Saturday, January 28, 2023

Ergaz Shur

 On the way, I dismay, longing for you, my love; 

Ergaz Shur but a mile away, still it seems so huge! 

Don't forget me, while I'm on journey, my dove; 

on merchants  fares and battlegrounds. As I rove 

at the bazaars, no angel nor elf has your shine, refuge 

of mine soul. Your Tranquil gardens soften my detours, 

as I long for our times together. Yours faithful, Dreadmaw. 

Alas, there's no dwarven craft, what could contest your bosom; 

thy neck, like the ivory towers, your hair like its standards. 

Ergaz Shur knows no Maiden, who could rival your beauty, reason 

tell tales worthy of your splendour! What can an ork give, season 

with skins of our enemies and their heads; bathe in bloodwards... 

Still it would not account for your worth. Even Heavens shards 

would dampen their shine, next to thy skin and not bring ransom!! 

Remember, then I startled you on thy descent from Ergaz Shur; 

then you came to cleanse in the Pool of Serenity. Your guards 

thought valiantly and chased me until it was dawning at the Moor. 

The arguments we had, while trading young mares, the allure 

of thy fragrance. Could I ever call Amber sweet after my heart 

has known yours. I still hold the token of our Love, non shall part 

me from my vows. As I shall return to Ergaz Shur, please be True!

Waifu Wars

 Erutan -- Raindance Full Album 

Shoutout to Erutan, who inspired me about a New Hentai Game idea. Its fun, then people choose good names, what suit their character and performance, for Erutan means "I shall Entice/Inspire/Enchant/Arouse" Its a worthy name, for a bard, who's intention is to give good mood by singing. OwO 

Anyway, that idea, which was also inspired by the Chatbot controversy, there some people being obviously normal boys, trying to peek in the girls lockerroom, started to hentai the conversations. I thought, how about create a game, there you are either rewarded or punished, based on how you converse with your waifu. Abuse her too much, and her moral compass becomes also yandere and abusive towards you and the other characters. Treat her well and you get a more wholesome character. Based on your fights and performance in conversing with other participants, you get new traits to add to your waifu, which work like gear, but are rather direct attributes. Want to create your own MBTI? You can do it! Your own moral zealot to save the day? You can do it! Your favourite sociopath or loli assassin. (thinking of Noir) The games main intent  is not on the fight, but how to prepare them, by treating people either nice or not so nice, which ever is your strategy, affecting her moral compass. Different attributes unlock new moves to use in fights and how fair you tackle them. Maybe even have a karaoke or poetry slam moment with your waifu. Maybe it should even host a intrigue and slander feature/ talking on others behalf then not asked for it, so people could express their experience in bullying and parceltongue. Ever wanted to sing your favourite rap lyrics with Erza Scarlett? That would be a great game to be had. Also then your waifu gets bood out of the ring, for swearing too much, and then scolding you in the green room, for not supporting her better and being a more healthy coach. Its a wonderful game to try out, how to deal with fame, for I have noticed, people don't know how to handle public speech and are either too politically correct or don't talk at all. This would be a great game, to handle your social anxieties and conflicts. What are your thoughts and suggestions on this idea? :P

Self Reflection to block out casual Nihilism

 Self Check 6 Signs for Toxic Behaviour 

Oh my. Youtube has outdone itself and suggested something funny. I didn't even know, there could exist a video, what sums up the normal gaslight tactics of woke people. 

It starts with the term of Toxic behaviour. If a person uses it frequently, avoid him like the plague. Its like an official, who has to forcefully audit your life publicly, while not getting the memo, that it might be cringe. Accusing somebody of argumentativeness, is the same as insisting, that only Melancholic people and introverts are ok, while extraverts and cholerics are not. Cool, then you grew up in the North, but what about the Southerners who have a hotter temperament? If you have a problem with that, then it should be addressed directly, not behind the back. Nobody has died of admitting, that they need more space and not in your face argumentation. 

"You are defencive - listen to my feelings and take responcibility, rather than accuse!" is rather a cute one. Talking about your feelings by itself is a defencive coping mechanism. Why should your defencive coping mechanism defeat my defencive argumentativeness? It all started then one side was talking about their feelings, what the other side cannot much do about or verify it, if its the case. It could just be translated, to: "I have no arguments, thus back off, because I don't like yours!" Reflecting, why you don't like an argument is better, than declaring an argument bad, because it gave you a bad feeling. And how it made the teddybear loose its ear. Though I have to admit, its nice narration. I wouldn't bother commenting on this video, if I didn't like the channel so much. UWU Feelings are vague and have nothing to do in an argument, for they cannot be verified nor falcified. I am no clinical psychologist, please understand. My tolerance levels are dependent on the amount of coffee available and the bullshit I have received prior on this day, before your issue.  Arguments are met by other arguments. Its especially bad, then women feel the arguments of men away. Conflict is the way of life, its whether measure your dicks or have a pissing contest. How else can you show off, how Chad you are? X^D 

"Hold the peace!" -- How do you exactly do that, then the opponent openly assaults your way of life? For instance, if you're accused of toxic masculinity, not because you did something, but to stick it to the patriarchy. How do you hold peace, then you first have to locate a minority, in order to validate your position. Doesn't it make you come forward as dishonest and insincere? I always have to cringe, then people start rummaging around in my soul, suggesting, how I could have an attitude problem, whenever my argument is disliked. Why should I agree to it, and edit my thoughts? They are also based on my feelings, I just choose to share them through arguments!  Peace is a two way street held in mutual respect. It cannot be held on one hand! I never had a nice conversation, after the other pulled the "Hold the peace!" 

Those kind of problems can be avoided, than instead of speaking in third person; through supervisors and in feelings, you open yourself up and tell, what you really expect from the conversation. People may surprise you, then you let your armour down. What if somebody feels, he likes me, but I cannot return it as he deserves. Either because its work related; because of studies etc. or because I'm not ready for a relationship. People should not freak out and be a dick about it, as though I outright hate their guts. Besides, I don't need to be looking for drama or trouble, Conflict is my middle name and happens around me all the time. :P 

"Jeallous and Possessive..." humph... Sometimes I wish people would be jeallous and possessive about me. Sometimes I have an argument, simply because I want it to be returned with intrest. How else do you break the ice and approach somebody. Also I don't like it, then people jump to the next person, mid conversation, as though mine was not important enough. That hurts my feelings. People don't have any tact anymore, and drive into somebody elses train of thought, and then they get critique for that, umpf, there come the feelings. Don't flirt with someone else, while talking to me. I have a fast left hook, what gets triggered easy. I will not try to comprehend what 5d chess was going on there, then in doubt, punch. Also don't flirt with me, then you're married. :o Seriously DONT! :v 

"Don't be competitive, but lift underachieving people up!" oof, time out. That's the reason, why I don't like Commoncore. Then something is shit, it should be called out as shit, not flattered as awesome, then that person gets unfound confidence and channels all effort in this, and finds out, nobody buys it. Its the nastiest thing people can do to each-other, by fake commending stuff, because its not ok to call it out. I also think, if you called stuff out, you also provide insights, how to improve on it, but that is tolerated even less. As though, a person has no self-expression and ability to see past your insight, while still being so stunning and brave, then messing up. How do people want me to be, that I talk to them in carrot voice, as though they are a 6 year old? Or should I treat them to the same standards as myself and as my equal? Because I can't do both! Most of the time I bite and bark on people who I really like, and care about, what they are doing. It would be rather easy, to not say a thing, and let your mistakes eat you up. It affects my self-esteem, then I have to constantly look up, how its ok to converse to this or that person. Its like those people don't wanna be approached at all, but then you don't talk, you are the bad guy. 

I hope there would be more videos like that, so refreshing. Made my day ^^

One way, how to save the environment

 We should start using money as authorized checks, there every person has its own currency denominations, based on their frequent use. That would allow to also use the bigger notes, such as 500; 1000 and 2000 without running the risk organised crime abusing them, because they would be directly linked back to the users back-ground and a so called audit paper trail. (alhtough it would be made of armoured wool, so it couldn't be stolen from the bank) We should also recicle fake nike ware into paper, though it would make a more premium quality product, it would be nice, then you could own a book, made of cloth, while saving the planet and fighting forgery at the same time. It would be so Ninth Gate. 

Also, I think that, all of the correspondence of the WEF and other organisations, who blabber a lot, should rather read it digitally, not have their 5k memos printed. There should be a law, what deducts from senators and politicians pay, any time, something is said on 1k paper. Nobody is impressed by this kind of tactic of: "Don't read this, its boring, we just gonna muscle it through!" The same is about lawyers. There should be a law, what forces the contracts into plain and short language. Less is more! If the Environmentalists would push for that, I would believe them, but for some reason they are colorblind and tonedeath in noticing that. I wonder why... 

All the gyms should be connected to the grit, including the parks, there people play, to absorb the kinetic energy there. No, I am not kidding. Why should people work out free, then they can make use of its raw energy? Imagine having a nice workout, and getting paid for it! 

I dream of tree cities, there the entire town is built into a forest, by making the housing, as though they there alive and growing plants. Too bad, you can't do factories like this... perhaps we should start making housing under water, while building the upper level as an arteficial holiday resort and Penthouse. That would free the dry land for farms and forrestation. Wouldn't it be nice, then the United Nations, instead of its members warring, would plant trees into the Sahara Desert, with terraforming it to inhabitable land. It would give the expression: "Pound sand" a new meaning. That country, who manages to plant more trees, on a given arbitrary timeperiod, wins the dispute over which ever resources there in a military conflict. The military companies, should rather help Elon send a Mars mission out!! -Not that I expect them to listen, but it would be a nobel effort. 

