Lets talk about the main event. Every Christian has heard of this story, the story, how King David, the greatest King in Israels history -- even greater than his son Solomon, who built the temple -- fell in disgrace and ruin everything he stood for as King and Man before God. King David, who previously was the eigth and youngest son of his father and had seven brothers. While the firstborn was regarded to be the one to inherit all, the last one was always known to inherit all the love. King David was deeply loved by his family and grew up to be a shepherd, who was able to both slay a bear and a lion with bare hands and play an instrument. So he was in personality a Warrior; a Shepherd and a Bard in one charismatic combination. Able to rule command and be good at it, and the best of it all, have sound judgment and quickly rise through the ranks, first becoming the former kings weapon bearer and then son-in-law then the most trusted Captain of his Honor Guard. Not just any military unit, but those, who there tasked with protecting the Kings life itself. As a testament of his resolve and how much he meant business in terms of "platnoi" as russians would say it. The one who calls the shots, and who's words means exactly it. Then King David, as a young man, going for an arron for his dad to ask about his elder brothers at war, how they are doing, if they're still alive and well, he also heared about Goliath the Giant, who boasted to be the son of the Tribe of Anakh, who was rumoured to be before the flood and from the Nephilim. How this Man every day came to slander and mock the ranks of Israel and challenge to a duel, to Win Israel that way -- Because he was a Giant, and nobody dared to rise up to this bate and accept it to get killed and loose the war to Israel. What was the boy's David's responce, who later became King? "How dare he slander the holy ranks of Israel and our God!" He didn't fucking care, how tall; how military abt -- because the story even tells, how David was so untrained, he couldn't even wear the armor yet, because he had never done that, for he was working as a shepherd. -- or how great was his spear and shield. They had to literally roll the shield in front of him so he could go to battle. Let that image sink in. And what did this David take as weapon, to fight something head on, what could easily be Transformer Optimus Prime size? Some stones from the river into his pouch and a fucking slingshot!! Because he noticed, the Giants forehead is the only unprotected space in his armor and body and he was so confident in his aim, that he had no doubt in his mind. And the giant Goliath never though to raise his enourmous shield to cover his face behind it, because why would you do that then fighting a teenage shepherd who was probably not older than 12-14?? That was his undoing -- while Goliath was stunned from the slingshot bullet, what hit his unprotected forehead, lying down, David came along, took the mans sword, which was like Links buster sword to him but probably a Gladius type sword, and murdered that man. The shock and awe from this kind of horrific end to such a menasing warrior, demoralised the enemies of Israel and they there quickly defeated by that. King David, even at so young age, didn't see the problem but only solutions, how to fix the problem. He was like John Wick going after his car, because somebody stole it. He didn't have to be something he was not, in order to be approved by others and find his place in this world, he just made things work for himself on his terms. This David, who became King over Israel, once stood in his palace in all his glory and looked down on his domain. And what did the King see in his high palace, then all the gardens of his loyal servants houses stretched out in front of him? He saw a woman bathing, because it was her time to cleanse from the menstrual blood, so she could at her time go to the temple and to the market and be able to take part in social life. What did King David then do? He asked about, who this woman was, found out she was married and to whom, invited her in, slept with her and the woman got pregnant. Now the King had a problem, because what he just did, was a capital crime, punishable by death. And while nobody would have thought even the possibility of King David of falling after such sin -- people would have forgiven him, due to how charismatic and successful he was as Warrior and King -- but the optics would have made his latter days sour and people would have used him and his newly found wife as punchline. So David, the Great King, who meant business, who didn't even know the meaning of the word FEAR in front of Goliath, who was son of the Anakh tribe of the great Nephilim, was afraid in front of the prospect of having to answer about his misdeeds with his soldiers wife. So he invited the husband, Uriah, the Hettite, made him drunk at a feast, hoping he would sleep at his wifes side, thus claiming the unwanted birth, but the venerable soldier just