Jer 13:12-22 “Therefore you shall speak to them this word: ‘Thus says thy Lord Yahweh Sebaot: “Every bottle shall be filled with wine.” ’ And they will say to you: „Do we not certainly know that every bottle will be filled with wine” – „Then you shall say to them: „Thus says thy Lord: “Behold, I will fill all the inhabitants of this land, even the kings who sit on David’s throne; the priests; the prophets; and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem, with drunkenness! And I will dash them one against another, even the fathers and the sons together.” says thy Lord. I will not pity nor spare nor have mercy, but will destroy them.” Hear and give ear: Do not be proud, For thy Lord has spoken. Give glory to thy Lord, Yahweh Sebaot, your God.
Before He causes darkness, and before your feet stumble on the dark mountains. And while you are looking for light, He turns it into the shadow of death and makes it dense darkness. But if you will not hear it,
my soul will weep in secret for your pride; my eyes will weep bitterly
And run down with tears, because thy Lord’s flock has been taken captive. Say to the king and to the queen mother, “Humble yourselves; sit down, for your rule shall collapse, the crown of your glory.” The cities of the South shall be shut up, and no one shall open them; Judah shall be carried away captive, all of it; it shall be wholly carried away captive. Lift up your eyes and see. Those who come from the north. Where is the flock that was given to you, your beautiful sheep? What will you say when He punishes you? For you have taught them to be chieftains, to be head over you. Will not pangs seize you, like a woman in labor? And if you say in your heart,
“Why have these things come upon me?” For the greatness of your iniquity Your skirts have been uncovered, Your heels made bare.”
does the prophet Jeremiyah get so pissed over his nation and
leadership and establishment? Because they are so proud of themselves
and full of hybris! Why is that so big of a deal? I mean, Why should
it bother God, that his nation is exalting himself over all that God
has provided for them? Ok, not all of Israel or Judah didn't heed the
Law of Israel, as spoken by the Torah, to the letter and heart of it.
One can know something by heart and still not know the heart of it,
as stated by C. S. Lewis. Some there conducting in paganism and other
rites, forbidden to Israel; others there full of Judas military
prowess of that time. It's hard to think straight if you're winning.
Everything is going well – and then comes an evil mean prophet to
say, this will not stay like that. I mean, how dare he? You are so
full of joy like of fine wine and then comes a grumpy youngster, for
Jeremiyah was a young man, then he became preaching as a prophet, so
not few looked at his baby-face and thought: “What is this
Chickenshit blabbering there? Our Kingdom is good and fine! No dark
cloud on the perimeter to see. Is he insane?” But the sad truth
about warfare is, then you can see the enemy coming with the flags
and banners held high, its already too late to prepare for war.
“But know this, that if the master of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched and not allowed his house to be broken into. Mat 24:43
law goes for both defender of a keep and assaulter of it. If you know
what the other side is up to, your would prepare yourself
accordingly, but most of the time you don't. What kind of a thief
steels openly so that everybody knows that he's gonna go to a house
to steal. That would be nuts. But in our pride and hybris we expect
our enemies to perform just like that. All our defenses are built up
for melee combat and not for strafe and run or ranged combat, though
we pretend them to be ranged combat, because we have ranged weaponry
what folks these days constantly better and best. But knowing a gun
doesn't necessarily mean, that you can use the gun. A guy can be
relatively knoledgable in the arts of warfare in means of theory, but
put him in the battle field, there an enemy gone berzerk looks him in
the eye with maddened folly hellbent in killing you by the meanest
way to jump on your carcass and dance on your grave, spitting drool
and foam like a rabid animal… How many people dare to face that?
Most theoretically brave people chicken out of it, by the brink.
can always find a good Christian to pray and argue about something,
but if it comes to action – implementing them words to real life,
then its: “Let somebody else do it! God send us a prophet so that
he may go and do!!” And even if He does – “God, why did you
send this prophet? I don't like him... He's so mean, and don't let me
do things my way! Send me that prophet!”
don't want prophets of God into they lives not because they wanna
follow up God, for the Sermon of the Mount has been given unto the
Christians for over 2000 years, and it's not been implemented to the
fullest as possible. If Christians wanted to listen to God, it's
already possible without the introduction of a prophet, but serving
God costs you something, and that is the reason why nobody does
anything about it. It's easier to whine and snarl about Gods way how
God hasn't sent his official to do His bidding and thus nothing gets
done or everything is fine, because we are winning and not preparing
ourselves for the change what might happen in the world. And when it
does, it might be too late to change your ways to find a new answer
to the questions of life.
