No, Tiger, I play Orcish Paladin Oathbreaker, who was sceduled to vanquish a succubus, who just stole all of the souls of a prosperous village, but since there was some corruption in the said village, I had mixed feelings and delayed that order, allowing the entire team of 4 other Paladins of various races to be vanquished by that said succubus for a pity-date. Thus I am a Chaotic Evil guy on an redemption arc. Any more stupif questons... I dare the next motherfucker to ask me again, what's my motherfucking allignment, I double dare you!! *Snort* %&¤$#"£ and Have a nice dayt <3 UWU I'm not cute >////////<
Monday, January 31, 2022
Let's talk about it yet again...
While I should not be the one talking, being a hothead and a pottymouth, it matters, how you appear in the face of the Lord. While you should absolutely not pretend to be something, you are not, it is the same way atrocious, if you go to ask for a loan, to afford something important in your life, then you enter the Bank in the Conan the Barbarian attire, with the bloody axe and hairy chest and all. Or look like a deranged murderhobo stinking of cologne. A Picture tells a thousand words, and if you give God this impression, that you are somewhat immature and not ready to handle stuff, you are praying about. Chances are, God may put you on hold. Especially, like in my previous posts, you are too proud and "don't ever tease God!" Lord Jesus Christ already knows, what your bullshit is, and there its at, but you need to become aware and admit it in front of him and ask for it. You cannot be redeemed of a thing, if you're not even ready to admit, you got a problem with said thing!! And that is the reason, why Christians, while so hot and promising in their youths, grow cold; bitter and resentful in their adulthood, because God lies, and don't actually make Axes float nor Cherry trees blossom in the Thames. You have to understand the mechanics of your request -- there it starts, what it costs you and where it ends. If you cannot, how are you gonna recognize even, it came from the Lord...
The other problem these days is Democracy itelf, or the issue about the sacred and the profane. We don't know anymore, how to deal with our betters and how to have propper manners and etiquette, because all are on the People level and thus plebs and not on the Gentry level and having a right to expect a certain level of tact and reservation. It doesn't make things easier, then our corpos, being remenescent of the good old day, they there lords and ladies, wanna still sit on that chair, while now trying to be that vagabond who laughs with the people and drinks some ale, instead of sipping mulled wine in hiss domain and court. But that's another story... Right now, the problem insists, that you are entering the Royal Court of the most High, every time you are praying, and you need to make yourself useful and have some fasting business going on.
What am I talking about. It means, you need to shut out of your ordinary life and only bring your prayer with you, not little Timmy calling you mean names or Karen getting your promotion at work, you duely deserve. Don't abuse the Prayer session to rat and gossip on yourself; your family and your surroundings, because while from time to time you need to vent, if you understand it like that yourself, that you there venting and in reality God turned a blind eye and didn't regard this prayer session at all, because you had a booboo. But if you are in the Court of the Most High, like seeing the Queen of England, or Jossif Stalin Himself in his highth, then its not a small favour to ask.
You don't wanna piss off the Big Shot, who can just punish your entire family 5 generations both ways, do you now. Well its more -2...+2 kind of 5 generations, but you get the whole idea. of Grandfather to Grandchild. If you have ceased your petty feuds and made your peace, then somebody was owing you something or vice versa, then and only then you can start praying for something. You don't like to be that guy, who receives the answer from God, like I many times, there I have to answer what about this or that. Well you saw that meme about drinking coffee and tea altogether and burning my throat. Its sometimes exactly like that. So don't be as stupid of an asshole and mouthful special case of a princess who cannot be left alone for a second, without getting into trouble. Especially if you like to do those fuck you's behind mommy's back. God is not impressed with Bullies, if you ask me... Lord Jesus Christ has had his fair share of rubbing it in, so I may get it, because I'm as bright as an Orc on rampage. You mostly lost me at dont -- just like Johnny Storm in Fantastic 4.
If you have laid everything in front of your Lord and Savior and put ALL your Lego pieces you just played around, away -- then you get the same courtesy back from God, and some shit gets done. Learn to be breef, if not anything else, it makes others undertand, what you're trying to say. One of the reasons, why woke people fail, is because nobody taught them, how to verbalize their claims, because you don't need that as a brute, who only needs to burn loot and murder. The Superiors of said factions, never intended them to survive and see the Promised land, just as with Israel only two men from their Generation got to see the Promised Land -- not even Moses could enter, because he owned a miracle of God as his own, so he had to kiss his rights Good-Bye and die on a mountain glimpsing how the job was done -- and only 2 men from the entire generation entered the Promised land!! Everybody else, had never seen Egypt nor the days before... Just because they insubordinated in the heat of the moment, and dind't believe God being able to defeat the giants. The Woke leaders these days also dont wanna defeat the giants, because it might cost them too much and they cannot live in a white house with a picket fence in a nice neighbourhood anymore, not like their people, who toss bricks into the window, even if the store supports them, like a pigeon cannot hold it in, even if you feed him, and has to release it on your coat.
But you want to be betters, so learn to control yourself and your desires and make a case for yourself. Then God shall answer your worthy prayers and rejoyce in His Court and all His angels.
I totally forgat of that poem, I wrote as a commentary to an Orthodox chant, and surprisingly, I got a reply to it, what lifted me up. So it was 8 months ago, I wrote this, huh... Fascinating... OWO
How can a letter become the writer
or the messanger King in his stead. Could a son await his fathers death, to inherit and squander to his heart content... Many peasants dream of knights and prophets while running away then mice sqeek in the night. Alas, if I was but a suit of armor; I could do justice for the Lord If I could repent from my lofty ideals and mindfulness filling my cup up to the brink -- look its already spilling over! How did the letter write itself and the Christian become an Alp the writing stanmpeding on the wall, remenescant of the orgies of virtue haughty wise men do to themselves, calling it Christian under his own iconry. Had I been the leaflet or the dirt on the floor I wouldn't be cast down like Usha or dececrated like Dagon in his house. Weep ye wise men, for He who calls upon his name, must answer that calling or face the consequence of false calling..."I don't tease God!"
Never ever say that sentence in front of the Lord, because you're a mortal, and just like with a kid, who promises to always behave... Yeah Right! X^D You will break your home rules, no matter what, first thing in the morning and last thing, before going to bed... that's how people grow up. Unless you're autistic or a sociopath, I don't know, how on earth you could follow up on that tall order. The Passage, I am relating to can be found in Isayah 7:11 - 25 about God giving the Vision how lord Jesus Christ will come to be as the Messiah. Because of Israel, as his faithful servant,, constantly tests Gods mettle, and the King has the audacity to state: He wont askew a sign in the Heavens nor on Earth nor from the Underworlds, because He is so pious!! That in itself, not making an honest accounting about yourself, and thinking, that for some reasons, God either can't or won't do an honest accounting about your bullshit, to see you through, and you knowing about that, still try to get away with it, pretending, you don't know, that God can see you all the way going there... Really now? Is this how you gonna play it! OwO What a tease, if you ask me UWU
St. Luther had a say: "Sin Boldly, because there is nothing about the World, you can ado, to stop it, but leave room for redemption." or something like that. Do correct me, if I am wrong, it was a long time, then I heard and read this quote, so it can go off... :S :$ If you're a drug addict, don't promise, how you never ever gonna do it, because it will break your will, if you fall, and then you have a harder time getting back from it. Rather say: "Gods willing and if you help me out, I want to turn my back on drugs, to never touch this shit again!!" -- My addiction is arcane knowledge, as you have guessed by now, reading my posts... -- That kind of prayer and promise, has a greater chance of success and leaves you more chances of walking it back, though not being as proud and stalwart as "I shall not test God!" "I can already see!" "Look how High and Mighty I am, in saying No to Sin and the Devil!!" Yeah, right, so High and Mighty, you're stoned to the tooth on Pride and Vanity. :$ >////<
Always ask first, whats up, because never I have heard God offering a Sign for Free -- so you should always be alarmed, then stuff, like that happens. To ask for heads-up, so you don't loose face, for being a dunse. It is better to ask and receive, than to be proud and get things wrong. The Hell is full of great Christians, who got the Vision, from God Himself, didn't understand it, but there too Proud and Haughty, to askew for a Translation, because, they wanted to look Cool in front of the audience and Church, how they can understand everything, what God says... :((
For this reason, and for this reason only, that the Pious always try to lie, how they Respect God, while living with adulterous lips an adulterous life and pretending, they never did a thing wrong. Pro 20:30 was the virgin birth given unto Man, so there would be no more tease from the Church, how they wont Tease God!!If there is no tease, how and why on earth, did the Virgin Mary had to suffer so much and Joseph, being condemned an adulterer. It is precicely, that we're too lazy to give the benefit of the doubt, then we judge and condemn our lessers or let go our betters, because we want receive the same courtesy back, without councelling God nor the Bible, that God has to give Himself such teasing signs.
This kind of thing shall happen, if you say those words, although, God can see you all the way! So go ahead, fuck around and find out. UWU I have a lot of experience in my life, how you can tease God, and how mercyful and lenient but also strict Father He can be, if you just let Him. Never forget that. You get as much room with God, how much you give yourself worshipping Him. For the same respect; adoration and quality time offered to God, you get the same measure and then some back onto your bosom. There is a quote I don't remember, but you can find it yourselves, can't you now! ^^ UWU
May God always be on your Right side and at your ways, to show you the Light, lest you go astray! <3 UWU
How a Bully saved my life
This happened to me at school then I was 13 and a Bully was on my case, because I had penis-shame and thought its too tiny and didn't take a bath after the Gym-class thus really stinking... Also I looked like that Safe-Space meme with bug eyes and glasses. You know which one, who called one Teacher out, for not approving safe spaces in his class. I had exactly that face as a 13 year old boy, plus long hair plus a high pitch voice and feminine mannerisms picked up from my mother and grand-mother, who I looked up, in my childhood, due to my grandfather verbally and mentally abusing the family and my father being a drunkard wuss, who hit the road, to rather be with friends than his family. So as an edgy 13 year old and teachers pet, for teachers really love to hold out for people like me, making the Bullies yeallous the same way, I was yeallous to my little handicapped brother, of having stolen all the mothers love... For I craved for attention. So then it was possible to pay back to this Bully, I didn't invite him to my birthday party, then my mother asked me, who to invite... -- Then an oncle brought his collection of BraveStarr episodes on VHS to watch it on my birthday. I was the Goat on that time, and the Bully was about to be cancelled.
