Sunday, September 9, 2018


Babe, don't cut, I'm worried about you; I always thought you there bulletproof...
Your videos so witty and cheerful make awed. How could I believe you got flaws?
Don't do this to me; to your friends and to you; babe, don't cut it would make me so lame;
how would I suffer if another friend tried - it happened before - don't leave me behind...

Babe don't cut! Just hug me some more - how would I spice my life without your encore;
it wasn't funny, I cracked up a scare... just talk to me or some friends and don't you dare!
Babe, don't cut, I'm reaching to you - I feel so helpless, like nothing compares;
if you cut, I'll bleed... and that makes me blue, you there my silver lining on a rainy days afternoon!

Babe, don't cut, please stop it, I besiege you! What would be a world without your humor?
The sun would not shine; and the moon would be shallow; the stars would fall down and...
don't cut!! Babe, don't cut - it's not fair you're in pain. I'll always remain your friend in true!
Just be yourself and ask, what you need, I'm all ears just give me a promise - don't leave...

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