Sunday, July 25, 2021

Why does Conquest come before War?

 Has anybody had those times, he is amiss from his body, to contemplate, like a child, why things are what they are? Why dost the first Apocalyptic rider bring Conquest, and only the Second bring War? Shouldn't war commence first! That is our contemporary mind playing a trick on us, because we don't know the rules of engagement of the olden days anymore. Before you could have War, there had to be a triggering event, to strengthen the hearts of your men, and make you vile for the enemy, so there would be no room for any peace offering nor pleas of Mercy. In order to burn all bridges, Conquest needed to commence first. For every good story needs a troll or Joker, who reveals the twofaced nature of this World. That is the reason, why Conquet comes first, and takes away Mercy and Peace, so there could be room for War. Then War has commenced fully, it will vacate the room for Famine, because that is the side-effect of any good conflict. Ask Africa and all the refugees, how it got there and how it is. Somebody always did something, and the other side could not let it slide and turn the other cheek anymore. Thus the previous life got burnt down, and nobody went home happy!! The culmination of all this Conquest leads to War leads to Famine leads to Death. For Azazel is still waiting for his scapegoat.You know, that goat, he was supposed to get, but lord Jesus Christ replaced, with His Cross. Since the Christians don't like Him anymore, how about turning it back at the beginning, then all the powers of Heaven and Hell ran rampart, and there was no stopping it!! Either you Christian deliver your full ass and lives over to your Lord and Savior or you fuck it! There is no inbetween... Those, who don't gather with lord Jesus Christ, while calling themselves that name, scatter! The Darkness is coming and Justice has fallen from Heaven, to give way to Social-justice and the worship of Lilith and the altar of shame. Shame for not living up to standard; shame for being full of fears piss; shame of fucking up and not knowing the answers; shame of not being enough in this unforgiven time. Then Heaven is closed and its Heroes gone, you will decide, whether you give in to despair, or let your light shine from your cold Ambers,to rekindle your life and your surroundings!! What's it gonna be is up to you, so Godspeed! Fill your cup and be your intentions fruit!!

Saturday, July 24, 2021

How to fake it and get away with it.

 People talk about being genuine, without knowing, what the fuck they are talking about. People talk about being real, thinking, they even know themselves, to be that way!! In so doing, we have always been taught to hate the faker, because he is like funny money. He is not, what he promises to be. What I am talking about, is the booze and the haze -- if you have any problems with that, you are free, to tune in somewhere else... In order to understand the light, you first must understand the darkness. In order to understand being gifted, we must understand being mad. The lack or inability to use your gifts, but rather being abused by them. We have been taught, that the world is being divided into the haves and dont's. 

Its rather been divided into the people, who control their minds, whether of small or great measure, and those, who are confined in their own minds. A ,man can be feeble inside his great mind, because its greater, than the small and feeble persons around him. he is still a slightly greater feeble man... What has it to do with faking it? Lies and omission, just as cheating is there to get you somehwere, you cannot go directly. That does not mean, you will keep shortcutting it from A to D as though B and C dost not exist. If you do that, you just reverse polarity, and the D becomes the new B and the B becomes the new D. The real genii will learn to cheat with that. 

Even then using deceit, one does not become Deceit, you still want to live as yourself, under the cloak of deceit. That is the first mistake of the common man, then becoming enlightened. People are either only the Sun or only the moon, never understanding, why they are this or that in that circumstance! People always put money on the table, to buy the lesser engine part, then try to use the lesser engine part and the money on the table, to afford the greater engine part, although, they don't own the money anymore -- I learned that from an anime-movie, then  a trickster was tricking a cyborg merchant. It was about a female heroine, who's dead little sister became her quirk, because the cyborgs killed her. Those cyborgs, who tried to be like Man, and help him out, ended up almost destroying Man. 

The same problem is with people, trying to be themselves or enlightened too much. Then you are shooting the arrow, you are stretching the bow, eventually, you have to either let go of the arrow and shoot something, or let go of the bow, and let it break down. Indecision is the root of many problems on this day and age... Not ready and able to take and understand responcibility and consequences its follow up. 

People need to know, how to be themselves and live their lives, but people also need to know, how to bluff in poker. If you don't know it, you will have a very dull and boring, uneventful life at the outskirts of this world. You fake it, to get around the rough edges. Lawyers know the better part of it, doing it for a living. The problem becomes, then the salt or diluting agent becomes more important, than the thing itself, being seasoned or diluted. You are still doing it for the thing, not for the seasoning or diluting agent. An Entertainer is not self-important, but for entertaining the audience, it always makes me cringe, then I hear yet another Hollywood actor/actress impose their version of Brittney Spears songs "Oops, I did it again!" and Lucky in the same go. Bitch, that is your thing, you do, why so sad about it, getting sober? It's always funny to see Heroine cry, "Oh no! I am the drug, what keeps people asleep!!" This is the reason, we have bread and circus. So other better men, could live your life, while you are stuck in the Matrix. And then people are done with it, they crush it and build another Matrix in other terms. 

Civilisation was not built to become enlightened, otherwise Lao Zi would not have abandoned it. It was built, so people would forget, that Cain killed Abel and Romulus killed Remus!! Just because you send your murder and darkness away from you, dost mean, it will stay away. It will eventually creep back, like Chaos always does, finding new forms and meanings, and you have to shave it off again -- that is the second mistake, people make in becoming enlightened. They think of God, as though, He has cast off His Evil side, and thus he has become Good. No, God, while being fully capable of being like Kali of the Hindus or Morrigan of the Irish, is in control of His such powers, while Man is possessed by its wants and dont's. If God one day, decides to put away His creations, as I have done many times, as a writer with my creation, who is gonna judge Him on that, and call it unethical? Is the song really gonna judge the composer or the poem the poet?! The moment, this world pecomes nothing, its terms of service also become nothing, its understandings become nothing, like the logical frame of a game, what was conceived, and then it was decomissioned and shelved, for perhaps some other time or none. Who's gonna go to God, if He exists in such Absolute form? For the same reason, this kind of Absolute exists, its shadow must also exist. Just as it is important to be wise, it is important to be, like the Seer of the village in Diablo 3, who just wants to enjoy the life!! 

If you don't learn to let go, Life will let go of you. The more you grasp, the more you smother, like the pimped up villain in Ben-10 who merged with a bot and couldn't steal diamond rings anymore, for grasping them too hard and breaking them to dust. Letting go and leaving things unjust; vage, allows you to have more things. Coming back to the lesser engine part and the money. While you cannot buy with the same money the second time, you can pool resources together and use the acquired material in union. That is the principle of Nations, why we get lied and cheated to, so the glue keeps us together, so we would not live in the darkness. For that we have legends and cults holding fast. Does that make the measure important, or what is measured? Understand, why you are being yourself and why you are cheating or relenting from it. As long you don't understand the difference of that, you will always be possessed by something or someone, on the wrong terms, you are not ready to pay for. We are free to choose, but once, somebody marries, all the other worthy candidates become void. They are still pretty -- but just not for you! Do you know your ay, what makes you leave your mother and father and stick to it, until the day you die, and never look back? That is here the question! That also defines your rules of engagement and terms of service... and what game you're playing beholding the Revolver. Have a nice day, and fulfill your hopes and desires; while staying on top of your lives!

Thursday, July 22, 2021

What created the dark ages.

 This essay is my meditation on the topic and is not meant to be in any way scientific. The dark ages there an answer to the cultural diversity of greek literature and politics. Also to the mutliculturalism of religion and various mystic spiritual-awakening cults. Mostly they there regarded as gnostic, the predecessor of wokeness nowadays. What is the problem with wanting to not be dull and understand things more in depth and on the bigger scale? You might loose the tree, in order to see the forest! In order to see the cosmopolitan ideal, you might loose the solitary individual, to suit your needs. The reasons, we don't have Demagogues nor Pharisees nor Sodokite to that extent anymore, as they enjoyed their privilege of power. Mostly the reason was, that nobody checked the credentials of the self-proclaimed gnostic mystics. Everybody could be one without regard. At the same time, the teachings of Pelagius there highly popular. That you should not teach your own ideas, but your teachers ideas -- the problem arouse quickly, that some people self-appointed themselves as somebodies pupil, without grasping even the discipline of argument nor scholarship, and then due to having money, started distributing books about them already being educated scholars, who took their own pupils, who copy pasted their copy pasted and misunderstood teachings. Just as in the telephone game, errors started to emerge -- thus the correct quoting was introduced to prevent selfappointment of knowledge. This restricted access to scholarship and education. The same way you can restrict access to religion and politics, if you allow certain nutjobs or woke zealoths, run rampart, who dont really care about the topic, because they are not invested; misunderstood it, or simply the useful fools and claqeurs of the competition. The first thing, what will happen, is censorship and rationing of thought, to fit in the mold of approved curriculum, what will be prudish and not include the passionate orators nor the fierse antagonists, but the bare minimum, like the Phantom Menace was culturally and technologically more advanced, than A New Hope or The Force Awakens -- also the latter movies there undermined with wokeness, parading in the real world. For that reason, its also a show, how faked emotions can destroy a franchise. then you fake emotional attachment for political or religious gain, its like faking orgasms in a relationship. Eventually the person investing real emotions, will get out itself or be cancelled because of gaslighting, that he is not as much invested as the woke person, who gets the uber orgasms and hot takes, what the regular is unable to even fathom much less to hold on!! Faking your vision of wokeness, creates a world of darkness, there any kind of vision over the ages and event horizon, shall be wieved as Whitch-Craft. This was the reason Al-Chemy exists, because the muslims salvaged the last, what remained of greek sciences, then the West was done with it. It could happen again, but I wonder, who will save the culture and all what has been gathered so far on knowledge this time! Then some people pinge-compassion and -empathy on the others, like womitting rainbows and unicorns, the rest of the world, can only wear dark-glasses and assume, nihilism. For that reason, any kind of insertion of emotions and politics, should be regarded as a hostile act of social terrorism and dealt with 20 years in Federal Prison without the right to communicate. Never trust the narssicist, who dollyfies his subject, denying any kind of interaction, what deviates from his way. And the result is a world full of rectangles and straight forward shapes, what can only be interpreted one way, not the other, making language and the world, very Old Testament like, there you have to abhore along the 10 commandments, while following a religion there Jesus Christ tried to get us out of those shackles!! That is the irony and paradox of the dark ages. The broader vision of culture will be lost; along with imagination and freedom of thought; speech or any kind of pride, you get to self-impose. Guilds and Houses will take over once more, and the class system will return!! Just because some people there allowed to play daily Prophet and talk about feelings and stuff, they didn't understand nor care in the first place. Today, something can be still done, to ammend this, or you can do nothing and see History repeat itself. The choice is yours... 

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Asking money from God.