What did the Bully do, to help his case. He contacted me directly and gave me his 2 cents about it not being cool, that he was the only bloke, who was left out and his mother already giving him trouble for not having an invitation. How I respect people, who dare to stand out for themselves, like that! ^^ So I wrote one myself, he could come and prove to his mother, who also knew, his son being a Bully and Bullying me. Had he apologized back then, I would have lost all respect for him, because I was dead wrong in not inviting him. It was a great misnomer on my part, and such shit don't fly in Estonia at that time... After that birthday, we almost there like friends and hanging out like him being Ben 10 and me being that dude with glasses, who ate paste. I think, he even drove a motorcicle of a kind... At one time he even broke my glasses and had to pay for it not getting to their family's Spring trip. But the reason I secretly respect and pray for that Bully, is that then I was 13, I wanted to commit suicide and confessed to him, hoping to guilt-trip him. And in his dead pale eyes I saw the abyss glimpsing back into me, like Nietzsche said. "You wanna commit suicide? I'll help you out,. buddy! All people will be glad, if you rid them from this old stinker, who cannot bathe!! How do you want it done?"
After that, I never talked about this topic ever again. And I am thankful, that this Man, saved my life, although, he doesn't know... :$ And the teachers there all over his case, because he was the Bully, until he had to even repeat class, although my grades there as bad as his, but because of him being like that, I got another chance, while he got none. Always think and see the entire story, give the benefit of the doubt, because it could be more complicated, than on face value. Have a nice day <3 UWU
I don't understand
I don't understand, how cancellation works :(( I tried like 2+ years to get cancelled on Google+ after my girlfriend dumped me on cell because of reasons. At the same time, I saw people going after Jordan Peterson and all kinds of people, but not Whiteraven... What gives?! At one point I had even an Anti-trans poem in Estonian up, and although at the start it got E's and F's and D's because it was really toxic. It was, due to a Christian Chick in part gaslighting me in the Seminary, while getting the overall jist, what was wrong with me, because I sucked all the air out of the auditorium and scaring the living shit out of newborn Christians, who could not confess so lowdly, how Christian they there, So that chick had the audacity to call me directly out on it, and I had a say about that, in Poetry. Now I understand, what I did wrong, and respect her for her bravery of being a Real Christian, and not a Faker, who just sucked it up. On that site, there the poem was up, most people also sucked it up, and only one 15 year old chick dared again to call me out on this, how on earth "Sõbravennatäditütar could be "Mõnus mees" For those, who don't understand Estonian, here's the translation. "The Daughter of my Friends Brother" hinting that there could be a mixed family there brothers and sisters only share one parent. And that daughter is a Sweet Dude, meaning, he is either tomboy or outright gay/trans or a predator. And nobody dared to call me out on this, but a 15 year old chick!! :(( >/////< That's how popularity works. At some point the grading of that poem went between C+ and B- and the comments became like "Senpai, love you, I wanna be as great and write like you!!" Then I started to see shit like that, I took it down, because it was way too embarrassing. This was not the reason, why I wrote it. I wrote, to vent and perhaps be called out by a peer and then Shut the Fuck Up. I have anger management Issues and cant directly admit defeat unless someone betters rips my head off and shits in my neck, because of my masochist tendencies.
And nothing. What is wrong with good people,, that they cannot call you out, if you are dead wrong?? But people are on the case of Kyle & Peterson, because its so much more lucrative to hunt after their pussies. That is one of the reasons, why I don't take woke people serious. They never go after the heavy hitters, who actually deserve to be cancelled, who litterally beg for it like a drug addict bitch offering blowjobs for 2 dollars. I just don't understand... :((
In case, you're wondering, why do I not seek councelling and help -- because I'm too proud of a Christian, and have trust issues... so shut you motherfucking piehole on the cheep seats and learn to call shotgun then you're ready. >_< So many of my peers, whom I looked up and respected, either got caught for pedophilia; or groping women while married or opening chacras of teenage women; or simply doing doping while being Estonias demigod of Wintersports etc. Its like I am jinxed and every time, I look up for a Senpai, that person gets cursed because all his skeletons jump out of the wardrobe, because Gods Holy Light made it visible. One of the reasons I ghost people and sites, because I don't wanna see their skeletons popping out like that :(( Or just get sick; die or dissapear from my life, because lord Jesus Christ has a yandere ship with me, and gets jealous easy, if I have the wrong convo or smile with people. >///< UWU I never seem to get in trouble but others are used as my whipping boy and it sucks...
If I just could find one Man or Woman, who dares to live in accordance to his Moral Code, not being afraid of what the cake thinks, then you eat it!! Just one, pretty please OwO UWU Perhaps I should summon Cthulhu for this one... >///////////////////<
The case on Peter Tinclage aka Tyrion Lanister
As of recently, Peter decided to be woke again, like with his discusting "Its about dragons" take. Now Mr. Tinclage don't like dwarves, because "mu caves are too offensive and stereotypical.." In case, you have noticed, didn't you have a speech at your Univercity you graduated, and talked elaborately, how you crashed on your friends couches at basements, until you overspent their welcome and at some point had to peekaboo out of a window what was soo tiny and high upthere that it could have been the entrance to an Obliette you there confined into. So I can see there you coming from, not liking caves, having to live there, before you got famous. Being a walking talking cliche hurts... But why ruin it for other dwarfs, who also want better midget roles, not the bowling ball wrestling roles against that tall guy who was called the devil.. Also for your informtion, then the brothers Grimm wrote Snow-White and the Seven Dwarfs, guess what, there there none in the real world to talk about, because society did not care about dwarfs. Let me tell you something, what the stiory was really about and what people really cared about. At the times of Industrialisation, the adults there really bitchy about working in the shafts, because the air was stocky and sometimes gas oozed in and killed everybody, or the ceiling caved in. The conditions there harsh, the pay was meager, and either stagnated or dropped, because the capitalist needed to earn money. To make things worse, Children there used as Strike-breakers, because they asked less pay; there fine working in the worced conditions possible, and didn't bitch about in the Public, because they didn't even have a voice for being children!! So you deleting the Dwarfs from Snow-White, is as good as deleting Holocaust from WW2. Who's side are you on, that you wanna hide the aspects of childlabour in industrialisation?! What could you possibly have against malnourished children, sometimes getting the only pay in the family, which could have been 1.25 -- 2.75 more, as long they worked overtime in 12+ hour shifts. And this kind of work is not easy, because after the age of 35 your tooth fall out because of no sunlight; bad air water food, all kinds of poisoning etc. That's how I looked at Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. It was about class struggle and you erased it!!
I thought, you there one of the good guys!! You, who would give wildlings land, in Game of Thrones, but can't stand dwarfs in Snow-White!! How should I feel about this now.
I used to respect you, because of your performance as Tyrion Lanister, because it was so spot-on and believable -- but going after imaginary dwarfs in an old cartoon, to eraze history? Wow, just Wow. I didn't know, a man can stoop so low. Having a little brother, who is mentally handicapped, and whom I used to bully in my childhood, I understood your struggles as Tyrion Lannister. It made me see different ways, how to relate to people. And then you pissed it all away, and now I don't feel like respecting lesser people anymore, because of you. Why should I bother, because at the end, everybody wants to rule the world, and kick the ladder of Heaven off, so others could not climb up. Just like Buffy told Spike, then Spike had the audacity to tell his story, how he got a Vampire and what is his driive -- "I shall look down on you." Because your take was so discusting, that I thought I talked to an imbecil flaunting about his knowledge on fapping into the Pie or something other gringeworthy you shouldn't be talking at dinnertable then somebody important, like the President of Something is present, altthough you did have such a quote in Game of Thrones. But you get the point. Don't bother acting, because I may not tune in to even give a fuck at this point, unless somebody betters vets you for my ear... :((
The Reasons, why Corpos cannot take care of culture.
People askew, why I have a problem with Private Companies have an opinion on this or that. Because you can never tell, who had this idea or opinion and why, and what its angle is. Its not that, they are gonna assume the same responcibility in the conversation, as a solitary individual does. If one brings 20 hedons value to the convo and the other brings 120 but you don't really know, where it comes from, is it his, or is it stolen and you have to give it back, and suffer deficit because of it. Its too easy to copy-paste and assume in accordance to the teachings of Pelagius, some Moral Busybodies Opinion of misdigesting some Great Moral Leaders obscure take in History. We all know, how the Two swords fared in the Bible then Jesus said Enough of this, but it was transcribed This is enough. Seems like the same thing, but makes all the difference, allowing the clergy and nobility bully the peasantry.
1. Corporations have a dog in the fight. They probably sell something, and they want to increase sales. For that reason, they cannot suffer opinions, which could diminish their sales, while still be tangible and valid. Its very hard to be indiscriminate towards Moses as the Pharao and God incarnate, then he was asked for whole tribe of Israel, to stop slaving for Egypt and worship their God. What's in it for him?
2. Corporations go down the stream and are thus called Main-Stream. So naturally, everything Fresh and Revolutionary, will go against your way, just like Naruto Uzumaki, in order to become Hokage, first had to deface the previous Kage faces, due to the fact unbegnowst to him having saved the village, by having the demonfox bound inside him by his father and mother.
3. Corporations tend to settle down in the Silent Pond and become detatched in navel-gazing not really knowing what is up in the World. Just because you hired a party or cult or temple to tell you about it, you just changed the lence, while you are still sitting in the Forbidden Ciry and not mingling with the regulars. You can only see culture, according to your own village, not the Big Picture. Thus Big Corpos cannot for the very life of them Patronise like God Allmighty to his Creation from his Thundering Mountain and receive the Shock and Awe of his minions.
4. Culture is like Bleach or some reagent, what needs to be held in a container. You don't only have good takes in culture, but also netural takes, negative takes, and killer takes what can wipe the board of your opposition or bring you to face the music. Its not a guaranteed outcome, so why would a business wager like that. They are not gamblers nor artisans!!
5. Corpos love to Hire Swords and Pikes, not be themselves!! How do you trust someone, who cant put his mouth, there his money is and go to the heat of the battle, because he's Old King David sitting in his Manor, not Young King David rallying his troops.
6. Culture dost not suffer decadence, while Corpos want to get something for their mettle. This is the very reason, Civilisations are built and made so beautiful as the Great Walls of China or the Greek Temples and Palaces. Its kinda hard traverse untravelled roads, then the old ones offer so much benefit.
Why risk it, for maybe getting a better idea and making a difference for a forseeable future, then you could already make it today and enjoy earning your bucks? People want all money now, not better money later.
7. Culture dost not gild the same source forever. Who in their right minds, wants to give up their Benchmarks and Laurels for the sake of Culture. Some worthy sources even get unfairly forgotten or others who don't deserve it, bathe in betters glory. Why would you trust such people then in telling you, what is Good and Evil; Right and Wrong!!
No Fuck to You
So you went on a tangent, complained about -ismus;
"It's too Far-Right Centered, and nothing overtures Left!"
You can't hire Maids and order: "Black Butler" Bereft
of drinking coffee and tea altogether. Yours the Snubismus...
No Fucks to be given, if you gaslight Crucified Cows;
no Fuck to You, if you hypocrate on my lawn molehunts!!