couldn't break the code and sleep by his wife, while his brothers there in combat and war was up, but went to his place in the barracks. King David tried many times, to no avail and finally sent the man with a letter to the battle, so he would fall in action, so that King David would rid himself of that problem this way. The man dies, his widow mourned and after all the laws had been followed, King David and Hettite Uriahs Wife married. So what did God do, when his very finest King failed against him that way? He sent a Prophet to the Kings audience, who also was the brother of David. So this trusted and loved man, who enjoys all the privileges, a high ranking lord could possess in attending his courtly service, gives his brother and King a story to judge. A man houses a traveler in his house, as is the common custom in Israel and the surrounding lands, because there is no other way, to hear news, than through that, and has to feed him. Because that is the honour of the house, to be a good host -- but he instead goes to his poor neighbours house, takes his only calf, he loved so much, and who sleeps at his bed, and makes that for dinner, rather than taking from his own vast cattle hords, because he can't bother himself with that expence.. The Prophet asks the King, what to do with this man, and the King dost not understand the question, because never in his whole life, has he heard such a transgression in his domain take place or even be conceivable as an option to choose. He is so furious, that he condemns that man having to pay up four-fold, what the calf was worth, that he showed no mercy to his victim, while being this rich and having no reason to do so! The King thought of himself as just and noble, as he was condemning this Heretic, this Abomination -- *but alas, my King, this man is You! For You have slept and impregnated the Wife of Uriah the Hettite, and you slew him in battle with your enemies sword!!* Because of that, from the Kings own words, God condemned him four times to suffer his latter days transgression, and deceit -- and the King took the L. At the very least he didn't kill the messenger, like some Kings of Israel tried to do. But that was, where all the troubles of House David Began, starting with one son of David raping his sister, he could have married, although it would have still been illegal, but it would have been a lesser grievance, and then sent her off to the streat, which made her equal to a prostitute and unable to marry ever again -- which in turn forced Absalom an older brother, to take her up in his house and later kill the transgressor. Because he had slewn his brother, he had to go to exile from which he could only return with the aid of a shrewd General, working his case, and later because it worked so well, fell into contempt against the King, who would forgive such a deed and thought him not fit to rule, thus staged a coup against his own father; which forced David to abandon his palace and live in pursuit until Absalom fell tangling by his mighty hair as he was heeding the wrong advisor, who was sent by his own father to ruin his councels. All that, because King David looked the wrong way once and condemned it, when asked about it, because he wasn't thinking, it could be about him.
Many have tried to explain to me that story, then I was younger and still learning the ropes about the Bible, and somehow they always ended up doing the same thing, I really dislike. They started to doubt the moral character of Bathseba, the wife of Uriah the Hittite. Because why didn't she say "NO!" Clearly it must be the womans fault, if a great man, such as King David, the notorious War Hero, who slew Goliath the Giant, how dare you bathe in front of him, seduce him with your amoral body and bring about doom in Israel!! But then I read those passages,. they speak very little about her. In fact, how is it any more moral, if Batsheba was an adulterous woman, who like the Wife of Potiphar, tried to seduce Joseph, but to no avail. Even Uriah himself was able to say NO!! It would somehow show the King and even God as morally very weak, if you would have to shield themselves from the moral corruption of women that way. Besides, it is morally very pleasing to hear, that the King himself finds you attractive, so much so, that he would go against the very law of your Culture and Religion, to have you!! Try to say no to that, although, it would be the right thing to do. Not even Monica Levinsky and others could say NO to Bill Clinton, as this man was teaching her Oral Sex as lipservice to God!! and That's a good thing, they said!! It always seems so much more petty and slim, then you judge your own flaws in your character and your options, than in other peoples character. Because, then you judge others, you take the entire Book of the Law with No Exceptions, but then you judge yourself, you regard the abbridged version, with only exceptions. Because you're gods little lovemonkey, his eighth son, he loves so much. Surely Jesus