fool yourself, dear Christian, you don't want a prophet into your
would anybody want to know the inspector who has the right to inspect
things in your premise? I mean, these are the rights of a fully
fletched prophet, sent by God:
He can brake any and all laws of the book, because he's above the law! 2Ki 33- 35 states how prophet Elisha slept on a dead boy what was considered pedophilia and thus condemned by law. We don't know how long he lie down on that boy but any such contact between an adult and a child was forbidden dead or alive. No matter how we surmise, whether or not that boy was dead or just comatose – that won't change a thing. Also the body of the dead would make any jude spiritually corrupt and unfit for office of religion. A guy touching the dead was not allowed to give offerings nor enter the temple. He had to spiritually cleanse himself first. But a prophet can ditch all that, witch makes it really hard for an ardent follower of Christ to suffer him. Think about how hard it is to suffer somebody who cut's the thanksgiving turkey the wrong way – without saying a prayer first – most Christian begin to weep then that happens and try to kill that sucker who does that. But this could be a prophet for you in action…
He can pass judgment on motion without court, because he's judge; jury and witness testimony in one person – also the executioner. 1Ki 20:35,36 a son of prophets asks his friend to strike him and the friend refuses and is cursed to die by a lion as soon as he departs for not striking his friend, for that order was “Word of God!” If such a man would ask you: “Jump!” by all means, you would have to jump or die for not listening. Why would you like to see such a man, who can order you anything and you must follow him for you are a Christian and have vowed yourself to God and now an official of that God gave you a direct order. Any soldier must heed the orders and words of any superior no matter how stupid they are. Every private knows that, though I never was in the army for my spine and I never recovered from that shame. I studied theology instead and botched that too…
He can command the powers of heaven and baptize a place in fire 2Ki 1:9-15 was Elijah killing commanders and his 50 men by sets for disrespect towards him and God til' one humbled himself and survived because of that The King couldn't order a prophet anything becoas the prophet was higher ranked than the king! No matter his status before been apointed prophet. Once he was that, he was above anything what could be on law and government… Why would anybody want to meet the living embodyment of Law himself? I don't! If I ever see an angel of God coming my way, I sure as hell would keep running the other way like the devil was after me! Because I don't know on what grounds must I meet this angel. Normally people don't see angels like they don't meet with IRS agents to say hello, how are you. If you see one standing behind your door, I'll promise you, you'll freak out and yell: “Oh no, shit, what did I do wrong?” So why would you wanna see such a man?!
He can use the powers of Heaven to give you everything what brakes the laws of Science – Make an iron axe swim; make a bitter food by casting a log in the cauldron sweet and edible. You don't have to believe me and call that Fairy-tail, but that wont change my argument. Then you see such a man in real life, you wont be happy and think: “Wow I won the lottery, what could I wish for now!” You would be scared of your life.
this kind of a man was talking to the kings and courts and people –
and they didn't listen for his age and looks… Tough shit. And later
all happened like the prophet warned them about, but then it was too
late to prepare and do something.
same thing happens with Christians – they haven't used the 2000
year period according of the best wishes and expectations of God.
While it's right that the Gay marriage is wrong and no such thing can
happen in a church, but not letting gays taste the love of God is
still wrong. For they are loved by God at this state and not at
future state. Then I met Jesus, I fully sensed all my transgressions
before God and accepted his verdict to be cast down into Hell – so
I was really happy, then I was not. Then Jesus had mercy on me in my
vicious evil spirit state, he found me. But Christians are not
remembering that all their deeds and stuff ain't from them but from
God and it can be gone. Just like a guy renting a house doesn't own
it, and if he pisses the landlord off, then the landlord can just end
the contract with him and he must leave! Christian never seem to
realize that God can Forsake Christendom and let Vatican be destroyed
the same way as the Temple of Solomon or The Temple of Herod or
whatever great thing that has been destroyed in the course of
histrory. God owes us nothing for he is not our manservant, we are
pisses me off every time, then I see a Christian so high and mighty
and content about his life. How dare he!
Also He spoke this parable to some who trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and despised others: “Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. “The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, ‘God, I thank You that I am not like other men—extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this tax collector. ‘I fast twice a week; I give tithes of all that I possess.’ “And the tax collector, standing afar off, would not so much as raise his eyes to heaven, but beat his breast, saying, ‘God, be merciful to me a sinner!’ “I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other; for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.” Luke 18:9-14
can't they understand that they have nothing that doesn't come from
God – as soon as they vow themselves to God as Christians their ass
is His! They can't have any lip on how the other should be beneath
them. God can always change that to His hearts content. That's why
probably the gays; the witches and the harlots go to heaven sooner
than them Christians – for being so goddamn proud of themselves.