If I want bullshit somewhere, I'm gonna Asskew and Blow;
eat your own out and walk the whole ninth yard Gatekeeping Hell Cunt.
Oh you Son of a Kalev, who you fucked up your neese;
don't come transitioning on my Manhole.My way is Straight --
Forwarded Horisontally Vertical Paralellograms and Fighter geese,
what even Reed Richards cannot bend over and berate!!
Con-sisting your fisting to musckle my Cranium, droning and boning
by sniffing/ blowing my tooth. The Sweets are all over and Booth
stoned some others... Why give a fuck if I have to change homie?
Pina Canada and Hasta my Blister, dont jump these nuts, or I will go roof!!
Here, look I got mirrors, 10 thingers a boot -- this is the payment, You wanna Wonga?!
It doesn't bother me, you're bothered, if no fuck reaches me. So no Fuck to You.
I'm all out of Mercy's , Hershie's kisses and Em-Path finders quit on me, too bad Warmonger;
You're insult me for Fucks, I will close your tab at the Knucklebar here are your blues...
Why don't you pour some Cerosine on fire, let everything burn, the Convo is Overtimed;
are you paying me Fucks' no? Then Hit the Road, wisecrack and be Leftovers somewhere else...
Whiteraven no work without Fucks to pay You in kind --
So I'm a hateboner, fuck around and see if I give One for the stealth.
Sunday, January 30, 2022
Pole täthtis, kas riimluule, vabavärss, vemmal;
kõrgkultuur, tänavalt, beatbox või muu.
Niikaua kui sinul hing sees selles helab;
niikaua kui rõõm palges tunnistab hellalt --
see on see suur kumin, mis eest annaks suud!!
Pole tähtis, kas Porila, Kirila, Nürila, Harila;
Purila, Merila, Surila, Torila, Norila, Morila --
Niikaua kui su hinges keegi pole sorimas...
Kuse nii pikalt ja välta nii vabalt, Kaunishing sa; '
mis Elu siis on, kui kuristik ei julgegi karista'!!
kõikide mägede vastu ja Tuuleveskite suvila...
Pole tähtis, hea tuju või äike su ajudes vilgub;
kas udu, Suur Ilmutus -- tontlik albutus, tõur...
Ise juuksis tõmba end üles, lükka käik sisse ja mine;
keegi ei kutsu ei sunni sul Ülemees kuube selga.
Paljud tahavad sulast, kui räägivad Talvede vastu;
sina vaid valdad võtmeid, mis Suve Orgu sind astub.
Kui vaid mees Ise endale isade tarkust ei salgaks...
The leaf on your shoulder
People are always fascinated about the Sabbath day, that you shall not work on it, so the Pharisees have imposed those kind of mind games, there is a leaf fallen on your shoulder on Sabbath day -- what you gonna do? You cannot walk with it, for this is "carry"; you cannot lift it, for this is "Work" And while it seems like, its very zen, its actually really sinister and evil, because those kind of Pharisees, just like the woke crowd, have no love for the topic and the people they are affecting it, because they never gonna lift those heavy boulders, they bind for others.
The reason, you cannot work on Sabbath, is so you would rejoyce on Sabbath and dont deny yourself disconnecting from your regular timeframe and being happy. Just because you're having a Sabbath day, your refriferator dost stop running; nor the Hospitals stop working nor the gaspipes, nor the internet. If you love Sabbath day so much, that you cannot understand its inner meaning, then stop breathing on Sabbath day, because all your lungs and cells are working!! Just like Isayah had his vision about the King not being Dead, because God was the real King of Israel, and all the world was his Court, scaring the living shit out of the priest, because he had unclean lips and was worried about his naughty words and thoughts. If you wanna be this kind of dick, who denies other people Life itself, because you can use your Wit only for showing off and gatekeeping the very Gates of Heaven, then that aint cool. You don't enter yourself, and you don't let others enter -- stop breathing and dividing cells this instant on Sabbath day and let the leaf fall down your shoulder...
I am writing this on Sunday,well Monday already so I wont ruin anybody's Sabbath day with this thought, but contemplate it. Don't be a drag for other people on Sabbath day and breathe! For that was, what God did, then he had finished his job. He stretched out and was happy with it, with no after-thought about what the cake would think, then you eat it!! You do the same. Halleluyah
Walking with God
The most controversial part of Christendom, is to be the Eternal Rebel, because you can never turn into establishment. Why not? If you have influence, you have your dog in the fight and are no longer indiscriminate. You loose your edge and become "civilized" ; "Cultured" as opposed to be a street-preacher, who does everything the long way, and mostly upsets the authority. The problem with authority, just as with Interview with a Vampire. I so love, they like to do plays about plays, what go meta. The Nightwatch is a notorious painting or Don Quichotte a notorious book about that. Why it is so hard to serve Christ, while assuming no position nor benefits in this world? Everybody wants you to marry with something, or label you under an -ism, so you would stay there and not bleach his turf with your "holyness". If serving Jesus Christ, has not made people antagonize you, like Jordan Peterson and Kyle Rittenhouse, for what you think is true and right, then you're not any kind of rebel, but just flowing down the stream, like a dead fish. Because opinions never beget safety, but friction --in the conflict of minds, is the truth revealed, not in the glorification of one opinion as the only truth, which is even bizarre, in Democracy, what was specifically against such a notion, there is one Ultimate Truth, what doesnt allow the discourse of multiple thoughts and opinions. A Rebel never approves censorship, the greatest advercary of his deeds. He wants to be known so he could not be forgotten and silenced!
People always want to stagnate the world, so they could monetize on it. People don't want the Wild Wild West, because somebody could draw quicker!! So naturally your radical nature, will get you some stern faces, from the Establishment -- btw. BLM is establishment, just like Antifa. I don't know, how you can see yourself as any kind of rebel, if your leader can own a white house in a pristine neighbourhood and tell to her followers to ask help from the government, and not her, then that was the main reason BLM came to be. To take care of black neighbourhoods and their bullshit, and now they wont do it, with all the donated money. That sounds very much like corporate establishment to me... How do you say Fuck You, like that to your constituents? Or how is it rebel, if it doesn't ban you from any platform ever? Theres the difference, then the establishment dost not call your children "dangerous" and not let them study in the University, like happened in the Soviet Union. Your values must make an impact to the world. If that impact is only positive talk, than you cannot be any kind of change. Nobody speaks well about the audit or the plumber, because mostly he has bad news for you and high bills, people hate to pay... God is the same kind of blumber or Audit guy, who gives you Bad News before the Good News. But somehow, people only kept the Good column, and forgat about the Bad column, that said Cost!! IF the diet doesn't make you sweat, how do you loose weight? The same way is with Walking with God, if you're mostly talked well and people always open doors to you and offer free coffee and reservations, you can't be The One! Have a nice day <3
Lets talk Justice
Due to the fact, that I am a Christian.and I had a chance to attend a door to door practical work, then I was studying Theology, in order to become a propper Pastor, which was my motivation then. What else should a Christian boy of my attire be than get drafted into the Heavenly army. Its kinda hard, then your very existance is like the birth of Jon Snow in Game of Thrones, only without the later revelayion of being a Targaryen, but you get to stay a Bastard. You could even be The Bastard, but still that kind of a man, and people are respectful to you, but its like tentackles are popping out of your face or something. Because what your father did to your mother, and how horribly it connects it with Christendom.
Absurdly, due to the fact that the *technically* speaking -- alas I have to give another triggerwarning, so please sit down and dont drink anything what could ruin your drive, this one is extra spicy ^^ for the sake of the argument, you could say, that God *Raped* the virgin Mary and forced to bear Jesus Christ, and all what happened next was due to the infamous jewish anti -rape law of the rapist having to fix his shit, because it was no other way, how you coujld materialize on mortal plane and be understood by other creatures, who's intelligence is as far away from you, as antlings from Man. Not to mention the irony, of God banishing all the angels who bred Nephilim with the daughters of Eve, and bringing upon the flood -- they couldn't violate the ToS but God Himself could!!
How do you willingly serve and assume the mantle of Lawful Good, then your God can literally raped the Virgin Mary, to have Jesus, Force Joseph still mary her, although it ruins her social credit, because you can't have sex with your betrothed before marriage!! Also, lets not forget the dick moves with Job then God played russian roulette on his faitth, or with Abraham, then he wanted his son to be offered, while vowing to make him a great nation. Also, if you sacrifice your firstborn to Baal, you go to Hell, but I will still askew literally the same.
I really enjoyed those tabletop conversations then going door to door and selling copies of the Gospel Video, about the Gospel of Luke, the most primitive of videos ever made. Too bad we didn't have Mel Gibson and Passion of the Christ back then. But many people still there able to understand, what was wrong with the Birth of Jesus Christ, and how it lured in people like me, who there born as bastards. It gave us hope, then previously it was no way of approaching thi ElShaddai on his unclimbable thunderous Holy Mountain, there even cattle, who accidentally stepped on its road jup, had to be put to death, because only Moses the Murderer was Eligible to take the Commandments and bring to thee.
You really have to appreciate those common people, who didn't seem very highly intelligent, but understood the irony of the situation, having to proclaim the virgin birth in that setting. I mean, its no big deal today, in a safe american Democratic environment, but imagine back, just as Mel Gipson showed in the Passion of the Christ, how vicious was the life on the market even to buy food, then some other women cought you too happy, while you there the Violator, because you there pregnant outside of marriage. -- Because one of the Messages and Duties of the Messiah, was condemning the clergy, who didn't deliver and had to get the pink slip with no golden parachute!! How many CEO want to let this happen and don't attempt the Spiderman scenario and hostile takeover of Oscorp, which triggered the birth of the Green Goblin?
How do you say Halleluyah, then you don't have not much positive to say to Law and Order, but you're still Lawful Good not Chaotic Evil. Let that sink in. UWU If you really take the moral standpoint of Christianity seriously, not just listen to it like talking about Santa Clause and the leprechauns and reindeers etc. How you unironically protect and serve the spiritual legacy of said God, who has this kind of Optics in todays world, people can be cancelled by a mean tweet or a meme itself? As long as you're rich and pretty and Ivy League with all the positive tags of freedom fighter and positive oppinions you should fare well. But what if you're from Nazareth-- the place what was like Harlem or Detroid compared to living in Boston; New York and Washington! And the Messiah came from there!! Would an acid junky from da hood be able for presidency in US because that's what the Messiah in comparison really is. You are running your game, to be the President of the Universe, and you manage to be born as a Bastard from Nazareth!! Who ever fuck of roman soldier could have done that; not to mention a rogue angel demon etc. Th choices there endless. Why should you be content with exactly this El Shaddai, this God the Most Richest, The God of Attributes? That He did it!! And based how your morals lay your judgment towards Jesus's birth you can't remain neutral, what to think of Him. How do you hit this high from this low?? How do you meet this Jesus, if it absolutely matters, how you there born and under which ToS you're under? Can I get a Halleluyah? If you include the loli factor into it, because how is not, what God did in a way Pedophilia, for the difference in intellect?! Think about it, and have a say., Because that is the moral setting, there Christinaity begins, why muslims cannot take Him as son of God and as a mere prophet. Because you would have to reason all the sex away, to avoid, this question about the morality in having offspring like that. Is it still an benevolent being, who chooses to have intercourse with lesser species? What if your God is a sexual Predator, like in that Meme Cartoon, there 98 year old elvish chicks enrolled in human school as teenagers to go cockhunting and even the ork was like, sorry I have to report you to the authorieties... X^D Is it still moral to be a Christian? What is left of Good and Evil then! Halleluyah
Ravenstone the Game Starting position and Stats description.