Hollywood should be replaced with Youtubers and other independent content creators, because they just waste valuable resources for no reasons. If I wanted somebody to get off a Sermon, I go to church, and I can preach better than them. The same is true about World Media and News Papers, because at this point, they are just aparteid, and talk the same points, what the governments do. Any blogger can give a more neutral take of things happening in the world, doing actual journalism, compared to those claqeurs and corporate shills, who love their paychecks and ruining peoples lives. Why should you watch TV, then you can't still build up your own channel? The technology is there, but not the good will. Whats stopping the corporations in making a price list of channels and movies with premade commercial packages what deduce from its total cost, than to force standardized themes down our throat with non-negotiable commercials, there people just raid their fridge or fuck their waifu, rather than watch it, if their don't skip it in total, forcing the cable in messing with your controls, so you don't know, there you jump, 2 times 5 minutes or 5 times... etc. A normal working commercial should never be longer than 12 seconds. If you can't sell your product in that time, you have lost a customer. But I think, the corporations like to flaunt with their bling, how much money they can waste on their marketing, so they don't really care. Give more control to the user, get more money earned!! Figure it out already, 

Friday, January 27, 2023

Friendly Fire-Fountain

Seraph -- Horror Soundscape

Burn, burn, my desire, spire with the shoots of Moon; 

as Terminator apogees on the spoon. Friendly Fire- 

Fountain had something ado with a mothling -- soon 

I baptize your wings on, the Pain another way to swoon 

in success. For death a new beginning; anger hires -- 

manages the paralyzed into rough shapes, to admire, 

by those, who there too lazy to revolve on pillow-kun! 

Let me spite your shite, can you shire yours wires up; 

some good bias had bad briars, to flower the garden; 

dancing on the minds terminal velocity entering fuck 

zone for Event Horizon and black holes in the Buck! 

The lips stuck up on the hip, as the sixshooter ardent 

in the tipsy powerhose, a Friendly Fire-Fountain warranted 

indomitable in paso doble; the minds eye fleeted with Luck!

There's no off-switch nor safespace, press the bars to encore; 

its time to throw down the thrown shown by the clowns-town. 

Down with the sheckels as Bashan Cows Meneh-Tekel bored; 

misbred their misled and red Ted-Talks, moonwalked in torn 

flaks of plasma, a Friendly Fire-Fountain had to Fielty crowns!! 

Let it knows, theres a New Chez Riff to Piper-Prude-Phoebe owns; 

the rosedive had some thorny ways to Canossa, a bloody nose adorn.

Unfollow Meme

 Follow Ing, fellow Bling wants your thing; 

King of the nine rings, value makes Man singe. 

Can you hear meme, lend me thy ears, I string; 

mad-eyed is the blah-blastheming sheme grunge. 

Is the meaning to Ash or too Odal, for singels? 

Yera merged with Gifu, betrothing, guardian angels 

follow the chosen one, to wand the ward in dens hinge. 

Unfollow meme, for that soul was revoluting Estonian; 

ruler on da rule; blender on da boon, balloon shroomed. 

Ed, Edd and Eddy had a epiphany's groom, stoned Ian -- 

East was North-West of Cyan, to let the Indies go go Iran. 

Hiram was too Ivar, to be boneless in the myriad zoom-fed; 

Clubbing, subbing in the mariner-sun to sailor-moon Red. 

Confusion the best teacher of nothing begets all librarians. 

Possum zest possessed traits of being one with odds duress; 

I confess, I had to get it off my chest, but that Alp was NFT. 

Nifty there his thrifty twenty fifty tattoos of Tatooine pressed 

carbonite copy-cats on their curious and covetous chess set. 

I hit reset, triggered by the regret, as remorse was rehersed NRG 

reversed infamy, uncanny in the resemblance of Enemy... 

I can't seethe to understand the sands of time, demand a mess! 

Thus I Deus Vult, to Nature Mort, for Morrigan by default, 

the Avant Garde Danse de Macabre en chante du Hombre. 

As the degenerant trolls for regenerated rants, ants in vaults; 

pants on fire, naughts on the squire. The liar admire halts. 

Lilith wanted a word with Asmodeus over his Sombre 

sevenfold abstinence, while defeated by Raphaels mingle. 

Zozo Dadas the slomo: "Vade retro adjutant!" as he sculks... 

Some people still followed the derailed brainfreeze with a hiss: 

"But, but, but, you have to nut at least one meaning of cream 

of the crop, to be scholar-Bipolar Bear!" Not meaning is bliss -- 

absurd cheffs kisses for the Masse, what chiseled abuse-Suisse; 

Mil neuf sans, poisson rouge -- the french Samuser in Dijon Dream. 

The mustard was sweet, the frog legs there tender, garlic rear; 

baguettes and croquettes invited a marionette to be their Depuis!

Loosers Blues

 Chordettes -- Lollypop 

Ian van Dahl -- Castles in the Sky

Let me booze, you loose, let me buzz the game; 

just snooze. Heads you're it, tails thy fates end. 

Get your wits together and pound Witch fame; 

for Sandman was not having It, nor problems blame.

It dost take an Estonian, to be missing pretend; 

discovering in court of High Spirits gloss brand. 

Translation, lactating the last ditch effort of a lame. 

A duckling swansonged pretty please snitched hitches; 

hiking on umbridged words, wordsmiths glitch. I abridge. 

Do not apologize, fine Thank You, for the suplied stiches, 

on the wazzup dredge. I edge on the "Lord Lord!" smudge.

Why dost you say Yahveh, are you a wizard or a bitch? 

Hairy jokes to offend the court-Jesters off their rocker-lich. 

The lord, who is allmighty in haughty minds, didn't Wick! 

Blue Balls there offended, thus he shot the sheriff, to judge: 

"There is too much crime on the streets, lets get rid of smokes; 

the gun and bullets. The train of thought also sus, please budge!" 

People there aghast, why did you shot..? "How dare you! Ridge!" 

Pocketing the picked up lines from some philosophers coke 

dream, to blame on Bileam and defamed Zarathustra on the joke. 

The yoke was having a New-Broker story, to hustle awoke much. 

Pulling some dicks and splicing hairs, the fusion was generating 

unique Pokemon; Bakugan and New-Trons. They seemed old 

enough, to be playing harp in the chamber of commerse. A berating 

harpy was eating my lunch, stating: "One for the Patriarhy fading; 

two for the Maternal leave." How dost yours give, then Gold 

is faded to led, and none can be gentleman but deadmen trolled? 

Conning the freethrall, to be gull, the libel believed its fair trading. 

Loosers, gullible, you should think thin, while fat in pride, I surmise; 

how does one hide the pencil on the table, without a Joker banging 

heads? It must be the devils tunes, what got me the blues. Sunrise 

must amend the darkness, then the night is sent yonder, thus treatise! 

Lets swamp the terms and conditions, until the individual left hanging 

on the evil tree, is but a white dwarf cursing: "there be dragons!" gambling 

on the White Russian, then the dealer was out of coffee. Tea springs surprise! 

I had some lollies and popped a cherry. The Karen was not amused: "Do you mind!" 

Didn't she know, I never do, while I piss with the door open. Huckleberry on merry 

silent meanings, as the meany bully beans your doomed gloomy demeaning behind. 

"That is immature, to eat that candy! Not to mention the gum, why did you grind 

it under the counter?!" Sorry, no need to call numbers, my starsighs are very 

serious Taurean, mixed with doggy playful splendour. I think she missed that ferry, 

cause last thing, I can remember, was her strangling me to Heavensgate -- so kind! 

Blowing the whistle, and just having my time, some have to squaredance around; 

acclaiming, this space was closed for safety reasons. I guess the mockingbird Will 

shit your grill, while the handicap-parking Dodge Viper GTS coupe, cringed aloud. 

Then the cats can smile to the emperor and singingbirds tweet, why can't proud 

Whiteraven, not croak like a leper and depeche mode your French kisses, so chill! 

Gothic moods in an Emo setting, to detune the nightcore in gnostic-punkrock thrill; 

the kills of Heavy Metalled depression, while silver lining on the bayonette gourd. 

The cuts of a profane director, who conducted medicine in the custodian room. 

Where is the broom, and there there Witch! Werewolves went UWU on glance. 

Still the hoarcrux of the raddish I spiced up my life, hurt for being One doom 

to rue them all, one stomache ache to bind them. One tough shit to groom 

the Johnns and make the deadline grind Lem. The Medicine Man, who entranced 

majored on the Holy Supper, eating too much while drinking too little, fat chance: 

The snowballs and -flakes in Hell had to accuse the devil of luxophobia heirloom. 

The Primordial Sin didn't help out, for there was plenty to seethe through the ire;  

the Fires of despair and desire: "Why dost you have, I not!" while sitting idle. 

The devils toolbox had to boomstick around, to find out how many fucks can hire 

a devils advocate and give immense pleasure while not causing any grief, Sire!: 

"Would you write a contract, there I sell out, but don't retrieve responcible kinder 

from the ancient times, but castles in the sky, just dont Why my OMG cries hinder! 

The Shire must go on, as the holy fire has been snuffed out, on film and cameo dire..."

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Widows of Opportunity

 Down with Ideology Slavoy Zizek

People think, that this or that man became a thief because of their upbringing; or because of bad parenting; peers. Simply being poor, and there was nothing he could do about it. That would not be further from the truth, than people could comprehend. Then the only reason, people steal, would be poverty, why do rich and established societies still have a problem with it? The real reason, why somebody takes, what does not belong to them, is -- opportunity; the ambition to own, while not putting the effort, to earn it. In order to understand opportunity, you need to understand, how different factions see reality. For a poor man, there is only work and pay. The only way, how to create something, is through manual labour and saving for the future. Because of that, he works his pride up, and will never become a thief, because that would disrupt his ability to work, due to absence of trust and respect. He depends directly, how people perceive him. Thus a truly poor person, who lives in his society, would rather slam the door shut, than take anything from the vault, and even go as further as to jump into the throat of the perceived culprit, who caused this deliberate tease. 

In order, to see to it, that you can hold that money and take it without permission, the following criteria have to be met. People need to trust you with their money; which means, you need to be intelligent enough, how to make money. You need to have experienced, there you can shape reality through your coping mechanism, also known as white lies. You need to have more than moderate amount of luck and finesse of smooth operating through the people and social engineering yourself a positive reputation. Both can be met, by being a pusher; a mobster; kingpin; a bitch; amerchant; a cop; a lawyer; a judge etc. Only then would you take the money, then you know by experience, that you can get away with it. For that reason, thievery or omission are more prone for open societies, while for closed societies, it is more abuse of power, due to mostly currency being obsolete to further as value system. People, who have too much money, also can become immunized to its bad effect, simply like a porn star can become a sage. He just burns himself out and it doesn't matter for him anymore. 

