Saturday, January 29, 2022

The Town of Happy Thoughts

 Before we talk about the title, Thank you's and Regards are in order, due to ... my God.. I have to really look that number again and have a sip of coffee. Overall my day started bad, because I forgat to charge my Phone, so the Clock didn't rang so I overslept and missed the bus. I got into office 2 minutes after the clock or so, then it is proper custom to come 15 minutes before scedule to dress up and debreef, so you could take up your game as security. But I was late 2FUCKING MINUTES!!! :(( >/////<  mea gulpa. I used to be able to fuck bitches and be up til 3 and still get to office in a fresh face and mood as the saying goes, but now I was late 2 minutes. It really made me loose face with the night-shift who had a life too and wanted to enjoy his Saturday. But I managed to fail. :$ That Number anyway cheered me up UWU What was it again? Oh Right 12 wievs on 28th then there was 6 on 27 well done already...but 63 Wievs then I havent even written anything, come to think of it, my last post was The Folly of Confidence, and I wasn't feeling that confident about that, because YouTube ticked me off with their time out on Styx so I wrote this, to think what curse to put on them, Ah well, now Styx is back, so all is well in Happy Town UWU Big stack Bullies always get away, then they molest the Mary Jane while the nerd gets the full motherload of tetention, just because he croaked the wrong way and dazed off for too long. :S Anyway, and France of all countries to take the leed over USA!! Thank You, Thank you, I am humbled and greatful for this attention. I have nothing against France, because they are like the older brother to the younger brother, and sort of a role model, because I would really love to learn about this Egalitee; Fraternitee and Liberte they are talking about, because we surely need it these days. Too bad that there ae too many vultures waiting for the corpses to breathe their last, before their descent... But well get to it soon enough ^^ 

Anyway, The Town of Happy Thoughts, as Tartu is teasingly called because of being the Student Center of Pride in Estonia. All the Big shots want to live in Elva, a town close to Tartu with Good neighbourhoods and even better Prizes for the landlord, and study at Tartu, to be somebody. I guess you could compare it with Hollywood with less traffic, because we still got our forrests, but we're quickly improving and gifting the ancient book, as Kalevipoeg did, then to use a morbid innapropriate and incensitive Estonian, joke, which is as funny as Ted Bundy offering 2 dollars for a Russian Roulette shot while working in a gas station next to the pipeline. Only an Estonian would smile at this kind of joke. Our humour is as delicate as the taste of Spagetti to Itallians, that even ketchup will ruin and make them strangle you, for the audacity or god forbid strong mustard... It is hard to get. There are so many highly educated youths around in here, that even the hobos have at least 2 degrees, and those are not your everyday Genderstudies, what deny them a job at their field but -- please sit down, because I have to give a trigger warning, you're never going to believe me -- they definitely have the first degree in Economics and rhe second degree in Programming, and they can't get a fucking job in Estonia. Welcome to the Town of Happy Thoughts!! Isn't it lovely to think happy thoughts on a Economics and IT degree, because they are too many bloody blokes having the same, so the best option is off you go, to Sweden or Finland or Germany or America, because even Tallinn got no job for you!! That is the result in spending so much on Good Education, which is the Software of Society, but not so much in supporting start-ups and small businesses to make new jobs to those blokes with those degrees. Because that would also decrease the revenues of the big corpos, and why would you nourish your competition. (Revolver).

There is a saying in Estonia, "Save your Opponent!" Why is it so important, and have I lost my mind, with all other Estonians. You need an opponent to play either chess or any game. And if your opponent thinks, that you are as fun to play against, as Muxus Goblin rush or some UBW swiss army knife Control deck with Teferi, then chances are, people don't wanna play with you... My family never plays chess with me, because I am exactly this fun with my 2047 ELO which was my highest official rating, now playing at 1700, then they could mustet 900-1400 at best. Or my church for that matter. Because I wasn't able to respect my opponents well enough, and now have to get fucked by the big boys at to have any resemblence of fun, for this game...  

