Monday, November 21, 2016

The pinky-thinger is thicker than the loin

And Rehoboam went to Shechem, for all Israel had gone to Shechem to make him king. So it happened, when Jeroboam the son of Nebat heard it (he was still in Egypt, for he had fled from the presence of King Solomon and had been dwelling in Egypt ), that they sent and called him. Then Jeroboam and the whole assembly of Israel came and spoke to Rehoboam, saying, “Your father made our yoke heavy; now therefore, lighten the burdensome service of your father, and his heavy yoke which he put on us, and we will serve you.” So he said to them, “Depart for three days, then come back to me.” And the people departed. Then King Rehoboam consulted the elders who stood before his father Solomon while he still lived, and he said, “How do you advise me to answer these people?” And they spoke to him, saying, “If you will be a servant to these people today, and serve them, and answer them, and speak good words to them, then they will be your servants forever.” But he rejected the advice which the elders had given him, and consulted the young men who had grown up with him, who stood before him. And he said to them, “What advice do you give? How should we answer this people who have spoken to me, saying, ‘Lighten the yoke which your father put on us’?” Then the young men who had grown up with him spoke to him, saying, “Thus you should speak to this people who have spoken to you, saying, ‘Your father made our yoke heavy, but you make it lighter on us’—thus you shall say to them: ‘My little finger shall be thicker than my father’s waist! ‘And now, whereas my father put a heavy yoke on you, I will add to your yoke; my father chastised you with whips, but I will chastise you with scourges!’  So Jeroboam and all the people came to Rehoboam the third day, as the king had directed, saying, “Come back to me the third day.” Then the king answered the people roughly, and rejected the advice which the elders had given him; and he spoke to them according to the advice of the young men, saying, “My father made your yoke heavy, but I will add to your yoke; my father chastised you with whips, but I will chastise you with scourges!” So the king did not listen to the people; for the turn of events was from the LORD, that He might fulfill His word, which the LORD had spoken by Ahijah the Shilonite to Jeroboam the son of Nebat. Now when all Israel saw that the king did not listen to them, the people answered the king, saying:
“What share have we in David?
We have no inheritance in the son of Jesse.
To your tents, O Israel! Now, see to your own house, O David!” So Israel departed to their tents.” But Rehoboam reigned over the children of Israel who dwelt in the cities of Judah.”
1Kings 12:1-17
This essay has bothered me a long time. But since I have friends in America, who are both Republican and Democrat – and both sides keep on infighting like liddle children, I took the courage to speak up about what I feel as a Christian to say thus in this matter. You are free to disregard this essay but don't say I didn't tell you so.

