Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Why Marriages divorse

 The reason, why a Marriage divorses is quite simple -- you never wanted to be engaged in the first place but needed an excuse in front of your parents and community to have free casual masturbation also known as fuck. If you get upset, that your significant other has an attitude problem or this or that, then its not the coffee problem, what is too strong as the Estonian love potion meme says, but your giving up and not loving it anyway. A good husband loves her wifes coffee, or dishes, how ever bad they are because it is your business to eat her shit and be loving it. And it is wives business not to be that creeking door or dripping roof, that constantly annoys. You come home late at night from work, and again your wife nags at you AFTER your boss roughed you up for getting a simple chore wrong and the female busty worker sassing you on too much and hurting your pride. Sometimes silence is better than drowning your husband in words. Because you don't know how many Karens and blablabla your significant other had to suffer because it was somebody higher up, so don't be that girl who is offended, that your Man cannot compensate your lack of conversation after 12 hours at work. If you want your husband to listen, learn his love language, and soon enough He'll be dying to learn yours and bring your slippers to your bed like lovesick puppy, trying to share and participate in ALL smalltalk and convo after work. You just have to make it worthwhile. And men, don't use your wives as mother substitutes bitching on work too much like a whiny child. Your wife might have had a day equally bad. Share all the chores in the house and don't do the zero sum game about who got to bring out more trashcans or who bought more stuff in the refregerator. I know its a meme by now, used in every such movie, but never use that sentense: "You like the jewelery I bought you, so you can't be mad, there is nothing wrong with our ship and us not spending more time together!" Bling don't compensate for shit you done wrong and messed up in marriage -- its as wrong as buying ice-cream to a child you had a fight with, as an adult, fully knowing he was right and you there wrong. But Ice cream reset his brain and since he was a child he got over it -- but he carried that lesson for the rest of his life, that sometimes the mighty just bribe you not fix their shit with you. The same narrative works in marriage, and unless you're Elon Musk, you wont be able to get away with your "I'm busy, lets not fuck today or hang our, here's some ice, thinger yourself, as to extrapolate an Eminems song about raising kids. Just like with raising kids, nobody was born to be a parent -- you're not born to be husband and wife either. You learn to be a husband and wife in time, by grinding through the levels like a gamer. How many gamers got bad ass, by playing the game three levels because it sucked to die on a mid range boss, your strat didn't anticipate? Why would you deserve the Love, if your love and mercy bars run dry, because bullshit with your significant other, Get other it and keep on it, because you pruchased the Premium version not a cheap knock off version what should only rent you love. You wanted to build an entire Love Factory and distribute your franchizes all over the World, what happened to that? Oh, your wife didn't treat you as chad as previously; oh your boyfriend didn't buy as many gifts anymore -- so sad so bad. Really feeling it, not really. There you married to the body or to the present or what was your goal in your minds eye! Don't be so childish and keep grinding it. Marriage has to be thought for every single day of your life, or forget about it. Why are you looking for excuses to get out of the ship because the other offended you first. You ensure happiness if you burn all bridges and brick the backdoor shut and in your minds eye, youir having all in on your ship and no alternatives left. People will always know, if they are the first option on the table or the only option of the table, because you made damn sure to kick every other option from the table in a yandere fashion and killed also the table, because nothing else was allowed to get between You and Your Holy Jeallous Love. Your Love needs to be as Jeallous and medieval as God, killing all the competition, what could challenge it in your mind. Don't flirt with thought flattering yourself that you got a hit with others too. It hurts, even your husbando/ waifu pretends to not care, he/she damn sure cares a lot and is worried you see him/ her as too clingy and thats why you're rubbing it in. Why do you wanna talk to the fear demon of your husbando/ waifu, that you have already replaced him/her? Always confess yo your loved one, if you stolen a glimpse of a beauty, because your eyes belong to your husbando/ waifu, it is a big deal and that thought counts. always give a fuck and get psyched about what your significant other is doing, because admit it, you want to be rewarded too and noticed, then you changed something in your appearance to please him/her.  Those small thoughts like drops of water become large pools of water over time, then you grow older and become less sexy. --  People tend to really appreciate that, then you can take a D performance and treat it like its Triple S.Not because its good enough and you deserve no better, that would be even worse than being a pervert, but it comes from your significant other, and that makes it simply irresistible. I have played many porn games and know what I'm talking about. -- Then you shall hear how much the significant other actually cared, that you didn't dug your eyes inside her bust onto his dick but on the neighbour who was younger and in better shape. -- People always know, how good their grade is , but they need to hear it from you, that for some reason you have a rating bias, and actually All the other options are ugly and only yours is best pick ever, like J. K. Rowling wrote in Harry Potter, how to date a girl. My opinion is, "Better a sparrow in your hand than a pigeon on the roof" Why should you play two games at the same time and loose both? Its not Chad to try to get all the bitches and in the end have none, because all of them are scared to believe you could ever settle down and grow up, so they will treat you like the fun boy/girl but never offer True Love and Marriage to not be made the Fool of the story! Nobody likes to be that looser, who believed the lie and then was left alone. So don't make it too easy on you to give up and fight for what you want and what should be yours. Happiness is an attitude you need to work for. Those who hit the towel don't get privilege do complain about running out of love. You didn't run out of love, you ran out of fucks because you expected to always be on the receiving end of love and not on the giving end and now just like a banker you're cutting your losses!! Your Husbando/waifu is your living mirror -- what you give out, is what you receive in kind. You want more love, offer more love and don't demand it,. because you feel like you giving your all but receiving precious little. Also break all the rulers in your house, comparing your ship with others. What did I say about destroying the table and not having secondary options. If you have played DDLC then you know what I mean. Your love must be like a closed room, and only You and Your Love are in it. There is Nothing ourside of that Room, Only this Room Exist; You Exist and the Significant Other Exists. Everything else is just irrelevant simulations and white noise, why do you even care... Now Love your Husbando/ Waifu and I want no more excuses about love and mercy running out on you. Those who fight until the end, shall rejoice in the happy memories because they kept together all this time. Those who gave up, well your regrets are your consolation price for cowardice and a form of punishment, for not daring to Love beyond all hope and trust. How say you?

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