It was as hilarious, then I bought my copy of Diablo 3 and found out, that my PC was too old and had to wait a full year to finally save enough money with my own work, because I was fed up having everything in my life gifted to me, so I decided this time to do it all by myself, so it took a full year to get the proper hardware, to play my copy of Diablo 3. I also own a copy of Diablo 1; 2 HOMM 3 DOOM Eternal,etc. allthough I am too slow for that game and need tutoring :(( I die at the broken railroad, for inability to jump and grab in time, because the keys never connect right. My timing is way off, like Butter-thingers playing Bascetball in Angelo Rules, but no wizkid to count the angles and help me out...  I used to be better at such games. Its probably the lag from all those feminine meditations I guess, to submit myself to the bigger picture of the World. I have always been a team player, while also being that cat who walks alone. This eclecic setting is the root of my problems that I want to play Paladin and Zealoth at the same time. One being a Tank/ Cleric/´/Support, the other being Assassin/Rogue class. One is standing his ground and mending for the team the other is sniping and sneaking in the shadows. 

So all these fancy degrees have no space to materialize their hopes and dreams, so they fuck off abroad, to get the surprised Picachu faces at Home and same kind of curses, then Gerard Depardieu left France because the taxes there too high. We never could possibly respect our betters, both Estonia and France... I also think, that Gerard is a dick, because he saw that writing on the wall much sooner, and just was too lazy to do it in a respectful manner and time so I can see the Governments and peoples side as well of loosing so much tax revenue. He should have spoken up sooner and used his social currency to do something about it, not wait until the hot water makes the frog jump. 

Anyway, the reason, I was lamenting about the Town of Happy Thoughts, we have our own Gerard at home, called Mart Helme, the leader of the EKRE which is supposed to be the Estonian Conservative Republican Party. Which means, it should constitute in and around family values; Christian values and be on the Right wing spectrum... Right? Would ask Amidala from Anakin Skywalker! But in reality its a grifter party, taking advantage of the situation at stage, there people are fed up with the Bullshit of the Center Party and the Bullshit of the Independence Party and the Bullshit of the Reform Party and the Bullshit of the Social Democrats Party and the Bullshit of simply everyone else I havent mentioned, because they have all been in office in every conceivable permutation and combination possible, and they all have fucked up. So EKRE was supposed to be our Obama, who would give us the change we need!! Especially the Christians where waiting for their White Ship to come and bring them to the Promised lands (See Prophet Maltsvet) I also had a chance to vote for Mart Helme and the EKRE to give them a bloody chance and do something about the political climate... I was standing with that thought, then the first shoutouts appeared, then EKRE was still a fledgling whelp and I just couldn't get over this nagging feeling in my gut, what said to me: "Don't touch, it burns!"  And there was nothing negative on the internet; nor among the newspapers nor among the coffee tables of the churches, who always spoke well of them. Maybe it was like that scene in Ninth gate, there The Old lady who was in love with the Devil and now in wheel-chair is talking to Dean Corso about having heard much about him and his profession, and the man of the hour, begging her to say, that nothing good, to still feel eligible for his office, because if people talk well about the rival book dealer, then it means, you're already a dead fish swimming along the river not against the flow and through the mouth of the bear awaiting you to procreate.. 

All the information was sickly sweet, so I cast my vote to some independent or so, though I couldn't put my thinger on, what I found against them,, ... until now, that EKRE had this power Price Boycot with those unsightly yellow stars, as to point the Government as a Nazi!! "What to say, Oh What to say?" (Interview with a Vampire in the Theatre) Am I beholding the play or being the play, which one is it?! What is so wrong about a Strong sane and able man, is complaining about the Power Prices in Estonia? Because he chose to have that rally, AFTER the government had a deal to fix it, to shoot it down, as is the common practice in Estonian Politics. To show himself as the Robin Hood fighting off evil Sherif of Notingham, who is in league with the devil and did I mention racism and they hate jews too -- look at those Yellow Stars and be mad at the government, and forget that I am a part of it too, because I had all this time in my office as the minister I was, to fix this shit, before it even became a problem. Don't look at that, because I am one of the good guys, look at the Yellow stars, like Homer Simpson showing the Presidents picture to hypnotize the people and gets even the commercial wrong as to which bill he supports, because of the crayon up his brain!! 

