aster" what Robin in "Young Justice" didn't understand... It makes the Aster valuable, that you can have it by avoiding the "Disaster" Sometimes, not because you did it, like with Barabas, but because you had a sucker-punch from Life itself!! Not even in Wealth -- or in Virtue -- dost it mean anything, what you own, to what you gonna be and mean. Solomon was the smartest and richest -- according to the Bible -- who ever lived/shall ever live. Let is sink in for a while. And yet he botched it all for some wives to fuck and worship with their false idols, Nobody forced him, besides his groin. And that was the Smartest and the Richest. What are you gonna do about it? What will be your say in your life? What is your indifference? In the movie, the monk sais: "Men are weak -- thus they lie!" but I don't agree with it. If lying happened only because of weakness, it would be easily snuffed out by maturity and education. No, lying flourishes, because its like a bribe, what enables us, gives us a gleam of grandeur, what the Truth dost not have. Lying empowers us -- to do Evil deeds... even, then we just lie to ourselves, playing mindgames with ourselves... It doesn't need a devil to make you evil or an angel to make you good. It's all about Us -- Me; Myself and I!! The Holy Trinity of Self. What does the Name Yahveh mean? "I am!" What are you to Yourself? Not to others, because that can change, like a Sith-Dream or jedi-nightmare... Are you The One, or just merely Belittled Big Easy?

Preaching has been in my blood for so long, even before I got baptized. Sorry, if you find it obnoxious and condescending, it's not on purpouse, albeit it could be deus lo vult... How many lies and purposes did you count in the stories of the four lies? What there the means and the end of them? Ryonosuke Akutagawa, who wrote the Novel, on which Akira Kurosawa made this famous movie, was a Giant of his time. Even after his unsightly suicide, I think so. A true Superman, like Nietzsche would have fathomed. And yet, in the end, he was morally bankrupt, being so renowned as a writer to his contemporaries. Knowledge and Fame, isn't Everything, in the World. You could see it all, and bow down, and yet not be satisfied, for the reflections of Self are endless and boundless. The heart will never cease craving and the soul never cease wondering against it.

Before you assume anything -- I don't wanna convert anybody!! Yes, I am a Christian, and sigh... Yeah, I went into a Bible School, to become a Pastor to serve God. I always felt that calling... Nothing makes me more happy to seeing youths gush about Jesus Christ like I was then it struck me at the age of 6. All the preaching came later, because I was shy as fuck... But I don't want to change anybodies nature -- 1. Because I agree with Nietzsche, that it would be horrid indeed 2. Because that's not what Jesus was teaching. 3. I'm not audacious enough anymore that people convert people, lest God deus vultures from Heaven!! When I read the bible, I just roll my eyes and scratch my head. Those people, who become annointed, are total fuck ups!! Moses kills a guy in moral outrage and has to run from the law! David cheats with Uriahs wife and kills Uriah. Jacob is a grifter, cheating his older brother out of the inheritance etc... And the Jews are happy/ proud about their success-story?! Halleluyah! What does it tell you about, then somebody sacrifizes his first born son, to die for subjects who are not even loyal to your cause, to make them become loyal, because you sacrifized and resurrected him? That is the Christian Gospel summed up in one question! How many would do that for Adolf Hitler or Jossif Stalin? Or Even for Judas Iskariot?? "For your own brother transgressing against you?? I wouldn't do it!! And yet its so, that Yahweh royally fucked his Son on the cross, so we would have a life in Heaven? Halleluyah! What does it even matter, that he was resurrected on Sunday, while being betrayed on Fryday by his closest friend - one of the Apostles; who also carried his purse, with all the donations and savings they had gathered... Let that sink in! Of all the people, who could have betrayed Jesus, it was the brightest and most intelligeable. Halleluyah!

The same notion is in the movie and in the novel -- for what do you have, if you can't even assume, that people mostly tell the Truth, and don't lie and frolic with their kins waifu! What can you have, then there is nothing to believe? What is the Truth? What is the Reality? What does it mean for your indifference? What does it drive you henseforth to do? Those are the real questons to asqew...