 Lets talk about this awkward topic, which is as unconfortable as drawing the female body and minding about the gravity,.. Then you feel like, you need money in your life, and need to ask it from God -- the first obstacle is not, that God cannot give it to you. It is paradozxically your prayer and choral life in the church. Take your song book and look with thought, what topics your songs decpict. Do they exclaim: "Give it to me at my hour of need!" or do they chant: "I need no money but your Kingdom come!!" While it is essential to await and work for the Coming Kingdom of lord Jesus Christ, it is also necessary to water your garden, while you await, so the heat-wave of worldly life, wont smother you. Many Christian lives bear no froot, for too much fasting and denial of food and recourses, you could have obtained, then you had actively sought them out. You cannot mentally perceive those options, then you chant: "Don't give me money and opportunity!" Rather you should chant: "Give me unrighteous Mammon, so I could make friends with it, until I am to be received in the Eternal Dwrellings!" Luke 16:9 Don't forget to pray for spiritual things, and don't neglect the urges of your flesh!! Both need to be held in Temperance and Unison. Too much spirituality, will beget a Zealoth and too much flesh will beget decadence. You be smarter than that. And then you get the money, don't spend it to the next version of something you already have, which works out for you, but for stuff, you don't have yet. and need to move further in life. Don't try to amass too much room, for all must be acounted for in taxes and peoples credit, do they give it to you in your social life or not. If you have been an anti-social twat, and now build a Tower or maybe even Twins for yourself, don't do the surprised Picachu, then people start undermining your operation. Making friends with unjust Mammon, also means, being humble about others similar hopes and needs. Don't be that guy, who asks something from God, and then condemns a similar prayer from a Satanist; or Muslim or somebody else not from your church -- or even if its in your church. How can you eat with one hand and shit with the other, in the same place?? You be perfect in front of the Lord and let nothing take hold of you!! All, what you think and do and cherish and toil -- is Mammon, how can you remain justified in this world, if you keep telling against yourself. "I shall have no business with sin!" You, who has been beget through sin and who's every thought is evil -- or do you seek to make the words of God false, who claimed that after the flood! Every Cow of Bashan is worthy to eat while doing his daily work on the field, and not you, you unfaithful? Ask and move towards your goals and don't send false messages out in the void. Have a nice day! <3 UWU

Extra Special Average

 Extraordinary people, beget mundane followers succumbed; 

thenever their mind, the humble shall ordain thus said wrong. 

Being savage, the cultured Goat, tries to cause-pray entombed 

in Wolven clothing. Ironing their maiden-voyage of combs 

and hair-splice confusions, cheeky devils, loving God by a tongue; 

getting over the Jordan, on the other Elysion field discontinued-prolong!! 

Only the Masters of Self, shall know beyond Good/Evil in its womb... 

Little pebbles, trying to be Mountains, never lumping together, stand-alone -- 

whense Solitary, the Individual happens, avant-garde decadents gossip astray! 

Astor, where did you leave your red light, -- sell your body of Christ, to atone '

for the sins, you never done, but culturally a priori, gently a gentric sentri-bone; 

the Intelligentia left-over the meadow and jumped the cuckoo for the blight-Stray. 

The Cat, who walked alone, ate the cold porridge and hot takes of On-Cray... 

The Tribunale Enclave of the deuce fatale, playing both sides of the coin for the crown.

Resentiment for yours betters, then the cake pieced together the bingelist of Average 

ExtraSpecial Nonpersonalised constructs of vectors, also known as freedom-fighters. 

Why do radicals need names, like they could be taken by any flag or box hostage?? 

How many claims has Nietzsche and none of the faculties account him inside on stage; 

unless some careful consideration is done down the orthodox manor. Woke shines brighter,

in his navels gaze, but offends, if you care to walk past unintender, without a mind of sighters!!

How could the golden city have been left undiscovered and its value trodden upon outraged? 

Prophets need no freedom but possession of their ideals, to go out of the crowds; inside the den!! 

Just as Jesus was tossed by the Holy Spirit, into the wilderness, before He became Superman; 

so does the new Nietzsches on the block, Zarathustra their moral values thus and then... 

Transfigurating their constructs, to echo the next Narcissistic Cannibal from Fryday to Glen; 

The Sabbath will carry its own weight of the leaf over the decimal point. on the hour of Fam; 

the Woke shall scatter, to just point thingers on the consequence, they never abjured -- A Ham 

will knuckle bar a fight, for the kosher in your loins and weighty spiritual envoyage Zeitgeist-blend. 

Unfazed by the awesome-saucers, who have to gawk after any pity party, what could run the show; 

the true vigilante dost need Extra Special Average, to telltale his broken taillights for the Fairy, 

who has been adjacent to Treason, thus cast out of the lot... Abrams Tanks saving Abrahams cow, 

for the deeds done to Lot and Gomorra, to the maidens, married from the Hills, watchers bow-- 

Everybody wants to be Good, nobody pays the asking price, to feed Liberty its blood and dairy 

prophets, who heared odna baba-yaga govarila -- guerilla Che Guevara, favilla-deus illa- plainly. 

Contemplating, why dost Picachus face smile like Mona-Lisa, is he transplaining God or P.O.V.?

Nietzsche and Christendom

 It is always so sad, then a great thinker is so right, but fails on the finishline. Then describing and condemning Christendom, the beholder of the Faith and Doctrine -- just like with Social Justice Warriors, who put "Socialism" inside of Justice, to make it not blind and indiscriminate anymore -- to see it only one Righteous way!! Establishment has always been the enemy of Life and True Being of Values, what are not abstract political nor technoological talkingpoints. Wherever Theology and the science of the masses takes root, it corrupts its points of view, to appease the multitudes, in the same form, then the people of Israel wanted to erect lord Jesus Christ as their king, and then they couldn't, they betrayed and crucified Him, for not getting bread and circus... People don't want the Truth to change their life, for that they had the Sermon of the Mount and 2000 years time to do so -- no, people want sweet lies, what tell them, that there is a loving god, who turns a blind eye, no matter what they do in this life, as long they can ping the right speech. Forget about doing the thing for real and actually being the Christian, who died on the Cross, as long you have your indulgences met, The reason, people love Humanism, to hate through all Humanity, any kind of real personalized concept of Man!! Why talk about egotism, then people cannot handle themselves, being full of depression and anxiety for the very reason, that they deny Life itself. You cannot be Yourself, without taking up your Cross and Responcibilities for all the vows you met, not only apologizing, like the Nazi on the Nurnberg trial, who had 9 children, if I remember correctly, and in his mind, that excused his atrocities!! Isn't it the utmost show of cowardice, if you hide from yourself, behind the apron of your vife and backs of your children, because you cannot face it alone? When was the last time, people dared to be genuinely proud of their deeds, without being smothered, while eating the cake: "Alas, what would the cake think -- is it morally good to have that, or should I await for someone worthy!" This continuous existential angst of  having to assume the lower place around the roundtable. People are only able to understand reason and values inside the box. Take that away, and people don't know anymore why they believed and followed the code in the first place. They never received it in full, but the blind obedience of assuming, our peers know betters and tell us in due time. When Jesus wanted our faith to be in our hearts, the true Temple of God, we keep erecting new systems and catherdrals, to keep the people enslaved to culture and establishment. Lord Jesus Christ never wanted to build a Christendom on Earth, because then you found something, you also seal its fate and assume its final day as well. Nothing Man-made can last longer than 4 generations. Isn't it intreaguing, that it takes exactly that time, for a new confession or reformation to emerge and fall down to their knees again, after their time is spent. Because those rebuild and rekindle institutions and titles and honours, but not People and Lives and Real Values, what are not abstract contemplations of our understanding, what should be deemed Good or Evil! In Basketball it is good to dribble the ball, while in soccer it is good to kick it with your feet. In football, while its called that, it is mostly played as a game of tag, tossed around, seldom actually kicked. Does one man, playing basketball relate more Christian values, than if he would be playing soccer or football? That is the alienating and condescending nature of culture, that you cannot be walking with us, thus you must be an enemy, Just because of reasons of culture and having different upbringings, not because of hostility towards lord Jesus Christ. There could be a muslim concept of Christ and a Hindu concept of Christ; an atheist concept of Christ and a agnostic/gnostic concept of Christ. But due to Christ having been born a Jew and birthing Christinity through the teachings of His followers. The establishment can only see one true gospel and one official version of the Bible. In this matter, Nietzsche done well in his written books, to fail in his own lifes implements and contempts against the Church, that it also corrupted his vision about, what could be saved from the abstract concepts, if they there to be interpreted through life and not through dogma; idealism and politics. 

True Humility dost deny Life and Pleasure, but limit the excesses of decadence, what can only reach into resentiment and being aghast about your deeds, thus through that guilt-trip so eagerly abused by both the church via various indulgences and penitence rituals or its enemies through various social pogroms, what never intent to make their victimized followers lives better, because should they allow them to achieve beaugeouis and be respectful citizens of state, why would they vote Democrat or assume hostility of State... We are our own enemies, building up walls and gallows, there we go at the Footsteps of Marat'; Robespierre and Charlotte Corday -- to hoist our enemies with their own pretard! Things always die on itself, if you play god to pity but not to live as One, but to feel the superiority and condescence over the other, before you send him away, to await your condemnation and execution. Lors Jesus Christ, didn't even condemn that women, caught on adultery, merely pointing out, that the accusers should not be guilty of the same sin, and then there was none left, called the trial off!! Did He approved women committing adultery -- No! He asked her not to sin again. Did He indulge in Vengeance to make Himself the Moral Absolute on Earth -- Hell No! You can always tell the difference, how somebody uses his faith. Is it for Life, or is it for Vengeance. True establishment, while denying their own urges, allow them in the masses. Not all people should fast or play around with diets. Not all people should promise to hold up strict moral codes, their unable to follow in the first place. Why do you vow to drive your car at 40 miles then others are driving 65?? Do you hate yourself; your God or Society and other people -- that you would make your life this hard, and others having to pity you and try to find you a suitable loly, to make you get over it... For too long it has been called virtuous, to help out those, who by themselves there put under the yoke, not by some malignant entity and power. How many condemnations of the devil will be overruled in the Courts of the Most High, to condemn faithful Christians, who there doers of iniquity!! If you take no responcibility, your don't get no life and you cannot be tempered nor humble to any extent. What people call "Humility" is another word for Self-Loathing and passive-aggressive contempt of Life, that others dared to achieve betters, thus they must be guilted to share it, while you don't contribute even the least manner of expence by your side. Even the blind and the crippled or dull of mind can be Nietsches Superman, never a political or religious Zealoth, who has only his own code in mind, to forget his own responcibilities in the name of the greater Good, what always gaslights the way. What does it mean to talk about the Greater Good or lesser of two evils -- that you rationalize things to look in a logical pattern, then they previously there'nt such abstracts to be toyed around. You wouldn't talk like that, if you acknowledged both sides on par. You only talk like that, to convert somebody in your own ways, to make yours look better -- for you got the Gospel and you are the Teller of Truths, what shalt not be disputed!! How revealing is the just anger of the faithful, then they smite the children of their enemies to the rock and burn them on the stake as witches. If the moral zealoths there right, they'd rather loose the case to win the Life, not win the case to loose multiple brothers and sisters, like Cain did to Abel, to judge: "I wasn't his Shepherd!!"