Because this is a gauntlet type of game there you have to get rid of the epic gear for the sake of the common gear while solving the plot to choose your moral compass, you'll start with a perfect score, there all your stats are 20
Strength defines, how big swords and armor you can wield and how much damage do with em.
Intelligence defines your ability to respond in a positive manner to events happening to you, without either killing it nor fucking it by default. The lower the Intelligence level, the higher the chance of going berzerk and "shoot first, ask questions later" Because your protagonist already tried to sell his soul to the devil and lost his sister in the process, so you have an authority and attitude problem you'll need to address -- or not. For instance, if an NPC offends you in the game, which can be a negative event, you'll instantly draw blood from this critter, especially, if your Pride level is high. Because in a way, your objective is to not win the game!! -- How to turn the other cheek or show your guts. Together with Virtue, it defines how many positive events and options you will have.
Virtue -- States the amount of Positive events taking place on the board, and the 4 cards you have as moral choices. If it gets low... well, then tough shit getting away with murder, or trying to sneak past all the succuby and stuff without crashing in. Virtue will also define, how many insult options you shall see. While in some events proving useful, if you want to break a specific curse lock by upsetting an acolyte doing a really complex ritual spell; normally it will rally the knights against you, and deny you at least one town, because you having a bad name and the rumour spreading about your exploits in this realm.
Vitality -- defines your hitpoints and how much you can move in your gear. If Vitality gets low, than wearing that Epic armor will be as hard as David the Shepherd wearing his first armor in the Bible. Due to this game being turn based, it can suck, then you can only move one hex per turn and do one action, because of low Vitality, so keep that in mind. High Vitality on the other hand, if you have too many unattributed points, what don't wear armor nor do anything, will cause you to experience higher virility and Horny levels, so don't try to go insta Zealoth in the cloak and dagger, unless you wanna dash at least +9 hexes each turn like a wild horse in chess. Because you absolutely need to spend ALL your action points, if you have too mucb Vitality, to make sure, you don't start seeing really horny events. Because especially in the Hell levels, your Vitality level attracts in the Succubi and other demons, being their Primary food sorce. Faith is only an added benefit what makes your Vitality get a better flavour.
Luck -- Is the amount of Critical hits you can receive and deal out,or how many events you can evade how much. It will also define the amount of useless events on the table. The game mechanic is focussed around your moral choices, so if you have your 3rd choice of something had, the loot, you shall find, will more be along the same line, because you're looking for that sort of things. You can increase your luck by talismans or decrease by pissing off the wrong kind of NPC's for this reason or that. Choosing one choice once too many can also increase or decrease your luck, depending the context, do the Angels of Judgment deem your overall gameplan as worthy or unworthy, to honor your Quest, of saving your sisters immortal soul or Pursuing Vengeance for your Family and Blackened Name. You can be a real dick in this game, or a real Pussy, the choice is yours, but the consequenses will also be, because all the NPC's you'll meat have differing worldwievs or motivations, why they do this or that, or why they aid you or fight against you. Understanding peoples angles, can help you a long way, of not getting into a Bad Luck situation, there you have to choose between fucking the Arch-Bishops Wife or getting down into the dungeons to await your execution for Adultery. Both denying you the main quest. Quests are not permanently solved nor lost, but can be redeemed, if you understand the lore correctly and move around the towns with Proper Insight. Sometimes it is wise to walk back, than to go to the next level instantly. You can also hide yourself into the armory so to speak, as did King Saul, then he's coronation was up in Israel etc. Evading the events you don't wanna have is a very useful skill to be had, or certain towns at certain time, something bad happens there. Being at the wrong place at the wrong time, to do the right thing can have you similar outcomes, as the Banishing of Prince Zuko....
Horny -- This will tell you, how big is the chance, for you to fall for a monsters obvious charm and let them fuck you, or try to bedazzle them. While being high, if your moral is also high (High Pride+High Honor+High Faith) you can dodge out of an direct attack lock. While Horny, you breathe heavier, thus spending moore action points on everything, you could previously have done without breaking a sweat. The Clerics can sense your horny levels and may become a pain, reprimanding about your sins and confessions and asking you to see the next booth, to relieve it -- and loose precious time in the process.
Pride -- The amount of glory and reward you expect for your Good Deeds, and the amount of class your demand from your lodging. The higher the Pride Level, the Higher the cost of lodging in the Town. Again, if you get your Pride too low too soon, then the merchants may start to snub you, for being a scrub, because you don't spend too much. Pride levels define, how many rounds you buy at the tavern, then you score a Vanquish Event to solve a quest on SSS level. but money is somewhat of a scarcity in this world. It takes for a peasant to earn a cuarter gold coin per year and a knight only earns 2-5 gold coins. One Gold Coin is Worth 20 Silver. One Silver is Worth 50 Copper coins. So 1000 copper coins is one Gold goin and in Copper, a peasant earns 250 coins. Sometimes giving your last Gold coin to pay the taxes of the peasant, who's son would otherwise be drafted to the miliia, while the father is too old to work on the field, can reap you amazing rewards. Most of the money is gained through finding hidden stashes or helping wealthy travellers from Town A to B without being mugged. You can also decide to entertain the townsfolk, but do mind the time, which is a scarce resource as well.
Honor -- Defines your fighting style, on how viciously you attack your opponents and if you grant them mercy, if they are at their last hitpoint and retreating, or if you pursue and vanquish them for good. While sometimes you absolutely need to vanquish a demon, some other times letting one go for favour points, which is a hidden currency, can bail you out, if you are on the receiving end and captured in the dungeons. Diplomacy is a must in this game, not only choosing between Good and Evil, because sometimes, the lines can be rather blurry and you will aid one Lord against another lord, who in secret commissioned you to assassinate the first lords loyal servant, or at the very least discredit somebody, to get ahead in the audience schedule. Audiences with the King, or other higher lords, can give you special missions or favours, though costing you a hefty price, because you cannot enter the presence of a lord or the King, without delivering the suitable gift regarding the event at hand. Again,understanding the lore, and what the political lines are between the different factions, you can also fill the sack of lies, with some unconfortable truths, to get ahead, as is the saying in a faity tale, I so love. You can marry many daughers of high born people, or marry your sister to one of them -- after she gets her body back, or make her a nun and marry her to Jesus!! Being the only survived mail heir of the family, you have that obligation, to see to it, that your sister don't commit adultery before wedding, not even kissing is allowed, so take it seriously. Understandably, your sister will mind alot some times, if she cannot even kiss -- on the cheek of course... while slipping up and landing on the lips. X^D Your high or low honor level, based on your goals and position on the map, can cause you receive unexpected aid or inteference. Because it may challenge the goals and ambitions of other parties in play, who maybe dost want you to succeed.
Faith -- is the amount of KameHame Ha events you can survive. You can be possessed by either the Good side or the Bad side, just like King Saul in the Bible, to do a trick. Depending on your faith level, you going Berzerk can be either detrimental and make the people avoid you as a lunatic or look you up as a holyman, if you have enough positive events regarding going Berzerk. You cannot control your choices in Berzerk but they are defined by your predestined moral code and motives. So choose your motives wisely, or avoid this feature. It is also the probability, how much fear and dread based attacks will affect you, and how many haunted or ominous places you can enter without fear of loosing your immortal soul. If your Faith drops too low, then you might loose your soul the next time, somebody does the hard scare on you, like with Scooby Do or Courage the Cowardly Dog. Don't make your Faith and Pride too high either, because you can actually die, if you charge ahead too much and get surrounded by high level demons, because your Faith has an emanating Aura much like Cryptonite for Superman, making it hard for demons and such to dwell in certain places, so their not gonna be appreciating bringing toxic waste on their turf so to speak. Some times a high enough Faith level can auto exorcize a lower level demon. You can Fall from grace, then you take advantage of your faith, for instance if you fuck the greatful peasant daughter, who you just saved from the Oracle Spirit slavery. The Peasantry wont mind, if you fuck before marriage, but they will mind, if you do the Rogue thing, in Diablo 3 and send somebody from the town to make you honour your word, because alas, your betrothed got Pregnant of you, Would you not do the right Thing, and forget about your succubus Sister, who can fend for herself now?? While this guy wont be a heavy hitter, because your default armor and gear is so stronk, he can onehitcuiside on top of you, which will cause the Church to excommunicate you, for refusing to do the right thing, because your Sisters immortal soul was more pressing of a matter, than honoring youor Word as a Man!! Moral codes, what are by default Good or Neutral, can turn Evil in other context and vise versa. You can even hire Orcs and Necromancers to your party, but that will also mean, that either the church wont let you in for the confession or the Tavern, for orcs always crash some sculls and break the furniture without paying for it. So be mindful of who your friends are, because the game really judges that!! The Hentai Part is not the main event of the Game but the seasoning, whish is meant to tell the story of the Protagonist, why it is so hard to do the right thing. If you have seen Jinx of Arcane, you have a faint idea, what I mean. You can choose the mantel of the Holy Fool, there you do your thing exactly like Jinx and try to punch the square into the triangular hole etc. Because one other hidden feature of the game, is Mercy!! That feature, makes it a Christian Hentai Game. Always be mindful of any and all redemption arcs. Giving somebody the proverbial cup of cold water, then needed, to help them succeed to redeem their lost quality, will give you Mercy points in Heaven, which are like Favour Points in Hell. You can have both and one doesn't pennalize the other. But it will make both sides fight harder for your attention and thought patterns to win you over to their cause. Choose the winning side, what aids you in your final quest, so you could eat your cake and have it. Because its the eclectic Truth of Christendom, that sometimes you need to be the Corrupt Steward, who spites his lord, who is about to fire him for unfaithful accounting. Context matters. Every morally good choice creates more angels around you, because you are entering their holy realm and every amoral choice will create more demons around you. Loosing your Faith can also be a feature, if the context is right and you need to defect to the dark side so to speak, because you witnessed somebody on your side do a morally abhorable deed and you had a say, what broke the rules of engagement, to call it out. You can regain any stat, which you have lost, if you know, where, when and how -- by experiencing really life changing events, what further the plot and your goals.... Pay attention to the story line. Have fun. And I do want to see your worthy comments, or I must presume, people don't give a fuck about this game. It is worth a shot, I believe in it, like Haruhi Suzumiya ^^ UWU
Saturday, January 29, 2022
Give me a Request
Give it to me, thy worthy Request, I shall worship thee and rhyme on thy chest,
your bosom exalt and your shoutouts boost, lest a worry or wart hog your boot!