In fact, I would say, that Rashomon be it the novel or the movie, is the best conversion tool, I could think of -- to show off, how we transcend from story-line to story-line like a game of chess or MTG. Too bad, you can't merge them together, or could you... furthermore, who's side do you wanna be 1. The side of the Criminal; 2. The Wife; 3. The Husband (the summoner, for at that time the person in question, was already dead sic!) or  4. the lumberjack? Do you wanna be the laughing spectator or the dismayed priest? In a way, this movie and that novel, are like "The Nightwatch" by Rembrandt. It's more that a story, breaking the 4th wall and questioning our boundaries and morals itself... I don't wanna gossip too much on the awesomeness of those two, I mentioned, the book and the movie, but it tells a lot about ourselves, which side we take in those matters. Please also look at this take: It's not me, but I liked it. What does the "Subjectivity of Truth" and "Quicksand of Ego" really mean? When we normally believe, or say we ought to: "The Truth is subjective!" it's like we want to convince ourselves and the others, it is so. As though, we wanna strap reality off of the burden of being misconstrued to ourself or somebody else, having to take the blame of a morally faulty decition -- even them, we don't normally believe in Morals of the Absolute Kind!! The outline and way, how the movie was shot, makes it painfully obvious, how ugly the "true take" was, compared to the prior stories, and why it was not given in the court. That is, if it was the full truth and nothing but. There is no evidence for that -- and that is the marvel and ingenious of them both! Nobody won!! It was a total gringe fest -- nobody wanted to remember anymore. The Lumberjack was not proud of himself, having witnessed and telling the most parts of the truth, to say the whole truth afterwards, for he didn't intervene -- and that changes everything for the audience! He had a lot to loose, coming forward, for not being a knight in shining armor and not doing the right thing... Can you Rage; Quit or Indifference in such a story, like the fabled Microsoft joke about "Abort; Retry; Fail!" How does it provide closure for you, after hearing all the takes and summing them up? What happened and what does it mean to you and for your future and faith in life itself? What is the Truth after that? Let it be said, that both, Akutagawa and Kurosawa there knowing their own culture, and knew what they there doing and saying. It was so incredible, like reading the Prince of Niccolo Macciavelli, who dares to utter, that the King is nude (A fairy-tale reference) Nobody ever did thus!! Both the novel and the movie, groundbreakingly shook the world, like the coming of the Christ for the Christians. This is also the reason, why I envision all of it together... Pick your poison, what you wanna believe, in the end it doesn't really matter much, if you don't stick to it, and don't hold fast, because nobody else will enforse it for you... That is the dark side of Truth! Only you can make the difference and save the day!! What is your Rashomon effect? Onward faithful Christians... sees people loosing him (John 6:66)

In case of Depression read this

Inspired by ; ; ;

Permit your fate to sir Francis Drake and Vincent Tate;
break your habitual sin of not feeling whelmed in your skin.
Life's not meant to be a bing fest or glutton for masturbate;
pain is so close to pleasure, so get your battle face congregate...
This is your life, your chance for glory, so better be all-in!
Nobody has done it, by forfeit albeit the devil might take a grin!
Walk back from your Windows exit and be well, Mate!!

Permutations grow all motherboard to smother your vocal cords?
Just fuck this shit and take a snicker or two for a parler-vouz;
Nobody is perfect, so be that guy, who shoots birds down with shitlords --
be Nobody and Perfect, and that makes somebody on this side of the Fjords.
Vikings also payd the iron price to harvest their crop, so don't abuse
your amuse, to be something less than the Angelic Avatars transfuse!!
That's your AA to be somebody, when life drones with the Borgs...

Proliferation now, but you didn't get scored on the friends-zone list?
Appreciate the RealMS about those, who fucked the thunder of the bear,
who was about to maul you and didn't Runaway Steamkin for a gist.
Your Mutual Saviour is better than PrettyFace but Balor out rage-fist...
Ship's not for looks but keep you afloat, then the wave is hitting full gear.
In the end, it doesn't really matter, how much G is in the house or the despair,
that you wont get laid before of age and marriage -- that's just ominous mist!!

Produce the You, who You really are! You have the keys of Solomon on your shoulders;
while like any god, you may die, alas; nothing ventured, nothing gained. Be your own Joker
and Batman story! Play Yourself and not on yourself; wealth is no waif to be "needy-woulders
creepers, boomers meekers" Show yourself, that you can do it and toss those boulders!!
Break the Character, what others attribute, to putter it on the golfing field for the score-gorer;
loose the weight of being too serious inside your sanitous confines and sanitary no-mores!!
Pass on your own mantel and bat Yourself an eye or three, to put a smile on the face-moulders...

Practice your Truth, and go scathed, to free your mindings and mine your abouts and businesses;
the Truth shall set you Free, if you dare to believe without the lie and lay down to rest, let it be...
Words of Wisdom are carved and smithed in blood; in conscience they take root, as long you confess
to Yourself, what is a dream, and what's your surreal P3, to have your Matrix story without mess,
then the cat walks over your path to crue your deja vu and jester your contester what you realy mean.
Know, you are the sum of all thoughts, you eat up all life long -- be your own Mr. or Ms Smith-Bean.
Summon your Constructed Courage, to fight Red-Light Alert-districts, averting The Ones hug-kisses!

Yet another suggestion to MTG

Here we go again...

Creature ability *shortlived* "You may choose to play this creature with haste, if you do, sacrifize it at end of turn" Such abilities are great, because they give more value to triggers and comes to play abilities, in those decks that rely heavily on resurrection or cicling your graveyard back to your hand or library... Triggering haste it should obviously integrate at least one R in its mana cost. I first encountered that idea in the Kamigawa block with the soulshift mechanic, so it should come back, especially with so many creatures in the Orzhov giving you 1/1 spirits it could be a viable answer to red and green players.

Also since I love the former bänd "Vanilla Ninja" why isn't there a ninja with the same name?? What I have in mind, learning from Oko, is this.