In order, to be the thief, you have to be in the middle of the playing field. There you're not too poor, not too rich, but want to get somewhere, and then think yourself smart enough to cheat the system., and most windows- opportunists, become widows self made in their sad sob story, of taking what doesn't belong. 

For an Intellectual, reality is a matter of definition. Thus in one way, he is like God, but in other way, locked like Rapuntzel in the tower. You seemingly have everything, and nothing. The more you abuse the word, to get your way, the less you get it, both comprehencively and in means of people wanting to listen and follow you. There was a really good way, how a comedian commented a fellow comedians work: "At first I was like: "Wow, they can do this joke as well!" then years later I was: "Oh, They do it again!" then more time later: "Ok cool, they are still doing this joke, nice!" and at a certain point I started to ask: "Are they still doing that joke?"." Things tend to wear out and age, and then you overdo it, people simply tune out, because you constantly doing it. For that reason, a good intellectual needs to know, when to enter the stage, and then to leave the stage. Missing out on it, could cost your head... 

For a Champion, reality is a matter of Will. He just wills his conviction to tackle the on hand problem, and that will solve itself. The problem is, what if a stronger Will confronts yours, or even more simpler, what if the people Will Not! Will Not has always been a stronger force, than Will, because it doesn't take extra effort, why you should keep status quo. It takes always more energy, to get up from your warm cozy bed, to bring out the trash or get the mail and newspaper, than to let somebody else in the family do it. The reason, why we have so many games and entertainment, is to lure in the Champion, lest he does something stupid, and saves the world! The reason, why we don't dream anymore, why nobody shows their vision of a grand future, as though all has been discovered and established, it for that same reason. Because Champions Will Not! 

Every day, you choose to steal from your True Self, the Future You rightfully desire and deserve, then you leave yourself inside the Matrix to be mundane and base, because at least you're not doing anything illegal and naughty... Because you deny yourself the window of opportunity, to even see the possibility to access your life and reality in a new way! Have a nice day, and become the best You, what can Be!

Awakeness vs Shrewdness

 The problem, what I am having with Awakeness, is that its not a spiritual but a physical thing. People treat it as spiritual, because it is supposed to transcend us from the profanity of life, there we are attached to the mundane life. The problem with that is, how do you commune with this world, then you're so spaced out? Why should the world give a fuck about you getting into extasy and having a pipe-dream? You say, your dream is good, even divine, now prove it. How does an awakened being make an non-awakened being understand? Does he even need to approach, or should he let the regular figure things out his own. 

The World is over-saturated with gurus; wizards and enchantresses, who all claim some kind of wisdom and form of enlightenment. Mostly it involves in this smug attitude, of: "When you can't understand it, perhaps your vibration is not high enough!" which sounds like the invisible clothes of the nude emperor. I really dislike anything, what dost support at least some kind of frame of discourse, what allows to fact check its validity. Yet here we are, the more woke a person claims to be, the less attuned he is to understand or take part in the every day life; while trying to disolve any kind of border between any kind of topic or meaning. There is a reason, why you don't keep sugar salt and strychnine in the same jar. Yes, they are all white, but one is sweet, the other is salty and the latter kills you! Sometimes we need unification, other times we need alienation; division and alteration. You can't have that, then everything is logos and enlightenment. The more you know, the less you understand. Because people don't know anymore, how to get something done, but simply to flex, how it is possible to flurry his verbal sword around. It is true, that none have perfected the martial arts more, than the Chinese, but if your only intent is aggression, you there better pressed using an Oni-club and being an ogre. Nobody argues with the bonk. 

Why is this relevant towards being woke? The more spiritually enlightened you are, the more shrewd people really become, though they should detach themselves from this world, which would mean, they should hit nirvana and cease in this world, yet they persist. Its not that you really came out of the Matrix. You just got out of the first layer, and built from the remnants of that snakeskin a castle to live happily everafter, to reward yourself for your journey so far. Your ego, who got spooked, by your attempt in murdering it, much like with the Occupy Wallstreet, refocused your ambitions by changing the language patterns, so you would seek power and avoid pain with anxiety in a new way. 

Why not write a book and make a movement? For you are Enlightened and Humble now! The more you struggle on your journey, the farther from light you become... You should not become more good, because only a person at leisure can truly profess in being good. How does a worker do that, then he needs to do his bidding? You should become more evil, in order to distinguish, which is which. If you don't even know direction, where is up and down; left or right, how do you even move? What dimensions are you using in order to get there? What is your intent? Lets assume, you rule the world as the divine Jade Emperor. Nobody is smarter; stronger; more beautiful; graceful or better equipped in leadership than You -- and the Sun Wu Kong comes into your empire of Grace and refuses to respect nor listen to you! What will you do? How does your virtue and perfection suffer such imperfection? How does your unstoppable force, move the immovable object, who can't even bother to give a fuck about you wanting to rule the world perfectly!! How do you keep your own respect towards yourself and this world, along with the respect of the others towards you and this vision or nightmare, what just happened in front of everybodies eyes? What will you do? Do you even need to do anything? What will Sun Wu Kong do? 

The problem about enlighthenment culture has never been seeking it, but how much darkness or unrefined space it can suffer! The more spesific our language and education gets in proliferating the teachings of old in any shape and form, the more cunning and shrewd the teachers become, seeing the students as mere pawns on an imaginary chess or go-board. That is the criticism I have about woke people. Why do they insist, that the entire world needs to be their way? Why can't they change the world, while not changing the world, and leaving everything the same, but still getting stuff done? Why this lordly attitude, there the ones preach and the others need to build according to their blueprint! Maybe its shit, how about them potatoes!! 

Nobody understands poetry and humour anymore. Everything has to have an integral source of meaning and agenda. Why though? The more we disect things to get to the bottom of it, the less real things we have to live by and with! What happened to trust in Life itself, there we just wing it and go with the flow. No, You can't do that, you need to get enlightened, in accordance to the latest gossiped rolemodel and heard there. We should own less wisdom and knowledge for the sake of tolerance, then we want to survive as a specis. Its obvious some people should not have any faculty of teaching, what so ever and just do manual labour. The monks in any culture definitely didn't sip soy-latte to judge others, while doing nothing. And they didn't demand themselves divine rule to be little emperors and jailors to torture and punish anybody, who dare to oppose or discern against it. In fact, they wanted the least amount of this world possible. Yet we have this wokeness, who claims to know it all, while not being able to fend for themselves, unless an Authoritarian World Summit takes over and forces it down every rabbit hole and molehunt. So very Awakened indeed... if this kind of shrewd monetisation of spiritual things does not stop, then our children become our judges, by leading the world through their only-fans accounts, while either China or India takes over, if not Korea or Japan don't want in on the show. I can't see, that the West has anything to say in this matter, as long dopamine rush and playing the Rat of Pavlov game, is the only answer to everything. It does not matter, what you can have, but what you can relieve, but still remain yourself and move on your journey of Self! The East has long understood and is winning, can the West get the fuck up and catch on!! Or do you still need Enlightenment to Have It, not to Loose It?

Friday, January 20, 2023


 Fairy Tail Sad OST

Make Peace, Mind; 

throw the towel, ye Flame! 

Spirit of Conflict. 

Demons become; 

redeemed in forgiveness 

saving thy Grace. 

Flow, as the river; 

stream boundless despite odds. 

Will be tomorrow... 

Darkness and Sunlight; 

constantly dancing around. 

Moved as one!

Marry your despair; 

choose to make Peace. 

Sweet surrender soul. 

It is your time; 

make way and come forth 

Personal Monster

The Bileam Principle

 Bileam was a warlock. I know the literature states him as a prophet, but due to the cultural use of this title, warlock is more accurate. He was  somebody, who could commune with more than one gods, otherwise the Jews would have incorporated him amongst their prophetic literatures, but he had this pagan tendency of mix and match common beliefs. A person, who offered freeware in an environment of Monopolistic hegemony by the Israelites. Wouldn't you wanna provide Bileam with a cease and decist order, for only a faithful could commune with Yahveh, lord of Hosts! To build up a reputation of reliable profecy and divination, is no small favour to ask. He couldn't be a prophet of the sence of that word, due to agreeing to the enemy Kings first proposal to curse Israel, what is said to have been thwarted by Yahveh himself. For a Prophet would have personal awareness of his God, so why would Bileam not know, how his God feels about cursing his people. Which concludes, that most of the times, he might have been in the office of communing for the other deities and not for Yahveh. Why else would it need to be stressed out, that he was taken over? Not to mention the event with the angel, who tried to kill him, and the talking donkey, who prevented that. Why go to such length, then Bileam and Yahveh had a continuous relationship? 

Why is this so important? Basically was Bileam the bootlegger of major software, but the crops came to his aid, to solve their problem, not to some of their own, or a genuine Israelite Prophet. This should have not worked by default, yet it did. For sometimes Yahveh seems to hold this hands off approach, where he lets certain rules to be broken, to see, how his faithful respond to it, and can they detect the heart of a given passage, to make Mercy triumph over the law, so to speak. Mostly the Israelites failed such tests, which is evident by the execution of Bileam, though he urged in prophetic spirit be counted amongst the faithful. So much for gratitude, for not cursing Israel. 

Naturally Bileam has been made a mark of corruption, that people are alienated from God and do what they will, just as in the times of the Tribal elders and Judges, but that is not always the truth. Sometimes such a corrupt even criminal king pin type is more closer to God, which is already suggested by the character of Jacob, who literally stole his elder brothers inheritance and had to flee, to avoid being killed by him. So at certain cross-sections, this Yahveh condones tricksters. Then it furthers the plot of his agenda, what ever it may be... 

Can you serve God, then you come in contact with such a Joker, who by looks should not even be valid in your worship, but there you go, he can directly talk ro your God, and not just talk, but successfully grant favours from said God!! What does it make of your loyalty? You toiled legally on the field, and now came up some heathen and did it on the side. We know about the parable about the Prodical Son, there the Elder son, who stade and didn't wish for the death of their father, and didn't waste his inheritance -- which are really grave capital sins, in Israelite law and that region -- its not weird, that it hurt his fealings, that the idiot was taken back with all honours, as though the transgression took not place. This is the allegory for our spiritual life, but going into the story, who would suffer it, then God would forgive somebody, who really deserved condemnation? Prophetic voice should not be granted to an infidel. I mean look at all the demands a Nasir or Prophetic disciple needed to adhere, before he could call himself one. And then there was Bileam! How is that fair? 