Let me shoot, let me shoot, I will root for your shotguns, smoothtalk the Operators
booth, pulpit the scoop and Scooby Do your I O U loot. I am Groot and Wut-Mute.
Bitchslap my chute as I tube your lubed Best Before for our mutual benefit behest...
Ei saa mitte
Ei mina saa, kui Juhan Liiv, kui Noor-Eesti meelitas;
ja meeles neil tark Siil, udus teed rajamas uutmas ruja,
Kohmetuks teeb kõik kiitus, nagu Kalevipoja mõõgale
said sõnatud sortsi pilaks -- et kunagi ära naeris Saarepiiga
Sepa pojale heateo tasuks! Virvendab kõik kiitus läilaks...
Milleks see kõik, mis Luulele kasuks on kuldraha?
Kui vaid sinu sülg ja sitt minu igavese tule peale!
Homme nad hukkavad selle kulla eest hobuse korjusel kassi,
et susi ta karjaga metsa pures, aga Kilplane kägu kukkus;
Peomeeletules, unustas silma oma kaaslase kosteks kiigata.
Isegi kaaren, häbenes oma suled valgeks ja lendas minema...
Ei mina saa, kui Juhan Liiv, vaiki olla ja minna siit;
kui liim ja virre, kui seene leotis. Sõnajalaõis või Murueide tütred!
Ei tea, mis nii kiindub et unustan end, hingepiin. Et söön ennast tõuraks;
kuradi ka altari ette tirin; Kaval-Antsu panen Kiirena saunas higist siniseks;
kui Rehepapp kahetseb pattu ja õpib põrgus õieti ketelt kütma ja mitte piiluks.
Põhja Konnale üksiku sääse pirin, kui karu tegi peremehele teeneid Ja Otto-Triin;
Pille-Riin, See Vennaskond Terminaatoriga kuule märki lastes Ekvaatori vibuks pööran
kui uskliku leitsaku hiis. Umbusklik oma tusus ma musun põrmuga tõtt ja õigust hõimus...
Kellel on vaarika võigus see võitus et Maiale Marile keelata siduda poisi mullikas puu juurde,
et saaks temaga pattu teha, mis muidu ei võinud uneski sündida rääkimata Albi röhatusest!
Mis riimub nii vabalt ja vanalt uuele kuuele, kärisedes mõõtmatult suule puues pekstud hullu--
Ei mina saa, nagu Juhan Liiv, sest raskemeelsus paiskab õhku ja võtab juured mustast mullast;
Lehm vaatas mind pikalt ja siis plikalt küsis sittumiseks luba Siim -- ei julenud küsida Kalevipojalt.
Andsin talle Andeks, et ta saaks talendikooli minna ja küsida Jeesuselt luba kuulutada pimedatele;
kohmetutele ja kurtidele-tummadele, kes väitsid end nägevat; kuulvat ja mõistvat -- ent lasksid
ikka kokku lepitud märgist mööda. Ultima Thule puhus nii vilult ja lipp oli end Latiks joonud.
Lätlased hõõrusid rõõmust käsi, kui said iga krooni eest 40!! Silmad säramas kui silgusoomus;
sama suured kui Suure-Tõllu Porsche Porikilbid... minu Lennuk, mis lendas üle käopesa,
tema ei pääsenud isegi Politsei radarile. Imaginaarsed Sõidukid on nii nõmedad -- Ei saa mitte;
sakslasele keskelt pikemaks järgata!! Juhan Liiv teab tunnistada, aga tema on manalamees;
surnutelt küsitledes, soelen iseendasse, nagu Stiil ruudus ja blondiin kuubikus Ruubikule
dublikatsioone meisterdades, dubleerin ka oma enda sisemist X-Mehetapi Üleinimese tuusikut...
Ei mina saa, kui Juhan Liiv, Tapan Kommunisti Edasi ja Postimees häbeneb nurgas kollaseks;
end põlema panen metafoori kolmes vilgutules. Roheline mõtlemine; Kollane Köögivada ja Punased Riiukuke kitkusuled -- mul tuletis peekri põhja kiigates ja selle kilde närides ja kastaneid rebides tulest!
Kõrvetasin oma sügava kurgu kuristiku Maagi sees ära kui Manalasse Toonela jälgedes hõbevalgemal
helal ma tahtsin mürgitada kõik mürglid ja mügritud soolasambad ja Türgid. Mõned purgid, viskasid
silti ja sedeldasid mu mesilase teo karbi külge knopkaks. Kopikas selle mõtte eest, mis tema Karuksi
vangitornist vabaks ostaks!! Kui lehmal jäi piim kinni ja hingepiin oli varrukast võtta leivakatteks.
Ma suitsule katteks võtsin Õige hõlma ja hakkasin süütust taga ajama, kuid ta nurjatu pani plehku...
Õss, Õss tule appi, vainlane on meite maal, Taaler paneb Pullid keema, sead pekki saema, vaema vead!!
Oh sina Juhan Liiv, eks sina tead, Ei saa mitte Kalevaseks meheks olla ja selgelt seletada Luuleread;
kõik kõverad ja nastikud need Rästikute sigitised ja kaarnapoja hundinuiad ning Sõnajalaõie-Ehad...
If Kalevipoeg would be 14 and own a MTG deck, this would be it
U 2 Spellpierce
U 2 Jwari Disruption
B 2 Knights of the Ebon Legion
1W 2 Bishops Soldier
1W 2 Ajani Pridemate
1U 2 Negate
UW 4 Dovin's Veto
WW 1 Daxos, Blessed by the Sun
2U 2 Mystical Dispute
1BB 1 Bloodthirsty Arealist
1 UW 2 Thief of Sanity
1WU 2 Dovin's Acquity
1WU 1 Teferi Time Raveler
1UU 3 Sinister Sabotage
2BB 2 Vraska's Contempt
2UU 1 Memory Deluge
2UU 3 Devious Cover-Up
UUBB 2 Night Veil Predator
3W 1 Heliod, God of the Sun
4BB 1 Blood on the Snow
U 4 Snow-covered Island
B 4 Snow-covered Swamp
W 4 Snow-cothered Plains
* 2 Lotus Fields
UB 2 Drowned Catacombs
WU 2 Glacial Fortress
WB 2 Isolated Chapel
* 1 Karn's Bastion
Teferi Timeraveler -- All the Reasons I love and hate this Son of a Bitch Nigger Motherfucker
The Reason why I love and Hate Teferi Timeraveler, is not because he's black, then to do the Wesley Snipes meme, him being a nigger has something to do with it, but because he acts like Kalevipoeg. You know, that guy in Estonian Folclore, who is our National Hero, who went along and took a motherload of building material and the warlock of Finland got jealous and ruined it all, so he had to learn to use the edge of the woodchip to defeat the fiend, before he could build his town. Or how he raped his neese who was married to the Smiths son who made his sword and due to that and killing the son, then he bragged about it, then the said neese drowned herself out of shame and the husbando having a problem with it, starting a fight with Kalevipoeg. And later on as the said warlock stole Kalevipoegs sword but lost it into the ditch, and the water didn't let him touch a hexproof sword, so he had to go, but the sword didn't accept Kalevipoegs command either, due to the smiths curse, and lost his legs, then the sword thought he was smiting the Warlock instead. And thus Kalevipoeg is guarding the entrance of Hell, lest a blind Estonian enters thee. Isn't it as dickish as the story of Teferi Timeraveler in the MTG lore? UBW Esper colours are so Estonian, its not funny anymore. Many Estonians loved to play their UBW swiss armyknife control decks, because this is our attitude to anything. Just as Kaval-Ants or Sly-Jack our other National Hero in the lore, who is the trickster, who can even outsmart the devil himself. Or Rehepapp "Haypope or Cornpop" Idk what the proper term in english is, because its a profession in the German manor there you have to look after the hay in the stack, that it is dry and not rotten and that the corn is not stolen and faithfuly delivered to the owner. But the Rehepapp is like a Statesman/Robin Hood. If you would put the Sherif of Nottingham and Robin Hood in the same person, you would get the same eclectic blend. X^D So basically my mirror image. I hate this nigger, because he is so motherfucking Estonian, its not funny anymore, that I am always anxious, that people take notice and will call Estonians out on it, of having stolen MTG's brand although we there first, and we could call shotgun on Teferi's lore. Everything this Son of a Bitch has ever done and been in the lore, is like Kalevipoeg or Rehepapp or Kaval-Ants. Just look it up and reference too and you'll see how related they are... If we just remembered to save our opponents, all would be well and good in the world. Ah well, I got it off my chest now, after blowing my stack yet again. Yosemite Sam says Howdy! :P
Dude, What's your Fucking Problem, What is Wrong with You? God Damn!!
I was standing in front of Lord Jesus Christ and I had my trusted coffeemug filled to the brim in my left hand and a kettle of hot sencha tea in my right hand. I was so happy and proud, with my hot coffee in my left hand and my hot tea in my right hand. "Ahem." said lord Jesus Christ, in a respectful manner.
"Yes, my lord? UWU"
"Aren't you forgetting something?" stated lord Jesus Christ beholding me with a stern look, like a Math teacher gives, to the student who forgat his ruler, yet again, and cannot file straight lines for the studentbook.
I feel annoyed and perplexed. "Umm, I don't understand, what seems to be wrong, my lord!"
"I can see the hot coffee mug in your left hand, and that hot sencha tea in your right, How are you gonna deliver drinking on all that, without major disrespect on all counterparts?"
The problem finally dawning on me, that I want to drink coffee, but then the Sencha tea will run cold and vise versa. Also I cannot put neither in the other vessel without spilling some on the ground and loosing it. "What to do, what to do...?" "Ooh!" >/////< "And Senpai is watching me and waiting for my answer. What I'm gonna say, to not loose heart and face, think fast, Whiteraven!" Then I have a Heureka moment and I open my mouth and raise my throat, like I would take in a 12 inch dick to deepthroat, and pour both the coffee and tea respectfully down my drain, while I gargle and try to forget about the burning sensation in my sour throat because of all that hot coffee and tea. Then all is done I look eagerly at lord Jesus Christ like a small puppy, who thinks he did good. And lord Jesus Christ looks at me dazed and confused. "Son, are you ok?" said lord Jesus Christ.
