Friday, November 4, 2016

Exalted II

People are so butting in and shaking my damn scalp;
I don't know what's happening, I guess I lost my alt.
I try to make decisions here if whether sheep or calf
I gonna eat for my next meal or cut my life in half..
I don't know why they're doing this I guess they love the malt:
the ale is pale and so in vale they cannot seem to halt.
I try to cut my fingers, nails and don't know If I've gone insane
but why do have I such a feeling like a crushing alf…

Oh how are you and do be do or what you looking at?
I just ran out of mercy bars; potato chips and Coke -
I could eat like a dinosaur, the hell I'm thin not fat;
like a yew from buchenwald; like a dirty famished rat.
My darkness is so pitchy-black and that is not a joke;
but still some sunshine lingers here, there did I left my yoke!
Don't rain on me with your warm hugs, I'm not your hansome bunny bugs
I guess the Matrix had a flaw so lets just chase the cat…

I don't want no 20 questions I got just one to you:
How hard it is to get the point and kindly mind the signs!”
You don't get points and lost me where? – Was it in “Fuck” or “You”!
I don't need moonlights or the nurse just alone while feeling blue…
Some assholes jerk in all way in my wits and reason resigns.
Hell I don't know there's Mr Right you're wrong my lullaby!
If I askew to pass the salt its not that you can do exalt
don't reason that I'm nice and cute for in real I got no clue…

I'm ready to say nighty night – but there comes Justice League:
Why couldn't Joker nuke em all and had to loose the fight…
This is no alt; this is no fake I am not up intriegued,
just an ugly mockingbird a cunt a faceless freak!
I guess I lost my happy thought, admit I lost the light
how should I know in my own pain to judge the wrong from right.
I don't want all your pity-cake for life kicks ass and pisses cakes
and why you looking all so dim like you don't smell the reek

Just leave me be in town Misery and chill out while giving five
I promise you will do just fine if you forget good bye.
The tie is gnawing can't work the clock from eight til nine
and lets go to ten without big ben I guess I punch the line…
So gutless as to me I seem all happiness seems lied;
all bibled through and still no rule what could in this apply…
I'm not your Jerry I am Hyde so let us play some seek and hide
and ponder on the next good rhyme how your soul soon be mine!

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