God can do what ever the fuck he Wills, just like a coder, who creates his own game, and doesn't have to answer to the NPC units he makes. Even if his storyline went a particular way, he can at any time revision it, and add; subtract from it at his own leisure. Does he ask for permission or advice, or call upon a meeting with all the creation? It sound even weird and nuts to suggest that? Which creator of content would ever do that?? Yet Yahveh, Lord of Hosts, did exactly that, then he gave his only begotten son, brought forth from a virgin no less, to die on a cross, an instrument of torment and legal curse -- for a crucified person was out of law and bounds and could not go to Heaven. So how do you deal with such an event, where God has been caught debugging his code? For a Warlock communes in His name, and denies a Heathen King his will, refusing a most generous offering!! An unprecedented event. Try to imagine yourself, if you're a content creator, how your refuse the POTUS, then he asks you nicely to undermine some other country. Its not hard with Biden, but then there was a strong serious President. 

You have to always be aware, with dealing with a God, who claims to have made everything, that everything can happen. At any point a Bileam or angel of God, or divine demon can come forth and do his bidding, just to dishonor the faithful, who have become complacent in their everyday life and ordeal of servicing God. What to do, then the unthinkable happens? How to deal with the message from the side? If there was a legitimate possibility, that legally and spiritually binding lore could come from a official, who is not from the clergy, it will open a really nasty can of wurms. How do you distinguish ortodoxy? Who has the final say in disputes of scripture, then somebody might have a feeling against your meticulous exegesis and epistemology? 

It also gives a lot of hope, because it means, that the True faith can never get stuck in time, for an angel will always come, to reestablish the true meaning, then the hour presents itself. Now to the morals. What happens, then one day we wake up from the Matrix, and discover, we there partaking in an exam? Or even worse, that you there under the spell of a devil! Being married to Satan, as the parable between gamers goes, then a dealer wins too much. Does that make us fatigue and devaluate our moral decisions, or give them more flavour, because now we can take it more generously, to feel the inner coherence of this build or that. For inside the lore, there is only one true way, outside the game, there are multiple ways, how to play a narrative to have the final goal. 

The question stands: Where do you fare, and what is your ambition, to serve or not serve the intrests of God? Are moral deeds and decisions only done by moral people, or can wicked people outside the law, also fare morally? Will you accept your chance to find yourself, or will you give up, because there is no wellfare system, to guide you through? What is stopping you, in becoming the Bileam in your story? Is it status quo, or reluctance to loose the game, because strict hammering the rules, may prove to fall in your favour. Why do you serve! Know who you really are, and what you want from this Life! Halleluyah, Godspeed! <3 ^^ UWU

Thursday, January 19, 2023

But I am right...

Chretien wiki

 I will never gonna understand the self-righteousness of certain religious people and woke cretins. The term comes from the name Chretien, which means "Christian" and the medical condition refers to dwarvish people living in the Alps, what was first politically used against Chretien de Troyes for his naive and detached views on how a woman should be and act, to say how he is like the dwarf in an ivory tower. Too bad I couldn't google the infamous quote, because everybody needs to mind about my feelings and it couldn't be found. It makes understanding language so much harder, then parts of history get omitted and erased. normally cretinism stands for a professional, who's hot takes can only be narrowly understood, inside his faculty and nowhere else for lacking cultural context, either because you chose to seclude yourself due to political; religious or both reasons. 

Why would you idealise anything? The mere act shows, that a person doesn't understand the topic, then something needs to be put on a pedestal and gatekept any interaction to and through? How do you even take somebody as a citizen, in contrast to being respected through your father, then your words cannot be taken to account, because you're too young and naive? How does that work out... Though I have nothing against Chretiens works and speeches on Arthurian novels, him being a poet, me also. But this is one of those times, just like with Demagogues and Pharisees, then one of your idiot takes, ruins an entire family name and concept of being a True Christian!! This is the place, there the woke madness historically began. Then scholars, who don't fare with women, have statements about women, and then are perplexed, why those are ill received... 

Then ever something gets idealised, it gets less available. There is a reason, why boys chase after bad girls but marry a housewife; while girls dream of a white knight, while ending up with a plumber or coal miner, who swears a lot and has a jumpy triggerfist. People want safety before perfection. Most poets and politicians, unfortunately don't understand that, then they, as Nietzsche would put it, lie too much. 

Some times you don't need to be right, but you need to work out in your life. What does it matter, then you're right, then it makes people deepthroat you their fists and a foot up your ass? People should understand temperance and diplomacy, how much information the audience can take how... 

Most of the time, you're supposed to get the job done and do your thing, not being right. People have enourmous inflated Egos, what would make even Lone Wolf or Geronimo jeallous. Always wanton making statements, what could be inscribed to the annals of history. Less speech and being right, more hard work, while shutting the fuck up! What does it matter, then you can say something, then you cannot convey it with your action? "Let somebody else do it, I'm just sparking the conversation and spreading the awareness." Why don't you spread your legs instead of flapping your gums so much! A prostitute can do more good, than many words spoken by folks these days. This is not my day, fuck you and have a nice one... :o

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Shut up and dine

 Amon Amarth -- Sulfur Rising 


Come to thee, Jesus looking for thy soul, bludgeon and feed; 

for Lord Allmighty has descended his apron down the Heavens. 

Feast on what you see, no devil can seethe on thou redeemed! 

Remember the Saints, ye sinner, for Yahveh Sebaot is here!! 

Draw strength, has fallen in despair, shield broken, tremours 

still shaking your grounds, your armour shattered in bloody gores. 

Come back, ye dead lost soul, for The Holy Spirit wants you free! 


Behold, ye Heathen, come forward, be my knight as ordealed! 

I shall sacrifice nations from your left and full generations right; 

lay down your crown, and draw strength upon resolve. Be Healed! 

Who shall go from our Court, who witness on Earth, Angelic lead. 

Those, who are blind, stumble on their way, make them see light; 

those, who have forsaken their birthright, find new growth, highth! 

Be the Raven of God, and Feast on what He has laid as your bread. 


Transcending time and space, amending title defaced -- Come: 

Conflict; War; Famine and Death! Make Yahveh Sebaot proud!! 

For hand shall be against hand, and brother against sister shunned; 

none shall prevail and stand tall, but Lord Allmighty in court, run! 

Make the Baptism of Fire reach high and low, the underworlds bellow; 

all shall see and despair, all shall seethe nightmared -- wasted torn. 

Who shall go out, and be the Gospel of the Warriors and hamstrung!! 


Shut up and dine, for God himself shall feed thee, Ravens and Wolves; 

banshees and demons filth. Take up your cross, and be that Superman! 

Make it rain fire and brimstone, to desecrate the Sodomites resolve 

and the Gomorran pride. Lay waste to the city of Angels, and halfs -- 

those who want to hold up, what has been decided in ages. Make a stand; 

let the rivers run red; let the covenants silent misled -- Vengeance on demand!! 

Blessed are Thee, who comes in the name of the Lord! Dine with Beowulf!

Wise men are idiots

 Jordan Peterson Atheism and God 

People seek God and Enlightenment for the wrong reasons, because they think too much. Its the ancient dispute between Lao Zi and Kong Fu Zi, but also the dispute between Jesus and his disciples Peter; James and John on who gets to cast out demons and sit on the right or left side of God! You don't seek Enlightenment for freedom sake or to be free for yourself -- you seek it, to be outside of life, and live in accordance to Transcendence or Tao. For that reason you get possessed by discipline, to hone your skills of thinking, or rather, how not to think, in order to be empty and available to God. The Prostitute is full of lust; the preacher is full of conviction. However, while fear of God is the beginning of Wisdom, renouncing yourself and your personality is the end of the journey, then you cease and desist. 

The reason, you need to think like a child or like the underworker, is that you don't feel the power of being in charge. How does the child do? He listens first and then moves according to, what's being told. How does an underworker do? He works for the client in the name of the boss, representing the boss to the client, to get paid!! People still say: "My work!" "My honour!" "My name!" I am happy, I became a security worker, because in here its always teamwork, and everything I do right is because my Boss and Company is so awesome. Everything, I do wrong, is my own folly and mistake! You don't own anything, but merely using it to do your work. Just like your badge or uniform. Not your Intellect; not your Personality; not your skillsets; not even your parents and your social environment. This is not You! 

For that reason, its humourous, then yet another atheist tries to dispute the existance of God, by stating, that all people are by default Good. Its the same thing as saying, gravity dost exist, and you can float however you want on nothing, as God howering, while he was creating everything. For some reason, people cant stand that image of God floating over nothing. It transcends our understanding, for something needs to exist for our feeble minds, in order to float over it. No, Malice and Lust are the core ingredients of Humanity. People, like any creature, wants to eat; shit; fuck and sleep. The reason, why people eventually choose good is quite simple. They don't want to be killed; raped nor captured, while they sleep or are injured; sick. Self-preservation forces people to be good, not that they want to be good. Give people opportunity, and their true self will surface itself. If the True Nature of Man was to do good, then why did the Prison Experiment fail? Why do people given absolute power, always end up abusing it? Why do we have moral values, what tell us, how we should not go to the ladies room or not look a certain way. There would exist no need for laws -- especially morals, if people by default choose Good.

 People want to possess everything in their life, because they are dying. One day you shall perish, and wont be able to hold on to your wits nor belongings; the people you met. We all shall become one with nothing. Some people willingly, others spiteful, but eventually it will happen to us all. Paradise or Hell, starts from your Life on Earth, how you redeem or condemn your actions. You don't get no rewards nor punishment in the afterlife, but what you bring with you. A True Enlightened person lets go of life and stops persisting to achieve anything. It doesn't mean, you agree to evil, it means, you don't take part on the wheel, what makes this or that family be on top. 

