Monday, October 24, 2016

Deal with it

When your life's on a button raise
all the other players like the joker.
You're full of regrets as booze in a haze
Your mind goes for a raze
while your stocks don't want any broker.
Thoughts running like rats in a maze…

When you get dealt like under the deck;
the ship sets sail and is water-bound.
You're feeling discouraged like a mental wreck.
All your friends are forsaking you: “What the heck?”
You feel like Hell staring at the gates hound
and you have no meat – not even a speck…

When your in need for a chip
but the bullies on you are all-in.
You're not from their block and not feeling hip
They all glare at you like lashing a whip
how can you go on for the win?
And you don't know who to trust and to ship…

Deal with it for folders never win;
deal with it and have your solemn grin;
deal with it, raise up your broken chin –
that's what it means to be alive
and raise your banner on them

When you're all alone in the dark
trying to read the bluff from the blind.
No memories and happy dreams – no spark.
You feel like a raven between Nightingale and Carl Lark.
Your stats from others so far behind
and the wood in the chimney barks…

When you lost the game and are out;
all looks are still on the table and not on you.
Nothing to feel posh and stout
the throat is dry like Sahara – no shout
to farewell and come back later to boon
for you've exceeded the maximum amount!

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