Wednesday, November 16, 2016

From Dusk til Dawn

The night is darkest before the dawn;
the day is brightest before the dusk.
For some the graces are like fawn –
like the mole on the lawn.
The swordman can be swift and brisk;
his steadfast parry the perfect frisk –
but one day all the glory is still gone…

Death shall merry the kings and the meek;
all are equals to her – nobody is sorrowed.
The movie-star the priest and the freak;
teachers pet and the enlightened deep.
All from God have gained and borrowed,
to God returns, whats pure and hollowed…
so lift you head high and don't you weep!

Some are smart and some are sullied;
some are tough and some are rich;
even those who got – may be bullied –
for friendship and love ain't tasted as fully.
If your cup is full how shall your witch
pour new wine to your darkened black pitch.
For not every tar is sweetened by pinch of honey…

Those who raise the sword shall fall like feathers;
those who abandon them shall not fare well –
don't askew about armament leathers.
Better beware that all well are your brothers.
I don't care where you live: Heaven or Hell:
listen ye mortals – I shall ring your wake-up bell.
Blessed are those who in hardship still gather!

The second mile is like the river Nile;
the third is like an open door.
The fourth is no big deal you won't notice awhile;
if you love much sin cannot on you beguile…
Maybe your guilt shall wrench your guts and your gore;
maybe you lost your faith and turned foul to the core.
Even on fifth for thee my feet wont be sore…

This is what defines who is gentry who's not;
its not the high horse and the shining armor.
Its not Rapuntzel who awaits for you a lot…
though if you got one, don't play on her God!
Even if the devil would befall me with a Claymore;
no morning-star shall hold fast no lawsuit adjure.
Even your hairs every single strain is accounted for…
No-one shall stand before the light;
all shall kneel down and worship whats holy.
No boogie man no wrathful wight,
can escape the carnage of impending blight…
To thee is exalted the Word of God wholly:
This is thy bread – my flesh and blood calling thee;
This is thy wine – my soul and rest blessing hindsight...”

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