Sunday, February 26, 2023

Why Criminals are better at understanding Enlightenment

 This essay is about Mat 8:11,12. Why is that, the bible draws so much attention to people, who are mostly delinquents and outlaws, not respected privileged people? Because criminals, being predators by nature, know, their on the hunt. Being aware of that, they do something, what regular good mannered people dont. They think. It might sound insultive, because everybody thinks, like everybody reads books. But that can't be further from the truth, otherwise we wouldn't need lawyers to represent us in court. Peoples awareness on merely reading sentences together and understanding, what they mean, stems from experience in our own lives. You cannot expect to understand a thought process, then you never considered nor experienced it. For a regular person, if you offered him to exchange 2 10 dollar bills for a 5! He immediately would warp it back, how it should be, namely 2 5 dollar bills for a 10 and make that trade, thus enabling the grifter. Or if you offered to buy a more expencive product for the money on the table, you used to buy a lesser product along with it!! We don't think, we assume thought patterns, just as our eyes don't really see -- they believe and try to interpret, what they look at... 

A Criminal knows, he has to get along and discipline himself in everything, to not accidentally offend somebody in his trade and break some unspoken rules, because he's already outside of the law. He dost need to get outside of his own world. Because of that, Criminals are mindful on words and use of force, to make every single word and action count. Regular people, because the laws are protecting the meek and vulnerable, can afford being stupid. Many things, what the woke, for instance do, if it happened in jail or on the streets, they would be at best beaten up or made a slut, at worst killed outright. You don't get to freeride on the streets, there you claim to be one way, but then do the other. You also don't get to snitch nor attack somebody, and then run for cover. 

What does it have to do with Englightenment? When you become Englightened, contrary to the belief, you don't become Good. You become the best version of you. For example, if your essence it to be shit, you become a better meme and expression of shit, not a flower garden! If you're a katana, you become sharper and more deadly, also more deliberate, ready to serve indiscriminately everybody who would wield you. Morals happen due to civilisation, what are mostly hindsight, not inside contemplation. Did you get there, through spending an entire inheritence to wine and women or meditating on a koan in the monastery is irrelevant, if the result is the same! But our worldly knowledge propels us to think, then we chose it through the Good path, there we abstained from violance and basic human life, it is better, then if we did it through dark means. 

The point is, then you pursue enlightenment, not becoming aware, what it will cost you. Not being able to excert any form of discipline, there you deny yourself the indulgences you crave, then perhaps you should not seek wisdom at all. There are better poisons, what don't ruin and corrupt the mind and life so thoroughly, than the pursuit of Enlightenment. There is a reason, why so many pedophiles are to be found in holy places. It is a form of mental damage, like certain atheletes, who over-estimated their prowess, and saw the weights break their joints, then it fell back at being lifted from the chest. Then you have no humility whatsoever and feel confident, everything should be bestowed upon thee... Perhaps you should be better off, cleaning a latrine. A Criminal knows, how not to over-reach and insult your superiors. How to await your turn, and not argue about things over your head. Regulars don't, because they have heard of something called ambition, and something else called success being just an attitude. 

No Attitude is stopping a 1K truck driving your way without breaks full frottle! 

Everything starts from discipline, there you become like water. But what does that mean? It means, you become formless; tasteless and colourless -- just as the saying empty your cup or free your mind. You become like a student, who has no say about what he's going to learn, for you don't know! A student listens and writes down -- people these days only talk and read, sometimes watch. But they never listen. I can tell it, how many times you can see one politician or person arguing interrupting the other or disregarding in full, what was just said. You couldn't have this on the streets, because guns and fists would start talking! It took the world so much time and effort, to get out of tribalism and vendetta period -- its fascinating, how many want back... preaching about anarchy or something else being more natural form of living. A lot of our current life excists due to indulgence, not necessity. Do those people actually believe, there will be an internet or social life, as we know it, if it was all corporate or all anarchy? Why would exactly those factions support it, without taking their cut, what they actually can? It doesn't take a rocket scientist, because it has already been envisioned through the Ferengi in Star Trek and the Trade Union in Star Wars. People, given opportunity will flock together and assume power, making it take their own face and meanings. For that reason you need to discipline and humble yourself, to become aware, what your desires are, lest they start ruling over you. 

People like that meme, there a man is a slave of his I-Phone, not the other way around. In much the same way, many scholars are slaves to their witty knowledge, being unable to live a single day in the real world, should their schools; universities or monasteries perish. Just because you have mastered a school of thought, matters much nothing, like the notion about experts in "Revolver" because schools of thought are controlled environments, they have nothing to say about places, they didn't have in mind. Your thought process can genuinely claim to be something worthy of being called wisdom, then it has doubted itself and went out of its shell to study the others, finding its own way through. Most people wont, because why would you rock the boat. People expect too much, without putting in the effort, then are being entitled through belonging. 