"Vanilla Ninja" UBW 1/1 "Ninjutsu 2U If Vanilla Ninja deals direct damage to a player put a Vanilla counter on target creature. That creature has no abilities. 2W Pay 2 life -- return Vanilla Ninja to your hand. 2B exile Vanilla Ninja look at your opponents hand and exile up to 3 lands as long their basic U; B; W

This card is meant as an anti-control/mill card shutting the usual Esper colored decks down

Also "Pick your poison" Legendary Enchantment UBW At the beginning of your upkeep choose one: Pay U - Whenever you gain life, discard a card and you may draw a card. B - Whenever a creature dies under your control, add its color attribute mana cost to your mana pool. You may cast creature spells with Flash. W - Whenever you declare no attackers on a given turn, gain as much life, as the total power of the creatures you have in play. If none of those abilities can't be activated, exile Pick your poison and discard your hand."

This cards idea is to leave at least one mana open, so you could at least pick one, so you wouldn't nuke your hand. Also, even if an ability was countered, it still counts as being played, unless the counter specifically implies, that it can't be counted as such. It will be tricky in lifegain decks, because you could run out of cards, unless your strategy is not šelf-mill, which would be hard to incorporate with a life gain deck, but not impossible. Mostly you would want the B value. Getting mana back from those obnoxious BBBB or UUGG costs is a great asset.

"snotnose" ability would be cool. "Copy target ability on a creature in any Graveyard until end of turn." I haven't figured out, should it be only, when the creature comes into play, a mana/tap ability or upkeep ability...

"Ardent Purity" Legendary Enchantment WGU "You play with your hand revealed, and can play land cards from your Graveyard."

"Covetous Priest" UUWG cleric 4/4 Vigilance Players gain 2 life instead, if an effect forces to discard cards from the hand, for each card a player would have to discard."

"Royal Court" RGW Legendary Land *tap* add colorless *tap* add R;G;W as long its spent on a creature spell with toughness 4 or greater, that creature can't be countered, and gains Haste; Trample and Vigilance."

My idea of a good riot, there are plenty of counters to be had from anywhere in those colors, so I don't see a reason to incorporate it here, also it normally don't help with ohter strategies, not even by adding one colorless mana, so meh...

"Bloodstone" BRU Legendary Land *tap* add colorless *tap* add B;R; U as long its spent on an Adventure or Knight creature. Adventures remain in your hand, as though you haven't played it yet and creatures come into play with Deathttouch, Double strike and Wall.

Bloodstones, there the places there you executed people. The person had to put his head on a stone, so it would be easier to chop it off, so thus the name.

"Azorius Market" UBW Legendary Land *tap* add colorless *tap* add U; B; W as long it's spent on an instant or Sorcery spell drawing cards or gaining life -- target opponent discards that many cards and looses that much life.

"Gruul Fiesthall" GRB Legendary Land *tap' add colorless *tap* add G;R; B as long it's spent on a creature with riot or deathtouch. Up to 4 Non-token Creatures you control have, Whenever your oponent is dealt damage from a spell proliferate."

The reason, I gave it so many limitations, is to not let proliferate go unhinged, because 4 procks are already a lot!!

"Simic Laboratory" UGW Legendary Land *tap* add colorless *tap* add U;G; W as long its spent on a merfolk creature. You gain life according to the played cards toughness and draw that many cards. Instant and Sorcery spells have Flash and can't be countered. At the beginning of your upkeep pay 2 life or loose the game.

"Random Doomsday Device" 3 colorless  Legendary Artifact "Random Doomsday Device comes into play with seven doomsday counters on it. At the beginning of your upkeep remove a doomsday counter from Random Doomsday Device, if there are no counters to be removed, you win the game. At the beginnin of your opponents turn he/she may pay 2 life and add a doomsday counter on Random Doomsday Device Only Random Doomsday Device can add or remove counters from itself"

The latter effect is to ensure, something doesn't clean the clock with this 3 cost artifact and force win on turn 3.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

There is no spoon - but the mirror was empty!

A client goes to the restaurant and orders a soup, but gets no spoon. He pardons himself and asks:
"There is no spoon."
The waiter puzzled at first and then sais: "Yeah, yeah, sure -- I am buddhist too!"
the annoyed client reaffirms the question.
"Um no! I am telling you, there is no spoon!"
"I don't have time for this!!" exclaimed the waiter, "I hope you still pay a tip..."
the client grows agitated:
"There is no fucking spoon and I cannot eat my soup!! Here look!"
"Why didn't you bloody say that sooner?! exclaimed the frustrated waiter --
"No need to swear, I'll bring you that spoon."

Going to the shef, the waiter sais: "Sir, table 37 said, that there is no spoon..."
The shef just laughs and goes about his work. If some time passes, and the waiter dost not move from his place, he growls: "What??"
"There really was no spoon at table 37..."
"Maybe the mirror was empty too! I know, you're buddhist!!"
The shef was so irritated that he got such a lazy and dumb waiter. Now it was the waiters time to get pissed:
"I accidentally didn't deliver a spoon with the ordered soup!!"
"Then why don't you bloody take one or two from the shelf?" exclaimed the Shef and tossed some spoons at the waiter, who miraculously caught them all and hurled back at the client, who was angrily tapping his thingers at the table.