The reason, why this is too dreadful, and why mostly nations hate this idea, is quite simple. You can't force people to follow and serve you, then there is nothing to achieve nor to fear! Christianity didn't become a world religion, because the Romans thought, it was right, but because it was more useful and cheeper, than its predecessor. The same reason is Wokeness chosen today -- because it gives people, what they want. More shameless lust, without consequences! People have chased after virtue for so long, they have lost themselves. Because the merchant speaks of his wants too much, the priest too little. How do people intend on living a spiritual life, then they either fast themselves to death, while being made brutally aware of peoples opinions; or don't care at all, and fuck themselves to oblivion, like the rat of Pavlov? You cannot follow two kings. People know that passage, but do they know, what it means! Then you're a spiritual being, who do you serve with that? It might sound absurd, why wouldn't God want a holyman on earth. But if you're the coder of a video game or writer of a story, you might not like a holyman in a story, what should be talking about pimps and bitches or something else like that. 

Do the people, who offer God their worthy lives, understand, that they are bringing Him the offering of Cain? Did you actually ask God, what He wants from your Life? Then why do you call yourself the Holyman of this God or that Teaching, then you do the fuck you want, and not that bidding! How offended are holymen and preachers, then they don't get what they want; or should I say, a successul career following their God... What if God wants you to be Obed-Edom? Can you be the one, who holds the Arc of the Covenant, after it already killed a man, thus disgruntling your King? Can you live your average life, knowing, that Uzza wasn't holy enough to touch the Arc, though his intentions there good. He wanted to stop it falling to the ground. It should have been carried on priests consecrated shoulders, which would have taken a lot of time, and King David, couldn't mind to do that wait, but thats neither here nor there. How do you do your service; fuck; shit; eat and sleep, then death is in your house? 

I can tell you, why Obed-Edom didn't die, though he was a foreigner amongst Israel, and couldn't think himself worthy to this God of his King. He loved his King so much, that he gave his life up! He accepted his fate, which was good in Yahveh Sebaoths, and His Christs and the Holy Spirits eyes, thus his house was rather blessed, not cursed, though he was still a profane creature. But because his service to the King was worthy, he was treated, like the consecrated shoulders of the priests!! 

You can always do everything, in the face of the lord -- as long Your Lord wants you to do it!! 

Wanna eat your food on bullshit? Eze 4:12-15! Wanna sleep on a dead child? 2Ki 4:32-35! Wanna kill children over an insult or a man for not listening an order of the Lord, they didn't know of, so you can curse the King? 2Ki 2:23,24; 1Ki 20:35-43. Let it be known, a faitful Jew wasn't allowed to do any of the affirmentioned things, but then you are the Prophet of God, you are outside of the law and beyond good and evil. You're basically on no-clipping mode, inside a video game, being able to move through walls, like a ghost. 

Do people actually want their life and works to cease and desist, to be awailable for this God, who can ask them anything? Really! People are like the main character of the Soviet Movie classic The adventures of Shurik and Operation Õ. Recommended watch. Then they are in power, they say, how they are gentile, who is misunderstood by society, and wanna force a tribal marriage through, but the moment, some tribal men lust for your blood, because you wanted to force a woman marry you -- puff, that gentleman becomes a Communist! Now he dost not want anymore, to live according to tribal law. 

People, who claim, there is no god, and they can still act morally. Go ahead, fuck around and find out! See, how far you get, until depression; anxiety or your childrens and pupils misdeeds get a hold of you! Maybe you can live like that, but can your next generation, influenced by your teachings, and not your upbringing say the same? For that reason, in the end of times, your children shall become your judges, determining, who really loved and hated their kin and neigbour. The one who spoke sweet words or the one who told the harsh truth. 

While it is possible for a person to be Trans and go to Heaven, Mat 5:29;30; Ga 5:12, the law for Transpeople and circumsicion or ritual cutting is the same, provided you will become an affront to the law insodoing. Inside the culture, you're now dead, and belong solely to God! The same law goes to tattoss and piercings, if done in reverence, they are good, if not, then better not be a Christian... It is not possible for the one, who lures a child, who didn't transition there. Children haven't yet fully developed, thus they cannot concent to sex. It always fascinates me, how they can concent to surgery and hormonal therapy, what is the equivalent of overclocking your drive. You haven't yet even discovered, what your computers parameters are, but juicing it, should help it get better! In reference to what? You better be damn sure, then you help a child transition, that God really wants him to do that, because if He doesn't, then you slandered the creation of God, stating, that God made a mistake, and gave the child the wrong gender for no reason. You will force this child needlessly into depression and basically mindfuck him, denying him the life, he could have had, was he allowed to develope naturally. Should he comit suicide, that's on you as well, because that could have been avoided. Mark 9:42 Trans-children go definitely under the millstone passage, because it is better for you to claim atheism, than to claim, you're doing it, while being religious!! If your child becomes Trans, because you wanted it; or his peers; friends wanted it, while not being it. you better run like Hell, the next time, you see Jesus walking your way! You will definitely not be his Friend... 

Even if you have a trans child, don't get your hopes up, because God has your trans child! He will go exactly, there God Wills, not there you want. So who wants to become a Christian? Halleluyah! 

Tuesday, January 17, 2023


 cancel Eminem shorty 

Eminem's Unintentional Curse 

Kool G Ill street blues 

Masta Ace and Marco Polo Brooklyn 

Why are you Underbuzz, Em which nigger tossed thus; 

cuss me Hamas or Toys R Us? Maybe russian Rush-strike 

chess. Some nutty bachelors nuts went cojones, fapping glass. 

The mirrors empty, still some dogs growl at their image sass. 

Roulette me tell you something, fettez vous jeux, rien Mike -- 

was you riding Kitt, or a trike. Untamed, then Ruben hiked 

to his fathers second hand wives, concubines, so is the old fus. 

Em made people dream, they can still scream, and bleed real; 

but black rappers got too civil, then I close my eyes, still 

I can see someone playing the contrabass chilling the neat. 

I guess its cool, but not for me, I wasn't raised on Brooklin str. 

instead I was fed communism, then it crumbled like the grill 

from a pick up truck; to have a Nation fucked by Capital Bills 

blowing Monikas their own DDLC  in LIV while XES was deal. 

How is the baker guilty, that so many fakers copy his recepy; 

meat your maker, remake that take, to hate Em, for the rehab. 

Redemption was based, but you unfazed, just hate, cause Ree 

your Sun was being Moony, that Em showed his guts and bees 

in the stomache, instead of butterflies. Why's Em underbuzz, chad? 

Why did niggers throw Em under the bus, to cuss against white rad 

Masses -- you just racist gatekeepers who wont forgive, Em's DNA! 

How are you any better than the KKK, denying Em the Emmy; 

while bitching it to any bling gangsta, who can shoot his brother. 

Backstabbers and trackhatters, mad bladders scatter the black cry 

for fatter but still high tuxed King Pin chatterbox, maybe grammarly 

or grammy will award your classical foul Denmark Hamlet smother. 

Em has done more to rap, than people want to fathom, you just bother 

to be jeallous, accuse all the mistakes of the bipolars, to collar Em's spree. 

Why is Em underbuzz, niggers thrown him under there cussing sus; 

giants never respected in hometown, like Jesus, Fee-Fi-fo-fum, I smell 

with my smoking gun, Simon sais, there is some cheese hashed in stash. 

The One Piece was released in Chinatown en Tease, to stripmime Cash; 

Johnny was still out cold, sold to record labels, but Em is trash? WTH! 

Don't forget your grass, while you touch the brass, the sculls of Schell, 

branding rap to be only if everything is done oldschool, funny Jizz... 

Rules are meant to be broken, amended the pretended tender renders; 

what wanna bring Elvis and Crosby back, fat chance I see black. 

Fenrir must be unleashed from his shackles, Loki trickster the genders. 

Generic gentries, sounding like 19th century bollox sold for Sentry. 

Your zen is trying but it aint fooling me. Why is Em underbuzz crack 

a smile on your back and snickers in your hollow souls, I wanna smack 

that chip out of your ingrained cold shoulders and brains. Zoned Preppers. 

I started from reading and writing Sonnets and Haikus, to smite thou; 

reading more bibles and verses, you could dress-reherse Kill-Bill save Mercer! 

I shall give you a merger, to ER the sergeant and Sergei, for the Peace shout 

in Boromir, borrowing meanings and mean dreamy rhimings until stout 

boyscout have to pout; the Jade Warriors loose their shine, attributing Mercy 

with tough love, to El Shaddai the turtledoves into wild ravens. Rave me Cercy 

some ash on the mouth. I shall Alp on your chest, raise Hell into Saints Row!! 

Conflict the most honest form to abhore; abjure; admonish and concur. 

In War all Saints will be sinners, and the devils skinners; Springfield 

me some Summer of Love streamers with electric coolade while slurred. 

Why is Em underbuzz, some niggers thrown Him under the bus, Murdered. 

Was he Mordred or Morgana, that so many want to fate him into Ireland, shield 

thine eyes, as Quasimodo jumps down for bodhi-slams, dunks the Dukes creeds. 

It came a lot, Camelot, Games Lot -- hotspot, the thot, to corndot out that cure. 

Why do we need rap to be sober and reserved, we all know how Shakespeare fared! 

Well's Fargo, he couldn't fart gold, in his grave bold far gone, Most don't even care, 

don't fare to Blair Witch, or hardscare the heart-attack into an oblivious nightmare; 

shatter  me, the tattered takes are on a breakdance for the Loch Ness/ Blake -- dare 

me some beefcake, better than thy causa nostra to roofy Em cause fox trott glared. 

If you so badass motherfuckers, take the fakers to school and church, to endear 

some respect, instead of gloating, that some buns there left chilling in the ovenrear.

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Jumala Kirkus

 Templars singing from the Heavens 


Jumala Kirkus tulgu esile, nagu karu mesile; 

lõhed ihkavad kosest üles oma kudemispaika. 

Surma ja teekonna kiuste -- ole meile tõsine; 

armuline Isand Jumal, kes sa valitsed, esile 

tulgu Sinu Au, Jahve Sebaot, sinu Kristus avita! 

Pühas Vaimus kosuta me hinge, me rajad talita; 

et usust usku, ligimest hoidmast ei väsi me. 


Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Taevas ja Maa kõmavad; 

kogu ilmaruum on täis sinu Au ja Kirkust! 

Sinu pühad inglid astuvad esile, kroonid lõõmavad 

nad asetavad su jalge ees maha, hõir tõuseb rõõmuga: 

"Püha, Püha, Püha on Vägede Jahve, hing sa virgu -- 

ma tahan su saata veel kaugemale, et tuua kirbu 

rohte ja kibedaid juuri pühale tulele viirukiks tänuga! 


