The Reason why I love and Hate Teferi Timeraveler, is not because he's black, then to do the Wesley Snipes meme, him being a nigger has something to do with it, but because he acts like Kalevipoeg. You know, that guy in Estonian Folclore, who is our National Hero, who went along and took a motherload of building material and the warlock of Finland got jealous and ruined it all, so he had to learn to use the edge of the woodchip to defeat the fiend, before he could build his town. Or how he raped his neese who was married to the Smiths son who made his sword and due to that and killing the son, then he bragged about it, then the said neese drowned herself out of shame and the husbando having a problem with it, starting a fight with Kalevipoeg. And later on as the said warlock stole Kalevipoegs sword but lost it into the ditch, and the water didn't let him touch a hexproof sword, so he had to go, but the sword didn't accept Kalevipoegs command either, due to the smiths curse, and lost his legs, then the sword thought he was smiting the Warlock instead. And thus Kalevipoeg is guarding the entrance of Hell, lest a blind Estonian enters thee. Isn't it as dickish as the story of Teferi Timeraveler in the MTG lore? UBW Esper colours are so Estonian, its not funny anymore. Many Estonians loved to play their UBW swiss armyknife control decks, because this is our attitude to anything. Just as Kaval-Ants or Sly-Jack our other National Hero in the lore, who is the trickster, who can even outsmart the devil himself. Or Rehepapp "Haypope or Cornpop" Idk what the proper term in english is, because its a profession in the German manor there you have to look after the hay in the stack, that it is dry and not rotten and that the corn is not stolen and faithfuly delivered to the owner. But the Rehepapp is like a Statesman/Robin Hood. If you would put the Sherif of Nottingham and Robin Hood in the same person, you would get the same eclectic blend. X^D So basically my mirror image. I hate this nigger, because he is so motherfucking Estonian, its not funny anymore, that I am always anxious, that people take notice and will call Estonians out on it, of having stolen MTG's brand although we there first, and we could call shotgun on Teferi's lore. Everything this Son of a Bitch has ever done and been in the lore, is like Kalevipoeg or Rehepapp or Kaval-Ants. Just look it up and reference too and you'll see how related they are... If we just remembered to save our opponents, all would be well and good in the world. Ah well, I got it off my chest now, after blowing my stack yet again. Yosemite Sam says Howdy! :P
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