"You sure know, that this plate doesn't get bloody empty by itself, don't you?" taking one offered spoon, the hungry client eats his soup and then pays with tip and leaves.
There was a mirror on the other side of the table, the client was sitting, and as the waiter cleaned the table, he noticed the cab stopping; opening the door and closing, but no person entering nor leaving it. If the waiter hastily ran out, he still saw the former client leave inside the cab.

Now the waiter understood: "I served soup to a Vampire!!" Thinking how famous that would make him, he immediately ran to the Shef to forebode:
"Sir, the mirror was empty, sir!"
"Oh, what now?!" The shef pointed at fois gras and some hodeuvre "Those dishes wont serve themselves, Buddha, now get on your way, or I make your workplace empty!"
But the waiter insisted: "No I'm telling you, our customer must have be a Vampire, because I didn't see his reflection in the mirror, entering the cab, but if I ran along, here he was."
"Oh, ok! I understand..." The shef looked at him with a calm notion... "Bring those dishes to table 14 and then you get the day off...!"

Event Horizon

Behold, your King -- Crucify Him;
Behold, your Lord -- We only have Rome
Behold, your God -- the devils insane grin
thus they speek and here they come!

All bottles shall be filled with wine;
they think: "The Lords day, is made for US!"
we have made a contract with death entwine;
He shall not see our transcressions blush...

Behold, your Saviour -- doesn't worship right;
Behold, your Mercy -- doesn't ring a bell!
Behold, your divine bread -- blasfemy outright;
Behold, your divine blood -- this road leads to Hell!!

Blind men leading the maddened wisemen to folly;
all wanna do their hearts content to build altars of shame.
Nobody has mercy to unbind the hobo's sully --
none of those wizards shall pass the gates of Heaven in fame!


He's just a little He-Man to up the game;
one up to lifegain -- just rip it off the boots.
Like the fastest gunslinger on aids,
impersonating gender-uniforms for  a G.I Jane date...

She said: "Suck my Dick!" and it just punched Him;
sucker for verbal abuse, He just fell for it -- it licked the brains!
Punching the clock 7 to be 11 and I phone at home;
somebody stole His SIMS data and hacked with it Runescape.

It was Halloween and little He-man wanted to meat up
with Big Mama, who was a teacher at some self-help school.
Being under-aged sucks sometimes, and not in the right way;
to wait in line for that many years seemed like a sentence...

So the shy He-man gifted Big Mama an Apple, and blushed.
One day He gonna man up and ask her out -- but detention came sooner.
That's then it hit him... If He-Man could be Joker, all the time in the world --
He-Man would be together with Big Mama to study Math, that added up well.

When came the day, then Big Mama was transfered to a new school
and He-Man was no Joker anymore, but no-mans land, who nobody wants.
Heartbroken he called himself Steven Bartholomew MacAvry or just SBM.
Sometimes it felt like S&M, when He graduated Cum Laude and gave His speech.

Crucified, by His own desires, what never came to pass -- too young/early --
a successful career had to give!! Combing the lolly around His tooth for pretence.
He never liked the taste, but it looked edgy with His haircut and brittish accent;
He-Man wanted Big Mama but got a Life instead, Isn't the ignorance amusing...

Its ok to B Wight

Its ok to be Wight, OTK to be a blight;
white-blighting the whole round of the clock.
Until its punched up the chimney at night;
Christmas will come early at broom-flight...
What would be the ado, bestsellered by Spock?
Like seesawing some monocrome riding a cock!

It's ok to be Wight, gaunty by nature
and haunted by virtue. Coventry was interred
and County on count-down -- the berature
of the literary character of some virtual immature;
edging for the next thirst of Hodor's blood-red
lipped confession. As inbreaders ingest was well FED.
Some hamlocks still obliged to say inspiration de jure...

It's ok to be Wight -- trolling on WestNorth March
and with April Fools say -- parents never take credit,
for names wrongly spelled. The Royal Firemancer, Arch;
had to write in his pass-port R.F.A to not be confused on starch.
The stark truth of any Stalin is to fatigue and land on reddit...
Formating your headers with copy-paste should be a good edit,
to show your insight on any topic. Who shall survive the cut-grudge?`

It's ok to be Wight -- to bling all the rightingbales into one bile;
filing the Any-Maniacs of some kind to dust, til some trout bites.
To bling, or not to bling -- that is here the quatation over the green mile!
My eyes there like sledge hammers and my mind like Zeus mind ignites,
birthing Athena. Who shall be the Agent Smith to help Mary Sue's dark rites
to get it out of my system and redeem the new Matrix, there the oracle is a termite
and Neo the Akasha version of Greta Thunberg, pickled with zen riddles til senile!!

MTG card suggestions

1R Treasure Goblin 1/1 "If treasure Goblin would be dealt damage from anywhere, you may choose to create that many red corrupted treasure artefact tokens on your opponents playing field, with the ability *tap* tap a creature, it doesn't untap during its controllers next untap step, gain 3 life or add 2 mana of any color to your mana pool. If Treasure Goblin would be dealt 5 or more damage, exile it instead and your opponent may search his library for a 5 cost artifact and put it into play."