If you truly want to achieve Enlightenment, then shut the fuck up about Enlightenment and start understanding, what You want, and what You are willing to do, to achieve it! Don't talk and preach about Enlightenment, be Enlightenment. Just as Lao Zi once told: "Those, who know, don't speak, those who speak, don't know!" for why would you spoil it for the infants or give the cheats for the exams for the pupils? In the long run, it wont do any good, but only harm. Enlightenment is like a fucked up whore, who closes in on her 30s realysing its all given and done, and there is nothing coming for her! Its like running from the bear, but a lion meets with you on your path. You get exactly, what you carry around! But most Christians and Scolars in pursuit of Knowledge and Wisdom do not understand, because born again this or degree that. You do better and gnothi seauthon -- there is no spoon!! 

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Peoples fixation towards intelligence and wisdom

Sad woman coping about his empty life. 

Most Expencive In-game purchases 

Woman needs help in Gym

It always annoys me, then people make this 100 IQ meme, there a woke person has an unintelligent remark. The fault is not in 100 IQ points, which is a pretty normal standpoint, and seen as average. The fault is the society having -- allegedly, because I can't be too sure, how much of it's true -- that we have a large convergence of 120+ to 169+ IQ people. Because if that there the case, why are they so remarkably unintelligent? Why do so many of them need state funds, in order to even function, let alone to get a job? Or the right environment and habitat, with precise care on how you can interact. Is that even a marker of a human being, or is that a fungi inside a terrarium!! Are they using their Lamborghini as a lawnmower, of what is the big deal, that people, who have studied in Univercities, get things so much wrong, that you'd be better of talking to a plumber or custodian. Just because you have allegedly a big white house, with lets say 6 bedrooms; 3 livingrooms and 2 kitchens, but only use one of each column, can you really say, that you have them? 

Whether for religious or political reasons, if you fail to use or abuse your latent and available resourses, can you even claim then, that you possess those, and lecture others, in how to utilize theirs. Its not by chance, that Jesus told us: "Those who have, shall have more, and those who don't shall loose, what they believed to possess!" Luke 19:26 Because if a field is not used, it shall start producing weed, which you don't like and chaos will take heed. The same is with wits and intellect, which is misused or without proper place or amount of use. We condemn gluttons, who pleasure themselves with foods and tastes; drug addicts and drunkards, for being intoxicated; look for wrong-think in the social media, while not minding, that certain people either think too much or not at all!! What does it matter that you can quote a thousand parables of famous Prophets; Wisemen and Leaders, but live in accordance to none, do you even like them; their authors, or being wise? Does anybody commend a parrot or mockingbird of being an able interpreter of heard voices, or are they the emphasis of great spokesmanship? Yet our scholars have become eccactly that, and they can't even copy very well. Its like with the bottom of the barrel, then somebody has diluted the root-beer too much, and out comes brownish goo, what thinks itself the real thing, but dost not taste like root-beer, dost look like root-beer, but is just called that, out of nostalgia or politeness and political loyalty towards good manners. 

Wouldn't it be a better manner to be like a child and tell honestly, that the emperor is nude, and there is no wits nor wisdom in the West? Go back to the wilderness and become primitive, perhaps it teaches you some manners, what are not bound in decadence and class, what don't try to mean something on 3 paragraphs, while not really saying anything in particular. How empty are the words of wisdom, because nobody cares to live according to it, just like became with the word gentleman, becuase nobody is a lord and lady anymore, has become to intelligence and wisdom, because nobody uses it to benefit the other, but just further their political agenda, which is like burning down the cottages one wall to get warm, not thinking, that this will make more cold draw into the room, and you need to get new wood next day. Our fixiation to intelligence and wisdom is the likes of a hoarder or hunter-gatherer, who mistakes amount with worth and as long they can pound the table; or the facts or the law or the morals or the correctness -- all is well in Denmark, while everything rots away on our sight. I don't mind of Biden being POTUS anymore or Greta Thumberg preaching about the environment, because at the end-times it is normal that geezers and children start to rule and fiddle with the elements and the foundations of the earth. Everything is as it should. If you put a monkey wrench into the gears the machine stops working!! 

It is normal to dabble in mysticism while it dusks, just like Rasputin was in Russia the corrupt conductor to the crown. It saddens me, that so many belittled Rasputins run amock in this world exclaiming: "I'm enlightened; I'm enlightened!" in the olden days, if an old man or youngling run about nude with a chicken under his arms, he was disregarded and removed from the society, now he is made a social influencer, and the more extravagant/gregarious his words and lavish lifestile, the more attention he or she gets! How dost that speak of intellect or wisdom, worthy of the democratic spirit or enterprize? 