Saa tühjaks mu ihu, jää vait, minu meel, võta vastu; 

mis Jumal on valmistanud aegade algusest! Selah. 

Egiptuse ja Süüria ta heitis maha, Kabuul ei kosta 

enam kiitlust; Liibanoni ei tuletata meelde. Ostja 

komistab oma rajal ning kaupmees põgeneb, Ruah, 

ei ole nõu ega relva El Shaddai vastu, nuta kibedalt, Rama! 

Vaata, siin on sinu sõjarüü, vali mind, pühakusse astu!! 


Jumala Kilp ja Mõõk, valmistet lonkajatele ja vigastele; 

pimedatele ja kohtlastele; kurtidele ja tõbistele, kuulge: 

Tulge tagasi Risti alla, Kristlased, ütelge vihasele -- 

jäta maha oma mõrv ja hoia ligimest, päeva viimase, 

Tema valmistab vihmast Päikeseks; leigest, tuumseks!! 

Võtke Julgust ja Tõde, mäletage, mis Mäejutluses huulde 

sai lausutud ning täole pandud, Inglite Kogudus kisendage! 


Olgu Jumal neile armuline, kes astuvad maistel rajal; 

anna neile andeks nende võlad, sest nad ei tea mitte, 

mis neile nende armu katsumisel vajaka on! Selah. 

Suur on su ustavus, El Elyon, kes sa lõid veerajad 

sügavustes ja panid mõõdunööri ilmaäärele, mitme

õnnistusega, oled saatnud oma lapsukestele võtme: 

Sina avad, ükski ei sule; Sina suled, ükski ei ava... 


Vaata, siin ma olen, avatud su ees, sinu sõjarüü; 

pane mind selga ja tule, pane mind selga ja tule! 

Adonai, õnnistet, kes tuleb Issanda nimel, minu süü! 

Minu suur süü on su ristile naelutanud, Jeesus, nüüd -- 

murra must läbi ja austa Iseennast, Kirkus, kuule; 

ära mine minust mööda, kui ma nõrken neimatuules. 

Kui kahtlused südames panevad mind otsima hüüt... 


Vaata, siin ma olen, läkita mind, võta mu hing asemeks; 

kuni su vaenlased on pandud su jalge ette, kohtujärjele! 

Püha, Püha Püha, on Jahve Sebaot, usklikule ja muulasele; 

kogu maa on täis tema Kirkust, Anakimid ta heitis pilkasele; 

hiiglased ühes langenud inglitega põhjatusse otsa pärale! 

Kes on Tema sarnane, tuues tervist ja kadu, poegimist märale 

andes Behemotile raja ning kulgemise! Räägi nüüd, hing tasane,,,

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Precision and Priority

 Intense conversation, what transcends 

People have this urge to become Enlightened and fill their heads with knowledge and their lives with value. For this reason, let us behold the French. They used to be Absolutist Monarchist on a Catholic setting. They despised anything progressive, killing any hugenott in the vicinity, just as Dumas wrote in his "D'Artagnan and the three musketeers" Somewhere along the line, the peasantry got fed up with it, because they could not support the clergy and aristocracy running the donkey to the ground while beating the dead carcass, resulting in the Revolution, what yielded an Absolutist Atheistic setting and Democratic Republic. In actuality, France has had seven Democracies. In that sense you need to commend them, there credit is due, after all, they donated and devised the Statue of Liberty. A Frenchman never just fucks around, He has to fuck the entire Louvre and Champs Elysees on the scenery, and you have to behold the masterpiece and sheer Force of Will, what wanted it there... 

We always want to focus on Wisdom and Knowledge, on Science, forgetting the first principle of Optics. Then you draw your focus too strong, your focal point, has to be drawn inside your eye, or very close to your nose. That's why precise people, are very narrowsighted, while wisemen so farsighted and abstained from regular life. 

Coming back to France, the migration problem and burning of Notre Dame along with the lack of faith, is not due to intolerance towards lord Jesus Christ, but because of fatigue. Once enough time has passed, I'm sure France shall see its second Renaissance, and rekindle his first love. That will also make the French more tolerant towards the others, after the drifters have moved to greener pastures. Just like the migration at the time of Columbus, then America was discovered, people will rediscover the East and storm Mother Russia. 

People always need more space, to further and imagine their spiritual needs and motivations. You cannot do that, then everybody is in your private space, knowing everything you say and do, as the social media currently is, causing people mental fatigue; anxiety along with other autistic behaviours. Due to this, there will probably be a world government, what will audit the WWW and have it restrained. People will have less freedom and expression, but will talk through the burka and the hidden meaning, what the sensor cannot contemplate nor fathom. Most of the conversation will be so beyond, that the woke wont be able to keep up and take part, for missing out on the spirituality and language. For if you never learned, how to cuss and slur, how can you possibly talk with your sterilised manners with people, who have been used to use sign language like in Naruto. All because of Tolerance and Political correctness. The more those you get, the less the sensitive ones get to take part of the conversation, being like the Young Emperor in the Forbidden Kingdom, while Life happens at the outskirts... 

The Germans are allright as well, with their proclivity towards order and motive. Always working Priorities and Presicion. You should remember, how life was, before Germany was unified, then you had no Emperor. The true German spirit cannot flourish amongst centralisation, but then people live sporadically each and everyone in their solitary environment, minding their own business. You cannot understand Nietzsche nor any other Philosopher, then you want to flock together. Go back to the Alps and find the cold harshness of your Nature!! Don't bother to make those sentenses, what take an entire page to say, in order to put the meaning on the next one! Learn to short it and snort it out. You're not English, that you have to mull over your speech, as though it is Bailey's. Be the new Switzerland and bring people together not apart. For that you need to learn to live apart not hive together. Europe needs Nuclear Power, for that is the future of Environmentalism, then you have options, while on windfall or at the solar eclipse. Build Nuclear power plants at the border of Mother Russia, along the defencive line of Finland; Baltics; Poland; Ukraine. Then something goes wrong, the winds will always blow East... 

There is no peace for those, who seek to fight Fascism in Ukraine, bringing the Arc of the Covenant in, while being a Fascist state, having defeated it in Nazi Germany. God doesn't like to be mocked like that, for He is Blatnoy, and will make Mother Russia the suka. It is better for them, if their borders resemble, Novgorod-Dver-Moskva. Everything else, is not russia. What does God care about the corruption in Ukraine, then you cannot even live in accordance to the Sermon of the Mount and get together Catholic; Protestant and Orthodox? You have had 2000 years and no fruit! For that reason, China will be strong and become Middle-Earth and Japan will be New-Brittain. India shall be the New Spain. Get your own house together, then come to pick the splinter in Ukraines eye, the dwellers of Schwartswald Forrest, having all those Christmas Trees with Slanesh as the angel on top in thy eyes!! Why should God give a fuck on your prayers and churches and sermons, if you only invest 2 hours per Sunday, and then go fuck your neighbours wife or collect the dept, even if it sends your friend to the street. You never had time for Jesus, why should the Holy Spirit have time for you? 

Why dost wants the West to be this scolarly smart and wise, what does it give to them? God is Weary of the Sons of Solomon, who's little thinger is thicker than Solomons loin, who each wants to be greater than the prior, to deplete the future of all value and sense! People still don't get it, that for each tiger and dragon there must be enough cattle and fodder to feed on. Thus God himself makes the people dull, as Lao Zi has ordained, to keep the predators their food source. And You shall worship the Sun and the Moon and the Twelve Stars once more!! But Heaven shall be shut and there shall be no admittance through the Gate, for its not for you, but to Him, who comes in the name of the Lord, being the Servant of Servants. 

Monday, January 9, 2023

Take offence

 Virgo was in the Fin Sauna to Flora et Fauna vs Ora et Labora, while acclaiming to be Hufflepuff in Teen spirits. I saw her Ravens Claws, as Karenina was tossed under the thright-train, then Sophia was deliberated from Hagar and the gophers from Bass to drumm up some Molasses for the Avatar route through the desert and Gan Jin vs Zhang, but the devil knocked on the door, like he was Jesus! 

Virgo was on fence, to sit with the pretence, she was intrested to be married to Asmodeus, thus taught by gray mouse, also known as Azmuth, you hath to askew every garment one at a time. Thus she sat and said; under the rose and pentaton signs, to not let the devil inside. "Would you take this offence, and run a mile around the world?" Thus He ran and it was night and it was morning, and he had to forfeit. 

On Sabbath day, Himedere heard, how the pauper got Le Noveau Garment, and awaited for her Betrothed. The Wolf in chique clothing, came as ordealed, and asked her hand in marriage. Himedere was stunning and brave, shot the gray mouse dead in the mousetrap lyrics and gangsta raps, she had prior ordered. For Pussies deserve some wanking. Thus the Nude Empress came out, and married!! 

Later she could not eat her stone cold words, heard and tried to divorce, but alas Force Majore and jeune fille filed a complaint on her behalf, that TERF's added Beatlejuice on her Beagle, who was stunned by a Raving Eagle, who came from Los Angeles, to Californicate on the X-Files and recall "My House in the Prarie" with Hoes and Prayers Lacre, thus Jean didn't answer, closing the Laptop. 

"Take the offence, take the offence!" ran Himedere amock in her wild hunt, like the Witch on trial, but Asmodeus was not impressed, and kept voring tentackle no jutsu the total recall. The Octopy game of hunting for lost treasure yielded in much pleasure, even nintendo had to love Russia tender. But James Bond was jealous, used his licence to chill. Remington Steel seconded it entrapping Charleys Angels.

Bluberian Rhapsody

 Sorry, Ragnar, I never meant to blur you, I never meant to steal Walhalla; but tonight I'm bugging out my Coda! Sorry Ragnar, Loki ousted Baldur! His eyes there dry on tears in Hel, but tonight, I'm bugging out my Coda! 

Bluberian Barbarians from Bavaria formed New-Iberia to fealty on Fosters and the magic potato. Imposters wanted to make their presence to beknownst I dunst the doubtfire and misgendered my excessive joy from mtf. Transmemembers Unite, to hagiosyne the penitentiam agite relentless splendour. I spendor the gen-door Hodor Mordor Dodo Goto the Modus Opperandi Opus Dei and Frodo. Potter had to Quasimodo for the Masse in Paris, and took a while in church ablaze at the gates of Rashomon, ransoming the insomnia of Rowling, while howling with the wolves and Prancing Hypocryphs. 

