Who would be my Master Hiram and code it, pretty please, to summon it to existance? Call me!
This Game starts from the life of two siblings one boy and one girl who are brother and sister, who's parents hang themselves at the doorstep for refusal to pay off the ridiculous taxes of the pompous Duke, who owned their farmland and wanted to War with the Neighbouring Duchy and make himself a Name in the Royal Court and thus become Arch-Duke in the Court. Because the parents died like that, it made the Duke loose face, and force his hand, to avoid a Royal inspection of his landings about why did his peasants curse his own entrance thus! The Duke contacted the Arch-Bishop who also was his younger brother and thus eagerly condemned the family as heretics and Witches, thus forfeiting any right of law for this field and sending their children into the Ravenstone Monastery orphanage, there they got a new name and there now Jonas and Ivy Ravenstone. The daugher accepted her fate and started to do the chores in the monastery quite eagerly, but the son was outraged and bitter about this wrong, what was done to his family and for loosing his Family name and inheritance, he was bound to receive if he came of age, while now being only 13 years old, while her sister was 14. There in the neighbourhood of this Monastery, lived a Witch, who promised Gifts of Great Power, if you there willing to sell your soul to the Devil. So off does Jonas go, but his sister finds out and goes after him to change his mind. In front of the Witch the two have a debate about Good and Evil and doing your due diligence -- but regardless of Ivy winning the argument, the proud and curous Jonas still sells his soul to the Devil, to receive the Gifts of Power and thus restore and avenge his Family name, what was so cowardly stolen from him. Seeing, that there was nothing more to do, Ivy pleaded the Witch, that let it be her soul instead, what would be taken for that contract -- and the bargain was struck, before Jonas could do anything about that. In bitter tears, he had to see the effect of the contract turning his sister into a succubus and begone in the Devils warm waiting embrace, leaving only a teasing "Do catch me if you can..." behind. He didn't think that, he didn't want that, but now his sisters immortal soul was gone and off he went to his journey to regain his family name. But to what price!! Perhaps he should repent and get his sisters soul back, but how could he possibly do that, after having such a sinister contract with the Devil?! This is a Hentaigame, much like Witchgame, what people know on the internet, there a Female Witch runs around and tries to avoid the monsters tearing up her clothes and fucking her and the tentacle monster catching up with her as a timer, to get the bag of Jewels she is harvesting. In this you are the male protagonist, who wears an epic Gearset of the strongest weapons and armor available in the game. Your objective is to replace the Epic gear with the Common gear, in order to get the good ending, there you save the sisters soul, otherwise you just get your name back and are as evil as the Duke you hated and replaced, which is the Neutral ending. You can also have a bad ending, if you have sex with your sister, who is a succubus now. Or if you condemn her to hell for being a succubus and choose to become a Paladin of the very Church, who condemned your parents as witches... Or you could take the cowards way out and slay yourself with your own sword!! You can also slay the Devil himself and her Witch and become the New Devil, offering contracts through your sister, who serves you as the new Witch to lure in poor souls, who have been rubbed the wrong way by fate.
The Epic Gear is The Sword of Pyrhos "Sack one Strength or one Intelligence point to make and Attack, what always hits" ; The Shield of Virtue "Sack one Vitality or one Luck, to block a critical hit or special attack, you are vulnerable to" ; The Boots of Sparta "Increase your Horny level by one point and lower your Faith level by one point, to charge at your enemy and make your next attack make critical damage, what cannot be negated, (It can still miss though, if you have a different sword) You move 9 squares at the regular cost and time of one square in one direction or maneuver. The Helm of Pride "at the cost of One Faith you can make all invisible monsters become visible and loose their special traits, attacking like regular monsters; all invisible special attacks become visible and are regarded as regular spells" ; The Breastplate of Honor "You only receive one physical damage and 2 critical damage as long you decrease the Breastplates hitpoints by the difference of the attack. If the Breastplate hits 0 sacrifize target other gear and restore all hirpoints" ; The Pauldrons of Malice "Restore your actionpoints by lowering All Stats by one point, Those stats cannot receive more points than 20 if you use this effect, unless you visit a cleansing shrine." ; The Belt of Despair "Ignore target action, your opponent gets a bonus action and you loose a turn. If your opponent gets 13 bonus actions that way on this map, you loose the game."
