Wednesday, November 13, 2019

On the Nature of Good and Evil

What does it really mean, if you talk about Good and Evil? Not just about doing something right or wrong but having a metaphysical entity about itself. Nietzsche, the one who was never very prone to thinking about alternate dimensions or personalities, because such thought is not very rewarding to a person, who wants to achieve real tangible things in this world. Why create a Cathedral, for instance, what takes three generations to build, then the fourth will reap the rewards? What's in it for the first, second and third. A thank you in the after life and a jolley good feeling? That's not very much to look forward to... How ever that is not there the problem ends. How do you even define Good i. e. God and Evil i. e. Devil? You can say, that we have the scripture, but there exactly lies the problem. "We" don't "Have" the scripture -- only if "We" accept the scripture as Truthful and the Way to God and the path with its own unique Guidelines, we "Have" it!! If "We" reject it, makes us automatically the "Advercary" for daring to challenge the narrative. You can't even approach the topic, without being indoctrinated into the pro or contra side. Even if you somewhat try to claim neutrality in Science, it wont work, because of the persecutions such people have received prior; because of the ambitions every scientist has per se, and in assuming funding; and because nobody is a blank slate, without their interverence from family; friends; neighbours; wife; children; work etc.

There is nothing more aggrevating, than having Values! To be more precise, in a soccer match, there are two sides. Mostly only one side can win, because draws are boring. But in real life, sometimes draws are really essencial to every day life. There are times, then Mercy triumphs over Law -- and while at first glance, it doesn't appear to obscure the ancient battle between Good and Evil, the problem immediately arises.

Then a Law gets defeated, its not simply the problem, that the zealot couldn't reaffirm his condemnation over somebody and lost credibility; respect in the process. That is also important, but irrelevant at the time being. Exceptions make it possible to perceive things differently, what requires "thinking" -- and that can result in unorthodox circumstances. If things can be solved differently, like on the issue of kosher food, when Jesus said: "There is nothing from without a man, that entering into him can defile him: but the things which come out of him, those are they that defile the man." Mark 7:15 calling all food pure, but if all food is pure, why mind about how its been made, or even there it was prior, to the point, there some people thought, it would be ok to eat meat, what was previously offered to false idols, putting the faith of the weaker follower at risk.(1Co 10)

Good and Evil start to matter the most, then ambivalence and nihilism come to play. For Good and Evil, life is monochrome and either this or that. Even Jesus said, then something is not Yes Yes or No No, its evil -- because things must be clearcut to avoid controvercy and confusion. What to do with a world, there are too many values, or seemingly no value at all? St Paul nocked at it, with his famous quote to be worshiping the unknown God, who's altar he found amongst all the other pagan sites, what was built just in case, lest to anger any potential deity with negligence. How do you say to your child, that he should eat his porridge or your coworker, that something should be done in a particular way, then there is no ruler, with which to measure, what ought to be done. Nietzsche claims not to believe in metaphysics, but citing, that the world needs Heroes or how he names em: "Supermen" the whimsical question presents itself -- Why exactly should we believe Nietzsches insight to be true, that we need em? If there is an abundance of values or no values at all, why should we give a fuck, if yet another preacher proclaims his sorrow-drowned God? The moment, you detach yourself from any value, and asume zero gravity and perception of space itself, what makes you great anything from nothing, while your mind is afloat over it? Why should you do that gargantuan effort, just to reach Value-Town and be either Good or Evil? In that sense a demagogue and zealot at least has something, while the nihilistic philosophy knows painstakingly all too well, of not even having nothing. Because his existential calamity is at the very least something. His anxiety and distortion from the status quo, what doesn't let him believe, like Descartes: "God is a Gentleman and dost not cheat!"

No, Good and Evil define much more, than simply the advercity between God and Devil! Its the difference being efficient and proactive. People encounter it, then they read MTG cards and fuss about their goodness or wickedness. What do Evil cards have in common. They are somewhat shorted out, for they seem to leave the B and C out, while going from A to D - sometimes they go straight from A to O like using a wormhole creating 0-inteference loopholes and breaking sound barriers. Morality and psychology also have such boundaries, what can break the psyche when you travel at a certain pace -- you can travel much slower and be a holyman or travel much faster and be a trickster -- but if you travel at that excact pace, bad things shall happen to you, and the fabric of your very reality will collapse.

In a way Nietzsche and Akutagawa both encountered this phenomenon in their writings, talking with Good and Evil. What does it really mean, then you argue about values, and they are not in some intangible Platonic never-realm locked away from mortal enterprice? Ask any programmer, what it means, then  the internet would be spread-sheet commanded, and any free loader, given he could find that file, could omit it, and thus change the rules, by which the internet would operate. That's a scary thought to contemplate and a lot of power in ones hands. Now imagine the same, but on reality itself -- there you decide how the walls are drawn, what defines the very Tabula Rasa, what shall hold all information, formulated in your New World? What does it mean, to talk about Good and Evil; right and wrong, in such circumstance? There would be the values, what should prevent you to go berzerk and for instance rewrite a 1001 female characters to make your own personalized harem! Only sky and Event Horizon is the limit, if you can vager over Good and Evil. I believe, that was the thought, that drove those previous mentioned Great Thinkers Mad!! How do you escape the embrace of Oblivion, to want something great, over what? -- What should ensalt and envalue your flavour, to say unto you, that it is Good, like God said, while creating the World? That is here the question...

Good cards are the ones, what allow you enjoy the game, because they make more combinations and play styles possible. That in effect forces people to think, and thinking is painful, for you could be defeated in that. Wouldn't it be better, then somebody else would do it for you - either to exalt you into an angelic being, who is like the sword and shield of God, or who is like the spawn of Hell, doing what ever the devil whispers in his ear! Having no free will, makes so many things overtly easier. the first thing what goes amiss, is pain and anxiety. If you have no free will, you don't suffer, for not finding a decition inside your Ego, because it dost not exist. Controvercially the scriptures also advice to cramp down on Ego!! Even being perverted requires to heed one set of logic and motions, while ignoring another set. A chainsmoker has to plan ahead, to be able to afford his every day fix. It's not an easy task, for us who don't suffer underneath its cluches, to even contemplate, what riggors it takes. The same goes with any effort or value. But stating, that any of it is not important, because there are too many values or none at all -- or that there is no metaphysical plane for those values, for only the here and now exists. In that thing Nietzsche shot way over his head and was dead wrong! If there was no Good and Evil on that sense, why even have this conversation, but to assume the life expectancy of a bacteria, and just grind in birth-eat-fuck-shit-hibernate-die endless tape! Why even bother with anything in this world, if you can't break the 4th wall into something More, what takes drug induced haze to even achieve? Why ever come back from it, like the rat of Pavlov, then no metaphysical exists but our own mortality in the physical plane. What does it make us different, compared to a mammal?

We need Good and Evil, because our mind needs it to focus on something. To challenge itself, like with 3rd person talk and thinking, what was previously impossible. In the future, people will be able to think in multible personal dimension or with multi-nihilistic impersonal dimesnsions. It may not make much sense now, but it will become. All that open new borderlines and moralities, what to do and what not to do... There can't be no free will or course of action, if our attribute knowledge about Good and Evil dost not enhance. For that defines, if we see something as a door and a safe passage, or as a ravine and a perilous journey.

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