I'm a bit flustered still not seeing the problem, because to my recollection I could deliver drinking both the hot coffee and hot tea, while spilling nothing. "I did it, I did it!! OwO"
"Are you sure, you're ok. What about the burns down your throat?" Asked lord Jesus Christ alarmed in a saddened voice. and before I could defend my case about being a big boy and never crying a tear,
"Why couldn't you first drink your bloody coffee and then make hot sencha tea, to pour into your cup, after you washed it, like a normal person does?!" And lord Jesus Christ shook his head and mended the damage I did to my throat, by drinking a cup of hot coffee and a cettle of hot sencha tea alltogether down my throat, like I was pouring it in the drain. I was looking at my soles, as I muttered quietly: "Sorry, my lord, I didn't think... >/////////<" "Well that is elementary, why you fail in your office and at your faith, Dr. Watson. So stop being an imbecil!!" exclaimed lord Jesus Christ and the vision was gone.
The Town of Happy Thoughts
Before we talk about the title, Thank you's and Regards are in order, due to ... my God.. I have to really look that number again and have a sip of coffee. Overall my day started bad, because I forgat to charge my Phone, so the Clock didn't rang so I overslept and missed the bus. I got into office 2 minutes after the clock or so, then it is proper custom to come 15 minutes before scedule to dress up and debreef, so you could take up your game as security. But I was late 2FUCKING MINUTES!!! :(( >/////< mea gulpa. I used to be able to fuck bitches and be up til 3 and still get to office in a fresh face and mood as the saying goes, but now I was late 2 minutes. It really made me loose face with the night-shift who had a life too and wanted to enjoy his Saturday. But I managed to fail. :$ That Number anyway cheered me up UWU What was it again? Oh Right 12 wievs on 28th then there was 6 on 27 well done already...but 63 Wievs then I havent even written anything, come to think of it, my last post was The Folly of Confidence, and I wasn't feeling that confident about that, because YouTube ticked me off with their time out on Styx so I wrote this, to think what curse to put on them, Ah well, now Styx is back, so all is well in Happy Town UWU Big stack Bullies always get away, then they molest the Mary Jane while the nerd gets the full motherload of tetention, just because he croaked the wrong way and dazed off for too long. :S Anyway, and France of all countries to take the leed over USA!! Thank You, Thank you, I am humbled and greatful for this attention. I have nothing against France, because they are like the older brother to the younger brother, and sort of a role model, because I would really love to learn about this Egalitee; Fraternitee and Liberte they are talking about, because we surely need it these days. Too bad that there ae too many vultures waiting for the corpses to breathe their last, before their descent... But well get to it soon enough ^^
Anyway, The Town of Happy Thoughts, as Tartu is teasingly called because of being the Student Center of Pride in Estonia. All the Big shots want to live in Elva, a town close to Tartu with Good neighbourhoods and even better Prizes for the landlord, and study at Tartu, to be somebody. I guess you could compare it with Hollywood with less traffic, because we still got our forrests, but we're quickly improving and gifting the ancient book, as Kalevipoeg did, then to use a morbid innapropriate and incensitive Estonian, joke, which is as funny as Ted Bundy offering 2 dollars for a Russian Roulette shot while working in a gas station next to the pipeline. Only an Estonian would smile at this kind of joke. Our humour is as delicate as the taste of Spagetti to Itallians, that even ketchup will ruin and make them strangle you, for the audacity or god forbid strong mustard... It is hard to get. There are so many highly educated youths around in here, that even the hobos have at least 2 degrees, and those are not your everyday Genderstudies, what deny them a job at their field but -- please sit down, because I have to give a trigger warning, you're never going to believe me -- they definitely have the first degree in Economics and rhe second degree in Programming, and they can't get a fucking job in Estonia. Welcome to the Town of Happy Thoughts!! Isn't it lovely to think happy thoughts on a Economics and IT degree, because they are too many bloody blokes having the same, so the best option is off you go, to Sweden or Finland or Germany or America, because even Tallinn got no job for you!! That is the result in spending so much on Good Education, which is the Software of Society, but not so much in supporting start-ups and small businesses to make new jobs to those blokes with those degrees. Because that would also decrease the revenues of the big corpos, and why would you nourish your competition. (Revolver).
There is a saying in Estonia, "Save your Opponent!" Why is it so important, and have I lost my mind, with all other Estonians. You need an opponent to play either chess or any game. And if your opponent thinks, that you are as fun to play against, as Muxus Goblin rush or some UBW swiss army knife Control deck with Teferi, then chances are, people don't wanna play with you... My family never plays chess with me, because I am exactly this fun with my 2047 ELO which was my highest official rating, now playing at 1700, then they could mustet 900-1400 at best. Or my church for that matter. Because I wasn't able to respect my opponents well enough, and now have to get fucked by the big boys at to have any resemblence of fun, for this game...
It was as hilarious, then I bought my copy of Diablo 3 and found out, that my PC was too old and had to wait a full year to finally save enough money with my own work, because I was fed up having everything in my life gifted to me, so I decided this time to do it all by myself, so it took a full year to get the proper hardware, to play my copy of Diablo 3. I also own a copy of Diablo 1; 2 HOMM 3 DOOM Eternal,etc. allthough I am too slow for that game and need tutoring :(( I die at the broken railroad, for inability to jump and grab in time, because the keys never connect right. My timing is way off, like Butter-thingers playing Bascetball in Angelo Rules, but no wizkid to count the angles and help me out... I used to be better at such games. Its probably the lag from all those feminine meditations I guess, to submit myself to the bigger picture of the World. I have always been a team player, while also being that cat who walks alone. This eclecic setting is the root of my problems that I want to play Paladin and Zealoth at the same time. One being a Tank/ Cleric/´/Support, the other being Assassin/Rogue class. One is standing his ground and mending for the team the other is sniping and sneaking in the shadows.
So all these fancy degrees have no space to materialize their hopes and dreams, so they fuck off abroad, to get the surprised Picachu faces at Home and same kind of curses, then Gerard Depardieu left France because the taxes there too high. We never could possibly respect our betters, both Estonia and France... I also think, that Gerard is a dick, because he saw that writing on the wall much sooner, and just was too lazy to do it in a respectful manner and time so I can see the Governments and peoples side as well of loosing so much tax revenue. He should have spoken up sooner and used his social currency to do something about it, not wait until the hot water makes the frog jump.
Anyway, the reason, I was lamenting about the Town of Happy Thoughts, we have our own Gerard at home, called Mart Helme, the leader of the EKRE which is supposed to be the Estonian Conservative Republican Party. Which means, it should constitute in and around family values; Christian values and be on the Right wing spectrum... Right? Would ask Amidala from Anakin Skywalker! But in reality its a grifter party, taking advantage of the situation at stage, there people are fed up with the Bullshit of the Center Party and the Bullshit of the Independence Party and the Bullshit of the Reform Party and the Bullshit of the Social Democrats Party and the Bullshit of simply everyone else I havent mentioned, because they have all been in office in every conceivable permutation and combination possible, and they all have fucked up. So EKRE was supposed to be our Obama, who would give us the change we need!! Especially the Christians where waiting for their White Ship to come and bring them to the Promised lands (See Prophet Maltsvet) I also had a chance to vote for Mart Helme and the EKRE to give them a bloody chance and do something about the political climate... I was standing with that thought, then the first shoutouts appeared, then EKRE was still a fledgling whelp and I just couldn't get over this nagging feeling in my gut, what said to me: "Don't touch, it burns!" And there was nothing negative on the internet; nor among the newspapers nor among the coffee tables of the churches, who always spoke well of them. Maybe it was like that scene in Ninth gate, there The Old lady who was in love with the Devil and now in wheel-chair is talking to Dean Corso about having heard much about him and his profession, and the man of the hour, begging her to say, that nothing good, to still feel eligible for his office, because if people talk well about the rival book dealer, then it means, you're already a dead fish swimming along the river not against the flow and through the mouth of the bear awaiting you to procreate..
All the information was sickly sweet, so I cast my vote to some independent or so, though I couldn't put my thinger on, what I found against them,, ... until now, that EKRE had this power Price Boycot with those unsightly yellow stars, as to point the Government as a Nazi!! "What to say, Oh What to say?" (Interview with a Vampire in the Theatre) Am I beholding the play or being the play, which one is it?! What is so wrong about a Strong sane and able man, is complaining about the Power Prices in Estonia? Because he chose to have that rally, AFTER the government had a deal to fix it, to shoot it down, as is the common practice in Estonian Politics. To show himself as the Robin Hood fighting off evil Sherif of Notingham, who is in league with the devil and did I mention racism and they hate jews too -- look at those Yellow Stars and be mad at the government, and forget that I am a part of it too, because I had all this time in my office as the minister I was, to fix this shit, before it even became a problem. Don't look at that, because I am one of the good guys, look at the Yellow stars, like Homer Simpson showing the Presidents picture to hypnotize the people and gets even the commercial wrong as to which bill he supports, because of the crayon up his brain!!
I wouldn't be calling the government a nazi then my own party is frequently called that, and being a member of the government. How do you sink the ship, you're in yourself, without drowning, then it goes down? That is the zen riddle I am having now. Because its as hard as the one being stuck between a Tiger and a Lion and the gray rat is gnawing away your last branch as you enjoy your last raspberry. Motherfucker, how is it not hitting you, if you call the government a Nazi?? Are you somehow a foreign agent or something, that its not your problem, then this shit doesn't get sorted out, or didn't you get the memo from Die Hard 4 that "You only talk about Firesales, then you dealt it!!"
