Saturday, September 22, 2018

Can you feel me?

Be nice to me and I got your back;
dis your family and you get me down.
How should a father get you back -
he's not your age nor from the same stack!
I loose my track when I see fams clown -
it's nice to see a dad hang out, like mind-blown...
never had that in my life - that's why it sucks!

Be nice to me and I hear you good;
I could be your partner in crime, do your time...
Just don't dis family, that is seriously uncool;
solve issues in private, don't drag them as junkfood!
Can you feel me on this, feel my skin, that would be fine.
I face nothing I don't have to, I'm like the river Nile;
appreciate what you got, that's the high mood!

Be nice to me and I shall feel your skin;
how you treat others, makes me know what you mean.
If you dis weaklings, to be mine: I know, you're in just for a win.
Your shit is not real, because you'd dis me if I'd fail and whim...
Pettigrew is not grown-up; petty things make me gleam
how your head would look on a spike and that is not mean.
Do me justice and be true to yourself - don't you ever grin!!

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