On the case of the LGBT community, by laws of culture and dogma, gays can't go to Heaven, like Witches are put to death!! By laws of mercy, which must triumph over the Law, if you showcase true love from one Solitary Individual to another Solitary Individual, it dost matter its sex nor creed nor anything else. God, being Marriage itself, will uphold this! Should however that individual contemplate in his mind, that his love run out and he/she has new love for something or somebody else -- there cannot be a second blessing of God for your marriage. The moment the priest said: "LET WHAT IS BROUGHT TOGETHER BY GOD, NOT BE BROUGHT APART BY MAN!!" and you thoufht of choosing again, you made your vow a curse in front of God!! There is only one marriage in God, not multiple marriages -- your stubborn hearts, what lust for your neighbours wives, commends you to sin like that, calling divorce a Christian right or a political right, and still coming to a church, then Jesus condemned such. If you cannot stay faithful to One, admit your promisuous ways, and don't marry. It is better to affirm your sluttiness and be that in public, than put the mantle of Christendom on top of it, like it will turn a blind eye in front of the Lord and Saviour, you never wanted to worship nor follow. People are as much Christian these days, as gentlemen are truely gentry!! Just an abstract fellowship, just like with the Pharisees and Sodokite, will yield in nothing, but the virtue sginals you aimed for the first place!! There is your booty. Everything above LGBT, what came after, is just political intolerance to spite the people unable to opt gay values, just as Christians had their "gnostics" who became Kings of the faith, while sending their brethren to courts or wronging them by other means. If your faith makes you one of a kind and special, while taking up the space of your brother and sister or putting your heavy shadow on their sholders, like a costly mantle, then you're not truly enlightened. Don't make people owe you anything, but owe the people Freedom of Choice and Opportunity, you had the Privilege to enjoy!! It is always your choice alone, even then being a rape victim, if you choose to stay that way, or if you choose to move on, to spite your fate and the one, who did this to you... Your choice, in choosing enemies and offences; your choice, in choosing friends and blessings of Godspeed -- along with all kinds of wishful tidings about Arkadia Mayor -- we should be happy and rejoycing, that our lives are hard and miserable. Because that proves, we are not dead yet!! Always distrust the sweet dreanm before the brutal and rude awakening. People talks about wokeness, just like the Emperors tailors talked about le fine garment, what can only be beheld, if you fit in your office and there wise, in accordance of their guidelines -- is it any suprise, that so many nudist Kings jump around, like a running gag of Diehard!! Always distrust, then people call themselves "Fearless"; "Righteous"; "Just" etc. A Wolf has never problems with its credentials, meating up with a pack of Sheep. If the Sheep would know this, they would understand the teachings of lord Jesus Christ and stand their ground, make the devil run and even old Wolves doubt their experience, before they run away, before the Sheep!! But alas, the sheep, being feable in their minds, must do as sheep always does: Be meak as a serpent and wise as a turtledove. Christ never talked to the masses, even if he talked in the boat to multitudes, He talked to the Solitary Individuals. You can't go to Heaven en masse, as a faithful follower of a movement, but as yourself. The Right Team nor the Right Speach nor the Right Code wont save you, but you being right with yourself and with God. Are you Nietzsches Superman, or are you alltoohuman, excusing yourselves with the contempts and prospects of others, that denied you take up responcibility! That is here the question. Have a nice day, may you find Yourself and be Your best Nature, full of Life's Virtues!

Thursday, July 15, 2021

The Holyman and the Scholar

 The Holyman lives a certain way and dies, then comes the Scholar, accounts everything said and acclaimed ot have been said or not said. Analyzes the frame and the storyline for an understandable and intriguing tale. One Holyman sacrifized his fathers oxen, he didn't own yet, because he was summoned for the Journey. Yet other slurred the ladies of the manor to be Cows of Bashan! Yet another got the poisoned soupe sweet and the drowning axe to float... And then there is the Scholar, who wants to repeat the process. What ever he cannot do in his own life -- that did not take place nor happen! Is this the Truth? Or is this the audacity and arrognace with a pinch of Avarice-- the real AAA we should have. You can be greedy for spiritual gains and achievements, the same, like you can rob a bank! This is the reason, in the East, such things are taught by koan and in Christianity, by parable. So that the wise man dost see, not the knowledgable dost understand... Only if you humble your mind, your heart and your spirit. If you offer yourself up for the Journey, not for the Ye Olde Success-story!! Why should God build up another King Solomon, who failed to be Jedidja? You're not your own best friend, how could you possibly be a Friend of God? Yet Scholars write down the name; life and deeds of Holymen, while being the sons of those, who used to derogate; stone or dismay them on their paths. Don't collect stories, of what Holymen did to God and to the people -- be your own story, of what you do, doing your thing, to achieve the same or even a greater mark!! Why settle with the same score, already done? Do your own thing, and be Yourself, not the next Isayah; the next Amos; the next Habakuk... You got your own name, what worhips the lord, what is it, and what is your exaltation!! If you know not, what it is, you also fail, to grasp, how the Holymen are and how they lived, save if you would fill the entire world with documentary and correspondence on that topic. Learn to walk with God, while walking your own path!! 

Whats on my mind...

Fickedy-fuckedy fuck! Fuck-di-fick-di-fick-di-fuck! Fuck;

Fickedy fuckedy fuck! Fuck-di-fick-di-fuck Fickedy Fuck!

Fickedy fuckedy fuck, fickedy fuck, fuck-di-fick-di-fuck; 

Fickedy-fuckedy fuck! Fuck-di-fick-di-fick-di-fuck! Fuck!

Don't take your life's so seriously! Take your values and jouney!!

And then throw it All under the bridge, move on like a child with nothing.

The Mind reasons too much, the heart knows at the time of need, what to do!

How to proclaim the Word of God

The best way to Proclaim the Word of God -- forget All, what you have learned, about proclaiming the Word of God. The biggest enemies of the Gospel, are Christians themselves, trying to overdo it, with more passion and zeal, making it too seasoned; too salty; too heavy; too intellectual and not simple. If it doesn't come naturally to you, people wont listen to you. Don't try to give people, what they have not ordered! it sounds crazy -- you have the Truth, and now you have to listen to the people, who are condemned, how to save themselves from certain doom... At the same time, you need to save yourself, from your arrogant hybris, thinking, you can't be felled on your journey!! Loose this Saviour mentality, there You offer and do something. This comes from the failed optic, that God is our Shield and Sword and we do stuff! NO! You are the Shield and Sword of God! You are the letter and the Gospel! How does a letter relay words written onto itself? It remains natural, and acts itself -- as paper, which has words written to it. It only gives out, what has been written, not what people would listen betters. A letter dost not explain -- a letter gives word for word, what has been written. Many Christians cannot follow through, needing to be Artistst; or Entrepreneurs or something else important, not what lord Jesus Christ or the Holy Spirit has ordained. Your very life, you are living, is the Gospel! Make the best of it, telling your story, by simply playing video games; or being a member of your team at work, doing it well. Be the person, and people will start asking, why are you so good. Then you can mention, being a Chrsitian, and go on doing your thing. Many mistakes are made, then people smother others with too much information. Learn to see, how much information are people able to receive from you. Don't overstay your welcome!! Respect the values and truths of the other side. People don't like it, then you call them out and waste their beliefs, to give them Jesus instead! Would you like somebody, who using science, proves everything you have been living for and through, all your life, since childhood, wrong -- but hey, here is some data, you never asked of, wanted to live accordingly in exchange. Before people get to know the person of lord Jesus Christ, the Gospel is merely a stream of data, in a big messy ocean of similar kind of informaton. People have different levels of skillset and understanding. One person is able to grasp like a grasshopper, others are able like Navy SEALS or the Angel of God!! Don't judge nor derogate, because people didn't make your life easier, serving God. You have your way, they have theirs -- you do you, and let them live theirs!! Only tell these Words, what need to be told. A person burring his mother, dost not need Ecclesiastics; nor a person lost his way needing the Book of Job. Understand the problem and answer that, not what the Bible or Jesus told you so. If you tell people, what Jesus told you so, you talk the box. You are not fixing the issue, you're merely gloating your toogoodytwoshoes knowledge about the Bible. The spotlight is on you, not on the persons issue, and you wanting him to get better. That is the very reason, why things dont get done!! People don't want to be Side-show Bob's in your Crusty the Clown Christendom, there you are still running from your Fathers contempt... 

Don't problaim the Word of God -- proclaim your story, by being You and doing your thing! That is the difference, what lord Jesus Christ and His disciples did, and what made the difference between the Pharisees and Sodokite... There are plenty of worthy Sermons of the SSS+ type, people still conduct adultery; people still rape; people still molest; people still lust for things, belonging to their neighbour! Because those worthy Sermons of the SSS+ kind are not upfront and personal. They are just like Video games. Why should the customer order them? What makes them worthy for this solitary individual in the crowd? Why should it speak to the soul of that person? Why should that Solitary Individual give a fuck? A portion of his attention span and money; effort, self-esteem and worth! If that person dost do that decision inside his own mind, heart and soul, you could explain everything like Thomas of Aquino and people are still: "What's up, doc? What you got, sport!" You are not in this fight, God is! You are the mediator, who gives what lord Jesus Christ has given thou, not something You imagined or self-imposed. Never forget that! You're not in it for Your success, but for the Success and Glory of the Father; the Son and The Holy Ghost!! You are the Gospel of lord Jesus Christ, what is it, what the people shall hear? Your grumpy face and attire, while you pushed somebody aside, to rush to your worthy meating or Sermon or Crusade! You decided to deny your friends to hang out with you, because you there too busy to pray to God, while in truth procrastinating about some awesome gimmick you couldn't invent. You decided to not give it to the person, who asked you, because you wanted something else in your life!! Its all about being aware, what you are; what you want and what is happening in and around you, what you can give and what you can suffer. If you have done everything, why are you wearing yourself down with worries; regrets and doubts, listening to people, who are not even in the race?! Know yourself and what you're in it, and then keep at it!! Be your own ruler and judge and carve your path to Heaven, give no excuses accept no bullshit. The more you are going the right path, the more Chrsitians will be standing in your way, you have to cross!!  Just like lord Jesus Chist or His disciples before You, you will have to suffer like them. Because your success and authenticity, will undermine their life and works. The more you succeed, the more they loose, because they don't do that much. If you can do the IronMan run, and they can't the others are left with two choices -- they start running the IronMan too, or they start finding logs in your eyes and thorns in your thighs and sides of the story. This is the very reason, why lazy Chrsitians, rather than following lord Jesus Christ, try to find the Anti-Christ or the Mark of The Beast or the Whore of Babilon in other followers or simple strangers, who annoyed the shit out of them... You are what you seek! Do you want to find Heaven, or the mistakes, others have made? Which one is it, you can't have both, on your limited time- and attention span!! Make the best of the here and now, to be a worthy Christian, not another wall of shame, writing his own discent down to see the Bear rising on your streets... Have faith and Godspeed!

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Where the fuck's the rain?! Thank you, Lord!

 Oh God, I can't complain, you gave us beach-weather, 

but listen yo, Shane, the lawn and gardens smoking! 

There's the fucking rain? I hate to break your teathers; 

could you owe me some rainclouds, no sunny Heathers!!

The Daffodils and Roses are nosedive in dirt on a sting; 

bleeding my heart out, some pussy would be nice -- bling... 

Spare some rainclouds, to ease the dusty roads smelly leather.

Oh God, what the fuck, The Sun screwed me sideways; 

how about some rainclouds to ease the pain and chill! 

Tallinn got the double, we got none, what gives, hey!! 

Wasting my time on head-aches and hot showered grills; 

can't take those eggs and sausages, let the beans spill... 

Would you kindly hear my plea in my dismay; 

the sweatshirts are sticky -- I need some rain!