How to feel about a politician, who wants to be the Saviour, but is the Same Old!! Did your own office and party members fare well at work? Did You all spent your deductibles well without a hitch and no voter decried foul for anything? Wasn't your party the one, where one woman was too busy being an incubation chamber and make more babies than doing her duty in office?! I have nothing against Strong Women, who have 6 children; I have nothing against Strong Women, who can lead the country and their respective office -- Hell the best Senior officer in my branch was female and had the attitude of an Orcish Taskmaster, and she was always on my case, because I couldn't do my work, unless she ripped my head off and shit in my neck, and then I did it for 2 weeks and then I needed another shot. I miss her so much... :S The Problem is not with Strong empowered women, oh no. The Problem is then Strong Big Momma Milf meats Strong CEO and is the same person, just like its not cool to drive a Lamborghini Miura on a rush-hour, skipping between the lines, while writing a really deep and condenced memo in your office on your I-Phone. Either do This or do That. Don't do them alltogether and fail at both!! Nobody likes a Mother Crow as she is called in Estonia. Somebody who is all talk and no action then it comes to it, because you there too busy doing something more pressing right now, like the scene in Fantastic Four, there Evil Reed was too busy to deal with his friends and coworkers hideously malformed body and powers, for he had more pressing matters... This is the reason I hated that mother Crow and his Boss, Mart Helme. If you have so much time yapping about doing the thing, you aint gonna do it or find time to do your thing. You are still debating over why it didn't get done and who's to blame. Just not you, vote for us, because well build back better, everyone and offer the change youll need, peace out!! Yeah, What is not to love in all that. X^D
I was as happy and sad, then I finally accepted the Truth, that Andrus Veerpalu cheated and did doping and his son. Then I understood, why my gutfeeling was warning me, not to support EKRE and Mart Helme. because the problem was still unsolved. Who's going to fix this shit? Who's going to be the real Statesman, who delivers all those populist promises, people crave so much, because of being fed up of yet another lobby-bought corpo-cock or embroiler as they are called in Estonia. Because talking to them looses your IQ points to the point you're as smart as the Kentucky Fried Chicken Nugget menu. Because they are as smart too. Even an ass-smart nigger would be smarter than them. They don't even try anymore to fake it, we're long past that. They are proud to be this stupid, there they depend fully from the party and have no other hopes for the future, because the party owns the only braincell they've got. They probably all hivemind the same one braincell, which is lagging because of low bandwiwth... :((
What do you even expect, if you only invest in Happy Thoughts, but not the space there to implement those happy thoughts!! Its so normal in Estonia... I shouldn't even get mad, writing this in the office, guarding the entrance of the lunatic Ward. Mmm nice coffee.... UWU In a way I am failing against the same thing, I was mad against the mother Crow with or Mart Helme with his Yellow Stars. Because I am thinking Happy Thoughts, in the Office, there I am supposed to be on guard duty and watch my cameras or do some other chores. I do those too, but perhaps, this is the reason, why I look like a bitch on crack begging for her third blowjob for 2 dollars so she could get the next fix, why some people accuse me of sleeping in the office... Physically I can be awake, with all that extra strong coffee... but my mind is somewhere else in the Spirit World, ... wiritng yet another Sermon; Essay; Dissertation; Poem, ... then I should be doing my rounds and help the wheelchair through the entrance door, because it wasn't built having them in mind. Serves me right, then I get the pink slip and some other team does my job better :((((( I don't sleep, I think happy thoughts... somewhere else... maybe thats even worse...
And that's why our hobos with two degrees don't find their respective jobs, because of Happy Thoughts but no place to crash with them!! Have a nice Sabbath day, you all, be merry and silent, as the lord quietly comes into your presence, like He did with Eliyah the Prophet, for he was the last man standing UWU
Friday, January 28, 2022
The folly of confidence
Foolish are the smart and confident;
who never challenge any roads traversed;
nor judge any options taken, for their merit.
What will they do, then the tree falls over?
Can they find another way, or are they hapless;
because the confidence failed on them...
To expect only, what has always happened;
isn't it arrogant and folly -- for even the gods
get bored and change things up, to wash their
underwear and do some spring cleaning!
You there a peasant, and made yourself King?
You van be peasant once more or beheaded on a pike.
Human fate is so fleeting and everchaning in the mist
of opportunity and the whimsical favours of yours betters.
Today you there the mighty oak, tomorrow someones roof
or floor, ruler or lever -- perhaps even the Jons Window frame,
or its lid; the container inside the ground to take the shit!!
You'll never know, so take no offence, then others soar like an Eagle;
while you scour like a worm in the dirt, eating corpses and rot...
Thursday, January 27, 2022
Blessed be Thy Presense
Blessed be You, My Lord, at every doorstep that shuts in my face;
at every cold marketplace, I must lodge, then there was no shelter...
Blessed be Thy Gospel, make my soul at ease by standing at the gates
of my heart and on my tongue, lest a foul word beseach my lips!
Turn my other cheek to all my neighbours and spill my guts;
may Your Blessings lodge at every House, that accepts me at their midst --
that Stubborn neck of mine and that donkey Pride -- break it under your Cross!
Blessed be You, My Lord, at every Valley of Shadows and Battlefield;
then your meek and weary seek shelter under my shield and sword...
May my eyes be blind for their transgressions and my arm be strong
and swift to aid them in their journey to Heaven. Let even the Heathens
worship in their manner in Your House as it is decreed! Blessed be You!
My Lord, one word from your mouth is more worthy than chosen gold;
Obedience is better than honors and glory from this World! Halleluyah
Blessed be You, My Lord; I am your Image in this World your Holy Icon
and gate to Heaven! Gather and enhanse my Soul and Faith, to be like You.
Let me go there I didn't want and do what was not my taste; all honeycombs
turn to wormwood and vinegar, to be worthy of your mantel and quest, My Lord!
Blessed be You, My Lord, and Peace in this World, As Gods Children Rejoyce!!
Let the Wicked and their deeds come upon their heads, as the just wash their robes
in Reighteousness and Valor. Blessed be You, My Lord Jesus Christ!!
Ravenstone the Game
Who would be my Master Hiram and code it, pretty please, to summon it to existance? Call me!
This Game starts from the life of two siblings one boy and one girl who are brother and sister, who's parents hang themselves at the doorstep for refusal to pay off the ridiculous taxes of the pompous Duke, who owned their farmland and wanted to War with the Neighbouring Duchy and make himself a Name in the Royal Court and thus become Arch-Duke in the Court. Because the parents died like that, it made the Duke loose face, and force his hand, to avoid a Royal inspection of his landings about why did his peasants curse his own entrance thus! The Duke contacted the Arch-Bishop who also was his younger brother and thus eagerly condemned the family as heretics and Witches, thus forfeiting any right of law for this field and sending their children into the Ravenstone Monastery orphanage, there they got a new name and there now Jonas and Ivy Ravenstone. The daugher accepted her fate and started to do the chores in the monastery quite eagerly, but the son was outraged and bitter about this wrong, what was done to his family and for loosing his Family name and inheritance, he was bound to receive if he came of age, while now being only 13 years old, while her sister was 14. There in the neighbourhood of this Monastery, lived a Witch, who promised Gifts of Great Power, if you there willing to sell your soul to the Devil. So off does Jonas go, but his sister finds out and goes after him to change his mind. In front of the Witch the two have a debate about Good and Evil and doing your due diligence -- but regardless of Ivy winning the argument, the proud and curous Jonas still sells his soul to the Devil, to receive the Gifts of Power and thus restore and avenge his Family name, what was so cowardly stolen from him. Seeing, that there was nothing more to do, Ivy pleaded the Witch, that let it be her soul instead, what would be taken for that contract -- and the bargain was struck, before Jonas could do anything about that. In bitter tears, he had to see the effect of the contract turning his sister into a succubus and begone in the Devils warm waiting embrace, leaving only a teasing "Do catch me if you can..." behind. He didn't think that, he didn't want that, but now his sisters immortal soul was gone and off he went to his journey to regain his family name. But to what price!! Perhaps he should repent and get his sisters soul back, but how could he possibly do that, after having such a sinister contract with the Devil?! This is a Hentaigame, much like Witchgame, what people know on the internet, there a Female Witch runs around and tries to avoid the monsters tearing up her clothes and fucking her and the tentacle monster catching up with her as a timer, to get the bag of Jewels she is harvesting. In this you are the male protagonist, who wears an epic Gearset of the strongest weapons and armor available in the game. Your objective is to replace the Epic gear with the Common gear, in order to get the good ending, there you save the sisters soul, otherwise you just get your name back and are as evil as the Duke you hated and replaced, which is the Neutral ending. You can also have a bad ending, if you have sex with your sister, who is a succubus now. Or if you condemn her to hell for being a succubus and choose to become a Paladin of the very Church, who condemned your parents as witches... Or you could take the cowards way out and slay yourself with your own sword!! You can also slay the Devil himself and her Witch and become the New Devil, offering contracts through your sister, who serves you as the new Witch to lure in poor souls, who have been rubbed the wrong way by fate.
The Epic Gear is The Sword of Pyrhos "Sack one Strength or one Intelligence point to make and Attack, what always hits" ; The Shield of Virtue "Sack one Vitality or one Luck, to block a critical hit or special attack, you are vulnerable to" ; The Boots of Sparta "Increase your Horny level by one point and lower your Faith level by one point, to charge at your enemy and make your next attack make critical damage, what cannot be negated, (It can still miss though, if you have a different sword) You move 9 squares at the regular cost and time of one square in one direction or maneuver. The Helm of Pride "at the cost of One Faith you can make all invisible monsters become visible and loose their special traits, attacking like regular monsters; all invisible special attacks become visible and are regarded as regular spells" ; The Breastplate of Honor "You only receive one physical damage and 2 critical damage as long you decrease the Breastplates hitpoints by the difference of the attack. If the Breastplate hits 0 sacrifize target other gear and restore all hirpoints" ; The Pauldrons of Malice "Restore your actionpoints by lowering All Stats by one point, Those stats cannot receive more points than 20 if you use this effect, unless you visit a cleansing shrine." ; The Belt of Despair "Ignore target action, your opponent gets a bonus action and you loose a turn. If your opponent gets 13 bonus actions that way on this map, you loose the game."
