Thursday, March 3, 2016



Let the pain go to the crows2;
let the sickness go to the ravens.
Where, on the field are only cows3;
no wolf or bear is for a game craving...

Only sunshine, and no darkness;
only flowers and no thorny vines.
The dark cloud shall confess:
"There is a full moon behind..."

Go to sleep and rest in peace;
the mockingbirds sing you a lovely treat.
The cuccoos and starlings are offering grace;
let your eyelids be heavy and the sandman4 defeat…

Oaks and aspen5 shall warden your dreams;
no dark presence is welcome on the land of sweats6.
Full-moon and starlight upon you gleams;
no boogeyman shall enter and feast...

1Lullaby – written in acordance to an estonian lullaby used to sing to me when I was but a child and was afraid of the boogyman („Varesele valu; harakale haigus...”) It also worked on stomack akhes some times. Our family has strong psyhosomatical pains Migrens and stuff. Stopped having em after my mind calmed down when I was baptised.
2Crows; ravens – these birds are believed in the Estonian folclore to be able to peck away bad dreams and sicness since in nature theyr carrion-feeders.
3Cows – the arhetype of calm and silence... because cows only eat grass and doing nothing scary...
4Sandman – the embodyment of the sleep. The Sandman is believed to bring both good and bad dreams in folklore.
5Oaks and aspen – very strong trees, so very steadfast and indomitable indeed in warden service
6The land of sweats – Since the previous verse allready had dream, it would have pat to say „Sweat dreams” Sweats go all the way too, then the last line is still ringing in your ears.

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