(Starts Raining on line 3 at the second stansa)

Thank you, my Lord and Savior, dancing in the Rain; 

you heard my outcry, and gave me shelter in peril...

As I was the silent passanger on the gloomy train; 

All seemed lost and, the heatstroke was to blame.

Thank you, my Lord, the trees and leaves cherish 

the cool, cheering on the lane. The flowerheads parish 

rose up to the sky, Your mercy and loving-kindness is Game! <3

Monday, July 12, 2021

Our mistakes define us, while our judgments and decisions sculpt our ways.

 It is not my way to love the competition, but if you have time, please visit Mark Mansons site. I will provide the links below, in the comment section. It got stuff, I really like and admire, what could help your life, whether you are a Christian or just fighting with depression and anxiety. Are second guessing your life's decisions, because of Existential angst and terror, of not knowing, what to believe and for what intrinsic purpose!! 

The number one reason, why people fuck up, are they parents, wanting to cheat and give us the best possible start position, to begin our lives. It would be as good, as cutting a moth out of its cocoon, to make the butterfly emerge victorious -- while in so doing damaging the life-expectancy and wing structure of the insect, making it a cripple. Or to simply be the bear who, shoos off the fly on his sleeping masters nose, by throwing a boulder at it, thus killing the master, because the fly flew away. You cannot cheat away pain! 

Then a Child learns to walk, we don't prevent him falling down. He needs the experience of standing up again. The same is true about going to the potty. Using too good diapers, will result in the child not wanting to change his life, because his ass wasn't wet and burning enough!! Our mistakes define us, because they give us the question: "What went wrong?" and the follow up "What am I gonna do about it?" You cannot excel in anything, if you're constantly content with, what you got. It would be a good form, for meditation, but not for running a business... I like the quoting of Pertrand Russell "The whole proble about the world, is that Fools and Fanatics, are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people are so full of doubts." by Mark Manson. Its the key point, why things don't get done, but it goes far more deeper, than the 80/20 rule he tries to convey. Even inside the social groups there are layers upon layers. Some Creators, if to use his definitions, are more subtle and reasonable along with their engagers, while the lurkers sometimes do respond to glimpses, what stroke a nerve, to then go into the silence once more. The roles interchange, depending on the narrative and context. In one social group you're the Senpai, while in the other you are the pupil craving to be noticed and running around with a proverbial yandere knife, to kill his competition... 

The second reason, why people fuck up, is our judgment-perception ratio. People like to say, that INFPs can only perceive, while INFJ can only judge; stating, that their respective other abilities to be underdevelopped. I don't agree with that. Using the coffee talk in Tokyo Ghoul, then one of the main ghouls talked about, how to make the best coffee, with one of the leading Ghoul Hunter, who was checking him out -- You could have the best ingredients and treat them poorly and get an less than average result; while you can have poor ingredients and treating them with care you could exceed expectational tastes!! Our Judgment-Perception ratio depends directly from our parents, environment, how we led ourselves to confront and solve our beef. Its the thing, what makes one a Bully while the other become the perfect Wictim. One always go from success to success, while the other gnashes tooth, like the failing players in Kuroko's Basketball -- the story of the Phantom sixed man, who didn't mind to remain in the shadows, to improve the teamwork, not the individual perfect characters of each and everyone!! The problem is never, that somebody took something away from you, but because you failed to stand up after you fell down, because you convinced yourself, its no good, I cannot win, the game is stacked against me... The auxiliary reason of failure is the memed rabbit trying to be a great woodpecker and a frog to love carrots, later on can't even do his own thing good, what the Christian MBTI'sters so love. It has a truth in it, while not for the right reasons. Don't accept expectations of being, what you are not, but learn to stand up for what you really are!! If you consume and amount resources into being something, what you don't really love, it will affect your real desires as well, because now you have an expereince of moral; psychological and physical failure. Why should now be any different? Before you can even get to do your thing, you would have to get past the boundaries you and the chosen advisors you yourself aimed to listen to, what got you fucked up.

The third reason is forgiveness. If you don't learn to forgive yourself your mistakes and the advisory used, to get there, then you will never get past them, but are doomed to follow through those simulacrums of sirclejerking, until you snap out of it. Which mostly you will not do, if to revert to the movie "Revolver". Why should you cut the costs and accuse yourself in the wrong decision, if you can just throw more money at the problem! That is, what sculpt our ways, and either redeems or dooms us. We could all have a Terrorist or Personal Jesus inside of us, what you let out and nurture each day, defines you, not your mistakes, as long you are willing to look into the mirror and get better. The difference between Judas Iskariot and St. Peter, who did the same sin, was that one cried salty tears and acknowledged his shortcomings and redoubled the effort with his 3 vows to lord Jesus Christ, to love Him truely in this world, through His disciples and the work on their behalf, the other tried to give the bribe back, what he used to lure himself into betraying his lord and Saviour, and if that didn't work, hang himself, for not being able to snap out of his pride and forgive the betrayal of a Godly figure in his life!! One used his life to be a means to aid other people, the other wanted to use other people as a means to show himself on the winners side and as a worthy Jew. 

What I don't agree with Mark Manson, is about the whole america being "woke" because its the same proverb of the "religiousness" in a society. People understand the concept differently. For one person you are "woke" because you there studying chacras and drinking herbal tea, for the other, you would have to bash the fash or do some other initiation like rite, to be one of the tribe. People have different layers of engagement. You are more engaged to your parents and wife or children, then to the traffic lights and driving laws. You listen to them all, but in different ways and attributes or blends. That all defines, how "woke" you are. I would go even so far, as to claim, due to the interconnections of social media, those second- and overthoughts, what previously got STFU at the dinner-table, now get augmented by ourselves; our factions; news-media and corporations; the state etc. Everybody increases their chances to rule the world, while trying to exorcise the perceived the demons in their realm or simply, pulling the splinter in the neighbours eye, while having a log in their own... Your judgment and ways, how to perceive things, sculpts your way to Heaven or to Hell!! Lord Jesus Christ did say, that St. Peter told him to have the keys of Solomon, to open or close doors in Heaven or on Earth, but that also meant, you have to stand by your decision in using that right. Don't complain, then you close a door, that others around you, wont monkey see, monkey do your action back 10-fold with the boot as intrest. I really like the soviet joke about prayer, there dad tells the teenager not be afraid of slender man in the closet, and because of his explanation, the grannies dinner prayer gets hit, because there are no spiritual beings connecting with our lives! Be wary of using moral absolutes, because, like swords, they can cut both ways. The man living by the argument also dies by the argument! For some reason people, who are proud of their conversion videos, are not so happy if the same happens to them and a Christian converts to Satanism and not the other way around... I find it fascinating. Why should hatred and discent be ok one way, but not the other way? You are not being proud, of Lord Jesus Christ doing His thing, but You and little jesus owing to You, to make it happen, because the bible told You so!! You are expecting something, based on your values, forgetting, that the other side might have values as well. btw. did you know that the way we draw cubes in math class, is the symbol for an indiginous tribes holy spider-god? You just have to look it like a Jewel and not like the diagonal shape of two planes being interconnected with each-other because of the transension from 2D to 3D... 

The fourth fuck up reason is, not learning to let go, nor forgive the opposition having values you cannot defeat with your Truth. It must be frustrating and an intrinsic moral failure, if you go to convert somebody, to find out, that all your moves get parried and you ass gets handed to you on a silver platter. Maybe you didn't pray and fast enough, or maybe the other side is demon-possessed or is doing steroids or something else, what can be fixed by simply going to court and wailing; bemoaning accusing the opposition of wrongthink and wrongdeeds! What was the title of Diablo again, was it not "The accuser"! Learn to cut your losses and call it a day, while still acknowledging your beliefs. You don't believe, because you keep winning, that would be like a gamer, who only plays, because he's placed top 10 on some scoreboard. Would he stop playing it, if the score board disappeared or the rules got changed, making him not being ranked amongst top 100 or 1000 anymore. People don't burn out, because God did the Job to them -- such arrongant Hybrist comparison -- but because your expectations got offended and then you started reading under the thumb, parcing through the Bible, to excuse yourself and your way of life, what got checked. Why change, if its the others fault, for violating this or that ToS? The same Bible, what calls us gods and gives us the Keys of Solomon, also advises against doing unto the other, as he has done!!" Pro 24:29 Right after denouncing false witness it is said, that contempt is not ok. Yet people are so good at discenting and holding others in contempt, for failing against the ToS. Its the same issue with the two cheeks. If you are too busy in shaming somebody, eventually You will even make lord Jesus Christ in Heaven cringe and disavow any knowledge of you, You doer of Iniquity, for which reason, He chose to give us the: "Turn the other cheek!" to deescalate the situation... You don't know your own wrongings, then you are so close to open and shut somebody others case, that yours could be laid to rest as well! 

The Fifth reason is worry. Especially to the shame and detriment of me and other Christians, who been told not to worry!! It really stung me, then a Pastor on YouTube talked about this issue, and how many in the audience, who there Christians, laughed about it. It sounds like a fishermans story, forgetting who the first disciples there. Why would you not worry, if all the known world is built upon it? First it creates the urge; craving and breaks your bones, then it amends and refreshes it, so you could feel betters... But what is the World made of -- its made of Us and You are a VIP in it!! Hating on the world, it tends to slip out of our focus, that many problems or demons on the wall are self-imposed. The numbers on the wall are not counting down "Meneh Meneh, Tekel, Upharsin!" because somebody else drank from the holy grail and feasted on the tabernacle, but because You enabled it. What did lord Jesus Christ say, then Judas Iskariot had a problem of the oil not being sold and given to the poor? Learn to see the route, there your motivations go. Then start lecturing others, how to change their ways. Perhaps it is You, who needs to change his course! And do not worry, if God told you to be by your side, He'll be there. Deal with things, you can change, not with things out of your way and handle. It may look good, that you worry for the peasants in equador, but at the end of the day, those people wont be better off, while you bled your heart out for them, while you didn't change a thing in your life. You just got some browny points or golden stars for well said things, but what will you do in the pit of Vipers, like a scene in Vikings. You can say well, but throw away your sword and shield, then the hour of reckoning comes. Normally, the most loud people, give up first, while the quiet ones save the day. Ones let out steam, for the tweet, the others for the hew of enemies to be smitten, to hold his lovedones safe. See the difference in there. Worries make fears and calamities strong, and make wardrobes look full of slendermen and the creeping branches, behind the window, like the grasping hands of an undead-Ent! That in turn creates more worry, because you ask yourself, what to do with it!! If you let go of your fears, the worries would cease and decist the reason to answer a non sequitor what to do list... People always like to give you their to do lists, to motivate you in getting better. Is it really, what you need and want, or what they need and want of you, for some kind of reason? As long you don't know those terms, why would you get psyched and accept things, without testing them out. You wouldn't buy a computer behind the corner, because it could be stolen or of dubious quality and even include malware. But you would accept to do lists, because they came from a chekmarked address. The most poison I have received from people, I loved and trusted, because they perceived something in my life as wrong and hurtful, trying to pluck it out, causing me to despair and alienate even more... Theres nothing more dangerous than your peers being your "friends" and trying to help out. I get to defence mode, if I even hear that sentence!! Don't fake concern and friendships to hide your worries of loosing control over somebodies life. In the end you'll loose much more, than confronting with your fears and calamities. Talking openly, why you dislike something is better, then accusing video-games or D&D being devils work. This is what pushes our youths into the loving embrace of Lucifer, because some Christian Gatekeeper closed the door to Heaven, for he heard the wrong tunes; saw the wrong T-Shirts and hair style etc. But what he does, is vetted by God Himself, forgetting his disputes with family and friends in his childhood. 

