Wednesday, March 23, 2016

War paint - definitely to be used if fake dated on april fools day...

War paint1

Your with another, why should I bother?
You can't take me angry, get real and take cover!
I was loving you but now am disenchanted, some older:
get lost and hit the rain for a cold shower.

You said it's a mistake, that I shouldn't brake –
lets hit it with a knife – your peace of cake!
Life is not a smoothy or a milk-shake:
If you can't be responsible, than eat your nails…

You say it's cool if I make myself a fool:
don't change the subject – I wont ever on your face drool.
You can get your time back and all your moon;
don't need your sunshine nor starlight bloom!!

You say it's ok to have it many ways;
lets see how you hurt when ignoring your replies.
Don't bother thinking of better says:
It's over candle – the flame was snuffed – died…

1War paint – try this if you wanna loose somebody in your heart for breaking you.

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