Because this is a gauntlet type of game there you have to get rid of the epic gear for the sake of the common gear while solving the plot to choose your moral compass, you'll start with a perfect score, there all your stats are 20
Strength defines, how big swords and armor you can wield and how much damage do with em.
Intelligence defines your ability to respond in a positive manner to events happening to you, without either killing it nor fucking it by default. The lower the Intelligence level, the higher the chance of going berzerk and "shoot first, ask questions later" Because your protagonist already tried to sell his soul to the devil and lost his sister in the process, so you have an authority and attitude problem you'll need to address -- or not. For instance, if an NPC offends you in the game, which can be a negative event, you'll instantly draw blood from this critter, especially, if your Pride level is high. Because in a way, your objective is to not win the game!! -- How to turn the other cheek or show your guts. Together with Virtue, it defines how many positive events and options you will have.
Virtue -- States the amount of Positive events taking place on the board, and the 4 cards you have as moral choices. If it gets low... well, then tough shit getting away with murder, or trying to sneak past all the succuby and stuff without crashing in. Virtue will also define, how many insult options you shall see. While in some events proving useful, if you want to break a specific curse lock by upsetting an acolyte doing a really complex ritual spell; normally it will rally the knights against you, and deny you at least one town, because you having a bad name and the rumour spreading about your exploits in this realm.
Vitality -- defines your hitpoints and how much you can move in your gear. If Vitality gets low, than wearing that Epic armor will be as hard as David the Shepherd wearing his first armor in the Bible. Due to this game being turn based, it can suck, then you can only move one hex per turn and do one action, because of low Vitality, so keep that in mind. High Vitality on the other hand, if you have too many unattributed points, what don't wear armor nor do anything, will cause you to experience higher virility and Horny levels, so don't try to go insta Zealoth in the cloak and dagger, unless you wanna dash at least +9 hexes each turn like a wild horse in chess. Because you absolutely need to spend ALL your action points, if you have too mucb Vitality, to make sure, you don't start seeing really horny events. Because especially in the Hell levels, your Vitality level attracts in the Succubi and other demons, being their Primary food sorce. Faith is only an added benefit what makes your Vitality get a better flavour.
Luck -- Is the amount of Critical hits you can receive and deal out,or how many events you can evade how much. It will also define the amount of useless events on the table. The game mechanic is focussed around your moral choices, so if you have your 3rd choice of something had, the loot, you shall find, will more be along the same line, because you're looking for that sort of things. You can increase your luck by talismans or decrease by pissing off the wrong kind of NPC's for this reason or that. Choosing one choice once too many can also increase or decrease your luck, depending the context, do the Angels of Judgment deem your overall gameplan as worthy or unworthy, to honor your Quest, of saving your sisters immortal soul or Pursuing Vengeance for your Family and Blackened Name. You can be a real dick in this game, or a real Pussy, the choice is yours, but the consequenses will also be, because all the NPC's you'll meat have differing worldwievs or motivations, why they do this or that, or why they aid you or fight against you. Understanding peoples angles, can help you a long way, of not getting into a Bad Luck situation, there you have to choose between fucking the Arch-Bishops Wife or getting down into the dungeons to await your execution for Adultery. Both denying you the main quest. Quests are not permanently solved nor lost, but can be redeemed, if you understand the lore correctly and move around the towns with Proper Insight. Sometimes it is wise to walk back, than to go to the next level instantly. You can also hide yourself into the armory so to speak, as did King Saul, then he's coronation was up in Israel etc. Evading the events you don't wanna have is a very useful skill to be had, or certain towns at certain time, something bad happens there. Being at the wrong place at the wrong time, to do the right thing can have you similar outcomes, as the Banishing of Prince Zuko....
Horny -- This will tell you, how big is the chance, for you to fall for a monsters obvious charm and let them fuck you, or try to bedazzle them. While being high, if your moral is also high (High Pride+High Honor+High Faith) you can dodge out of an direct attack lock. While Horny, you breathe heavier, thus spending moore action points on everything, you could previously have done without breaking a sweat. The Clerics can sense your horny levels and may become a pain, reprimanding about your sins and confessions and asking you to see the next booth, to relieve it -- and loose precious time in the process.
Pride -- The amount of glory and reward you expect for your Good Deeds, and the amount of class your demand from your lodging. The higher the Pride Level, the Higher the cost of lodging in the Town. Again, if you get your Pride too low too soon, then the merchants may start to snub you, for being a scrub, because you don't spend too much. Pride levels define, how many rounds you buy at the tavern, then you score a Vanquish Event to solve a quest on SSS level. but money is somewhat of a scarcity in this world. It takes for a peasant to earn a cuarter gold coin per year and a knight only earns 2-5 gold coins. One Gold Coin is Worth 20 Silver. One Silver is Worth 50 Copper coins. So 1000 copper coins is one Gold goin and in Copper, a peasant earns 250 coins. Sometimes giving your last Gold coin to pay the taxes of the peasant, who's son would otherwise be drafted to the miliia, while the father is too old to work on the field, can reap you amazing rewards. Most of the money is gained through finding hidden stashes or helping wealthy travellers from Town A to B without being mugged. You can also decide to entertain the townsfolk, but do mind the time, which is a scarce resource as well.
