Monday, November 4, 2019

On the nature of MTG cards and colour attributes.

What does make a MTG card? What are colours? Lets delve into the realm of Magic the Gathering. Googling it, brought this straight forward response. White (W) – The colour of Justice; Blue (U) – The colour of Wisdom; Black (B) – The colour of Ambition; Red ® - The colour of Chaos and Green (G) – The colour of Nature. While I agree with W and U, I somehow feel, that this explanation has mixed R and B. This can happen, because people see ambition and chaos in an ambivalent way. One Man's poison is other Man's remedy...

At it describes W as Life and Justice; U as Mindful and Manipulative; B as Deadly and Evil; R as Powerful and Destructive; G as Massive and Expanding. It also gives a lot of useless insight, what confuses, like inability to name a single example of a typical White spell or Creature.

So lets start from the beginning. Magic has 5 colours + one for colourless, so you could better pay the mana-costs. It will always be specific attribute + some amount of colourless, which indicates, tap what ever valid land-source creating mana. There are other forms of payment, like subtracting your life total or discarding; sacrificing; exiling cards etc. but right now we are talking about the foundations of MTG.

How would I describe to a newbie, what the different colours are all about. I would take the previous scoffed example, and elaborate it a little bit:

White, is the colour of Law and Order, ascribing to get things done through a single Champion. Not always are white champions the heavy hitters of the playing field, like Beloved Princess or do they use straight forward spells, what attack outright, like Settle the Wreckage, but they can also be big with Lifelink; Vigilance or some other ability, what allows to control the playing field... mostly it will be flying Angels or Vigilant Knights. Why didn't I like the word Justice? Because, again – people perceive it differently! A Control player understands justice quite differently from a aggro or mid-range late gamer. People however understand, what Law and Order are – that you can be on either side of them and still be right or wrong, because there are a lot of nations; assumptions; cultures; creeds – there must be a lot of Laws and Orders, what contradict or add to each-other... A Person, who loves a sound wine-culture, dost not understand somebody, who never drinks and sees drinking as sinful and vice-versa...

As such, the other colours can agree to W philosophy, or disagree to it. For instance U loves Wisdom, so a Lawful Orderly environment is perfect for that. It just doesn't like the level of paranoid control, what goes with the Champion cult of W. As said before, W is about one guy saving the day. The best example for it is Ajani's Pridemate.
This card, that aggravates many a player, for there are so many abilities, what allow to gain life every turn begins; or when a creature enters/leaves play; attacks blocks etc. White is about life-gain and stalling. While you gain life, your small creature becomes big. That feels kinda stupid for a common Blue player, who mostly see themselves as smarty wizards and not a Jolly Gallivanter on a jousting match. B also likes Law and Order; He even likes Death and Taxes, but quite literally and not in a metaphorical way. A normal Black player dost not understand, why White players are so stuck on preserving their life-totals and creatures in play – and God forbid, if they can't have it, for then they normally wipe the entire board. The concept of “Nobel sacrifice” is foreign to Black. Why have a reason to do something, then you can simply do something, because you want it, and can somewhat afford to have it? Just sack a former friend or something on you, what is precious, and knock yourself out! R understands, that might makes right, and Champions need to be – but not in an orderly fashion. White is too reserved for a Red player, because it works too much together with others, and dost not rely on its own power. G understands life-gain as a way and convoluting your creatures, but somewhat feels also oppressed on the bossy attitude a regular White player possesses.

Blue is the colour of Cunning and Deceit. Its the way of the trickster. If a rule says do this and that, they say “Actually – you didn't say please!!”
Then others play creatures normally, they Flash them:
sometimes it's to get a blocker or have an effect put on a stack, before something else resolves. A normal blue creature can vary from big to small, but normally they work in tricky ways, by tapping your or opponents creatures; bouncing cards from the table etc.
It's the colour of Water; Sphinxes and Mysteries. The normal abilities are Flying; Flash and Scry (or some other draw effect) Blue also likes to stall, then it suits their needs and agenda of pursuing their understanding of Knowledge and Wisdom. Because of that, as described before – both like Law and Order – White feels, that U is cheating!! You're supposed to circumvent actions not laws itself! This fluidity, there nothing is set in stone, drives a normal W player nuts. Black understands the necessity of seeking new horizons, but not the want to shield yourself from damage. In that, a Black player also thinks, that U is cheating, but for other reasons. For trying to avoid the ultimate cost – death! There is something unnerving for a U player to be … mortal and having to give up on your gathered knowledge, once you depart. R thinks, that U is a cheater, because they even more so, than W avoid the real outcome of a battle. Still Red players agree, that you cannot have anything, without freedom of Will and Power! Green loves to convolute and grow/rebirth – so anybody allowing that is their friend... however, they also think that U cheats the circle of life, making abominations, what would not come to life in normal circumstances... To Green, Blue is a bit unorthodox and untrustworthy!

