Wednesday, March 16, 2016


I am a looser, who couldn't write;
the sight of white paper showed me true blight.
Crying all day and sobbing all night;
like a chicklet or sheep who can't put up a fight.

When the wolves of true genius howled at my spite;
I couldn't read infront of the class a single poetry right.
I choked and I stared to be silent and shither tight -
but that is the past I have my own might.

To loose all fears and loosen all sorrows;
the regrets and despairs the posers unfollows;
they just empty shells; so alone and so hollow.
I have my own future, my own joyous morrow!

Be a looser, who looses all his shame;
for you aren't your losses, that's not your name;
not for the glory of others; not for the fame.
To be yourself boldly - that is your true Game!

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