Shrines are special hexes on the game board, which is a combination of chess and Snakes&ladders, because the opponents peaces move like regular pieces, while you can only move from left to right and one up to reverse your direction and move back, until you reach the final square. The shrines are called in acordance to their name Pawn to move en passant or charge ahead 2 squares, which doesn't create negative squares to bounce back. Knight to create 2 shrine squares 2 levels up to the left and right, if you should hit those squares again in future turns, they will generate 2 shrines 2 levels back to the left and right but not on the original Knight shrine square. You can use your extra moves to generate more shrines upwards if you loose an action point in return. Bishop, located at the four diagonal corners of the board, one level inside the board, creating a smaller square. This allows to move faster towards your end goal or blunder your game. Rook moving to the end of the level or to the end of the file. Queen, for the cost of removing target other shrine type from the board, you can move to target square in sight which is not the end goal nor other shrine. Shrines, what have their tiles revoked due to this effect, are still shrine tiles. King Remove all negative effects or Restore one piece of armor. The NPC's will move on the board in accordance to a known chess game in the history, so If you recognize the thumnail position, you can discern the next moves. The white pieces will aid you, while the black pieces will try to attack you, should you linger on a tile, they must occupy on their next turn. If a white piece comes to your aid, it can give you new insight of what is lying ahead or study your motives, and give you councel how to reach your quest faster. Some times the pieces willl wear Red stripes on their coat of arms. Those pieces are tricksters, who can give you false information and act as though, they are aiding you, if its a black piece. The offered aid has always a greek poisoned flavour, which works at the detriment of your mission. The game is turn based. All the white pieces are male, while all the black pieces are female. Whenever you loose too much gear or become too horny, you increase the risk of having intercourse with the piece what enters your tile on their turn. Then the Chess board occupies 2/3 of the screen, then the lower 1/3 is reserved for level view. After 20turns into the level, the Devil will release a minion onto the board, who will start moving from square one, much like the Hero does with the same gear and move set called Shadow of Regret, if it catches you, it will possess you and you'll receive a bad ending, there you are the Devils lapdog and get fucked in a cute Trap outfit. (You can always choose to be a chicken and kill yourself with your own sword, before that happens, then offered the choice) The game will remember, how many times you received the chicken and how many times you received the trap and insult you occasionally, to make you play better. The game will offer you the chicken variant every time, you have stood idle on one tile without doing anything for 30 minutes. The time is measured in turns and tiles one turn being one week and one tile being one day. If something moved more tiles at one tile cost, then the overall journey cost only one day not a whole week or whatever much tiles there traversed. If the figure is lower than one day, it is shown in hours. Normally you wont need that, unless playing in hard mode, there you have an additional timer of 48 seconds before your turn is ended. Each 2 seconds corresponds for one hour of the day, starting at 4 o clock and ending a 3 also known as "Witching hour" on that hour All opponents have special abilities, what they otherwise cannot do. White Bishops can exorcize demons and black Bishops can excommunicate you. If you get excommunicated, your faith goes 0 so better not do that too often. Thenever you see a positive effect take place at your watch, it will increase your faith and whenever you choose not to take action to resolve something on the board or just watch helplesly as evil is wrought, you loose faith. If you run away or retreat you also loose faith. White Knights will join your party which can consist of 4 knights max but will increase the probability of you condemning your sister being a succubus, at her encounter and advocate about the good sides of their holy order; while the black knights will be rogues and renegades, who abandoned their ranks and try to get what they can, advising you do adapt the same code, working as freelancers. Which will mean, either you slay the Devil or the Duke but forget your quest to save your sisters soul. The Rooks will catapult you over the cliff into the abyss either to meet and try to save or condemn her faster -- or simply be seduced and end up having sex if your stats are too low to muster the mettle. Queens can instantly swap one of your epic gear with the corresponding Holy common gear what you need for the good ending to commence more easily. It will also increase the number of minions you will meet on the level, going lef-right or right-left. Those monsters, then they catch you, will tear at your gear and try having sex with you, so you would not have time to finish your mission and to delay you, until your past could catch up with you. In order to repell the monster, you have to roll a D20 1 is Insta miss, there you get stunned and let the monster fuck you; 2-10 