2RR Goblin Treasury Legendary Land *tap* "add colorless mana" "Goblins you control have Favor. Create a red corrupted treasure artefact token on your opponents side and draw a card."

BRU "All kinds of Evil" Legendary Enchant land  "All kinds of Evil can only be enchanted to legendary lands. Life effects are reversed (Cavalcade and Revenge of Ravens hit you; life spells drain life from you, while not giving it to anybody unless they specifically say, that your opponent looses life; that pay 2 life scry demon will give life as a payment instead etc. Solipsism -- you can't play other legendary permanents."

UUG "Wishful thinking" instant Flash "Draw x amount of cards, there x is the number of damage directly dealt to you. End the turn. X can't be lower than 5. Suckerpunch -- if x was 9 or greater you may put a converted mana cost +7 creature to play, it can't be countered and it gains a hexproof counter."

WWBR "Desperate measures" Sorcery "Exile all creatures on your playingfield and end the turn, you may search your library for and X cost creature and put it into play tapped, then shuffle your library,  there x is the converted mana cost of all creatures exiled this way."

UUW "Solemn dream" Enchant planeswalker "Target planeswalker looses target loyalty ability. If enchanted planeswalker would go to the graveyard, exile it instead."  (I was thinking UWU but it would look stupid on a card)

UBW "Solemn Vow" Enchant creature "Enchanted creature has Whenever another creature, who shares a color with enchanted creature comes to play under your control, you loose one life and draw a card. If you lost 7 or more life on a single turn this way, exile enchanted creature with Solemn vow and search your library for an instant or Sorcery spell with the same converted mana cost, and put it into your hand, then shuffle your library."

RGB "Sledge Hammer" Artifact Equipment "Sledge hammer can only be equipped to a Ogre; a Dwarf or a Giant Equipped creature gets 3/0 and pummel -- then equipped creature deals combat damage to a blocking creature, that creature gets -3/0 counter until that creature leaves play, and looses all its abilities until end of turn. A creature, who already has such a counter, goes into the graveyard instead. Equip 3"

URB "Blood Pond" Legendary Land "As you play Blood Bond, exile those lands, you used to play it. If those lands there shock lands, Blood bond comes into play with that many blood counters. *tap* remove a blood counter from blood bond, add URB to your mana pool, instant and sorcery spells paid with that mana can't be countered, as long their converted mana cost is 3. *tap* pay 2 life, put a blood counter on Blood Pond"

Monday, November 4, 2019

Wings of God

Under the wings of God, I shall not want;
Jesus, my wingman, dost not relent!
My shepherd and Saviour, I shall not want;
be exalted the Heavens and the Father most High;
be exalted the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ the Crucified!
For His loving-kindness is everlasting!

Under the wings of God, I shall not whither away;
for His blood has cleansed me, now He sits on the right side of God!
My shepherd and Saviour, I shall not want;
for His mercy and fervor knows no bounds --
Holy, Holy, Holy is Lord God, The Most High!!
His loving-kindness is everlasting!

Under the wings of God, I shall not despair;
He, who holds me, like a shield and a sword;
makes me into a stout warrior, who jumps over the castlewall!
I am but a handmaid, pouring water on servants palms --
My shepherd and Saviour, I shall not want;
His loving-kindness is everlasting!

Under the wings of God, I shall not tremble;
He, who makes even Seraphs cover their faces --
for Holy, Holy Holy, is Lord God, The Most High!!
And Jesus Christ is His beloved Annointed;
who sits on the right side of God in the Holy Spirit:
His loving-kindness is everlasting!


I was sided with exitement, to be born in the Wilds;
my ID didn't mind to mine some Bejeweled and lies.
Sideburns there on denial and demanded a refund;
sliding into my usual sidebored show of callous refusal.

I surmise to suffice, that lest be done the show must go off;
putting a burka on it and my mouth there the ash fields lie.
On the razor of self-loathing and doubt any shreak becomes;
a dreadknight in shining armour so gloomy, I lost my happy spark!

Cleaving in my closet, but can't kill the slender man;
listening to Hotel California, whishing it was 1408.
Catcalled the devil, but he gave me the thinger;
I took him on the green mile and over the Jordan...

As I consecrated old Nick to be a Tom-Cat;
the Unabombers outpoured their voluptous cries.
I lapsed in my moral judgment to be ineffable;
don't contradict my deranged grants, what should be outranted!!

Dating back to oblivion, I needle to slay the Fairy-Dragon Queen,
making all air elementals and Yugioh players cry... All monkey suit
I wrench myself out of Hells kitchen and into Heavens dining room.
I found a lonely angel in my soup, who swore that he was not peeping...

I was procrastinating after eight! How could anybody allow such sacrilege??
The mint chocolate still lingered in my guts, as Wormwood decided to go...
How am I supposed to feal wretched without Wormwood?! Fuck this shit,
I left myself to be Me somewhere else, and found the Cult of Memes...

