Monday, October 24, 2016

Pray for good night

Oh my Goddess, so full of fairy light
stepping on the stairs of Heaven and Hell
so fair and so silent merry as the darkness in night
be mine so I might be your guardian angel and fight.
To whisper you my sorrows and tales to tell.
If your lips could speak, but for one spell
just pray for good night!

My nightmare and despair to blight
so spicy like con carne – I hear the mourning bell.
I don't care if its wrong – you're so right,
my demon to snatch and have a flight.
Let's saddle the horses and farewell -
if I had a coin and known a wishing well…
just pray for good night!

My pain and sorrow in the rain to rite
amass the dead crowds for the mass in a shell.
So rusty is the sword and gnawed is the kite
but you could mend it together and have a smite
on the calamity in my soul to ease the smell
of rotting flesh what longs for a bite…
just pray for good night!

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