you lost one gear but the monster is still pressing on you; 11-15 you lost one gear, but could turn the monster away; 16-19 You rebuked the monster and lost nothing 20 You vanquished the monster and got his loot/learning a new ability from his stats. Sometimes the ability is more worth than the loot, because you want to get rid of your gear, not upgrade, because the loot is meant to lure you to try the hard way of finishing the game by slaying either the Duke or the Devil, instead of forgiving thme for their transgressions and turning the other cheek. Each time you receive the "Turn the other cheek" award from the game, you increase the chances to repell your sisters advances. You need exactly 7 awards, to repell all her advances and return her to normal state and put into a lantern to be moved into the endlevel, there you can restore her mortal form. The lantern with your sisters soul will become your spiritual guide, giving your words of encouragement and allowing you to learn about the Lore of Heaven and Hell and why did the Duke decide to go to War against his neighbours and all other things. If you have acquired enough bits and pieces of the lore, than you can become a Guardian Angel instead, if you allow your sister to die and release her into the Hands of God. It will be a special good ending, but that will mean, your parents remain blacknamed and you die a trators death being killed by the very white knights, who you chose into your party, should you have any. You can hire Bishops at the Tavern and you can Hire Rooks in the Forrest, if you aid them in catching poachers in the Royal Forest or Robin Hood. Catching Robin Hood, will give you Four Rooks into your team, but from now on, all the villagers in the town will treat you with animosity and not sell you their goods unless you triple the prizes. In order to enter the town, it will give you a Gear check, which slot needs to be occupied to pass the guard. If you're too nude, you have to skip that town and cant restock nor hire new teammembers nor rest. You can only save in town. Towns always cost 3 days total.
The Holy common armor is found in the Bible, because its a Christian Game, but it will get better flavour in a Hentai setting, because otherwise you wont take it seriously enough to value the different virtues and teachings, the Bible talks about. Because it mosly is only talk to people, while the Game is supposed to deliver the action. The Armor of God Eph 6:10-18 The Belt of Truth "NPC cannot tell you false information, all choices have costs attached to them." The Breastplate of Righteousness "You cannot run from the battle and have to aid all peasants in distress. Rewards are doubled and restore your Stamina instead of increasing your Pride Should you fall in battle, you'll be reborn as an Guardian Angel. That buff is permanent and follows you every time you replay this game, but can only be received once. Once you unlocked your angelic state you can no longer save your sisters soul though. and will skip the sisters encounter, if you don't fall from grace and become a human again. You can only fall from grace once, so choose wisely, when you do that. Should you die in combat after falling from grace, you loose the game." The Sandals of the Preacher "Loose one turn but redeem all monsters on that level. They cannot attack and have sex with you. They still can do their mission on the map, what you came to intervene with either by negotiation or conflict. Normally 3 activations will clear a conflict and win you the board." ; The Shield of Faith "Your faith cannot drop anymore, regardless of your actions." ; The Helmet of Salvation "You cannot cast spells nor use invisible techniques anymore" ;"The Sword of the Spirit -- Word of God "Accept your fate, taking the hit headon, if the hit is critical, it will be added to the swords next attack instead with all its abilities stacking up to four times. 5+ times will just be countered and not stacked. You always take action last, regardless of your luck nor speed stats. Word of God can access special attacks should you have found their respective scrolls from the monsters. A Scroll will start with a passage and you'll need to find its execution in the lore, in order to activate that ability. Some are more straight forward, others more tricky, requiring you understanding of History; Art; Scripture and Religion. All the Angels are btw male, not those abominations the Greek taught us to draw, due to their Futanari kink. Some of the angels are from the Book of Ezekiel and are wheels within wheels; having four faces etc. Angels can also attack you, should you be too poorly dressed or scantily (gear not matching one set; wearing three different set items min. to trigger) The higher the Rank of the Angel, the more it will pick on your clothing. Angels with names, will always attack, unless you have only Holy Armor set pieces on. Slaying angels will reduce the amount of waves you encounter in the game, but will increase their effect on you, due to the lust inducing properties of Angel-blood. You can purchase Angel-blood from the local vendor in Hostel Hells Abyss, which is ruled by your sisters soul, now a Succubus. The higher the slain angels rank, the more blood vials it gives. One bloodvial will give you a rush and add 7 horny points to your stats and restore your full stats. Its a sort of health potion with a huge detriment. You need your horny level to stay low, because if it gets too high, you will rip your clothes off and have intercouse regardless its man woman or animal. You can even fuck a tree (thus failing the Weeping Willow quest and sending a permanent white knight NPC chasing after you at every 7th turn if that catches you, You will be burnt as a heretic on the stake!! Btw that White knight can chase you in town as well, if you finished the level only 3 or less tiles away thus ruining your ability to restock and only be able to save and go to the next level.) 