Saturday, August 24, 2019


Don't ascend onto a mountain, if hating
to descend into a glen or get your thumb wet.
Even the silverlined clowds carry raindrops;
the brightest summers days, carry bittersweet
foreshadows to remorse on your prevails...

If you can't build a kingdom for the flies;
dost court for ships around the hillgiants!
The Good Graces dost not like to be marred
as a state of marriage, then discarded as puny;
intended to be the bragging right in some tavern...

Your mirror is empty, so should be your cup.
Your chimny is empty, so should be your mind.
Your house is empty, so should be your want.
Your anger is full -- thus it craves for blood;
your outrage is pregnant of vengeance, thus breeds death!

Be vary of things what want to season other things.
While loving-kindness is the better form of kindness;
insanity is not the better form of sanity!!
Always know what you add, subtract and multiply;
also your intent and outcome as you divide and encounter.

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