I wouldn't be calling the government a nazi then my own party is frequently called that, and being a member of the government. How do you sink the ship, you're in yourself, without drowning, then it goes down? That is the zen riddle I am having now. Because its as hard as the one being stuck between a Tiger and a Lion and the gray rat is gnawing away your last branch as you enjoy your last raspberry. Motherfucker, how is it not hitting you, if you call the government a Nazi?? Are you somehow a foreign agent or something, that its not your problem, then this shit doesn't get sorted out, or didn't you get the memo from Die Hard 4 that "You only talk about Firesales, then you dealt it!!" 

How to feel about a politician, who wants to be the Saviour, but is the Same Old!! Did your own office and party members fare well at work? Did You all spent your deductibles well without a hitch and no voter decried foul for anything? Wasn't your party the one, where one woman was too busy being an incubation chamber and make more babies than doing her duty in office?! I have nothing against Strong Women, who have 6 children; I have nothing against Strong Women, who can lead the country and their respective office -- Hell the best Senior officer in my branch was female and had the attitude of an Orcish Taskmaster, and she was always on my case, because I couldn't do my work, unless she ripped my head off and shit in my neck, and then I did it for 2 weeks and then I needed another shot. I miss her so much... :S The Problem is not with Strong empowered women, oh no. The Problem is then Strong Big Momma Milf meats Strong CEO and is the same person, just like its not cool to drive a Lamborghini Miura on a rush-hour, skipping between the lines, while writing a really deep and condenced memo in your office on your I-Phone. Either do This or do That. Don't do them alltogether and fail at both!! Nobody likes a Mother Crow as she is called in Estonia. Somebody who is all talk and no action then it comes to  it, because you there too busy doing something more pressing right now, like the scene in Fantastic Four, there Evil Reed was too busy to deal with his friends and coworkers hideously malformed body and powers, for he had more pressing matters... This is the reason I hated that mother Crow and his Boss, Mart Helme. If you have so much time yapping about doing the thing, you aint gonna do it or find time to do your thing. You are still debating over why it didn't get done and who's to blame. Just not you, vote for us, because well build back better, everyone and offer the change youll need, peace out!! Yeah, What is not to love in all that. X^D 

I was as happy and sad, then I finally accepted the Truth, that Andrus Veerpalu cheated and did doping and his son. Then I understood, why my gutfeeling was warning me, not to support EKRE and Mart Helme. because the problem was still unsolved. Who's going to fix this shit? Who's going to be the real Statesman, who delivers all those populist promises, people crave so much, because of being fed up of yet another lobby-bought corpo-cock or embroiler as they are called in Estonia. Because talking to them looses your IQ points to the point you're as smart as the Kentucky Fried Chicken Nugget menu. Because they are as smart too. Even an ass-smart nigger would be smarter than them. They don't even try anymore to fake it, we're long past that. They are proud to be this stupid, there they depend fully from the party and have no other hopes for the future, because the party owns the only braincell they've got. They probably all hivemind the same one braincell, which is lagging because of low bandwiwth...  :(( 

What do you even expect, if you only invest in Happy Thoughts, but not the space there to implement those happy thoughts!! Its so normal in Estonia... I shouldn't even get mad, writing this in the office, guarding the entrance of the lunatic Ward. Mmm nice coffee.... UWU In a way I am failing against the same thing, I was mad against the mother Crow with or Mart Helme with his Yellow Stars. Because I am thinking Happy Thoughts, in the Office, there I am supposed to be on guard duty and watch my cameras or do some other chores. I do those too, but perhaps, this is the reason, why I look like a bitch on crack begging for her third blowjob for 2 dollars so she could get the next fix, why some people accuse me of sleeping in the office... Physically I can be awake, with all that extra strong coffee... but my mind is somewhere else in the Spirit World, ... wiritng yet another Sermon; Essay; Dissertation; Poem, ... then I should be doing my rounds and help the wheelchair through the entrance door, because it wasn't built having them in mind. Serves me right, then I get the pink slip and some other team does my job better :((((( I don't sleep, I think happy thoughts... somewhere else... maybe thats even worse... 

And that's why our hobos with two degrees don't find their respective jobs, because of Happy Thoughts but no place to crash with them!! Have a nice Sabbath day, you all, be merry and silent, as the lord quietly comes into your presence, like He did with Eliyah the Prophet, for he was the last man standing UWU 

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