2 Vials grant you the same with 15 horny boost; the 3rd will grant 22 horny boost and the fourth will make you unable to say no (Nat 1 by default), thenever somebody wants to interact with you in a lewd manner. The effect of one vial is one week. You can also find its polarr opposite "Wurmwood and Vinegar" Stew at Heavens Gate, which will let you become a Prophet. It is much like the God state in ROTT allowing to KameHame Ha the entire level. Beware, prophets take no prisoners, so you can also friendly fire!! For every use, your face becomes more grumpier increasing your faith, but at the detriment if it gets too high too soon, before you have mastered the corresponding stats and scrolls, you will condemn your sisters soul for sactificing herself for your folly and turning to the dark side. You can have a secondary Special Neutral Ending, where you kill the Witch but not the Devil nor the Duke and live in the nearby woods of the Momastery much like in Nietzsches "Thus spoke Zarathustra" and proclaim "God is dead! Nobody worships the Truth anymore, only I am left to await the Silent Footsteps of God to see his robes from behind!!" You need to kill All of the Heretic monsters in the game, to unlock that secret ending, either by hunting em down or attending the challenge mission much like in the Bible by Eliyah the Prophet, to see who's God is more Awesome. If you manage to bring down fire from Heaven and devour with it the whole offering; And the Altar; and the Water in the trench, you'll get a bonus action and rain fire from Heaven and roast all the participants of this said challenge. But you'll condemn your sister, kill the witch and live in the woods to proclaim... ibid. The challenge mission is located at the Wheeping Willow, which the heretics want to chop down, to make room for their new Cathedral and although you should not support a woodspirit, you can come to its aid, to let the nearby town keep their offering ceremonies to spite the church you despise anyhow. It will deny you the ability of Hiring Bishops and Knights to your team and the ones in your team will forsake you. Because Knights and Bishops don't condone any competition to their Divine Order. The Angels will assume Neutrality though and not attack you, but also not give you aid. The Holy Order, dost not know about the Heretics betrayal much the same way they don't know about the Arch-Bishop lying about your family, because in Truth, The Arch Bishop is leading this cult in secret to overthow the King and slay even his older Brother the Duke, then the time comes as a scapegoat of everything bad, what has happened in the game. If you chose to become the churches Paladin, then you will become also the Arch Bishops honor guiard but will be killed in the knight by an assassin wielding a poisoned dagger and burried into the Monastery Chapel with all honors as a War-Hero restoring Your family name and becoming the Patron Saint of the very Monastery you so loathed. If you manage to discover the Arch Bishops betrayal before you accept the Weeping Willow quest, then you can become the new Arch-Bishop and restore your Family name that way. You'll still become the Patron Saint but get to live happily ever after as the Monasteries attendants being your sons and daughters by laws of addoption. You can also become the Martyr then you die in combat but choose to restart the game instead of becoming an Angel. You can also become a saint if Somehow, IDK how possibly, you manage to solve the game, without killing anything in it!! That includes all the Bosses. As a Reward you will again go to the Woods and await the Silent Footsteps of the Lord, but without chanting "God is dead!" People will seek you councel and receive your wisdom and teachings, so I don't know, if to call it a good or neutral ending. The quest at hand will not be resolved, because you chose the passifist route and went outside of society; Good and Evil. Those things don't matter to you anymore. Too bad for your sister though staying a succubus and ruling over Hostel Hells Abyss, nor the slain King and Duke at the plot of the Arch-Bishop. Bad Ending?! Or your family still under the black name.
All Critique and insight is welcome, because I really wanna play this game. What can I say, I'm a pervy nerd in those matters, although its supposed to still be a Christian game, what can be played as a hentai game, there you hit all the potholes possible for your own and friends entertainment. I don't want it also to be too priechy and Gospel heavy, there you absolutely have to find any and all the scrolls with the bible passages. Should you choose, the game should be possible to be solved without the Word of God sword if you don't like the wait and hit strategy, which is anyway meant for the pro players not for rookies who get discouraged by loosing the game. God Bless and May Your Light Shine Upon Your Deeds and Give Your Just Reward!
https://youtu.be/kQ-I-VQsvko Music to get into the mood; anybody know a good soundtrack for the wicked side? OwO UWU OWO