Monday, January 31, 2022

"I don't tease God!"

 Never ever say that sentence in front of the Lord, because you're a mortal, and just like with a kid, who promises to always behave... Yeah Right! X^D You will break your home rules, no matter what, first thing in the morning and last thing, before going to bed... that's how people grow up. Unless you're autistic or a sociopath, I don't know, how on earth you could follow up on that tall order. The Passage, I am relating to can be found in Isayah 7:11 - 25 about God giving the Vision how lord Jesus Christ will come to be as the Messiah. Because of Israel, as his faithful servant,, constantly tests Gods mettle, and the King has the audacity to state: He wont askew a sign in the Heavens nor on Earth nor from the Underworlds, because He is so pious!! That in itself, not making an honest accounting about yourself, and thinking, that for some reasons, God either can't or won't do an honest accounting about your bullshit, to see you through, and you knowing about that, still try to get away with it, pretending, you don't know, that God can see you all the way going there... Really now? Is this how you gonna play it! OwO What a tease, if you ask me UWU 

St. Luther had a say: "Sin Boldly, because there is nothing about the World, you can ado, to stop it, but leave room for redemption." or something like that. Do correct me, if I am wrong, it was a long time, then I heard and read this quote, so it can go off... :S :$ If you're a drug addict, don't promise, how you never ever gonna do it, because it will break your will, if you fall, and then you have a harder time getting back from it. Rather say: "Gods willing and if you help me out, I want to turn my back on drugs, to never touch this shit again!!" -- My addiction is arcane knowledge, as you have guessed by now, reading my posts... -- That kind of prayer and promise, has a greater chance of success and leaves you more chances of walking it back, though not being as proud and stalwart as "I shall not test God!" "I can already see!" "Look how High and Mighty I am, in saying No to Sin and the Devil!!" Yeah, right, so High and Mighty, you're stoned to the tooth on Pride and Vanity. :$ >////<

Always ask first, whats up, because never I have heard God offering a Sign for Free -- so you should always be alarmed, then stuff, like that happens. To ask for heads-up, so you don't loose face, for being a dunse. It is better to ask and receive, than to be proud and get things wrong. The Hell is full of great Christians, who got the Vision, from God Himself, didn't understand it, but there too Proud and Haughty, to askew for a Translation, because, they wanted to look Cool in front of the audience and Church, how they can understand everything, what God says... :((

For this reason, and for this reason only, that the Pious always try to lie, how they Respect God, while living with adulterous lips an adulterous life and pretending, they never did a thing wrong. Pro 20:30 was the virgin birth given unto Man, so there would be no more tease from the Church, how they wont Tease God!!If there is no tease, how and why on earth, did the Virgin Mary had to suffer so much and Joseph, being condemned an adulterer. It is precicely, that we're too lazy to give the benefit of the doubt, then we judge and condemn our lessers or let go our betters, because we want receive the same courtesy back, without councelling God nor the Bible, that God has to give Himself such teasing signs.

 This kind of thing shall happen, if you say those words, although, God can see you all the way! So go ahead, fuck around and find out. UWU I have a lot of experience in my life, how you can tease God, and how mercyful and lenient but also strict Father He can be, if you just let Him. Never forget that. You get as much room with God, how much you give yourself worshipping Him. For the same respect;  adoration and quality time offered to God, you get the same measure and then some back onto your bosom. There is a quote I don't remember, but you can find it yourselves, can't you now! ^^ UWU 

May God always be on your Right side and at your ways, to show you the Light, lest you go astray! <3 UWU 


  1. And the teasing continues ^^

  2. Congratulations Styx, not cool, that you have comments disabled. OwO

  3. Oh Lord, I wish, this would be real, but alas, it is too good to be true. After reading 390009 >/////< Stuff, like that never happens to me.

  4. yet another teaser... UWU