Coming back to the beginning of owning the right to make mistakes. You can never feel confident about yourself, if you don't own the right of fucking all up!! Its like living a nighmare of somebody elses dream, there you have to hang out with concepts you never liked in the first place. Imagine having a date with somebody, and you have to marry that person, because somebody else chose it for you, to further his agenda for your life in the future, you don't feel so sure about, for you are prospecting all the ideas out and don't even know yourself! Does it feel nice, to be so helpless, then you get no say in the backseat and then having to be loving it as well!! Does it give you options, what to do about it? Parents hate micromanaging, then the government does it; then some fringe group does it; then the chuch does it; then they suffer it -- they immediately forget about it, then its time to lecture their own children and keep control in a firm grasp. You own as much life, as much experience you have of life, which you get by trial and error. Why is it so hard to comprehend. I'm not talking Chinease nor trying to map the way from 4D to 5D to make a wormhole portal, like in Stargate -- yet it seems to me, only a chosen few, who most of the times are  not even Christian, understand that concept!! 

Saturday, July 10, 2021

The Killing of Steven the Martyr was necessary.

 It seems like a controversial topic, for a Christian Baptist to say. Why would I say, that the event, that destroyed one of the more unique forms of Christendom, which was the mixture of Christinity and Judaism, the scattering of that denomination and the killing of Steven the Martyr, also the first deacon of faith. Why was this a good thing, in my view? Because, while the church lie dormant and well, all the salt was inside the church -- but by scattering all the church-members, you made laypeople into preachers of faith, because they simply had no other choice. Being ostricized by both Romans and Jews alike and the Christian Church being too weak, to offer a helping hand, being persecuted themselves, you simply had no time nor space to give up, for nobody cared about your feelings nor opinion on this matter. You either worshiped or died!! Without it, we wouldn't have Christianity as a world religion, but yet another gnostic cult in the mediterranean seaboard. It would also mean, we would know no other world religions, due to lack of Christian Conquest and Exploration leading the way, to discover them. There would be no Capitalism but feudal lords and duchys running city-states and warring against each-other. There would be no Germany, because the tribes would not be united, nor any other great power house country, because without the great Nemesis, there would also not be alliances against it. There would be no Russia, because the local tribal leaders, would squabble in between themselves and find no reason nor morale to get out of their shell. Without the church, there would be no unifying power, to make all the different forces, what helped to shape the world, as we know it, to work together. 

We are, as it stands now, at the brink of another Steven like upheaval, there the old will be scattered and torn apart, to build something entirely different, what we cannot even fathom. The question is not right or wrong, good or evil, because those are the terms of future historians, not the ones living in the event horizon. Emotionally speaking, it doesn't help much, to know, that your loved-ones death contributes towards something better, because we want our lives and the significant others to flourish, not perish. However, if this kind of upheavel dost not happen, it will dwarf Christianity and the Culture we know now, into a village rite. Its the difference between reformation and stagnation... 

When it happens, it will always come with sweet words of compassion and unity, holding one hand in front for the shake, and the other behind the back, holding the hatchet. When resources become abundant and scarse at the same time. Then meanings and virtues become so diluted, even the wise men have trouble divining their moral affluence. Then there is again, another genius for every day of the year and the number of people, who mock any kind of faith or reverence towards the sacred and transcendant, you will see it happen. More shouts and debates will be made on the fairness of this and that, while the topic is never about the things being said... its about, who gets to own the bakery baking your pie, and what name is the street its on! 

Then all this is happening, take faith and don't relent in prayer and fasting to thy lord Jesus Christ. Have a nice day! <3 UWU ^^

On wiritng poetry

 What should a young poet mind, then starting the prestigeous and proud craft of Poetry? First of all -- don't give a fuck! Seconds, find a good and strict teacher and shut the fuck up. No attitude and no lip. Leave those on the paper. You prove your points by writing them, not saying them!! A Poets opinion is his or her poems. That prooves your point, not arguing over something. If you can't take other peoples criticism, nor comprehend, why people make your craft bad, then you're in the wrong place. Don't expect people always lift you up, nor your belly to be always full, you in high spirits. Mostly you're gonna be under duress and constantly pressure yourself to get better, like Tonay Hawk doing a 1040 for the first time. Give yourself room to fuck up. Don't expect to immediately be the next Shakespeare or Swift, but give yourself enough encouragement and endaring to move towards that goal, if its yours to be taken. You learn, by studying from yours betters, but also by refusing spoilers. Its the eternal balancing game of respecting tradition, while being avant garde and moving forward outside of the checked box offices of the society. Don't expect people to read you, if you got nothing to say and want to please everybody. Poets are the Jokers Fuck You, then he made his shrink into Harley Queen! Its the moving around, then you decide the amount of gravity put to places and on you. You are God Almighty and decide who lives and who dies in your stories!! If you wanna be nice and play fair, then you get the Sunday love from your grandparents and loved-ones, but wont survive the bored and over-intoxicated people, who gorge values and ensightment for a living and lifestyle. What you gonna say to them, who's in a trainwreck -- you gotta increase your experience in depicting their calamity and terror. Focus on one picture and emotion; explore it to its fruition, until its done. There is no gain, unless you're really good, to ignore that rule, in gorging many topics and imaging, like food, while only nibbling on them all, and never eating any of them. Like Dumbledore talked about his possible death by a deatheater. He disliked the idea of, somebody playing with food or eating it all up -- for he wanted a dignified death.

The other problem is about temperature. If you're in a prude environment, any kind of speech, what is more sassy or rounchy, will put you off. If you, on the other hand, grow up in a tavern, you will not notice any kind of panther as good enough. Try to be balanced and well versed of these two absolutes and you avoid the moral failures of being a zealoth or a SJW combatting a Drunkard Sailor or smooth operator. Build your own character and your own stile. Many new things are well forgotten old things, in a new reverbalisation. Be a chameleon of thoughts. Have more than one topic to talk about. People will loose intrest, then you only about one thing. It might be a great theme, but it wont keep your warm in the night. Know your speech patterns, and get outside of your confort zone. Rules have principles, why they there given, and are not to be followed blindly. You will learn, the more you venture and dare as a writer. To my experience, it is harder to write shorter plays than longer, because you have to be more focused and on point, while on a large canvas you have more wriggle room. It can be a flaw or a strongpoint, depending on you, your likes and dislikes; your tastes and affinities. In the end, its about your conversation with the audience. You will decide the outcome of it! 

Thursday, July 8, 2021


 I dreamt, I was a prostitute, a Harlot in the Temple; 

multitudes washed over me, until value detested my thighs. 

Like wiping my nose, it was casual -- married or Bachelor... 

How indiscriminate it was, to offer the communion of Sin! 

The Mass, what All shall attend, without scrutinies contempt.

I dreamt, I was a hierophant, in a long neglected parrish; 

while the toil was arduous, joy emanated in all faces... 

Oh, how longeavous was the loving-kindness and splendor. 

All those little things, what valued none, but became priceless; 

while the roof was dripping at stormy nights, all got served!!

I dreamt, I was a Hobo -- living at the gates of a Worthy Man. 

This Christian tithed fairly and was well renowned in Church; 

yet invisible was I to his eyes, as he shook hands with Money!! 

No hardship and error entered his Manor, nor His Childrens plays -- 

all Lessons at School well versed; gifts better attributed... 

Who of these shall go to Heaven, then the time is right? 

Who shall pass the judgment and do the final cut! 

Is it the Harlor -- The Hierophant -- The Hobo -- or something?

Who gets to choose, with a barbers edge, splicing the Lords hairs; 

who could wring itself out of Hell's Kitchen into His Supper!! 

Fasting of the Heart

 The biggest change, is not changing anything; then you pour water down the earth! As the Sun is ablaze and all our Hopes and Dreams aspire to exceed our limitations, The Poetry of non-poetic dysfunctions, what beg to differ, who would cherry-pick-pocket such sour grapes... What is left, then you don't excuse yourself with neither God nor Devil? Attaching our beliefs and nobilities onto the scaffold of negligent dismissal. Why do people believe themselves to be worthy of something? Being offended, for not acknowledging nor being acknowledged by others. The game of, who gets to trespass more, while calling out the others borderings with treason... How many Empires and Esprit's have been erected, to rot and fall, like an overspoiled mushroom? The sweet scent of being decadent and having too much of everything!! 

Less is something more, than having it All! Then you make a feast, you don't invite All the people in your acquaintances, but the chosen few. You don't gorge All, what is in your refrigirator, but what you need on this day. Why is that, then we know and learn, we want to see All and be Enlightened about Everything? Before you can fathom Light, you must embrace the Darkness. There can't be a painting without the canvas -- before the Light, there was Darkness!! Those, who seek purity and good manners, often loose it all! Just as in the movie: "Water Diviner". Some worship for the cart; others for the worthy wife -- some just want closure for their losses in a pointless war, what changed nothing. Borders circle around and brash leutennants charge ahead, soldiers live and die; brides become widows, mothers childless. If you get drunk of Life, you will be aghast, once you get sober! That's the reason hopeless romantics are a dying breed... The time is the face, it deserves to wear, then we look in the mirror of our Desires. Never forget, what you stood for, and what you there willing to sacrifice for it. Nine times measure, one time cut it! 

Who gets to choose your Strengths and Virtues? Who gets to be your Hero or Heroine! Who chooses to be the rebel, who casts his blood for Liberty... to take the L, so to speak. How many are willing to loose it all, just so Worth and Awe have another day in this worthless and base world, there everything is measured on the psych and decadence scales and written on Wall-Street, to blaspheme against the olden values and their trinkets. Token value, has become our faith, even less than the crosses around our necks, because they there deeply cherished. Think on that Wither-Thursday, that all is decaying! What is left of You and Your Faith, then you remove it all? Would you still die for it, at a hummingbirds heartbeat, little Christian? Great Empires are not founded on Glory and Success, but on their slaves silent toil and sweat, being burried in unmarked graves and never commended for their deeds, taken for granted! They are torn apart, then the number of people emerges too much, who have to account and measure every slight and contempt exactly to and through!! An Enlightened being dost care about measures and attributes, for He has ventured beyond Good and Evil -- ah, the words of a Superman -- yet so often misunderstood!! Why should a sword, what cannot be sharpened no more, need honest accounting about the sharpness or dullness of other swords and maces? What does a pupil who completed the exam care, how did the others do!! He's ordeal is done, whether for good or for ill... then you're done, why do you still seek to measure. So many Enlightened people still measure themselves and others -- why though! What is there to measure, then the smudge on your cloth has been bleached? If you can see the spot, you scrup more and keep adding detergent, if all is white, you stop cleaning and be happy... Yet the Enlightened of this World, keep looking and adding success-story and motivational upon Apologetics and Confessional... Why though? Be happy and content, that the sun is shining, and you have a job -- that everything is alright in your life! Just like the flap of a butterflies wing, it will pass away... and people; the World wont remember, it ever existed. 

