Friday, September 28, 2018

Mirror Force

Enforce your endorsed thoughts for a chosen remorse what codes some morse; but no cryptic letters to be runed to death. Luring Georg Lurich into the abyss like its Zürich too rich is a glitch and too poor is a bogged moor. Expectations spectate your spies into envisions of species off topic and too many of some kind. My none of a kind had a small blind and favored the murky Savior of Diablo, stabbing my forehead with the horn and be done with it...

Glimpsing, who is more chosen on this realm than "Showtight" - the cases are closed and not upon debate. Still reprobating the race-bated hearings what got figurescated into ice on steel. Diamonds there supposed to be the best friends, yet nobody loves the dentist, when he pokes your tooth with an encrusted stick... So wicked to even fidget that! Wanting to be best without effort walnutritioning the sentiments of stalemates put up on rent. Its all kinds of evil malevolencing the movements commenced in a grin...

We expect to others fair as our vanity dost not. Enchained in the ivory tower of a black horse, gifted to us by a blind Greek merchant, who was too deep a geek, to be turned town; or simply a vagabond and under the protection of Darwin. Or was that Green Peace what endangered some deranged angerments into a mouthpiece? I deface the image of self and see - it's not what I mean on lease to release the bloodhounds; underground the scapegoats and grease, what saw too much opera while eating soap.

The Ore was melting my thoughts and I despaired some sunglasses from a tar-pit, darting fake-dates and outsmarting back-drafted side-winds over the rainbow and piggyback; fools-scolding the oldies that dared to be not grumpy enough. Enoch emoted eunuchs, who didn't feel rough to cough up gouged eyes engorged to the cosine sign and be fine! I filed it under Blair to bewitch the bewildered me with a new form of abstraction, what in terms was subtraction with a supposition of interaction correlated with stagnated fraction!

The exclamation mark barked under my navel and I gazed upon him, like he had done wrong. Again! Why is he wetting inside my slippers and not on the newspapers I put on the right spot? And the stench every time, it rains and my friends bring home their thunder... I just wish Asclepius would cleptomanicly regress it out of my premise! The doggy want's to go home, and I'm alone in myself to do his bidding and roam free. To and through, like the devil without horns ans shouts. Some mistletoe's toe trucked my nip-tucked tit fucked horse shoe sized toes out of Grace Kelly's shows!

At least the thought counts, discounting all the times Sundays made me vengeful, not because of work; a fork in the road was far more menacing emancipating the fancy of Tom Clancy going postal on chance. A sling-shot of dubious people, who don't know how hard is to bodyguard malls and appalled security laws. I must bestow the best owned cow what mowed the lawn faster than the mayor could steal the show… It was hilarious in slow-motion, I was robo-dripping til August met woke September and I wore bluejeans… My Avatar had some bruises as he met some betters and had to address shortcomings...

Cutting bosses from the hilt is not an easy task to operate, incorporating the unrated treats of outdated defeats into victories what never really posed a chance to meek. Wreaking havoc on the feels I reek. Reaping the rewards what nobody would show on to betroth the silent threats under the carpet. It was too dutch and was flying around anyway, so what gives! The chemical compound was too well Christianized too lubricate brigands and Hula hoops who thought too much Gandalf and Al Bundy goofs to have a roof on top of their head as their left the shirt on. And the bread on the table was black!

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