died on the Cross for you to have those things,No? It is very hard to say no, to that, and we should not condemn those, who have failed doing so, because we might be sitting in King Davids seet, listening to his brother talking like a Prophet, who didn't like to see Hittite Uriah die this way, and his wife become an adulterer. And we might not be so able and meek as was King David, taking the L four times, because he deemed it so. Before you condemn anything in your life or anybody elses life in public. Before you say anything, read King David taking the L from God, for his deeds and ask yourself: Can you suffer that too and still love your God? Is your God still your God, after he sends you the receipt and asks you to pay up the proverbial Bill after an Premium Hosting site orgie? How many of you, would even be willing to contemplate that, lest believe to be able to see that through. King David was, but him and his people had to bleed in oceans, to get back on the good side of God. Just look it up, how much war and plague had to pay for one fuck and duck. Would you be able to have integrity this much? Because anything less, wont get you to Heaven. It doesn't matter, what you say you are, if you break your vows to God, you're done and have to pay, and if you refuse, you go to Hell. Many Trans-sexuals will go to Hell, not because they are trans-sexual, but because their goal and border signs constantly tilt and run rampart on the playing field. For the most time, God doesn't even know, what game they are playing, is it Soccer; Badminton; Volleyball or Rugbi; changing partners faster than I can blink my eyes. We're not even talking about changing socks. There are people, whos gender value and tastes change so fast in time, I would need to call a Physician with a spectrometer; Geiger Counter and the CERN collider and servers and show me its halflife chart, because I can't see it with bare sight and in regular time sheme. How do you even call it vetted and approved by called a Christian marriage then or according to the teachings of the Old and New Testament?! A Normal marriage starts between two moral entities regarldess of gender, goes about with those said same entities and ends at their death, in which case they don't have to love each-other in the afterlife anymore. Still some people find it very restrictive and run out of love, thus change their partners alot. Also they like to change their gender numbers and other traits, to excuse that. Just like King David, they invite all those desires into their house, and then its time to pay, they look for excuses. And in the end, the mess is even more worse, than it would have been, had they taken the L sooner or not even gotten there. You always know, that you do it wrong, you just reason it away, because you don't see it as a log, but as a splinter. Just like Goliath the Giant with your great armor; mighty spear and shield, you are fighting David the puny shepherd with his slingshot... Why raise the shield! There's no snowballs chance in Hell, you could even loose to that!! But the Hell was Frozen, like in Dante's Inferno... How many snowballs do you like, One Two... A Dozen? I could give you an entire snowman or a snowcastle if you like, no? Hell is Icecold like Vengeance not hot, like people presume. Your passion and lust are hot. Don't get those mixed up. Your life will be hibernating as well like a kid on sugar-rush lagging in the Math-class, what refuses to end, when you don't control your urges and don't call spades by their name, because you're too nice about it. By the time of reckoning the price will always glitter and soar to Heavens. Always see Your Moral Failures and what You can do about it, not the others fault. then you can also slay Goliath the Giant but with a slingshot. If you look too much, you shall run like King David from his enemies, as your one son rapes your daughter and your other son kills it and takes over your kingdom. The choice is up to You and nobody else, but You! Everytime you delay that order, your splinters will grow into logs, which in turn will root themselves in and around you and you will get lost in that dark forest of Schwartzwald, running about between Spruce Allmighty, then left is right and right is vanilla; 2+2 equals 11 if not 22 etc. You also should check your starsign and personality and blood type.. or you could Idk stand behind your words and not be looking for a place to hide and for excuses... Always mean what you say; understand what you say and mean. Make it transparent so words wont take possession of you. That is the true essence of meaning business and getting shit done in this world and life. How can you go to Heaven, if not even you really knows, where you going and how, and what stance you're currently at. How many splinters or logs are in your Minds Forest and have you already uprooted and torn out everything you dislike in your character? Bless you and have a good day! UWU
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