Its membership stated: "Only Me, can make the Heart go blind;
Only thee, can rule what them shall abide! Only Me, the darkness
hearkens, alas thrill my heart with loving kindness, to be gutless!"
I even purchased the worthy cutlass for all honorary ceremonies...

Exited was an understatement, I was in wicked glee, to be loving to help myself;
Myself was not impressed and overwhelmed with it, cutting me out of the slack!
I mean, don't I deserve a sabbatical or a little break every now and when,
to sniff the panties of Rose Red or Emily. Even the loincloth of St. Paul did miracles, why not!!

Hangmans Poker

Trance parents there'nt tranceparent enough
to parent what they where'nt and stuff --
the press hanged on the lauder of Dale and Dingle
something had to make my Christmas...
before the academy was gone as was the summer.

My lame dead jokes of It fucking E.T and
becoming an Alien in Harlem for a french kiss
and molotov coctail, made my burgers under the boot;
and for stomping on the ground, exploding with flavour text:
"Savour the taste of weak Diablo 3 opponents, who made me sleep."

Who shall be my daddy; who my big brothel? As Onigiri
was pleading to be innocent, while being devoured
for too white content and devout established whistler community.
What ever would don Quichote say about those windmills;
and knightingale novelists aspiring to find Ultima Thule?

As my rotten corps of Iron Maiden, who was born at Niflheim,
invited some bad alps to our date, to spice up the life...
The things you say and do for some fucks to give, I don't know...
Tried to KKK it in Estonia, but Google corrected me FAQ --
I mean, I don't wanna give that many... just a little bit more.

Or with blood -- they say, its the thought that counts.
Dead blood is also blood; so once I'm dead, if they take it;
or I download a torrent of the last Blood version, that should do.
Also the first blood from Rambo -- or some virtual from Twitter!
Schools always have fresh blood, so I could hang in there to get some.

My poker was pickled with chipped out tongues and missing clits;
a hanging dick and a furry mouse, who had too long of a vacation
in Chernobõl... He fell in love with their huge strawberries...
Not even my pussy wanted him, and made the mouse dismayed.
but at least the hanging dick got a nice shave; went hard, never looked better.

On the nature of MTG cards and colour attributes.

What does make a MTG card? What are colours? Lets delve into the realm of Magic the Gathering. Googling it, brought this straight forward response. White (W) – The colour of Justice; Blue (U) – The colour of Wisdom; Black (B) – The colour of Ambition; Red ® - The colour of Chaos and Green (G) – The colour of Nature. While I agree with W and U, I somehow feel, that this explanation has mixed R and B. This can happen, because people see ambition and chaos in an ambivalent way. One Man's poison is other Man's remedy...

At it describes W as Life and Justice; U as Mindful and Manipulative; B as Deadly and Evil; R as Powerful and Destructive; G as Massive and Expanding. It also gives a lot of useless insight, what confuses, like inability to name a single example of a typical White spell or Creature.

So lets start from the beginning. Magic has 5 colours + one for colourless, so you could better pay the mana-costs. It will always be specific attribute + some amount of colourless, which indicates, tap what ever valid land-source creating mana. There are other forms of payment, like subtracting your life total or discarding; sacrificing; exiling cards etc. but right now we are talking about the foundations of MTG.

How would I describe to a newbie, what the different colours are all about. I would take the previous scoffed example, and elaborate it a little bit:

White, is the colour of Law and Order, ascribing to get things done through a single Champion. Not always are white champions the heavy hitters of the playing field, like Beloved Princess or do they use straight forward spells, what attack outright, like Settle the Wreckage, but they can also be big with Lifelink; Vigilance or some other ability, what allows to control the playing field... mostly it will be flying Angels or Vigilant Knights. Why didn't I like the word Justice? Because, again – people perceive it differently! A Control player understands justice quite differently from a aggro or mid-range late gamer. People however understand, what Law and Order are – that you can be on either side of them and still be right or wrong, because there are a lot of nations; assumptions; cultures; creeds – there must be a lot of Laws and Orders, what contradict or add to each-other... A Person, who loves a sound wine-culture, dost not understand somebody, who never drinks and sees drinking as sinful and vice-versa...

As such, the other colours can agree to W philosophy, or disagree to it. For instance U loves Wisdom, so a Lawful Orderly environment is perfect for that. It just doesn't like the level of paranoid control, what goes with the Champion cult of W. As said before, W is about one guy saving the day. The best example for it is Ajani's Pridemate.
This card, that aggravates many a player, for there are so many abilities, what allow to gain life every turn begins; or when a creature enters/leaves play; attacks blocks etc. White is about life-gain and stalling. While you gain life, your small creature becomes big. That feels kinda stupid for a common Blue player, who mostly see themselves as smarty wizards and not a Jolly Gallivanter on a jousting match. B also likes Law and Order; He even likes Death and Taxes, but quite literally and not in a metaphorical way. A normal Black player dost not understand, why White players are so stuck on preserving their life-totals and creatures in play – and God forbid, if they can't have it, for then they normally wipe the entire board. The concept of “Nobel sacrifice” is foreign to Black. Why have a reason to do something, then you can simply do something, because you want it, and can somewhat afford to have it? Just sack a former friend or something on you, what is precious, and knock yourself out! R understands, that might makes right, and Champions need to be – but not in an orderly fashion. White is too reserved for a Red player, because it works too much together with others, and dost not rely on its own power. G understands life-gain as a way and convoluting your creatures, but somewhat feels also oppressed on the bossy attitude a regular White player possesses.