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Kaduneljapäev (Wither-Thursday)

 Today old Estonians celebrate Wither-Thursday. It is the day, you don't cut your hair but mow your lawn, because what ever you do, you better hate it, for it will be cut out of your life! Also a good time to start with AA meetings or give up on your drug abuse or some other addiction. If you're a fan of Manscaping, hey, today is your day to trim those bushes, you wanna get rid of. ^^ Although I respect people, who have a normal human smell, due to hair on their genitals and chest. I never trimmed such hair in my life, because of oldschool rules. UWU Today is also good to clean your garage or do other chores you pushed aside for so long. If spring cleaning wasn't good enough for ya, then today is the day, to get those loose ends done John Wick style! Speaking of which, you can also finish those ships, what you had no heart to solve sooner... OwO I will put the Estonian correspondence of the day in the comment section, for you to read and translate -- or simply use to learn my wonderful language. <3 Before I forget, today is good for anti-rodent day, or if your loved ones have any kind of parasites... just so you know ^^

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Passing off

Passing on, the values of the Past -- prudent foreskins last; 

judges go FILO, sophisticated in their trading carts game.

Nobody offers the Heathen their due diligence too fast; 

passovers and worthy donations surmount, art is a blast! 

The Clay-bombers of ronin jutsu, without mercy and untamed; 

not stepping a foot in the Lords presence nor uttering it shamed!! 

Let them forget and pass off for real, those Lordy lords outcast...

Offshooting from Yahweh, to say outrageous tidings for your biding. 

How many demons cast out and witches killed by the sons of Skeua? 

Those worthy warriors, who only behind Gods arse are mighty riding; 

the cocks without a tail, to old-fox the trotting spirit in hiding, 

Who reverently showed His back to Eliyah, and the silent footsteps, Ruah! 

Ruben dost not understand, unless there is no business for his Mulah; 

Deborah was not good enough for Barak, to come swiftly and abiding!

Is there a Nathan for Yahweh? Who shall go forth to lecture thee! 

All the gifts of the World come present themselves in front of the Lord; 

the names are marked on the Wall-Street, the green miles and the moneytree 

are lit, with undying flames, what shook Moses! But the faces grim, bleak -- 

dost recognize, showing their cold shoulders and back of heads accord!!

Maybe the infants or the geezers shall whistle down the stream or fjord... 

perhaps some demons will do His bidding, then the Bear shall fuck Bulls-shiit!! 

Money-Bear talks, all roads lead to the China-shop and Bulls-shiit walks, 

to seek the councel from the White Elephant in the VIP room. Blood-Red, 

there the stains on the sheets, as the unspoiled got disavowed in Ted-Talks... 

Then you're not well bred and better fed, nobody, no soul will have a bark 

of a dog, in your fight. Better be the booze and Liquoir-Man, and they bled! 

All money on the swindler, more money on the grifter, none for the current 

most wanted infidel, who castrated his own forefathers, for the shame-stalks. 

Stoked high there the stocks of the flying stork, bereft by a heat-stroke! 

Working an angle-shooter, some pies in a pie, there biased to spill beans; 

Mr. Jim had a Beam to hold the roof from falling down, but the law smoked 

Camels and was drier than, the Amish wedding at Tiffanies and went broke... 

Supporting the corrupted conductors, who dont purchace a thing is unreal; 

my Redeemer wants to go on a killing-spree, Godlike and relentless ordeal!! 

Who wants some -- The Madness of Nietzsches Superman -- to be the New Yoker. 

Adamantium Yokes for thou -- NYC, don't let it show, that the Bulls went Bashan; 

they wanted to see, how the lesser people lived, and a Prince of Persia came; saw; fucked!! 

Hold your rusty blades back, little witness of Abšalom, who you killed your brother. Can 

a murderer enter the Face of the Lord, and not be cleansed by his Holy Angels, Stan? 

You, who vow on the Temple and on His Name, Michael Knight would know and duck; 

Who is like God! But you know not: "Out out, you damn spot!" from the Blood of Bucks, 

you have made your worthy praise, servants of the lord, not much Saiid can tell to a clam!!

Uprooted by your hair, like Munchausen, you looked for the better ailment, while Radio 

was Ga-Ga at the feet of ACDC and your faked ADHD going High Definition Dictionary. 

Why do non-sequiturs seek new meaning, there they understood none? Do the Cardio, 

and a CAT-scan for the masses. Paris needs a new Virgin, to stone in the walls Amarillo -- 

the Yellow Pages have to do. What Dragon eats more, than the third-powers emissaries? 

Offerings away, to offer the roof, which is on fire, and full of Spiritus Sangre in missionary 

pose, to lure in the weary traveler, who believes and obeys everything. "Twitter said: Dios Mio!"

Needles eye Tunnel South Dakota USA Interstate 87

 OMG! How beautiful. <3 ^^ I could gawk my eyes on that one... Sometimes Bing recommends me such masterpieces of pictures, worthy of a canvas. UWU And how its being described, ohh... pure poetry: 

"While less than 40 miles long, Highway 87 in South Dakota packs in a lot of roadside splendour. This scenic route passes some of the most spectacular territory of the Black Hills region. And speaking of passing through -- the tight squeeze we see in our image, is located on a 14 mile-stretch of highway 87 known as Needle Highway. Named after the many tall, sharply eroded granite pillars, that rise above the road, a real highlight is the hair-raisingly narrow Needle's Eye Tunnel. Reportedly only a little over 2,4 metres wide and 13,6 metres high at its narrowest point, the passage allows for (obviously) only one car at a time! Sometimes I love to be me... ^^ <3 >///////< I could watch it forever! (Y) UWU (Y)

The Needles Eye, didn't turn another blind; 

none shall passage without a splendor. --

One at a time, pass through; 

who don't like it -- be ghoul!

Cheyenne nor Lakota left behind!

Monday, July 5, 2021

Why God hates Fancy Cathedrals.

 Imagine, you are God, and you gave your people the Sermon of the Mount. It was nice and dandy, you went back to Heaven, thinking all was good and well, and then those Cathedrals started to emerge. Oh my! Those beautiful ornate buildings, filled with so much artwork oof now famous painters and sculptors. Did they got paid accordingly. Well Master Hiram got paid with "Kabool" (My friend, what is this?" a Tristram like derelict nonstate, not worthy of the Great Temple, erected for King Solomon!! The same way, Christians have not paid accordingly for all those things, what make their monasteries or churches pretty. The Artists should be humble and proud, that they did this to God -- while somebody else in the shadows get filthy rich... If you wanna imagine, how much exactly they got for it, it was 1000 bucks in todays money, while their craft was worth a Million!! Todays church wouldn't bother buyting it, because it can't afford it. It could only afford all those artists and sculptors, because there was nobody else, who would buy such amounts of art, also angering the church meant, no rich landowner opens the door for you. Which pretty much meant The End for you as an artist or sculptor. For that very reason, God dislikes to go to cathedrals and such places, because He dost need such "gifts" which are stolen from their vendors. God dost need such offerings, what makes the pagan mock and laugh at Him, for not being able to afford such things Himself!! This is the reason, why regrettably Notre-Dame burnt down and other such things shall commence -- Christians are not worthy of their pretty idols. They don't pray and fast enough, to afford such commodities. For any such pretty stone, there should also be a soupe-kitchen for the poor, a homeless shelter and a second hand store selling to the poor. But right now, even the second hand store pricings are on par to Timberland or other brand attire. Why would lord Jesus Christ need this? He needs followers of the Sermon of the Mount!! Get it into your system already, ye Christians, if you want stuff, you have to give stuff. the Currency what the Holy Spirit accepts, are your quality time -- not the "I came to Church on Sunday and was in my I-Phone all boring Sermon and didn't tithe a thing, because I was soo poor!!" Or the people who publicly offer a lot of virtuous deeds but treat their family like shit, because finding such money to donate publicly is great work, why is the family spending too much!! You don't have to live a Holy Half-Life. If you don't want to serve God and rather want Mammon, its OK -- lord Jesus Christ will understand, like any waifu would... For this is how you treat Him! God wants All your life, not snippets. If you can't handle it, find yourself a different God!! Be aware of, what you really want. Its ok to be a Capitalist and love the money -- if thats your desire. You could even attend church as such and be happy, as long as you don't lie and do those hideous donations, to show yourself better off. How many times, my lord, how many times has a nightmare demon loosened from Heaven, to torment a King Saul type, for offering hastily, what he was not bound to do as King, because the people there forsaking him and the prophet was delaying His order. Sometimes you know a persons true feelings, then something, he deserves, is getting delayed. For people can't wait for anything, like little children on Christmas. If you don't fuck with lord Jesus Christ, He wont fuck you with Nightmare Demons and Madness. So many Christians have suffered, for erecting great things and making a name for themselves, but missing out on the Mercy side of the Law and Gospel! If you don't help the pagans pray on their side of the Temple, you are no good for Lord Jesus Christ, and he will whip you out, like the merchants in the temple. You are there for God, God is not there for you! You are His Shield and Sword, like the Lutheran Choral states, not the other way around!! You get possessed by God, and your ass belongs to Him, ye Christians, who don't say thus, get the hell out of my presence, for I have always longed to be a nightmare demon and a blight for such Christians, who only want the trial version of Christianity. I am for the Premium content with all the add-ons you can get. Open your churches for the pauper; the orphan; the widow; the homeless at your doorstep; the fugitive etc. For this was your service, not in order to build you up and give you a white house with a picket fence around!! If your ordeal to lord Jesus Christ don't make you suffer, like eating wormwood and drinking vinegar, you are doing something horribly wrong with your faith!! The people need to cheer and get their lives reinstated, not You! If you are in it for God, you are not in it for yourself. Remember the pupil of Prophet Eliyah, who got leppered, for lying to Naaman the General, because his master didn't take any cut of all those riches brought to him, for saving him from such a great disease! He just wanted some silver, and he also got Naamans disease... You shall fare much worse, because you have the Old Testament and the Prophets and the Apokriva also The New Testament -- and still you don't believe and give over your lives to lord Jesus Christ, because you need times of tribulation to believe!! Very Well then! Times of tribulation you have asked, times of tribulation you shall get! God will make strong your enemies and their gods and you shall bring offerings to them like in the olden times. Then you cry out to lord Jesus Christ, He wont listen to you, because you didn't heed the warnings in the Sermon of the Mount. God will disavow any knowledge of such Christian or Jew, who claims to know him, but not do according to His teachings!! If you have no room for those in need, don't come with your needs to lord Jesus Christ, there is no room in Heaven for you!! There are no churches; cathedrals nor denominations in Heaven, only God and your relationship with God! Have a nice day <3 UWU 

What it means to grow up.

 Many people claim to know, what it means to grow up. They say, if you are sickly sweet and overprotective about somebody, then that shows, you are mature, because instead of running along and playing around, you chose to see somebodies calamitites and stood up for that person, and issue. No! Before you can stand up for something, you must first see both sides of the issue. There can be times, then nice guys do nasty things, as a child and kick the socker ball in the face of the bully, then run behind their mothers ass and show their fuck-you's there. Growing up takes time -- so does being an adult. There is no manual, what you get, then you turn 18-24 depending the laws in your country. 