Honor -- Defines your fighting style, on how viciously you attack your opponents and if you grant them mercy, if they are at their last hitpoint and retreating, or if you pursue and vanquish them for good. While sometimes you absolutely need to vanquish a demon, some other times letting one go for favour points, which is a hidden currency, can bail you out, if you are on the receiving end and captured in the dungeons. Diplomacy is a must in this game, not only choosing between Good and Evil, because sometimes, the lines can be rather blurry and you will aid one Lord against another lord, who in secret commissioned you to assassinate the first lords loyal servant, or at the very least discredit somebody, to get ahead in the audience schedule. Audiences with the King, or other higher lords, can give you special missions or favours, though costing you a hefty price, because you cannot enter the presence of a lord or the King, without delivering the suitable gift regarding the event at hand. Again,understanding the lore, and what the political lines are between the different factions, you can also fill the sack of lies, with some unconfortable truths, to get ahead, as is the saying in a faity tale, I so love. You can marry many daughers of high born people, or marry your sister to one of them -- after she gets her body back, or make her a nun and marry her to Jesus!! Being the only survived mail heir of the family, you have that obligation, to see to it, that your sister don't commit adultery before wedding, not even kissing is allowed, so take it seriously. Understandably, your sister will mind alot some times, if she cannot even kiss -- on the cheek of course... while slipping up and landing on the lips. X^D Your high or low honor level, based on your goals and position on the map, can cause you receive unexpected aid or inteference. Because it may challenge the goals and ambitions of other parties in play, who maybe dost want you to succeed.
Faith -- is the amount of KameHame Ha events you can survive. You can be possessed by either the Good side or the Bad side, just like King Saul in the Bible, to do a trick. Depending on your faith level, you going Berzerk can be either detrimental and make the people avoid you as a lunatic or look you up as a holyman, if you have enough positive events regarding going Berzerk. You cannot control your choices in Berzerk but they are defined by your predestined moral code and motives. So choose your motives wisely, or avoid this feature. It is also the probability, how much fear and dread based attacks will affect you, and how many haunted or ominous places you can enter without fear of loosing your immortal soul. If your Faith drops too low, then you might loose your soul the next time, somebody does the hard scare on you, like with Scooby Do or Courage the Cowardly Dog. Don't make your Faith and Pride too high either, because you can actually die, if you charge ahead too much and get surrounded by high level demons, because your Faith has an emanating Aura much like Cryptonite for Superman, making it hard for demons and such to dwell in certain places, so their not gonna be appreciating bringing toxic waste on their turf so to speak. Some times a high enough Faith level can auto exorcize a lower level demon. You can Fall from grace, then you take advantage of your faith, for instance if you fuck the greatful peasant daughter, who you just saved from the Oracle Spirit slavery. The Peasantry wont mind, if you fuck before marriage, but they will mind, if you do the Rogue thing, in Diablo 3 and send somebody from the town to make you honour your word, because alas, your betrothed got Pregnant of you, Would you not do the right Thing, and forget about your succubus Sister, who can fend for herself now?? While this guy wont be a heavy hitter, because your default armor and gear is so stronk, he can onehitcuiside on top of you, which will cause the Church to excommunicate you, for refusing to do the right thing, because your Sisters immortal soul was more pressing of a matter, than honoring youor Word as a Man!! Moral codes, what are by default Good or Neutral, can turn Evil in other context and vise versa. You can even hire Orcs and Necromancers to your party, but that will also mean, that either the church wont let you in for the confession or the Tavern, for orcs always crash some sculls and break the furniture without paying for it. So be mindful of who your friends are, because the game really judges that!! The Hentai Part is not the main event of the Game but the seasoning, whish is meant to tell the story of the Protagonist, why it is so hard to do the right thing. If you have seen Jinx of Arcane, you have a faint idea, what I mean. You can choose the mantel of the Holy Fool, there you do your thing exactly like Jinx and try to punch the square into the triangular hole etc. Because one other hidden feature of the game, is Mercy!! That feature, makes it a Christian Hentai Game. Always be mindful of any and all redemption arcs. Giving somebody the proverbial cup of cold water, then needed, to help them succeed to redeem their lost quality, will give you Mercy points in Heaven, which are like Favour Points in Hell. You can have both and one doesn't pennalize the other. But it will make both sides fight harder for your attention and thought patterns to win you over to their cause. Choose the winning side, what aids you in your final quest, so you could eat your cake and have it. Because its the eclectic Truth of Christendom, that sometimes you need to be the Corrupt Steward, who spites his lord, who is about to fire him for unfaithful accounting. Context matters. Every morally good choice creates more angels around you, because you are entering their holy realm and every amoral choice will create more demons around you. Loosing your Faith can also be a feature, if the context is right and you need to defect to the dark side so to speak, because you witnessed somebody on your side do a morally abhorable deed and you had a say, what broke the rules of engagement, to call it out. You can regain any stat, which you have lost, if you know, where, when and how -- by experiencing really life changing events, what further the plot and your goals.... Pay attention to the story line. Have fun. And I do want to see your worthy comments, or I must presume, people don't give a fuck about this game. It is worth a shot, I believe in it, like Haruhi Suzumiya ^^ UWU If you like Eroge and twisted torture, try this out UWU