Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Confessions of a depressed mind

People constantly crave attention, because they need to be with somebody or some community. While for a normal person who has normal likes and dislikes; who acts average, there is no sweat to fit in and form your image of self. Because we are what we eat. Either the friends we hang out with, tell something about us; or the music we're listening to; or the places we go or books we read. Its all like food. If the food is rotten or you eat too much, you get sick. That's why people want sometimes alone time. Not because they hate, but because they stuffed of emotions, like a person who just ate a succulent 7 course meal, can't even suffer to eat a grape without feeling the urge to vomit.
A satisfied soul loathes the honeycomb, But to a hungry soul every bitter thing is sweet.” Pro 27:7
It's very easy to feel satisfied, then you fit in. Picture a table, and you are sitting behind it. It's filled with the choicest of foods and you can eat all of them. Is this the life or what? Seems like Heaven! A depressed mind sees the same table, only with one alteration. All the foods are labeled with the wrong name – namely, that they don't belong to you and having a price tag, what you're unable to pay. This is the reason, why a depressed mind feels so alone like stranded on a desolate island, though his parents and friends and classmates keep constantly reminding to him, that he is so deeply loved and cared. He sees it but also sees the price tag that this love doesn't belong to him.
Lets take the Christianity for instance. People always claim its too easy to get into Christianity… Hell, what do they mean by that? It took me 15 years to get converted, does that sound easy?! Do they mean, that wearing a cross makes you a christian – satanists also wear crosses made of silver, so – nah! Just like a gentleman is not necessarily a gent; a knight of some kind; a lord. It means simply, that he is a man in the community, worthy of respect, but not what the word means. The same is to call somebody a Christian. It doesn't even mean what it should be. Are all boys, who's first name is Kristjan; Christian; Risto; Christopher; etc. so Christian, is this the truth? Most of them are just posing to be, not really what they claim to be. Do they know Christ in their life?
I think its to crave for attention, to be like that. It's like wearing your favorite T-shirt while not knowing what the picture is saying. Hippies wearing the rune of death – and calling it peace. Well its really peaceful in the cemetery. I so love my sarcastic side…
To come back to entering Christendom, because in order to become a Christian, one must be accepted by the community as such. So what should a curious boy do there. Read the bible? Ok!
It's all cool, then you're born in a nice posh healthy family, there you have your mommy and daddy happily married and paying their taxes in church and state and being the stalwart guardians of your city; your probably baptized on child-birth and already in. You know where you are and where you're going coas' all your family members have been the same for 7 generations, so what could go wrong there… only if you don't wanna fit in there, but that's not my point, coas' I wanna talk about my life. Am so elegant of an Egotist.
I didn't know my father, coas' he dumped my mother on early time, coas' he couldn't take her having an abortion on the third child, who would have been a daughter, while birthing me and my liddle brother. All that because my father had bad genes and was a coward to stand up for his wife when the doctors kept harassing her with horror-stories of retarded children she would beget. Because she married the wrong guy… It was all too easy to blame it on the girl in sick-bed who had an abortion and was close to a suicide who you didn't support and encourage. Indeed, really good show of manly courage…
Or then he started to booze and hang out with friends because, his Father and Mother-in-law didn't love him for living at their place like a hobo and not working much or doing anything except being drunk and being married with their daughter… Really, that's a number one dad to be proud off!
That's really the environment to get into church, then your grandparents are Lutherans and haven't even baptized their children, not to mention considered that on you or having you obtain Christian education. But you get “the name” – while being constantly verbal abused by your grandfather as a “monster” because uh no, you're born a bastard. Because your dad was drunk and couldn't propose before he fucked his 19 year old gorgeous chick on prom-night pregnant and had take up responsibility he never even wanted. That's what I call onehitkill on Elona shooter. He could have used a condom. Maybe he forgot?
Try then entering a church, then all the people there know this of you. Not so easy anymore? Feeling a liddle bit ashamed? Then it comes a real effort to pull up your “keep-smile” and talk to adults who's emotions and mind you are able to read like an open book, and try to fit in. Then it becomes like gasping for a sip of air while drowning in the streaming currents of a river, panting your heads pellmell in every angle and direction to get something to grab and hold onto. And then this kind of an adult or even teenager there says: “I love you!” You look at his/ her perfectly healthy life and smile and teeth and everything and grin back: “Whatever you say bitch, whatever you say...” even if you manage to pull up some nice words, that's what I liked to say…
You can't feel the “I love U” if you're not engulfed with it having the love this person is talking about around and inside of you being the same as he/she is. Because, if you are different, it feels like being offered a rhetorical approach there you know, you can't say yes, but have to say politely: “No, thank you!” for it was never meant for you, but the political correctness forced them to offer you.
