Monday, January 31, 2022


 I totally forgat of that poem, I wrote as a commentary to an Orthodox chant, and surprisingly, I got a reply to it, what lifted me up. So it was 8 months ago, I wrote this, huh... Fascinating... OWO

How can a letter become the writer

or the messanger King in his stead. Could a son await his fathers death, to inherit and squander to his heart content... Many peasants dream of knights and prophets while running away then mice sqeek in the night. Alas, if I was but a suit of armor; I could do justice for the Lord If I could repent from my lofty ideals and mindfulness filling my cup up to the brink -- look its already spilling over! How did the letter write itself and the Christian become an Alp the writing stanmpeding on the wall, remenescant of the orgies of virtue haughty wise men do to themselves, calling it Christian under his own iconry. Had I been the leaflet or the dirt on the floor I wouldn't be cast down like Usha or dececrated like Dagon in his house. Weep ye wise men, for He who calls upon his name, must answer that calling or face the consequence of false calling...

You never know about people, I had given up, on anybody understanding it... It has been a bizarre time for me from Saturday, til now... Something is happening, and I am liking it <3 UWU I will put the link in commentary.


  1. The Path to Intimacy with God -- I like this Teophany thing, he is speaking of, got this video from YouTube's suggestions ... I wonder what it could mean after getting an unexpected comment, and receiving its notification only 2 hours later... OwO

  2. If the world approves you, so has it fone unto the false prophets; if the World condemns you, so has it done to the faithfuls.

  3. That sounds like fun, if Companies cannot fire you, until you find the substitute job X^D
