Friday, November 4, 2016

Fuck On

It's not the happy, its not the kindness
you could be farting inside the classroom
just be yourself and loose the blindness
I just want you, girl and all your fucks!

You could be messed up; you could be unmade
without all make up and faced off silent...
You are the sun and I would be your shade
I just want you, girl, and all your fucks!

If you are pissed off and all so lonely
the life was bitching you had to vomit
If you could notice me up so closely
I just want you, girl, and all your fucks!

I want your madness and all your hickups
your snickered crack-ups and lewd good byes
Oh Hell even if dead I wouldn't be sick off -
I just want you, girl, and all your fucks!

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