Monday, January 31, 2022

The case on Peter Tinclage aka Tyrion Lanister

 As of recently, Peter decided to be woke again, like with his discusting "Its about dragons" take. Now Mr. Tinclage don't like dwarves, because "mu caves are too offensive and stereotypical.." In case, you have noticed, didn't you have a speech at your Univercity you graduated, and talked elaborately, how you crashed on your friends couches at basements, until you overspent their welcome and at some point had to peekaboo out of a window what was soo tiny and high upthere that it could have been the entrance to an Obliette you there confined into. So I can see there you coming from, not liking caves, having to live there, before you got famous. Being a walking talking cliche hurts... But why ruin it for other dwarfs, who also want better midget roles, not the bowling ball wrestling roles against that tall guy who was called the devil.. Also for your informtion, then the brothers Grimm wrote Snow-White and the Seven Dwarfs, guess what, there there none in the real world to talk about, because society did not care about dwarfs. Let me tell you something, what the stiory was really about and what people really cared about. At the times of Industrialisation, the adults there really bitchy about working in the shafts, because the air was stocky and sometimes gas oozed in and killed everybody, or the ceiling caved in. The conditions there harsh, the pay was meager, and either stagnated or dropped, because the capitalist needed to earn money. To make things worse, Children there used as Strike-breakers, because they asked less pay; there fine working in the worced conditions possible, and didn't bitch about in the Public, because they didn't even have a voice for being children!! So you deleting the Dwarfs from Snow-White, is as good as deleting Holocaust from WW2. Who's side are you on, that you wanna hide the aspects of childlabour in industrialisation?! What could you possibly have against malnourished children, sometimes getting the only pay in the family, which could have been 1.25 -- 2.75 more, as long they worked overtime in 12+ hour shifts. And this kind of work is not easy, because after the age of 35 your tooth fall out because of no sunlight; bad air water food, all kinds of poisoning etc.  That's how I looked at Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. It was about class struggle and you erased it!!

I thought, you there one of the good guys!! You, who would give wildlings land, in Game of Thrones, but can't stand dwarfs in Snow-White!! How should I feel about this now. 

I used to respect you, because of your performance as Tyrion Lanister, because it was so spot-on and believable -- but going after imaginary dwarfs in an old cartoon, to eraze history? Wow, just Wow. I didn't know, a man can stoop so low. Having a little brother, who is mentally handicapped, and whom I used to bully in my childhood, I understood your struggles as Tyrion Lannister. It made me see different ways, how to relate to people. And then you pissed it all away, and now I don't feel like respecting lesser people anymore, because of you. Why should I bother, because at the end, everybody wants to rule the world, and kick the ladder of Heaven off, so others could not climb up. Just like Buffy told Spike, then Spike had the audacity to tell his story, how he got a Vampire and what is his driive -- "I shall look down on you." Because your take was so discusting, that I thought I talked to an imbecil flaunting about his knowledge on fapping into the Pie or something other gringeworthy you shouldn't be talking at dinnertable then somebody important, like the President of Something is present, altthough you did have such a quote in Game of Thrones. But you get the point. Don't bother acting, because I may not tune in to even give a  fuck at this point, unless somebody betters vets you for my ear... :((


  1. The Quartering on Peter Dinklage

  2. Are you listening Mr. Dinklage? Do you still wanna fuck like the Big Celebs and go Woke like them? This could be you, spiraling down the drain...