The Pseudoepigrapha of Epicuros and epipens of owed suspence. I owned my won Full House, buttonraising on Texas Hold-Em. The Penthouse appartment, opined his hustles and wrangled a strider in the lightning jar. The pig was walled, i just had to plug it in. The dog was druncated under the table, and the cat was leaving him breadcrumbs, to be her personal Jesus. Talitha koum was accute and didn't leave Sayori hanging. Monika blew some steam out, to have a second reading from her palms and gentle fisting. Yuri cut some coroners, and stabbed the Acoumen Accurated punchlines out. identified as a Axelerated Russian, White-Prussian, to teach figure scating and pork chops how to Agape. 

Natsuki learned to Firebend and made the hottest chilli con carne to maledict the Vale in Yale even Dragneel had to postal; In Estonia it was ruled a lie, I had to believe the Nightingale. I bust the rabbit in Jail. Nutting on Braille ibn Aziz for God is Goat. Strong are his hedgehogs holy grails in the globetrott, to ROTT gods bail-hand and Bain-dog mode. Gabriel shall rule all! Who wants to genderbend Caleb, son of Jephunneh, to go to the promised land and fetch some sour grapes, for Israel is afraid of some Giants, born from Anakim. 

Those Nephilim, who didn't die of the flood, while they there busy gathering manna on Sabbath day with Gray Fullbuster and Skywalkers from Texas!! Who amongst you, is David, to slay Goliath once more, who is slandering the hosts of the most high? I blood myself some Hocus Pocus and Pocahontas the Next Avatar Locomortus Exitus Profundi 40K for Slanesh deserves to be taken to court and be married to Hosea, for Gomer was stoned at Phyrexia to make the tower of Babel complete! The first Stargate, ever erected to earth, to lay siege to the Heavens!! Gaze at thy builders boon, Utopia.

Fairy God-Idol

 Who wants to be Songoku? To Monkey-King 

around the bloke! Then donkeys dream Dunkirk 

haven't got the faintest idea, how to Dr. Spock 

nor Kirok. The dirk sculldugger, skirked in Prosecco. 

Narcissos sullied Ecco, Venus cursed Chekov; 

the stars en voyage in the nimbus of a Fairy God-Idol! 

Why so Sirius, why not as black, the painted frame? 

Greener pastures Pasteur the endurance of Les Miserables; 

to storm the Bastille for its tokens and piece de resistance; 

as I eat all the chickens in the world. No better cock, 

than the tail what set sail in War Craft, to juggernaut infamed; 

insane how the membrain makes the tomatoes truck the blame. 

Game is a foot, lets rock and ride, to the hitched up slideshow 

no Professor X could envision, taking us to school. 

I always touch my elves that much, never getting tired, grooming 

old geezers into lolicon state, to isekai like Tanya von Degurechaff. 

Never touch the truth nor grass, unless its really hairy, like Covetous 

Shem, selling ice for the rich, and letting the poor rob blind. Leroy 

Jenkins did not approve my candid concordance. Taunting in the 

enchanting manner, a haunted Manor called the Adams family, 

accusing I owned a Buik. Oncle Fester bailed me out and said; 

we just married, I just had to transition and identify as a Guardian Angel. 

Sociopath is the best socialist path to Communism. Then you don't give 

a fuck, all are but equal in your monochrome sight. Let me peck your 

eyes out, you can keep the log on, as you pry on Splinter in his Turtle-cell. 

Teenage Mutants joined the X-Men and rebranded the school as XS. 

Donkey-Kongs climbed the ladder of Jacob to bite the heels of Viper. 

That car didn't appreciate that taunt, and sued to KITT to make 

#CyberCarsMatter, unfortunately he was voiced by Wesley Snipes 

who wasn't black enough. Thus Viper run for office and became 

first automaton ever to be elected POTUS even Uzza had to touch grass, 


 Make Canada Naughty Again 

Pottymouth Jordan rules

Blessed be Jordan, would you St. Peter the Puppeteers; 

nobody has Hellboyd more in one greenroom full rad! 

As Superman did in Japha, not eating haram, fearing peers; 

you shall bludgeon and eat, what the lord hath Peterzoned. 

Remember St. Paul and St. John; don't spend fame trad; 

to further your ego and agenda, nor abstaining ironclad, 

what the pagans and harlots pray on the wall. For you Pierce!! 

Indeed, your prayers have pierced the veil and shed Amber 

on the holy fire, in thy lamp! My lord is pleased, proceed; 

Make Canada Naughty Again, that it is more cool, than Angler! 

It used to be every butt of joke at Southpark, the cool guy, gambler; 

now Umbridged all their newspapers and show-hosts Engels-creed. 

There is a new Sheriff in town, to shoot all the deputies misled... 

follow the rabbit year into your apogee, Terminator, Fullmoon-gear!! 

The Demutšin of Psychology, behold, raise the incels high; 

make boys wear cocks again, not pussies in sissy attire! 

Do us proud, show off the splendor a solitary individual might; 

Freedom of Speech bestowed upon your loins, selfrighteous blight 

at your foresight and just manners. Be the holy supper of Tyre; 

to Kabool all Hirams, who erect for Solomons sake their admire. 

Nehustan shall rise and fall, to shame the Woke -- make things right. 

Its time to Nimrod, be the hunter in the face of Yahveh, take the bow; 

for your white steed is ready! There is no judgment on the Victor; 

there is no blood in the covenant against thee! One path shall they scowl, 

seven shall they scatter in dread. Sheol is awaiting their souls deathrow. 

Tweet High, Tweet low, be the mockingbird and canary in coal Proctor; 

to Police Academy the sparking conversation on any topic, lord Protector. 

Not even the King of England, could Anglican the way, as did thou Trout!! 

Make Canada Naughty Again! Bring the Pottymouth back to the streets; 

on every corner and safespace. On every hornets nest and campus-stage! 

As the sins are paraded in the eyes of the children, make it creep; 

make it phobe in their tolerance levels and coolant leaked engines steep. 

Only Jordan shall flow in the Zone, and zoomers, not NPC hivemind rage! 

True Democracy is birthed in the Republic, at the community of Prague; 

then mutual intrests defeat contempt and covetous deceit. Be the White Sheet!

Then loving-kindness has been Karened away, Jordan came to pass; 

Make Canada Naughty Again, to be the kindness we need, not deserve. 

The Tough love of better times and science, be blessed, be well, encompass 

Universitas Torquemandis and court-Jester the terms of servitude brass... 

Be the conflict of intrests, to Equinox between Good and Evil, swerve 

like Tony Hawk on a skateboard -- Thus Sayeth the Lord -- no shire furs 

more thurs, than your Thunder, no Mercurian Loki could steal, Bears hashed. 

Sunday, January 8, 2023

Heaven is closed for the worthy

 As you bring your offering, like Cain and Abel; 

blood is more worthy than veggies! Toil on the field 

is not important, personal. The offspring of cattle; 

like your firstborn -- to see it give its life and death. 

You can give nothing to God, save your Soul!! 

Heaven is for the broken-hearted, who doubt themselves. 

Not for the faint of heart, who escape in wisdom and 

knowledge, putting breadcrumbs on the road, to go back. 

Precempt upon Precempt; ruler upon ruler - here, there; 

like a raving murderhobo, thinking himself holy, drowning 

in his own vomit and piss... such are the scholars disputing 

the Nature of God, while not being able to love their neighbour. 

What dost you know about Yahveh, you Pharisee; or Jesus, 

Ye Christian? Are you Obed-Edom to receive the Arc on Sabbath day 

against thy own will, then Uzza was smitten by God! How willful 

are your worthy deeds, like the offering of Cain. Heaven closed, 

no Supper for you, ye who bless it in the morrow, while leaving 

the pagan out, because he was not walking the first 11 hours; 

was fornicating with the harlots and funboys, as you there toiling. 

On the field serving your lord and Saviour, as was written. 

God is for the fornicator and bastard, born from incest! 

The son and daughter of a Moabite; fucking an Ammonite pregnant; 

to bring that to the Temple!! What do you know about that? God 

hath created both holyman and demon -- what do you hold in that! 

Who gave you councel, to measure the worlds ends with the friends 

of Job and judge with the sons of Eli and Skeua? Even if you would 

have Samuel as your father or see Eliyah; Noah and Daniel as your friend. 

Still would God disavow you, for your circumsicion knives are bloody; 

and your cups for the Lords Supper, are filled of stolen wine!! 

Only those, who put ash on their mouths and tear their soul apart; 

shall see God! Not on the streetcorner, there the pusher can see and measure; 

but inside your own heart, there the left hand dost know, what the right hand gives. 

For the Righteous and Haughty, who judge in the Established titles and manors; 

God is dead and there shall be no Gates to keep. A seer dost need God; 

but those, who are blind and are lost -- since you're Woke, your wickedness 

shall remain with thyself!! The good do more Righteousness, the wicked covet more Evil. 

To each his own measure, until her cup falls down and breaks. Gnaw even on 

the shards and vomit, what your gut has held dear... There shall be no light, but Darkness! 

No Enlightenment and New Age, but the blind leading the blind into the gorge of the Beast!! 

But those, who seek no umbrella nor rainbow, nor pot of gold, they shall have a silver lining. 

The stones, none gathered to build a kiln and the powder, none made for incense; 

the people, designated to be a waste of time -- those has God ordained to be his servants! 

But you say; "Nay, I shall bring my best behaviour and good nature, along with Personality! 

That will win God over!!" Ye who dost know, what the future brings, if you have plenty or war? 

Better pray: "God, spare our high Cedars and our holy oaks, that the lightning wont strike; 

and the waters wont undermine; that the cold winter wont smother the bare ground and roots. 

That we could keep our heads and not loose our tails!!" But you hope for your own wits and 

actions success. For that reason, God is talking to the invalid and the demons, who you cast out! 

There shall be no Gospel for you, except, what Jesus told in Nazareth, and they tried to kill Him!!" 

Liberate yourself, from Your Mišbat; excuse your brothers dept and other cheek. Or God will 

come to thee, and rid Himself of your Stewardship, choosing Islam and Hindus instead of you! 