Black, the colour of Death and Taxes. I don't know, how else better describe it. You want some, pay up and you can have some. Kuro's taken makes it the most clear, what black stands for:
Just look at the flavour text “Simple bargains are the most tempting; Oni bargains are the simplest of all – eternal life, for eternal service.” It just nails it... And the fact that you can regenerate Kuro's taken ad nauseam to escape death this way. But it's not free – pay some, to get some! How much can you tax yourself; your social life and possessions to have your goals met? In that a Black could be a pretty darn lawful agent, if that is his modus operandi. The normal abilities of black creatures are Deathtouch; Menace and costing you something every turn, unless you have some other means of payment.
Gutwrencher Oni forces you to discard a card every beginning of a turn, unless you control an Ogre worshipping that demon. It can't be negotiated and is the reason why W players think B players are insane. They would never pay such a ludicrous cost!! And they like to mop the floor with their opponents and trampling over them... Also something a White player dost not understand. Black players love discarding so much, that sometimes they offer it to you as well: Have some Mind Rot!
or bring a card into play what forces to discard cards. In that they appeal to the soul of U players, who like to play tricks on their opponents. But not for sports. Blue players like innocent pranks, then a typical Black player enjoys the Shadenfreude; Killfrenzy and Overkill of things, just to pleasure themselves with something. That's why White players think Black players are Decadent Frivolous Sycophants; while Blue players also add, that they are just terribly ignorant, in understanding, what really matters in life. Red agrees, that sometimes something has to give, and destructive spells is a way to power – but since Red appreciates freedom in itself, loosing your self either to religion or a cause, albeit a demonic oppression, that is not very strong. For them Black players are simply pussies, who succumbed to their darker side. Green welcomes the respect of the life and death circle, but not the fanaticism to it. Just as G disliked U for creating Abominations, it also hates B for spamming creatures back to life, who should respect their departure already. Zombies, the unnatural resurrection of dead bodies, while not directly going against the philosophy of the colour of Green, it violates its essence and meaning. How could you even like your greatness, if you have no mind?!

Red is the colour of Passion and Want. You want to savagely and brutally get things done in a straight forward manner. Red has no time to await, until some rule grants it or some ruler. They want to carve their own path, outside of society; law and virtue. Be their own rule with its own good and bad. That's why people normally perceive R players as hasty and foolish Tor's. White loves about R, that their passion knows no bounds, which can even transform to compassion and loving kindness, if given more time and education, what Red players are but reluctant to receive. Especially from W!! W cannot understand, how could you have the right conduct without rules and guidelines... Normally Red creatures being with Haste and unblockable, or without the ability to block themselves, for being focussed to attack. Also first-strike or even double strike. They also like to Trample! But to finish off things quickly, not necessarily that they enjoy it. U loves the freedom of R but sees it also as the unrefined kind, which needs some tweaking to get your things met better. For ambush is not something a Red player likes. Red is like the wind – you lost it at “Don't!” if I would describe it, I would say “White Russian!” or “Vodka”. Black likes the damage what a normal R player is able and even willing to pack – but somehow feels, that not wanting to commit to any kind of leadership is somewhat of a bore... Its the classical Batman versus Joker dilemma. Why be a Vigilante, if you could also have something for you! The thing, that Nietzsche scoffed about in... I believe it was “Genealogy of Morals” The problem is, that R does the damage himself, not summon others to do his bidding. That seems to a black player somewhat silly – not necessarily wrong, if it works, but nevertheless. Green loves the freedom, what allows nature to be. In that Red and Green have the most things together – and the most things apart... When Green would like to envelope everything with Nature, Red could also live in a desert, the absence of Nature!! In that Green feels, that R players are a bit of the Unprodigal Son's of Nature, who have abandoned or just lost the true cause.