Shrines are special hexes on the game board, which is a combination of chess and Snakes&ladders, because the opponents peaces move like regular pieces, while you can only move from left to right and one up to reverse your direction and move back, until you reach the final square. The shrines are called in acordance to their name Pawn to move en passant or charge ahead 2 squares, which doesn't create negative squares to bounce back. Knight to create 2 shrine squares 2 levels up to the left and right, if you should hit those squares again in future turns, they will generate 2 shrines 2 levels back to the left and right but not on the original Knight shrine square. You can use your extra moves to generate more shrines upwards if you loose an action point in return. Bishop, located at the four diagonal corners of the board, one level inside the board, creating a smaller square. This allows to move faster towards your end goal or blunder your game. Rook moving to the end of the level or to the end of the file. Queen, for the cost of removing target other shrine type from the board, you can move to target square in sight which is not the end goal nor other shrine. Shrines, what have their tiles revoked due to this effect, are still shrine tiles. King Remove all negative effects or Restore one piece of armor. The NPC's will move on the board in accordance to a known chess game in the history, so If you recognize the thumnail position, you can discern the next moves. The white pieces will aid you, while the black pieces will try to attack you, should you linger on a tile, they must occupy on their next turn. If a white piece comes to your aid, it can give you new insight of what is lying ahead or study your motives, and give you councel how to reach your quest faster. Some times the pieces willl wear Red stripes on their coat of arms. Those pieces are tricksters, who can give you false information and act as though, they are aiding you, if its a black piece. The offered aid has always a greek poisoned flavour, which works at the detriment of your mission. The game is turn based. All the white pieces are male, while all the black pieces are female. Whenever you loose too much gear or become too horny, you increase the risk of having intercourse with the piece what enters your tile on their turn. Then the Chess board occupies 2/3 of the screen, then the lower 1/3 is reserved for level view. After 20turns into the level, the Devil will release a minion onto the board, who will start moving from square one, much like the Hero does with the same gear and move set called Shadow of Regret, if it catches you, it will possess you and you'll receive a bad ending, there you are the Devils lapdog and get fucked in a cute Trap outfit. (You can always choose to be a chicken and kill yourself with your own sword, before that happens, then offered the choice) The game will remember, how many times you received the chicken and how many times you received the trap and insult you occasionally, to make you play better. The game will offer you the chicken variant every time, you have stood idle on one tile without doing anything for 30 minutes. The time is measured in turns and tiles one turn being one week and one tile being one day. If something moved more tiles at one tile cost, then the overall journey cost only one day not a whole week or whatever much tiles there traversed. If the figure is lower than one day, it is shown in hours. Normally you wont need that, unless playing in hard mode, there you have an additional timer of 48 seconds before your turn is ended. Each 2 seconds corresponds for one hour of the day, starting at 4 o clock and ending a 3 also known as "Witching hour" on that hour All opponents have special abilities, what they otherwise cannot do. White Bishops can exorcize demons and black Bishops can excommunicate you. If you get excommunicated, your faith goes 0 so better not do that too often. Thenever you see a positive effect take place at your watch, it will increase your faith and whenever you choose not to take action to resolve something on the board or just watch helplesly as evil is wrought, you loose faith. If you run away or retreat you also loose faith. White Knights will join your party which can consist of 4 knights max but will increase the probability of you condemning your sister being a succubus, at her encounter and advocate about the good sides of their holy order; while the black knights will be rogues and renegades, who abandoned their ranks and try to get what they can, advising you do adapt the same code, working as freelancers. Which will mean, either you slay the Devil or the Duke but forget your quest to save your sisters soul. The Rooks will catapult you over the cliff into the abyss either to meet and try to save or condemn her faster -- or simply be seduced and end up having sex if your stats are too low to muster the mettle. Queens can instantly swap one of your epic gear with the corresponding Holy common gear what you need for the good ending to commence more easily. It will also increase the number of minions you will meet on the level, going lef-right or right-left. Those monsters, then they catch you, will tear at your gear and try having sex with you, so you would not have time to finish your mission and to delay you, until your past could catch up with you. In order to repell the monster, you have to roll a D20 1 is Insta miss, there you get stunned and let the monster fuck you; 2-10 you lost one gear but the monster is still pressing on you; 11-15 you lost one gear, but could turn the monster away; 16-19 You rebuked the monster and lost nothing 20 You vanquished the monster and got his loot/learning a new ability from his stats. Sometimes the ability is more worth than the loot, because you want to get rid of your gear, not upgrade, because the loot is meant to lure you to try the hard way of finishing the game by slaying either the Duke or the Devil, instead of forgiving thme for their transgressions and turning the other cheek. Each time you receive the "Turn the other cheek" award from the game, you increase the chances to repell your sisters advances. You need exactly 7 awards, to repell all her advances and return her to normal state and put into a lantern to be moved into the endlevel, there you can restore her mortal form. The lantern with your sisters soul will become your spiritual guide, giving your words of encouragement and allowing you to learn about the Lore of Heaven and Hell and why did the Duke decide to go to War against his neighbours and all other things. If you have acquired enough bits and pieces of the lore, than you can become a Guardian Angel instead, if you allow your sister to die and release her into the Hands of God. It will be a special good ending, but that will mean, your parents remain blacknamed and you die a trators death being killed by the very white knights, who you chose into your party, should you have any. You can hire Bishops at the Tavern and you can Hire Rooks in the Forrest, if you aid them in catching poachers in the Royal Forest or Robin Hood. Catching Robin Hood, will give you Four Rooks into your team, but from now on, all the villagers in the town will treat you with animosity and not sell you their goods unless you triple the prizes. In order to enter the town, it will give you a Gear check, which slot needs to be occupied to pass the guard. If you're too nude, you have to skip that town and cant restock nor hire new teammembers nor rest. You can only save in town. Towns always cost 3 days total.
The Holy common armor is found in the Bible, because its a Christian Game, but it will get better flavour in a Hentai setting, because otherwise you wont take it seriously enough to value the different virtues and teachings, the Bible talks about. Because it mosly is only talk to people, while the Game is supposed to deliver the action. The Armor of God Eph 6:10-18 The Belt of Truth "NPC cannot tell you false information, all choices have costs attached to them." The Breastplate of Righteousness "You cannot run from the battle and have to aid all peasants in distress. Rewards are doubled and restore your Stamina instead of increasing your Pride Should you fall in battle, you'll be reborn as an Guardian Angel. That buff is permanent and follows you every time you replay this game, but can only be received once. Once you unlocked your angelic state you can no longer save your sisters soul though. and will skip the sisters encounter, if you don't fall from grace and become a human again. You can only fall from grace once, so choose wisely, when you do that. Should you die in combat after falling from grace, you loose the game." The Sandals of the Preacher "Loose one turn but redeem all monsters on that level. They cannot attack and have sex with you. They still can do their mission on the map, what you came to intervene with either by negotiation or conflict. Normally 3 activations will clear a conflict and win you the board." ; The Shield of Faith "Your faith cannot drop anymore, regardless of your actions." ; The Helmet of Salvation "You cannot cast spells nor use invisible techniques anymore" ;"The Sword of the Spirit -- Word of God "Accept your fate, taking the hit headon, if the hit is critical, it will be added to the swords next attack instead with all its abilities stacking up to four times. 5+ times will just be countered and not stacked. You always take action last, regardless of your luck nor speed stats. Word of God can access special attacks should you have found their respective scrolls from the monsters. A Scroll will start with a passage and you'll need to find its execution in the lore, in order to activate that ability. Some are more straight forward, others more tricky, requiring you understanding of History; Art; Scripture and Religion. All the Angels are btw male, not those abominations the Greek taught us to draw, due to their Futanari kink. Some of the angels are from the Book of Ezekiel and are wheels within wheels; having four faces etc. Angels can also attack you, should you be too poorly dressed or scantily (gear not matching one set; wearing three different set items min. to trigger) The higher the Rank of the Angel, the more it will pick on your clothing. Angels with names, will always attack, unless you have only Holy Armor set pieces on. Slaying angels will reduce the amount of waves you encounter in the game, but will increase their effect on you, due to the lust inducing properties of Angel-blood. You can purchase Angel-blood from the local vendor in Hostel Hells Abyss, which is ruled by your sisters soul, now a Succubus. The higher the slain angels rank, the more blood vials it gives. One bloodvial will give you a rush and add 7 horny points to your stats and restore your full stats. Its a sort of health potion with a huge detriment. You need your horny level to stay low, because if it gets too high, you will rip your clothes off and have intercouse regardless its man woman or animal. You can even fuck a tree (thus failing the Weeping Willow quest and sending a permanent white knight NPC chasing after you at every 7th turn if that catches you, You will be burnt as a heretic on the stake!! Btw that White knight can chase you in town as well, if you finished the level only 3 or less tiles away thus ruining your ability to restock and only be able to save and go to the next level.) 2 Vials grant you the same with 15 horny boost; the 3rd will grant 22 horny boost and the fourth will make you unable to say no (Nat 1 by default), thenever somebody wants to interact with you in a lewd manner. The effect of one vial is one week. You can also find its polarr opposite "Wurmwood and Vinegar" Stew at Heavens Gate, which will let you become a Prophet. It is much like the God state in ROTT allowing to KameHame Ha the entire level. Beware, prophets take no prisoners, so you can also friendly fire!! For every use, your face becomes more grumpier increasing your faith, but at the detriment if it gets too high too soon, before you have mastered the corresponding stats and scrolls, you will condemn your sisters soul for sactificing herself for your folly and turning to the dark side. You can have a secondary Special Neutral Ending, where you kill the Witch but not the Devil nor the Duke and live in the nearby woods of the Momastery much like in Nietzsches "Thus spoke Zarathustra" and proclaim "God is dead! Nobody worships the Truth anymore, only I am left to await the Silent Footsteps of God to see his robes from behind!!" You need to kill All of the Heretic monsters in the game, to unlock that secret ending, either by hunting em down or attending the challenge mission much like in the Bible by Eliyah the Prophet, to see who's God is more Awesome. If you manage to bring down fire from Heaven and devour with it the whole offering; And the Altar; and the Water in the trench, you'll get a bonus action and rain fire from Heaven and roast all the participants of this said challenge. But you'll condemn your sister, kill the witch and live in the woods to proclaim... ibid. The challenge mission is located at the Wheeping Willow, which the heretics want to chop down, to make room for their new Cathedral and although you should not support a woodspirit, you can come to its aid, to let the nearby town keep their offering ceremonies to spite the church you despise anyhow. It will deny you the ability of Hiring Bishops and Knights to your team and the ones in your team will forsake you. Because Knights and Bishops don't condone any competition to their Divine Order. The Angels will assume Neutrality though and not attack you, but also not give you aid. The Holy Order, dost not know about the Heretics betrayal much the same way they don't know about the Arch-Bishop lying about your family, because in Truth, The Arch Bishop is leading this cult in secret to overthow the King and slay even his older Brother the Duke, then the time comes as a scapegoat of everything bad, what has happened in the game. If you chose to become the churches Paladin, then you will become also the Arch Bishops honor guiard but will be killed in the knight by an assassin wielding a poisoned dagger and burried into the Monastery Chapel with all honors as a War-Hero restoring Your family name and becoming the Patron Saint of the very Monastery you so loathed. If you manage to discover the Arch Bishops betrayal before you accept the Weeping Willow quest, then you can become the new Arch-Bishop and restore your Family name that way. You'll still become the Patron Saint but get to live happily ever after as the Monasteries attendants being your sons and daughters by laws of addoption. You can also become the Martyr then you die in combat but choose to restart the game instead of becoming an Angel. You can also become a saint if Somehow, IDK how possibly, you manage to solve the game, without killing anything in it!! That includes all the Bosses. As a Reward you will again go to the Woods and await the Silent Footsteps of the Lord, but without chanting "God is dead!" People will seek you councel and receive your wisdom and teachings, so I don't know, if to call it a good or neutral ending. The quest at hand will not be resolved, because you chose the passifist route and went outside of society; Good and Evil. Those things don't matter to you anymore. Too bad for your sister though staying a succubus and ruling over Hostel Hells Abyss, nor the slain King and Duke at the plot of the Arch-Bishop. Bad Ending?! Or your family still under the black name.
All Critique and insight is welcome, because I really wanna play this game. What can I say, I'm a pervy nerd in those matters, although its supposed to still be a Christian game, what can be played as a hentai game, there you hit all the potholes possible for your own and friends entertainment. I don't want it also to be too priechy and Gospel heavy, there you absolutely have to find any and all the scrolls with the bible passages. Should you choose, the game should be possible to be solved without the Word of God sword if you don't like the wait and hit strategy, which is anyway meant for the pro players not for rookies who get discouraged by loosing the game. God Bless and May Your Light Shine Upon Your Deeds and Give Your Just Reward!