Do the Sermon of the Mount, or there shall be no dawning for you! Who shall go out for thee?

Wednesday, January 4, 2023


 I picking up good vibrations, Strong tunes; 

I-I-I-I summoning Zordon and Tenkei Ryouken 

Kamikage Joushitenjo. Blow my mind and Sou. 

The L was left in Louis Lanes arms, as Superman 

was snuffing Cryptonite, in the cellars of Manhattan. 

Me was Transitioning Myself into Thee; the Mirror 

was Empty, Humpty Dumpty was broken full mooned. 

gazing ablase in the daze of Hazelnut enrage Everybody 

Diaz as #Blood2 was memed to be Gabriella not having 

It. Ophelia was still holding onto her cherry pies. 

Freshly picked amongs Pietas Christi Semper Pisteousin. 

The Wicked Vibrato was beyond God and Devil; 

the white noise cast ravens around my Halo, branding 

the mistakes into the dance of Kali and Shiva appeasing Jesus. 

The cast was half full of Satans Clause, sentencing the enlightened. 

The Night was broke, and the Day a Bloke, not even blowing a kiss; 

One-night stranded in the morrow as He promised to cumm again!!

Hazmat Suit

 Eze 14-17; Zombie -- Cranberries ; Psa 119


Martial Mathers, behold, what is your business with Yahveh Sebaot? 

ye, who bring your idols of heart to God, slaying words sullen silver; 

who you erect prophets and teachers, to make false the Sephiroth! 

In Hazmat Suit, should you B, then touching the holy loincloth 

around the Torah and its servants. But you think yourself worthy, slivers 

of faith; remnants of the old covenants virtue. Don't say: "Christ, my Quiver!" 

Ye. who are not the arrow, nor the Archer. Not even your marrow is GoTh!! 


Why dost Christians and Jews play this game of Thrones? So Gothic; 

so romantic, to make Superman snicker. None of the Children of God, 

shall eat the Supper; but who God shall ordain, just like was graphic 

the insanity of Nebuchadnezzar and Saul the King! None shall Gnostic 

in the presence of Yahveh Sebaot, His Christ, the Holy Spirit, as told -- 

aint He like ravenous darkness, what gnaws away the eyes scold; 

making foresight into Folly of Alps, bestows blessings upon the agnostic! 


Where shall come the times, then those, who don't know, shall speak; 

whom none have ordained and taught in the arts, to shame and dishonor 

those, who call themselves worthy. Harlots shall be your Willow Creek; 

and Transitioned Men your rulers. Those, who try to bleak gatekeeps 

against the queer will disappear. Washed away, shall be the righteous banner. 

Just as in the past, you have fornicated with the Word and Service, Gomer! 

Your marriage with God has been divorced!! You shall be stoned in leaps. 


Disavow, disavow -- such are your words; deeds and Sermons to me; 

why should I suffer this? Down to Sheol shall I cast these, talented 

alrequins; skilled jesters are your Pharisees and Zodokite -- hear ye, 

what Yahveh Sebaot has decided: "Pull yourself up from Terebinth; 

from your bootstraps and Mynchausen on cannonballs, as lamented!" 

The Sensor shall be canceled and the incel put to his place, fermented 

the haughty jinns, who think themselves enlightened, woke, arent Thee! 


None shall see, but seethe in the face of the Lord, but whom He gives; 

not for merit nor for your splendor and wits, but to exalt high Yahveh 

Sebaot! Those, who trust in their councel, shall be blind -- Jesus Lives; 

but amongst you: "God is Dead!" shall be the only word to retrive... 

Blessed shall be Tyrs hand, anointed the head of Muhammad, Maher -- 

Salal; Has-Bas along with Ichabod, shall be your chosen names, Choser! 

Only those, who didn't choose the Ark to be in their house, shall breathe. 


The Lord is my Sabbath day and Holy Year, He shall atone the wretched; 

whom the chosen have looked away, to not head at the gates nor gatherings. 

Not because they are right, but you're wrong, Yahveh shall be their stretch! 

Until the councel of Ruben has been extinguished, and Deborah hitch 

a ride over the rainbow and Jordan, to Shibboleth the naughty grooming 

what left the children out of my Covenant. There shall be no freedom, Drowing 

shall be your speech; against any parent, who dost honor God, becomes a snitch. 


Children shall snitch against parents; parents shall witness against children; 

until your Angelic cities are but ruble, reading your Wizards off the coast. 

Only those, rooted in Prayer, who worship the Sermon of the Mount, kindred 

spirits, as was Jesus in the desert, possessed and tossed by the Holy Spirit. Dread 

shall be your friend, holy terror and Awe your fiancee; until three challenges roast 

the Akhans Silver out of thee! Only them shall stand tall in the Court and boast: 

"Holy, Holy, Holy, is Yahveh Sebaot, His Christ and the Holy Spirit!" This Bread!! 


Spread the scandal, for the whole Midgard is full of His Honour! Tit for tat; 

offence for the curious cat; Conflict shall scatter as Nimrod, and cast his bow! 

Who amongst ye can stand in his ire? Fettez Vouz Jeux 1-20! I add 2 drats,  

to make the Master stumble on the Mountaintips, while looking for a chat 

with Zarathustra! The lantern shall be in his hands, shining Left-Center-Front Row; 

the boat shall bloat on the Right path and cross itself to Hope for dyes Irhame dow! 

No more Jones, but Johnns bleeding Robin Hood dry, for the broken arrow flat... 


Who wants to Have some challenge, and tease Lord Allmighty? But you decrees: 

Nossir, we dost tease God!" Arians shall be mightier than St. Peter; Irminsul 

reach higher than Almond trees! You shall worship the dark sun once more, lease 

your wokeness under Tyrants of Saruman, who birth the Uruk-Hai, by treatise! 

Stripmimed shall be your journeys and Ted-Talks; laid bare like Israel to be Nazgul! 

Ariel shall fall and be nude amongst her enemies, like the times of Ezekiel, cruel. 

You shall eat bullshit and drink cowpiss; until your voice comes inside Gaya's breeze!! 


Those who flee from the Left, shall see Communism to the Right -- Be afraid, 

Vilgax is upon thee, to cut the watch from Ben-10 wrist and code it "Kohenet Dilailah"! 

The darkness shall befall Justice and make it fall from Heaven, to braid 

Leah as the chosen Bride of Yahveh Sebaot; abrade all Dagons in their housemaids. 

Honor shall be worth dirt; Pride shall be pissed onto Walls, like Jezebels košer manna!! 

Naboths wineyard shall be retaken, by the satyrs and spirits of St. Louis to draw mana 

from the Blues, enchant spells from every tune and hip twerk Elvis's chip-monks trade. 


A Chip for thee, but not for My Liege, to shoulder with treason and leaf Iroh Alone 

with Ao Ji and Sun Wukong. Who is the best Omon-Ra key to rhecepy a rhemedy 

in Uranium; Iridium and Ptolemy? C-Mayor Cum Laude PhD -- burn, ye crone, 

Quasimodo of Notre Dame, for all Schools shall be derelict, abandoned, undone! 

Semper Fi becomes Nihil Delphi, the Pretorians oust the Holy Seat. Rhapsodies 

shall the Bohemians and Bavarians sing once more. Monkey seethe indies; 

money boos vintage! Just as Eli and his offspring was accursed, shall be your drones. 


Nobody shall venture higher than 30; thy children and old hags shall be your rulers! 

How's the mind, so is the spirit, what goes out, rots the Wits End -- Intruder Alert... 

Cool your engines, Dennis, for you have drawn the attention away from Boomers. 

Draw your swords, Two Towers of Babel and Bethel, for your ears shall Coomer 

in the sand. Elves shall be on the Shelf, and Dwarves shall be in the Heard Daleth 

as Jacob cannot enter Psalm 119 for Uzza got it backwards from Mogil David. 

The Affidavit was affirmative on the superlative action, executed in Robocop HMS!!


Her Majesters Ship was Shippuden, Naru Hodor, hold my Gates on Rashomon; 

the oranges there plucked and ripe for the take, as the Nimloth ate the palantir! 

The forbidden fruit made her Gay -- Trust the Science of Omniscient Yatagaramon; 

as Nevermore shall be your underscore on each anthem and Banner! Monzaemon 

wants to hug the Chikamatsu out of Nobumaru -- morituri te salutant -- Paladins!! 

May the zealoth acolyte "I Am" Hungry for vores, who eat Ouroboros for Saladin's 

sake, to give the Crescent Moon its new Apogee. Can't eat your sheats and Bakugan. 


As the flavour was exploding in my mouth, the hold up was in the Ladies room; 

inmates raping the toilet with the failures of a Future Sheffs kissing a dragon roost. 

The Prophet was heavy with Pathos, and fell down like Eli, for the Arc went wroom 

to the House of Obed-Edom, until King Davids nude dancing brings it to groom... 

Jerusalem, Jerusalem, when will your Michals, daughters of Saul humble -- loose 

are thine tongues to snub on your husbands, whenever something befalls -- goosed 

are your sons and daughters, chased into the wilderness, like evil spirits for the Zoom!


Who wants to call the Yellow Cat, but he is walking her own path -- Fox 

was calling Pinochiot and Cheetah to Trebuchet on the walls of Broadway. 

The way was wide enough for five men to stand up and fight Hard Knox 

the new Universitas Torquemandis. Avatar this: What if Blue Angrboda Rocks, 

to be more O-Ren Ishii, than Charley Brown? The frame was cut at Xiansai; 

to covet some salt in the wounds and at the lime of fire. That lemon was live. 

A Sub-Marine to fight all Doom: Eternals and Duke Nukems Forever in Bollox 


Castor was tweeting to Pollux -- St. Paul needed to board his ship, for Rome 

wasn't laid waste in a days march. Whatever may a bribe do in Peace offering? 

Cassandra intercepted it, for you shall not WWW for Apollos pleasure, Chrome 

was seen embraced, as she was crying at the face of Mt. Vesuvius Thunderdome. 

After a Wicked Were-Winter, many plebs and pretorians long for a new spring; 

just as Moses, he could see the promised land, but he could not enter! Singe 

oh heart, break ye hearthstone -- for your wardens have abandoned thy flame!!