Blue is the colour of Cunning and Deceit. Its the way of the trickster. If a rule says do this and that, they say “Actually – you didn't say please!!”
Then others play creatures normally, they Flash them:
sometimes it's to get a blocker or have an effect put on a stack, before something else resolves. A normal blue creature can vary from big to small, but normally they work in tricky ways, by tapping your or opponents creatures; bouncing cards from the table etc.
It's the colour of Water; Sphinxes and Mysteries. The normal abilities are Flying; Flash and Scry (or some other draw effect) Blue also likes to stall, then it suits their needs and agenda of pursuing their understanding of Knowledge and Wisdom. Because of that, as described before – both like Law and Order – White feels, that U is cheating!! You're supposed to circumvent actions not laws itself! This fluidity, there nothing is set in stone, drives a normal W player nuts. Black understands the necessity of seeking new horizons, but not the want to shield yourself from damage. In that, a Black player also thinks, that U is cheating, but for other reasons. For trying to avoid the ultimate cost – death! There is something unnerving for a U player to be … mortal and having to give up on your gathered knowledge, once you depart. R thinks, that U is a cheater, because they even more so, than W avoid the real outcome of a battle. Still Red players agree, that you cannot have anything, without freedom of Will and Power! Green loves to convolute and grow/rebirth – so anybody allowing that is their friend... however, they also think that U cheats the circle of life, making abominations, what would not come to life in normal circumstances... To Green, Blue is a bit unorthodox and untrustworthy!

Black, the colour of Death and Taxes. I don't know, how else better describe it. You want some, pay up and you can have some. Kuro's taken makes it the most clear, what black stands for:
Just look at the flavour text “Simple bargains are the most tempting; Oni bargains are the simplest of all – eternal life, for eternal service.” It just nails it... And the fact that you can regenerate Kuro's taken ad nauseam to escape death this way. But it's not free – pay some, to get some! How much can you tax yourself; your social life and possessions to have your goals met? In that a Black could be a pretty darn lawful agent, if that is his modus operandi. The normal abilities of black creatures are Deathtouch; Menace and costing you something every turn, unless you have some other means of payment.
Gutwrencher Oni forces you to discard a card every beginning of a turn, unless you control an Ogre worshipping that demon. It can't be negotiated and is the reason why W players think B players are insane. They would never pay such a ludicrous cost!! And they like to mop the floor with their opponents and trampling over them... Also something a White player dost not understand. Black players love discarding so much, that sometimes they offer it to you as well: Have some Mind Rot!
or bring a card into play what forces to discard cards. In that they appeal to the soul of U players, who like to play tricks on their opponents. But not for sports. Blue players like innocent pranks, then a typical Black player enjoys the Shadenfreude; Killfrenzy and Overkill of things, just to pleasure themselves with something. That's why White players think Black players are Decadent Frivolous Sycophants; while Blue players also add, that they are just terribly ignorant, in understanding, what really matters in life. Red agrees, that sometimes something has to give, and destructive spells is a way to power – but since Red appreciates freedom in itself, loosing your self either to religion or a cause, albeit a demonic oppression, that is not very strong. For them Black players are simply pussies, who succumbed to their darker side. Green welcomes the respect of the life and death circle, but not the fanaticism to it. Just as G disliked U for creating Abominations, it also hates B for spamming creatures back to life, who should respect their departure already. Zombies, the unnatural resurrection of dead bodies, while not directly going against the philosophy of the colour of Green, it violates its essence and meaning. How could you even like your greatness, if you have no mind?!

Red is the colour of Passion and Want. You want to savagely and brutally get things done in a straight forward manner. Red has no time to await, until some rule grants it or some ruler. They want to carve their own path, outside of society; law and virtue. Be their own rule with its own good and bad. That's why people normally perceive R players as hasty and foolish Tor's. White loves about R, that their passion knows no bounds, which can even transform to compassion and loving kindness, if given more time and education, what Red players are but reluctant to receive. Especially from W!! W cannot understand, how could you have the right conduct without rules and guidelines... Normally Red creatures being with Haste and unblockable, or without the ability to block themselves, for being focussed to attack. Also first-strike or even double strike. They also like to Trample! But to finish off things quickly, not necessarily that they enjoy it. U loves the freedom of R but sees it also as the unrefined kind, which needs some tweaking to get your things met better. For ambush is not something a Red player likes. Red is like the wind – you lost it at “Don't!” if I would describe it, I would say “White Russian!” or “Vodka”. Black likes the damage what a normal R player is able and even willing to pack – but somehow feels, that not wanting to commit to any kind of leadership is somewhat of a bore... Its the classical Batman versus Joker dilemma. Why be a Vigilante, if you could also have something for you! The thing, that Nietzsche scoffed about in... I believe it was “Genealogy of Morals” The problem is, that R does the damage himself, not summon others to do his bidding. That seems to a black player somewhat silly – not necessarily wrong, if it works, but nevertheless. Green loves the freedom, what allows nature to be. In that Red and Green have the most things together – and the most things apart... When Green would like to envelope everything with Nature, Red could also live in a desert, the absence of Nature!! In that Green feels, that R players are a bit of the Unprodigal Son's of Nature, who have abandoned or just lost the true cause.