The first symptom of a grown up person is -- Tolerance. Then a Man or Woman don't get psyched out about stuff and don't choose sides in a fight, but try to see the bigger picture! You can only choose a side, as a grown up, then you have wagered them both and assessed the pros and cons. A Political activist can't do that, because opting the other side, would border with treason. Just like with a religious zealoth, it would be a transgression, to even contemplate to go there. You would be more lucky, suggesting a Christian Baptist, to read Nietzsches "Thus spoke Zarathustra", then he is presumed an Anti-Christ, then to expect a political activist, to take his opponents seriously. btw. I have read this book, in that setting, and it changed my whole life and thinking, alowing to see past my own religious belief outside the box. This is the very reason, why I speak about growing up. It it wasn't for the people I met, or the books I read and the teachers I had, I would have ended up either as a religious Zealoth; political revolutionary or a suicide terrorist. I have the same profile, but I was lucky. To make an MBTI joke, my ESTJ mother didn't let me fuck up like that, although my INFP overthinking and gloomy dreaminess tried really hard to achieve exactly that. Why do I call the Executive, who is also called the Cryptonite of INFP's such a good mother. Because due to dreaminess and exessive gaming, I lacked executive touch to my life -- and my mother provided me with exactly that. Well Yeah, I guess my grandmother and Grandfather there along the same lines, I suspect. Many Estonians are ESTJ -- even our cars would say it, if there would be room for the fourth letter, X^D You are more, than your numerology; astrology; MBTI or something else chart. Those are just promises for your future -- offers on the market, but you have to still work with these, like you have to familiarize yourself with a new software, is it compatible with your hardware, does it need further upgrades or account managing, annual payments or chores, like customer feedback. A mature person, knows to look these up, before the ok and yes button press, but a political activist acts first and asks questions later. This is the very reason, I distrust any so called adult companies, who talk about growing up. First of all, companies have no age nor gender, because they are not people -- for the same reason, they don't got a vote!! This is the reason, why companies try to get votes through dark and shady means -- by going woke and doing hip things, to win people over, and influence their vote in so doing. That is the real reaosn, why companies and political activists talk so much about growing up. They are like the womanizer, who likes to get the virginity of the girl, once its got, they loose interest. People are not really people to those kind of "Mature" and "Adult" beings, because they are just vectors, to further their agenda. It is as good, if I would let myself be hired on such a position of power, the woke crowd normally uses, and decide, that people must respect the Bible -- and the rib story, everybody, who doubts the rib story, gets banned; or what about marrying rape victims to rapicsts. Deu 22:28.29 also see Exo 22:16-19 what also contains the Witch-hunters quote and anti zoophilia quote. and Deu 22:13-22 because that was also seen as rape, then you used the excuse of "my waifu was not a virgin" excuse to use her as a prostitute. The point is, there are so many foreign and alien concepts in the bible, what don't go anymore. I could do this all day, and the next day, and the day after, without getting bored -- this is the very reason, why we have Church and State separation, that this kind of Zealotry dost take root in the society, corrupting everything. Would you love me, and like my such bravery? I think not. You would even ask me to grow up; get sober and have a good nights sleep over it!! For this reason companies and political activists should not talk about growing up, because they haven't themselves done so yet. They still live in their tiny social bubble and are like the Russian Prince in Vikings, who lived in a birds nest, made in his room, until his older brother chopped it away!! That is growing up! It is violent, it is unrelenting. Some things you can keep from your childhood and cherish, others are forever gone... 

Growing up does not mean, you get to live in a safe space and judge from there, like behind your mothers ass, to show your fuck you's to the rest of the world. A grown up Man or Woman, takes up responsibility and dost make excuses, why somebody else should be blamed for the bullshit, he/she(it does. Being an adult is all about owning up to your fuck ups and getting better. 

Adults don't always win, mostly they cut their losses -- this is the very reason, SJW will never be CEO by themselves or something on their own, because they are parasites, who ladge on working ideas and making them their own. If they would have something to say, they would not need such a thing. 

A grown up can stand his ground, and he can do the smart thing, and walk away, then the fight is not deserving. Try telling that to a political activist or virtue signaling compnay; religious Zealoth... A grown up always knows the difference between right and wrong, without having a nanny or party or government, tell him about it. That is the reason, why Democracy exists, that adult and mature citizens can choose for themselves, not their favorite vendor of Soft/ Hard Drinks!! The only things those are good at, is to give their distribution detail and when the next discount happens. They have no say in your life nor in politics, because their mechandice can be replaced. Never forget that!! If you don't use your vote, somebody else will. Your vote in election; your vote of confidence; your vote of remaining silent and acknowledging the default. We choose the lives, we live, not anybody else!! Knowing this and knowing yourself, is growing up -- nobody outside can give you that... never forget, the responcibility as a citizen and a person, you have in front of yourself and others, even to History! 

How to find inner peace

 Mat 10:16-20 says: "behold, I send you out as sheep among the wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents, and harmless as doves. But beware of men, for they will deliver you up to councils and scourge you in their synagogues. You will be brought before governors and Kings for my sake, as a testimony to them and to the Gentiles. But then they deliver you up, don't worry about how or what you should speak. For it will be given to you in that hour, what you should speak; for it's not you, who speak, but the Spirit of your Father, who speaks in you." 

It seems like a lame councel. How should this aid me, then somebody smears me; derogates me, or is a nuisance in my life for no reason, save a petty political or religious one. There are so many virtue signalers, who stand at the cross-roads and exclaim all kinds of shit. How do you deal with those, and not loose your temper. That is the very reason, why we should be as sheap among the wolves. Then somebody is itching for a street-brawl of little importance, why would you give it to him! If somebody calls you: "Coward!" or "Fool!" would you immediately lunge, because, your honor is so petty and can't keep it together. Are you this drunk of Pride, that even the slightest of disrespects will put you in a deranged state? For this reason, you should be as shrewd as a serpent and harmless as a dove, to give no triggers, for an NPC. who is like the Dreadhorde Butcher or Knight of the Ebon Legion. They are only after their triggers and virtue signals, looking for vectors, how to ruin your life. Why would you give it to them? 

Inner peace is found, there you give no fucks, what people said about you, or your god, or your state; or your mind or something else related of you. Newspapers are filled with gossip on a 6 year old level. "Ronny told Jill, that Mary-Jane is a bitch and Mitch is stupid!" Maybe it is that way maybe it isn't, maybe, it wasn't even Ronny, who told em so, but the teller of tales -- and you should be lashing out on such corrupted information, what might be fraudulent from the get go... Why? For the same reason, is the "turn the other cheek!" offered, for this close are you, oh little christian, away from the Wrath of God, should you go out, to make yourself self-esteem; reputation or something else important. How do you even have time for those things, then you life is given up for a greater Quest!! Why should Christians care, that worldly people, live in Worldly manner. What news is that -- they have always done so. Caesar should get his bidding and God should be granted His!! Mar 12:17 We are living in this world and should be making friends by unrighteous Mammon, that then you fail, they may receive you into an everlasting home. Luke 16:9 But Christians say: "Nay, I shall not bow down in front of the Infidel, I only offer my services to the worthy and to the righteous!" the SJW will say: "Nay, I shall not bow down in front of the Capitalist and intolerant, I only offer my services to the stunning and brave!" the something else will say: "Nay, I shall not bow down in front of the *insert presumed fiend*, I only offer my services to the *insert presumed mutual*... How quaint! Then lord Jesus Christ came to town, He was able to talk to the Woman, married to 6 husbands, and the 6th was also not the One; to the Possessed of Gadarene; to the Merchants and Tax-Collectors; Pharisee's and Zodokite; Harlots and Zealoths; Jews and Greek alike. But what to do with those Righteous and Haughty, who loose their cool, because somebody dared to disagree, and see it the other way. Immediately, just like Boanerges, they want to cast fire down from Heaven, to get rid of that nuisance!! "Because he was not walking with us, thus he shall not proclaim Your Name - lord Jesus Christ!" Luke 9:54; Mark 9:38. Whenever something is done in the lords name, and it is worthy and good, why do you still look at the man or woman, who did it and askew his title or class? Is it of any importance, if a good person gives you water to drink, on a hot summer day, or  a bad person? Why do people make such difference, but God should listen to their prayer without difference in opinion and judgment. How should lord Jesus Christ understand thus? You cannot row in a boat, you don't want to sit inside, but are stepping onto another. There is no point in complaining, that the boat is not settled and makes you fall into the river and get wet. Its not the boat, but you, who didn't sit down and wasn't content with your place in life, who tried to step onto another boat, and got hurt by hardship, what happened, for converting from this state to that. Can you convert your money for Free in your Bank? I didn't know so! For the same reason, you cannot expect things run smoothly, if you have a stunning and brave idea, to make a better Future, for Everybody -- alas you are short in building your Ivory tower, and it got unfinished, for no money and no material nor skillset to go along with it. So you gave up, because stupid people, who don't understand!! Isn't it? That is eating away your inner peace and spending all your attention span. The reason, why people have problems even suffering the clapping the hands, and have to plead for jiving it. If you don't deal with stuff, none of your business, you don't get un-necessarily upset. Then you wont grind your gears, not feel your batteries depleted etc. You can't feel offended nor hurt, if you accept no trouble nor; offence nor hurt!! It seems easy to say, but all Psychology and Meditations run back to the same point. How many fucks did you give!! 

This is also the reason, why important things don't get done, because people are too busy giving pieces of their mind around, because somebody had an opinion online, and they had to be hell-bent with a vengeance, to dispute that... Why exactly? Only a Fool, disputes everything and only a Bitch is virtually loved by everybody, because all people only want one thing from her. You should have a taste, like you don't eat ALL the food you can possibly buy for your salary -- a thing, what children do, having to spend their entire allowance, because they havent yet learned to think about ownership, like adults do. This is the reason also, why this kind of thinking is exploited and emulated in the culture and in this time. Why not educate such adults, who don't care about their possessions and just spend them away. Your eye doesn't see like Mad-Eye Moody, ALL AROUND its spehere, you have a focus. Focus is good, because it disregards a lot. This disregard is so good, it keeps you alive, because you can simply say no to great things, which you just missed out on. Its a mental conditon, to always feel bad about missing out on things. It is ok to live a life full of choices, not a life of gonna collect all the events and experiences of Diablo 3 achievement list in one go!! Yeah, Good Luck with that... How do you even live, then you make such a fuss on details, what don't matter? It is good to play around and escape from the routine, to sniff the roses and walk the roads, not tread. After that, you come back to your surroundings and live the same old. C'est la vie! The road to Inner Peace -- the Road to Heaven. 

But you wanted to be Bad and stick it to your enemies, so they would feel it. Go to their Holy Ground and take a piss on their Eternal Fire!! That is the reason, why wixkedness and ill-thought is passed around. You take a piss, and they take a piss back and things escalate. Thus we have laws, but some want to do away with them -- shall we allow it, and go along with Mutual Assured Distraction. Because nothing else matters!! And the same people, who do thus, believe, they do you a service -- what to say...

There comes the time in your life, you have to choose, which hill to die on and which battle to fight for -- you can't pitch your dog, to fight in all of em, because that would be a dead dog soon. You have to make an honest accounting, where you stand, and what you care about, then stick with that, not the voices of disgruntled people, who are too afraid to live themselves, thus they deny it to everybody else. 

Be well, and be the best version of you can ever be -- fulfill the goals set on you, and reclaim your Future! You only live once as the First of Your Name, like said unto Daenerys Targaryen, make the best of it, Godspeed! <3 UWU

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Owe me a spine.