This is how I'm constantly feeling in my crowds, like I don't belong, calling myself a white liddle raven – or Walgekaaren1 in Estonian. How can a bastard know God? He was already wrongly conceived!! Being in a family what doesn't go to church… To make things worse, I have a natural level of curiosity. Then normal boys are shy as children and don't try to talk or follow strangers on the streets, than I didn't mind. That kept my mom always on the brink of mental collapse to watch me that I wouldn't end up with the wrong kind of adults… while being so super shy, that I don't relate or talk much to real people in the real world who could be of my age and relate to me to form bonds. I like to make my own friends in my own mind in my own image, because such friends can never betray you, or hurt your feelings. Unless you into BDSM and feel like it. I always live in my own mind in my own world, where I am god and nobody else. Because I couldn't change my life and stop my parents in hurting eachother and divorcing. It still pains me to see my mother in such mental state of pride and hybris, to not admit, she's hurt and saying her “I'm fine's and Ok's” She still wont age, and looks like a 28 year old nymph, while being 54 or something. What ever…
I don't even know how pretty she must have been, before she met my dad…
Anyway, to come back to the topic. Being so criminally blond and curious I ended up in whitch-craft doing all the Taro card readings; and I-chings; and Runic meditations; Trans-zen and zen meditations, while reading Daoteching; Bhagavadgita and the Bible. I am a sucker for good literature. Can't say no to wisdom, whatever it is. And when you meet such quotes in the bible, where it says:
You shall not permit a sorceress to live.” Exo 22:18 “You shall not make for yourself a carved image—any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth...” Exo 20:4 “But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” Mat 5:28
What shall you do, if you're the friendly kind though pushing people away and have yourself done the wrong things and painting pictures or writing stuff is already wrong in the eyes of the bible! How to kill the witch then he sits in your own heart? How to live a Christian life, while being able to talk to spirits and stuff? Can you relate to anybody in this state, then they keep telling you: “There is no boogeyman under your closet; inside your wardrobe; in your room; no dark presence no nothing, just a bad dream! Grow up!!” And then you find out that the previous owner of that apartment offed himself and your room is just about there he did that… Really nice to chill then and have a good nights sleep. While having cited the Enochian keys of the Satanic bible as a teenager there. Really nice to sleep there… How to be a Christian then, if you are not even baptized yet?
You start to trust some adults, because they are so nice and smart and know stuff in the bible and you want to belong… and when you're there already, you see the same adult claim: “I don't have to go to church and listen to somebodies Sermon to know how to read the bible; I don't have the time or the excess of money to waste on gasoline to come there every Sunday!” Really nice indeed how adults relate towards each-other while being Christian, really nice indeed.
Shouldn't that sting a bit, if the target hears that? That his Sermons are so bad, that aren't even worth a 15 minute drive to the church on Sunday. When a teenager says that to another, than he gets scolded for not respecting the others feelings and gets cited til kingdom come for being a bad Christian. But an adult can do that. And then they have the audacity to whine: “Oh why, God, Why are you hating us so bad?! Send us a prophet and we shall repent!! Send us an awakening!” And Jesus looks upon them and sends 47! I repeat 47 street-kids of the jitterbugger kind there and the church says: “Hell no! You shall not pass!! Not with those clothes and hoodies and music and stuff. Grow up and get some style and smarts first!!” And the teenagers shake their shoulders and roll their eyes and say: “If you say so!” and go back vence they came from.
But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea.” Mat 18:6
And Jesus gets pissed and starts to swear and curse:For I say to you that none of those men who were invited shall taste my supper. ” Luke 14:24 Really nice indeed adults, so very Christian.
Really, its the prophet they need and not a CAT scan on their brains. Sigh gasp growl. I'm so mean.