Green is the colour of Bread and Butter. It's the most basic colour, a magic player can start, and its recommended that way. Its creatures are either ramping or really big, so you better watch out. If you want something to become better, make it just bigger, more prone to Nature and its life and death circle. For if things are the right way, Mighty Creatures would roam the earth, and the small creatures would be pray, as it should be. The green abilities are obviously Trample and Regenerate; sometimes Life-gain or deathtouch. One thing, what Green players hate, is Flying and pesky artefacts or enchantments getting in the way. Green loves to destroy, what gets in the way. Blanchwood Armor or Giant Growth are the type of spell Green likes to play on you...
while they are not returning something to Nature!
Small creatures having only then the right to be around, if they know, how to live in unison with the Nature. It has Law and Order, what W could like, but the unrefined kind; it has Wisdom and Deceit, like an Hidden Dragon or Crouching Tiger, but not as a goal, but a normal side-effect of being a predator and needing to hunt. Then W wants to preserve the meek, then to a Green meek means Food! You have to stand up for your place in life, or be done with it. Black players can understand the respect, what goes to death but not the orthodoxy what a Green player has in preserving the life and death circle. Green players only understand growth, and that is something, what Black players cannot! Why allow others to grow as well as you – how would that further your cause? U simply sees Green as brute force to be reckoned with, but not to be respected. U wants to learn and gain from Nature – if able, and submitting to a rule of thumb, there a possibly wise but physically weak individual would have to die, is not very pleasing. Green simply is too untamed and inside the box at the same time. U would like to let it out, to test all kinds of possibilities, a normal Green player would refuse to even imagine... Red understands the want to grow and aspire, but not the want to take that very same freedom away from others. In that R rejects both W and G as vehemently as possible. For they both have a Creed, what suffers no lip – although Green has more solutions, how to work around that problem.

The problem dost not arise, with the colour attributes itself, but then you mix two or even three ideas together and get something new. For instance Life link and deathtouch should not exist on the same creature, and yet they do... You shouldn't be able to deny people they right to attack or else this death-toucher bites it and its gone, while also gaining life and possibly beefing something up with it. There are plenty of Enchantments in both B and W, what could do the thing, especially if you also splash G or U into it, what makes a lifelinker convolute. And a 8/8 lifelink death-toucher is not a laughing matter. The other thing what should not exist together, is Flying and Trample! How do you even trample while flying?? Or double strike and indestructible/Hexproof The most issues I have with Hexproof, what should make the creature vanilla and prevent it being even enchanted by your own positive enchantments, but somehow it doesn't work this way... If something can't be targeted, it should be absolute, not just restrictive to one side. All must mean all, not Actually, for that there are other cards that combine with an effect. I don't have problems if a field enchantment says: “You can now enchant or interact with creatures having Hexproof as though, they don't have it.” It's an exception and does not therefore break the rule. But what to do with positively reinforcing a Hexproof creature, what already is special. Probably that was the reason behind the new Ashioks Erasure what combines Enchantments with the Flash effect – the effect to play something at instant speed, while you normally should not be able to, in response of something else. It also gives a target to attack, in order to get your stuff back,... but it can back-fire because of reasons, as pointed out by
It doesn't solve the problem of hexproof creatures being open to your spells, if you now make them open to opponents spells, what could also target itself and deny you the right to get things back. I don't even understand, why since Hostage Taker and Teferi, which can also target itself and create a endless loop, that problem has not been solved. Things with great power, should not be able to target itself. Things what grant 3 wishes should not have an augment with x to have unlimited amount of wishes!! Unless again, you have something in play, what says otherwise, that as long you have that in play, you can ignore that rule. Never ever should there be a way to have spells for free!! If you ravel the gameplay so off the mortal plane, its very blue, but also condescending. Why should others agree to it. For the same reason, there should be a mana-limit how much you can spend on a given turn, regardless of lands and else. I have seen way too many decks there people spend 100+ mana to have ridiculous effects with cards, what there not meant to be used that way, but still could.
I'm not against those thoughts and players, but Wizards neglect in dealing with them. In a way they are silly-funny to behold, as long they don't happen to you. There should be a limit how much creatures, even token-creatures can be in game. I think the figure 20 is more than enough... 10 creatures + 10 token-creatures. Sometimes it feels, like Wizards of the Coast only care about money, and not how their product performs lore-wise; mechanically or at all. If the game only vaguely respects the main-principles of different colour attributes, its not fun anymore. Thank you for participating in my Ye Olde Daily Rant. PS thoughts and suggestions are more than welcome.