Green is the colour of Bread and Butter. It's the most basic colour, a magic player can start, and its recommended that way. Its creatures are either ramping or really big, so you better watch out. If you want something to become better, make it just bigger, more prone to Nature and its life and death circle. For if things are the right way, Mighty Creatures would roam the earth, and the small creatures would be pray, as it should be. The green abilities are obviously Trample and Regenerate; sometimes Life-gain or deathtouch. One thing, what Green players hate, is Flying and pesky artefacts or enchantments getting in the way. Green loves to destroy, what gets in the way. Blanchwood Armor or Giant Growth are the type of spell Green likes to play on you...
while they are not returning something to Nature!
Small creatures having only then the right to be around, if they know, how to live in unison with the Nature. It has Law and Order, what W could like, but the unrefined kind; it has Wisdom and Deceit, like an Hidden Dragon or Crouching Tiger, but not as a goal, but a normal side-effect of being a predator and needing to hunt. Then W wants to preserve the meek, then to a Green meek means Food! You have to stand up for your place in life, or be done with it. Black players can understand the respect, what goes to death but not the orthodoxy what a Green player has in preserving the life and death circle. Green players only understand growth, and that is something, what Black players cannot! Why allow others to grow as well as you – how would that further your cause? U simply sees Green as brute force to be reckoned with, but not to be respected. U wants to learn and gain from Nature – if able, and submitting to a rule of thumb, there a possibly wise but physically weak individual would have to die, is not very pleasing. Green simply is too untamed and inside the box at the same time. U would like to let it out, to test all kinds of possibilities, a normal Green player would refuse to even imagine... Red understands the want to grow and aspire, but not the want to take that very same freedom away from others. In that R rejects both W and G as vehemently as possible. For they both have a Creed, what suffers no lip – although Green has more solutions, how to work around that problem.

The problem dost not arise, with the colour attributes itself, but then you mix two or even three ideas together and get something new. For instance Life link and deathtouch should not exist on the same creature, and yet they do... You shouldn't be able to deny people they right to attack or else this death-toucher bites it and its gone, while also gaining life and possibly beefing something up with it. There are plenty of Enchantments in both B and W, what could do the thing, especially if you also splash G or U into it, what makes a lifelinker convolute. And a 8/8 lifelink death-toucher is not a laughing matter. The other thing what should not exist together, is Flying and Trample! How do you even trample while flying?? Or double strike and indestructible/Hexproof The most issues I have with Hexproof, what should make the creature vanilla and prevent it being even enchanted by your own positive enchantments, but somehow it doesn't work this way... If something can't be targeted, it should be absolute, not just restrictive to one side. All must mean all, not Actually, for that there are other cards that combine with an effect. I don't have problems if a field enchantment says: “You can now enchant or interact with creatures having Hexproof as though, they don't have it.” It's an exception and does not therefore break the rule. But what to do with positively reinforcing a Hexproof creature, what already is special. Probably that was the reason behind the new Ashioks Erasure what combines Enchantments with the Flash effect – the effect to play something at instant speed, while you normally should not be able to, in response of something else. It also gives a target to attack, in order to get your stuff back,... but it can back-fire because of reasons, as pointed out by
It doesn't solve the problem of hexproof creatures being open to your spells, if you now make them open to opponents spells, what could also target itself and deny you the right to get things back. I don't even understand, why since Hostage Taker and Teferi, which can also target itself and create a endless loop, that problem has not been solved. Things with great power, should not be able to target itself. Things what grant 3 wishes should not have an augment with x to have unlimited amount of wishes!! Unless again, you have something in play, what says otherwise, that as long you have that in play, you can ignore that rule. Never ever should there be a way to have spells for free!! If you ravel the gameplay so off the mortal plane, its very blue, but also condescending. Why should others agree to it. For the same reason, there should be a mana-limit how much you can spend on a given turn, regardless of lands and else. I have seen way too many decks there people spend 100+ mana to have ridiculous effects with cards, what there not meant to be used that way, but still could.
I'm not against those thoughts and players, but Wizards neglect in dealing with them. In a way they are silly-funny to behold, as long they don't happen to you. There should be a limit how much creatures, even token-creatures can be in game. I think the figure 20 is more than enough... 10 creatures + 10 token-creatures. Sometimes it feels, like Wizards of the Coast only care about money, and not how their product performs lore-wise; mechanically or at all. If the game only vaguely respects the main-principles of different colour attributes, its not fun anymore. Thank you for participating in my Ye Olde Daily Rant. PS thoughts and suggestions are more than welcome.

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