 These two poems, done by Genka, a famous Estonian Rap artist, have deeply moved me. I always appreciate, then such celebrities do low paying work for the government or strictly propaganda. Because somebody has to do it and have a spine. We are talking about the age old topic, what situates on the hot summer days. Especially on the 4th of July, you American readers, should mind to celebtrate your Great day, with some mindfulness, that you also need some sober nice guy, who drives you at home, or enough cash to pay the cabby. Its not too much to ask, to do the right thing. <3 

These are the poems, what deeply moved me, I will provide the links in the comments section. 

Vaata, kel seltskonnas on selgroogu!

Veiko, Ints ja Marx -- kolm sõpra, nagu kolm musketäri; 

otsustasid, tegid kõiki asju koos -- ei olnud mingit kääri. 

Tõid mere mitme kildi tagant otse kodukoha karjääri; 

sest, mis see ikka põlvini saab olla, kui vette kastad rohkem kui sääri!

Näpud püsti, pidu käib hundijala vastikust; 

sai Longeroga loputatud pudelist plastikust.

Jooki Intsule veel sisse, seltskonnast kõige aremale; 

Marx noor ja sirge hirv, naised svaipisid ainult paremale. 

Veiko vähem rütmikam, no, selline iisim kuju ta; 

Tarts siis tegi ettepaneku veidikene ujuda... :

"Ma ei tea..." ütles Veiko "kas see mõistlik ettepanek?" 

"Me kõik suht vindised ja nüüd vetteminek!" 

Marx siis uljalt end Veiko haardest lahti kiskused: 

"Veiks, ära ole sihuke eit, sa vist pissid ka istudes!"

"Mis ikka juhtub? Jumal hoiab joodikuid ja meid!" 

kõrgel kaldal valmis ujuma kõik nagu Indrek Sei. 

Vaieldi, et mina soovin ujuda, sina mind ei peata; 

samal ajal seltskonna pesamuna Ints pani peaka! 

Et näidata "julgust" Et miskit ei tee ujudes väike joogipoolis; 

nüüd Ints on olnud 4 aastat ratastoolis... 

Nõme öelda, aga see on veel hästi, sest pooli; 

kes eelmisel aastal uppusid, olid tarvitanud alkoholi!!  

Üks mees peatas hoogu, üks mees ei olnud mitte peorikkuja; 

vaid näitas, et tal on selgroogu!

I took the liberty of editing the marks, because either YouTube or the editor really suck in narrating poetry well. It can be written better, and the chosen words. But ah well, its the thought that counts. ^^ 

Look, who got the spine at your gang!

Veiko, Ints and Marx -- three friends like three musketeers; 

they did all things together -- nothing diluted them peers. 

(The word kääri can be translated to cissor or driving an edge between or simply rotting. It wants to rely how intimate the friendship was, that you couln't even drive a knife in between, and how much they felt the peer-pressure, to stay like that together) 

They brought the sea many miles into the homesteads abandoned stripmine; 

what good is the water for your knees, then you only dip in legs of thine! 

(Karjäär can also be translated as business or the career you may want, in here, the aspirations and expectations you could possess, which has a stark contrast with the stripmine. Estonians like those aggressive wordplays, there you leave much to be said... UWU Also the "Water only for the knees, is a reference to a fairy tale, there two fishermen there stuck on a plank of ice and pleaded with God to be spared, then they will each do a trick, but then they saw that water was to the knee, they slurred and lived happily like before, one only donating a candle instead of the chandeleer and the other glittering prices on his merchant goods excusing himself with the taxes...) 

Thingers upright, the party went along moonshines ilk; 

Long Drink guzzled down, bottled plastik, smooth as silk. 

(hundijala allika vesi - synonym for Alcohol, valid translation moonshine)

A drink in, for Ints, the Courage of the Champions; 

Marx, the young stag, while the girls swiped to the right guns. 

(I don't really like swiping - scroling up down or sideways, in this context opting for betters, because it can drive the lesser men to despair and cause acts of depravity, later regretted -- coming from theology studies, but hey its the language, what speaks to the yourhs these days, then in Rome... ^^) 

Veiko, less of good vibrations, laid back and easy going; 

Tarts made the offer, to take a little swim for the showing. 

"I don't know..." said Veiko " Is this a great idea?" 

we all kinda hammered and now swimming, yeah!"

Marx in a dare, got away from the hold of Veiko: 

Don't be such a hag, Veiks, you probably piss sitting too!" 

"What could possibly happen? God protects drunkards and us!"

on the high ground all are eager to swim like Indrek Sei gussed. 

(Indrek Sei is a famous Estonian swimmer, who now is a businessman. The God protects drunkards is a negative saying from the Soviet times, then druncards kept fucking up their lives, but seemingly always had plenty of health and money to keep on drinking. Then a drunkard falls down, it somehow is, that he dost get injured as a regular. Thus the saying that God protects them...) 

Arguments went, I wan to swim, you wont stop me, how; 

in meantime the Tweety Bird, Ints took a head for the bow. 

(Ints being the Courage of the party is really put out for the show, how stronger peers fighting can drive them over the edge, and how we should take better responcibilities on that. You can always choose, whether you're popular now, or the rest of your life -- its getting better later, and you'll understand, what I mean...) 

To show forth "Bravery" a little drink dost nothing to the swimming Man; 

now it has been four years from this fatefull day, strolling in a wheelchair tanned... 

Lame to say, that was the betters, for half of those friends; 

who drowned last year, had been drinking alco for the trends!! 

One Man holdup -- this one man, was no crasher, 

He got spine among the gang, to call shots and cash there. 

(I like such poems, what make others vomit, because I'd rather piss people off and be politically incorrect, to see people still alive the next time July 4th comes, than to attend their funerals or giving small-talk to the sulking wheelchair, who laments on the dead, who there left hanging... I'd rather be this kind of friend, who's aim and strikes are true. If you don't like that, hey! You don't have to ruin your Independence Day, listening to little old Whiteraven. UwU What do I know about it? ^^)

The second one was "The story of a man with no spine." (Lugu mehest, kel puudus selgroog.)

Elu on ilus, kui mõelda, või noh -- pole midagi häda! 

Noor pruut, töö ja siis see esimene suve vaba nädal. 

Päike helgib, pagasnikusse telgid; 

sõprade ees oma uue kahe-liitrisega kelgid! 

Tuttuus. Nullist sajani sekundeid umbes kuus; 

tuhisedes mööda võilillepõldudest ja raielankudest -- Tere, Eestimaa! 

See parim aeg aastas, parim aeg elus -- Tere festival... 

Parim aeg, parim õhtu, parim pidu -- kõik on pagana äge! 

Kõrges meeleolus maandub ohutunne madalal lävel... 

"Ära muretse, kallis," ise ütled. "Ma ise kõiki pärast ööbima viin." 

"Kamoon, ma suht kaine ja sõidan nagu Top Geari Stig!" 

"Ma võtsin vaid mõned koksid ja noh, enne need veinid; 

ära muretse, musi, näe -- lava peal on üks lemmikumaid DJ-sid!" 

"Ainult paar jooki veel -- tantsime, hüppame, kisame! 

Pärast sõidame rahulikult, viin su Pühapäeval tervelt koju, nii lubasin su isale!" 

"Me olime peaaegu kohal... Ma räägin siin võibolla 500 meetrist; 

me veel laulsime kaasa seda lugu, mis parasjagu tuli raadioeetrist..."

Parimast õhtust sai košmaare täis öö: 

Sest sa olid ainus, kes ellu jäi; missest et kinni oli turvavöö. 

Su elurõõmust sai mõrtsukatöö. 

Sa sulgesid uksed, enda ees avatud Maailma; 

kuidas vaatad ta isale matustel silma?  Ei... 

Ei saa tagasi pöörata ajavoogu -- sul oli peaaegu kõik -- 

Aga sul ei olnud selgroogu... !! 

Life is a flower, or well -- nothing to fuss about! 

Young bride, a job and the summers first week off stoked. 

The sun is shining, tents in the trunk; 

pragging in front of my friends with my new 2-litred junk! 

Factory New. From 0 to 100 in about 6 seconds it crews; 

(Wait for it, its always a good notion, if in a two-liner rhyme, one of the lines rhymes with itself, by using the first word and last. You know something ominous is coming OwO) 

cruising past the meadows full of Dandelion and the foresters flanks -- Hello, Estonia!

Thy best day of the Year, No in your Life, Hello, Festival! 

(Dandelion fields have always been a connotation of frailty and death, because they develop this white coat, and then you blow, and they fly away, leaving only the bold head, just as the deforrested land, is a connotation, of what is to come next. ^^) 

The best time! The best night! The Best Party! -- All is wicked-awesome! 

In High mood, the attention descends on a low doorway for Kingdom come... 

(Look, how the poet is making an effort of stressing out, how high the mood and cheerfulness of the party was, in contrast of the attention span lowered and what else is to come on this night...)

"Don't worry, honey!" you there saying "I will drive them in myself!" 

"Camoon, I'm relatively sober, and driving like Top Gear Stig in full health!" 

(You gotta love the connotations. We all know one of these young stags, who think, nobody can hold their water! who are relatively sober, like some teenagers are a little bit pregnant. The word used for delivering your vow or simply carrying out Viin (Viima) also can be translated as Liquoir. We also had the song of Oncle Bella "I took Liquoir" "Ma võtsin viina" I couldn't find its original in English. ) 

"Only a few cocks(-tails) and well, the fine wine before 

don't worry, honey, on the stage, there is my favoritest DJ -- I implore!"

"Just a few more drinks -- we'll dance; we'll shout; we'll cry!"

afterwards lets drive slow, home safely, on Sunday, as to your father I signed!" 

"We're almost there... talking 'bout 500 meters; 

we even sang along from the radio, down the Aether..." 

(Estonia has still not gotten away with the Aether theory of radio-waves, still strong in this figure of speech. Then a radio show is on, its on the Aether. UwU Love those anachronisms... It is said, then drunkards sing, it will ease their condition and let them control their motoric actions better, too bad it didn't work out this time...)

The best evening slumbered in a nightmare dread-filled night: 

You, the last Man standing, although the seatbelts there upright! 

Your joy of life became a butchers work, worthy of blight! 

(This threeliner wraps things up well, I reallly love the sad face of Genka, what is so not him in his songs... It reminded me of the Ozzy Ozbourne song, then he was just sitting and moving his lips, because there was not more strength left in his drained and overused body. All those words there on point as well. You really can see the roadkill in front of your minds eye ^^ I love those roadkill commercials, as long they save even one life, they are worth it, how many bleeding hearts they ever piss off in the process, who don't care about the dead so much... Again, better be offencive, and have all alive the next season, than be politically correct, and go to funerals. That's my philosophy in Life!! <3 UWU )

You closed the doors, in front of you the Whole open World; 

how shall you face his father on the funeral? Nay, you couldn't... 

Can't rewind time, -- you had it almost -- but aint got the spine!!

(Recommend to watch and take care of your friends. You do no service, if you for the sake of friendship get yourself or others cripled or killed. Its no laughing matter. Festivities kill the most people, especially at times of Corona, people are wee bit unhinged. Its better to give tough love, than rough tears. ;) Take care ya'all, Wish you a Great Indepence Day, America <3 <3 <3)