They should rather mind, how their work exalts God and if that is
sufficient enough. If you have enough time to lament how bad a gay; a
witch; a harlot is – maybe you are not with God at all! There do
you take that time to see them as beneath God? – Who are you, man!
Are you God!! Just because you are a faithful Christian doesn't say
anything in the heavens.
I say to you, among those born of women there has not risen one
greater than John the Baptist; but he who is least in the kingdom of
heaven is greater than he.
Mat 11:11
you better and more faithful than John the Baptist? Then how dare you
trample on the nobodies of this world because they are not according
to the law? You are not according to the law but Jesus suffers you
alive – how cannot you suffer them? And these call themselves
Christian! God I'm so pissed!!
and hybris makes you belittle and patronize those who are not like
you. And then people are not like you and get that laid upon them
thus, what do they do? They start giving you names and saying that
you're full of shit and talking behind your back – especially if
you are wise and they can't find your error in words or your conduct.
Your actions are wrong just because, as a Christian, you make people
hate and avoid the words of God what they may have otherwise been
listening to. It has happened so many times that people don't forsake
Christ not because of Christ, but because of the bad conduct of
Christians who stand in the way and don't let people into Heaven
while not entering it themselves. Why would anybody listen to Christ
then they can see two Christians fighting each other or nations who
claim to be christian doing that or not condemning their corrupt
officials or merchants not abiding by what is just because
“juridically all is correct”. Why would any sentient person hold
any meaning to a Christians words, when he can simply read the
newspaper or watch TV? How many Christians does he see there loving
and caring for each other? None? I didn't think so either! Because
good things don't sell good, but if somebodies house got burned; if
someone got raped or murdered, especially if its a race crime, then
it's anyone's business. If a firefighter dies or looses health and
needs something or a war-veteran needs something – who cares! It's
not news. If he would be drunk and in bad conduct – News! A
boyscout helping a granny over the street is not news – a boyscout
selling drugs is. A pastor living according to faith is no news –
if he's a pedophile – Big news! You can lament on that for months.
Because it's pride and hybris, that force and endorse us to see that
thus. Because we are better! If we would be honest to ourselves, we
are no better than a rapist on drugs.
the age of 13 to today I've been addicted to pornography. Because of
my pride and hybris, after reading the bible thrice and knowing it so
well, I thought just as professor Quirell in J. K. Rowling's book
“Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone” thought of being ready
for real action in the dark arts and got Voldemort on his head for
being so foolish and ignorant and died for touching Harry Potter –
for he was the embodiment of Goodness, Quirell couldn't suffer for
becoming so corrupt out of lust for power. So I thought that if I
look once and stop, I could prove to myself how awesome of a
Christian I am. I couldn't be any more wrong… Whyle I wanted to see
porn only to understand women and men better, and it could
thus, it came at a terrible cost. I can no longer be happy of being
born a man. Because I found out through my meditations and 20 years
of porn-studies why evil exists in this world. Just as Adam and Eve
tasting the forbidden fruit found out that they are nude! It's
because men like me watch women nude and taste them as subject of
their lust without seeing any error in that. Just as Friedrich
Nietzsche was not understood, when he was saying to a faithful
married Christian, who was going to see his mistress: “So you going
to the women, sir, don't forget the whip!” Because it was deemed
fear and honorable conduct at times of Nietzsche's life, to have that
then you were rich and so very Christian… to have mistresses, while
being married, for you could afford it. Like the movie 8 mm talked
about making a porn movie there the girl dies coas' the contractor
who ordered it could afford it! Nietzsche never adress
the girl for being under
such premises but the man, who normally scoffed others for adultery.
And that's
why he needed the whip to whip himself because he was not according
to his words, but not to whip the girl. But Nietzsche got condemned
as a sexist misogynist for speaking up the truth into the face of a
wealthy renowned Christian man!
men like me, women get raped and bludgeoned and murdered, for they
dressed wrongly and the sin was there and not in the eye of the
predator, who was so full of pride and hybris!
of men like me, evil is in amidst of us, and I am a Christian! And I
can't form a serious relationship of fears what might the girl say,
if he ever would see my soul the way Jesus sees me every day… Maybe
she needs a whip too to protect herself of that vicious animal lest
be killed in action. But God should send us a prophet for we are the
Champions of the World, like Queen sang… How say you?
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