Wednesday, November 13, 2019


Get shipped by the long whip of the show;
south-paw hooking up with the "Hazemaker".
Put up on Youtube to gif the bitch down the Manhole.
Something about Alice going to visit a pervy Hare;
speaking of splicing hairs for manaburns and Smithers
the new renamed chocolated bullshit batons for the E-wokation.
Ewoks and other Star wars races approve this virtuous signaling.

I flare well, to be Orwellian, to spit inside your wishing well;
as my How do you do, was answered by Cpt. Howdy, corrupted
a young female, for not spelling LGBTQ on her board of conscience!
Those, who never were at war, must now be werewared and wolfed in;
for if you don't howl with them, you're Garruk, of the Wild Huntsman Brigade.
WHB has been reported by checked angry news-bullets, to be in league with Zarathustra!!
If you should ever encounter Him coming down the High-Mountain resort, report asap...

There is no room for Him, as theirs have left the guilding to NPC algoritms;
rhapsody in Dune to see some worms play Armageddon and Booby Trap
Duke Nukem to be mated with Jax to have a more diverse retroactive comotion.
The White Whale carcas being assailed by peasants at Caracas, to fathom the booty;
her rimp body never loved somebody more Sundays, as Wednesday could abjure...
Fake germans opening their gurmans slideshow to torture french shefs with
formaldehyde formalities, encased in Jaccobite soundwaves and midi captions.

Marat' was on the T-shirt, misgendered and unstabbed -- the bath tube photoshopped
into a phonebooth, while adding a proton pack and a Gremlin on the siluette for reference.
Geniuses left out of the bottleneck hanged themselves at the borderline of Madness...
Being historically acurate, has never been a thing for revolutionaries, who reinvent
the rupture of the first Communist into Martyrdom, as their handmaids bring them their lunch!!
How many black butlers takes it, to haul a Socialist close enough to a lightbulb,
so armed with a hammer and a sickle, he could amend the problem of disenlightenment?

The Berzerking Haze was at it again, and got a ticket for violating the Img- limit
and had to format all its jpg into Gif. The loss in color authenticity was nobodies business!!
Ex-Stacy offered to meet up with the next Abismal Genius, to gaze into oblivion
playing centi-Metal and deci-Minal subliminal Sully's to smoulder over the opositions lip.
I hipped a huray on a gunslingers shitpeace to graze encrazed Lunarios mooning Pocahontas.
Winntetou promised to buy green frogskins and be more democrat, but Good Indians end up...
Joe'd -- G.I.J's end up as obituaries in strange philosophical manuscripts, nobody reeds...

Samaritans can agree, while helping out somebody on the road to Jericko; the firstborn
had to pay for the founding of "Help Now" initiative and the youngest son for the digitation
onto a childfriendly Network. Most Pharisee's and Sodokite agreed, that personal holyness
and going to the church was far more important, than "Help Now" -- who knows,
it could have been a white dwarf, an unholy coalition fruit from Galadriel and a stocky Gimly!
That can't be helped, so let us assume a prenatal position, and pretend the floor is Havanna...
Casa Blanca and Cosa Nostra are also ok, as long you dont mar it with the infidel sign...