I was the right hand man of the youth pastor who took care of those kids and it really hurt then I was overruled by majority to send them back… Now even the youth pastor is not in our church anymore; not the guy who put up the web page and managed it and works in a radio station. Everybody is dishing this church, but still their praying that. Oh the ignorance of being in folly and not knowing what forces you're toying with…
Why should Jesus care about them Christians, if they are like that? Why shouldn't Jesus instead send out his ravens to find a witch; a gay; a harlot; to bless and sooth them; to cheer them up, so he that raven could present them to Heaven as they are just now, to humiliate the highborns who didnt give honor to God.
For in real. I've been so long in google+ chating with people and their conduct is so very Sermon of the Mount; so becoming of true ardent Holyness I have never witnessed among Christians… All those teenagers who are gay; lesbian; trans; by; feminist etc. Normally they couldn't even enter a church and would run there out sobbing. But I feel it in my heart. Jesus really loves them! They all shall be in Heaven one day… How they relate to friends and cheer them up and talk silly and get mad and then get along again. Yes, so holy and worthy of praise indeed. This is how true Christian worship and friendship should look like, and not like in my church as I mentioned…
To think of how distraught I was on the second of february then my girlfriend dumped me with a text saying she's got another one. And She was my first kiss. I never got so far with any girl. God I still can feel her lips on mine; smell her cent of hair and long for her body to be next to mine, like we cuddled standing on that street after our first date, then that kiss happened. I still read that text, unable to delete it. I'm such an emo sucker. And then I got added by Yongyeon in google+ and watched his site of full nudes. Seriously dude, get a life! Scrolling through the nudes of broken girls and feeling the same, never wanting to date any of them, coas' they so messed up and I think of myself better. All their eyes staring at me, like they could see me and relate to me, but I do the cool act and don't wanna know of it. I could only like three posts in that cite, what weren't nudes, thinking what kind of a Kitsune Hime2 drama queen owns that site… So I got curious and started adding him back and his friends to see what will come out of it to get my thoughts away of my girlfriend. Though it doesn't work too well, its at least something. It's not so depressing. Ah by the way. Let's celebrate my 20th birthday of not killing myself while I was 13 years old… I just remembered. My real birthday is on 17th of May! Chill won't do anything stupid for all the friends I have found here. It would really hurt their feelings and take them down and I don't like this. I'd rather pull my own weight and help others than be of excess weight to those, who already are depressed and fighting back. I can relate to that, so I'm keeping myself alive for my friends sake, even if I can feel no reason why in myself. But it really helps to have a purpose in life you can relate and believe in. What the adults haven't yet taken away from me. For I never want to become an adult, if that means I have to whine about gas then it comes to going to church. Seriously its only a nice 1h stroll by feet from his home to church – no big deal! He just don't like going to that church and has no other politically correct way in saying so.
You don't have to go to church to be a Christian; you have to know God – the man who Jesus Christ was; like he talks in the Sermon of the mount!
Blessed are the poor in spirit, For theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, For they shall be comforted. Blessed are the meek, For they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, For they shall be filled. Blessed are the merciful, For they shall obtain mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, For they shall see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, For they shall be called sons of God. Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake,
For theirs is the kingdom of heaven. “Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. “Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great
is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.” Mat 5:1-12
It doesn't say „Blessed are the Christians or the Yews or any other group. It says “who so ever” is capable of doing thus is eligible for Heaven. So if You're Gay and want to go to Heaven and can do this to your friends and neighbors then rejoice and go to Heaven – You can do it. If you're a witch you can ditch the previous quote I mentioned and be in Heaven coas' you're able to mourn; hunger for righteousness; be merciful; makers of peace; while being pure of heart, but not according to the lawbook. Well Jesus already loves you, so you can do it! Or a harlot whore, who knows everybody looks at her with resent for her misdeeds of not getting a husband but selling her body. If you can do all this, then fuck that shit what they are telling you and have it your way! Without ever entering the church!! Word! And why, you ask me. Because Christians don't want to serve Jesus and go to Heaven, so Luke 14:1-35
This is how I do. I cheer up the ravens3 of this world like the raven I am myself. Want to join in and be dark-gloomy together?

1Walge – white; normally written „valge” but the „w” messes with people's heads pretty well coming from the first republic then our ortography was defined by german rules and not by russian rules. Kaaren – raven... I'm so fond of ravens. „Consider the ravens,” Luke 12:24 is my favorite quote what helps me out of my depressions.
2Kitsune Hime – fox princess; oblivious mystery of a girl or a boy you can't understand what he/she is.
3Raven – an emo; goth or depressive person, who at least once has thought of killing himself or played with that thought.

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