Friday, October 21, 2016

Don't save me from darkness

Roses are black violets untrue;
violently pushing my grudge into smiles.
It's suit and tie and more sticky rules
but the hand is not talked back while on blues
and the wind blows me gales.

The moon is shining – I'm stuck like on glue;
bewildered and beguiled falling like a tile.
Still not saying a word not leaving a clue.
Crumbling form inside and smothering like cur.
Haven't seen the light for a while…

Angels fly in the sky and demons on the ground roam;
My heart is like a train what jumped for the ravine a mile.
The brain gives up like dissipating foam;
guts like slivering snakes in the dark groan…
I guess I broke a nail or some tooth so pass me the file…

Blind in my patient solitaire in solitude I moan
Oh the pain – cutting the cords – why wont you die.
Its getting dark already the time is getting slow;
waiting for the warden to strike the final blow
pushing up daisies with a pose for high fives…

Forgetting the happy days to get over with that loaf
the meat is tender and the taste is rather shy.
Go away – you miserable decrepit oaf –
who shall love the lore of a bearded goat?
Judging from a characters merry lullaby…

Snuffing a prayer while searching on styx a boat:
When there can't be a win don't let it be a tie –
stalemates are solemn but don't make me gloat;
please don't leave me in darkness to rot
or just kill it already – yours truly a lowly fly…

Don't need friendships – that sunk like a stout:
the bottle came from Titanic and there goes the bye.
Don't come panting for your words reroute
That's not what its about? What is a bout?!
True colors ain't ugly a no is just fine…

Don't need pity – I got that cake in the lot;
Its yours and not mine; yours and not mine -
the last deadly kiss what I poisonously got…
Oh God, it tasted so good to will not.
So don't hold on to my darkened shine!

Let it go; let go of the foxes trot!
Poison Ivy's are gushing through my veins
my skeleton like a deer-licked grotto,
but there is no salt – so don't stutter.
Like love like war no booty as you is such gain…

Blowing a whistle and drinking my last shot:
Don't save me from darkness, for you are the same.
Like a cord tied to a noose with a knot;
just hang me out for the ravens to have a chat,
don't worry the tears, for soon they'll forgot

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