So what is the matter of my worry that I take up word? The thing is quite simple, the previous president, mr Obama, who was a baptist by faith, has forsaken his creed to stay elected for the second term, when he saw that the Christian and Republican votes started to dwindle from his side – he needed something in recompence and in came the LGBT who was offered many things what mr. Obama as a mortal being could not offer, for he only needed the votes and support of LGBT – for that mr. Obama made a ridiculous come-back there he started to cite the Koran and LGBT punchlines to show how liberal he really is and got what he asked for – the second term, but on a terrible prize. All the republicans and Christians who there mostly white, saw that as utter treachery and got scared. A splinter is now between the white and black community – what Martin Luther King wanted to mend with his “I have a dream!” While there are Democrats and Republicans on both race sides, that matters liddle, for in propaganda it only matters what the mayor cllishee is. And that is, that White people are republican and racist while black people are Democrat and liberal.
Why am I saying thus with that Bible quote and what has it to do with the debate between Trump vs Clinton? Its fairly simple, just as in old Israel, there king Solomon depleted his peoples physical resources in building up a large empire – he even could banish a very strong adversary alive: Jeroboam the son of Nebat – and when that great king was dead, his son was like a tiny ember compared to the radiant sun his father was. Admit it ye democrats. You feel wronged that the smarter candidate lost and have a tantrum coming to Trump and his followers the same way as did that man in the story to amend what was not possible to askew the great king Solomon who was too wise to be asked like that.
Nobody dismisses that motion that Trump is an idiot and needs his advisers – so let us pray that he chooses wise advisers and not young and brash ones who answer like in the storyline that they may only escalate things and not work together – I mean Jeroboam the son of Nebat was really happy about the son of Solomon being a complete moron and listening to the wrong advisers and giving him a fighting chance. But in the end the split of nations in two crippled the military prowess of Israel and they fell alone and divided. If the king there wise and answered as the first advisers told him so, he would have reigned forever, that means his blood would have reigned. But he was not, as is Trump, so my suggestion is to the Democrats. I know how hard is to loose a battle, I am a sore looser myself and can't take it so I feel you, especially if you feel you're in the right. But sometimes you have to swallow your pride and help the competition, for I got news for you – you live in the same America and if you don't stop infighting you will be having Civil war vol. 2 there is the White republican South American State with capital in Texas and a Black Liberal North American State with capital in California. Who is gonna win then everybody is fighting and brother is against sister and husband against wife. The wise must make way and sweeten the pot of the dull so both sides could win. And Republicans, don't gloat. I know how enjoyable it is to rub it in if you had to shut up for so long to get over the slaps and kicks for the Christian marriage vs Gay marriage. Its not easy to stay fair, but suck it up and be a man! Show some Republican integrity and Christian pride and offer a hand in peace like Martin Luther King did. Be humble as lord Jesus Christ would have been, be like servants of the servant not king of kings – it's a big difference. But if you don't your enemies especially Russia will clap their hands if the great and magnificent beast is hunted down and dead! Either you fight together or you fall together.
I have proposed this kind of variety already so I will repeat myself. If the LGBT could agree to these terms on gay marriage. They write first themselves a “Newest testament” what should go on the stack like in trading card games who use the same logic as the law and the bible for the bible is a law book so askew your lawyers about that or theologians… With that Newest Testament, what is your minority report you are according to the request of Israel to lighten the yoke, and then you can have gay marriage inside a church what has deemed “gay church” so both sides could not dish each-other and hurt the integrity of Christendom. Then I will admit that even LGBT can call Yahweh Sebaot; Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit as their own God if you do it thus. Because I have acquired the permit from lord Jesus Christ to say unto you thus. If you admit your true feelings like this, it will be cool and Jesus wont hold you in contempt – if you follow the Queen James version of the bible there the gay lawyers have occupied church like some people played occupy Wall street, and said that Yahweh can go fuck himself in the temple of Baal for the LGBT dost not like him and don't think of Him as a God! Well this God, who is not a God to you, whom to you said this sayeth thus: “I will bring back Baal the Frivolous and his cult and fuck any and all liberals there who there in league with that motion that I should go fuck myself for I am not God but Jesus is. Or are you suggesting that my Messiah is aside from me and not even sent from me, that you cast a shadow between us both and say Jesus is God and is love but Yahweh is hate! We choose love and renounce hate!! Go ahead and make my day! I will go fuck myself in the temple of Baal and make infighting amongst you and destroy your little shenanigan shop of USA. And I will make you weak as you there then USA was only Boston New-york and Washington a mere colony of Great Brittain!” You have to do it by the book and I can be on your Gay marriage and take pictures of it, put it up on my feed and be proud of it. But if you don't do it by the book; by the numbers, like a MTG player who takes a marker and omits-edits a card in the tournament while everybody can see, that is not legal conduct that is not tolerance that is not fair game! Do it right or do it not and lord Jesus Christ shall love you; accept you in Heaven though the fundamentalists have previously stated that LGBT goes to Hell! If you claim that your Love is in honor and true, you can suffer these terms, if you love is something else, then forget about it. No both sides must fight in this matter for you are so close to civil war. If you want smack deap on someones ass, choose me, for I am submissive and don't mind to be the punching bag but get it out of your system already!! You are both adults Republican and Democrat and your forefathers would be ashamed of the both of you, if they'd learn of you intolerance and infighting! Is this the revolution that USA is standing for? That together we stab our backs and die disgruntled?! I didn't know so… Try not to accept too many foreigners liberals, for he who takes smaller weights and succeeds is better off than the servant who takes the mother-load and fails. You are not condemned for working but for failure, so do with tiny steps but in steadfast unrelenting valor and then you shall succeed – and don't sulk!! Republicans, don't taunt the intellect of the liberals but listen proactively and politely as mr Obama could not listen to you. Although he was awarded the Nobel prize award for peace there is no peace – not in America and not in Europe and not in everywhere else, so don't rub it in what the democrats did wrong but turn a white slate and move on! Or are you so childish as not to forget the wrongs done unto you. Are you lord Jesus Christ to cast the first stone? Are you that holy that nobody can challenge you with the log in thine eye while you are searching for the splinter cell! This is no video game if it shows Game-Over it really is over and your USA is done, and no new game for the both sides of you. Either you produce some good American grit and integrity or go to Hell! For you are at the brink – fail now mr. Trump and you will go to history as the stupidest president in history who wrecked the sinking ship in one term. Don't be the son of Solomon, be a good leader and try to understand that you are not Justin Bieber to the followers of the Clinton side! They don't find your jokes cute and they don't laugh about your comments on politics. Try to reason more and listen not be like the president of Soviet Union Nikita Hruštšov who made history if he knocked the pulpit with a shoe to gain audiences attencion. Find meaningful attention and resolve the issues between both sides what mr Obama was too good to not even touch with his pinky finger because he wanted to be the friend of LGBT like the son of David, Abshalom was the friend of Israel and had a coup against his father because he hated his brother who raped his sister and killed that bastard and was not trialed according to the law and assumed therefore that he would be a tougher and better king than his father was. Be better than that! For all the people are looking on you what you say! Will you lift that heavy yoke of calamity and distrust that nags on both sides so both sides could have their way and suffer each other alive in a unified USA?

If you don't like my minority report, my followers, there is a button in your feed what say “UnfolloW” you can push it now and give up on teamwork – I don't bear a grudge, but don't say I didn't tell you so! I know I am not American, I am Estonian – I am even a Christian Communist – I can hear the ironeous sarcasm myself, thank you, but still these are your options. Work together and live, work against and suffer defeat in exile and see your USA vanish like butter on a hot pancake. Or is your pinky also thicker then your loin? Amen! Respect and Peace out!

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