We don't need freedom of speech anymore, but the Freedom from Screech, then people get the fuck out of my space, and let me meditate in my solitude somehow. Perhaps I should abstain from the internet and focus on the more internal things, than the public drama about who can put his dick or pussy up on which angle and with how many partners. While sexuality is important, it dost not invalidate the need to be able to sniff the roses and have a sabbatical. Why do people need wisdom and intelligence, then judging from their character and acts in life, their better off living on the streets and fucking some bitches and keeping them as a pimp! If most people are to behave like cattle, then why not reintroduce slavery as a morally better operative, than the current situation... 

Because then the things remain the same, either Islam will come back, or China will win, or perhaps India. etc. What is the west conna provide and give for the philosopher, then you can only cater to the "wider audience" which in plain text means: "Give us your money, and shut up, because we have nothing to say, but some witch-hunters gonna grift around until the flood!" Wisdom and Intelligence have always been at odds with the wider audience and common people. Then again, it was also, that "Cosmopolitan" meant, the notions of Kingly Philosophers coming together and enriching the world. Now its just a rallyflag for megalomaniacal tyrants to take over the world... or the beauty standard of a Magazine. A person, who can get along and small talk with too many people, is like a woman, who gets along and can fuck with too many men. It speeks of bad taste, then your wisdom and intelligence dost give your any conequences nor restrictions. If your wisdom there of the Wine, wouldn't those, who preach sober nature be against you; or good taste, those who want stoic notions? Yet today we preach the love for everything at any cost! And that is to be tolerant. How is it tolerant, then you have no taste nor ability to withhold from something? How is it in any way different, than suffering from cancer, which slowly drains the body of its nutrients or a parasite? And to no surprise, the woke see themselves as The ultimate disease, being proud of it. How is it in any shape and form, still humane to support such notions as intelligent and wise? 

Why even talk about wisdom and intellect, then peoples ability to read and digest plain text, deteriorates with the amount the volume of propaganda and bad copywriting writeghosting increases. I can't even call it ghostwriting, because that would be an affront at the expence of able writers, who can't write under their name, but have to serve more entitled players. But what I mean, is writing, which is so bad, it should ghost itself, so nobody would bother to even regard it as speech, much less to sensor or editorialise it. Is it any wonder, that in an infantile culture, which cannot deal with its rampart pedophile problem, insest is even done to the mere thought itself, and logic errors happen as though it is normal, that every Oidipus and Electra need to fuck their parents while killing off the competition!! 

Don't pray for wise men, and well versed leaders, as long you can't tell the difference of a toilet and a social media platform. People just hurl words around, like they mean nothing, while condemning their political opponents for misappropriations. How quaint. Even a good misappropriation is of better use, than seeing a seething scholar sitting on thousands of years of literature and culture, while not holding reverance to any of it. If the wisdom of the West would burn tomorrow, like the Library of Alexandria, it would mean absolutely nothing, because people would only loose their marbels, but live their godless and witless lives the same! Does it matter if you increase the number of churches and ministers or hand out 5k to every bloke who could mutter: "Pax Vobiscum" 

What we need is real Men and Women, who live by their words, and talk each yes as yes and no as no! Who don't treat other people as human resources and delectebles, ready to be consumed. It is funny in a morbid way, that the woke are also vegan, that means, disdained of eating meat, because they cannot harm mammals for suplements, but they are not beneath destroying somebodies morals or livelyhoods, if it seemingly furthers their agenda of a better environment and a more righteous society. How stunning and brave! Just as the philosophers advised against autistic behaviors, then people exclaim attack titles, like saying "Ambush" before you do so. Don't you kind of difuse your own intent? Or if you say, that you're about to do something good for the target of your speech, because its stunning and brave, in what way are you better from a door to door salesman or a nosy street preacher, who wouldn't take no for an answer? You're basically selling a product. Why should people buy it, especially if there is no quality check nor refund options, without running into your hired thugs? Could we have a quiet conversation there I don't feel like somebody is wiring me up and jumping around on the keyboard to jolt my body. Because here's another thing to get psyched about or outraged. Why do I even care! Why can't your deeds speak for itself or the happy customers, who had a taste? Why do I need to be told, like I am blind or addled, what I am eating and digesting. Are you gonna chew for me too? Low effort and no respect, yields in people tuning out, because there is no spoon! Wake me up, then September ends. 

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Impressions corrupt your Self

Musonius Rufus -- Fragments and Lectures

Don't impress anybody, but yourself. People think, because they can imagine things, compared to the people in the past, to whom God sayd in the second commandment to not imagine anything in Heaven; Earth nor Underground! Perhaps they there more fortunate and wiser than us, for not being such glottons of all kinds of vision and mental fatigue. The more you see, the more you strain your eyes and go blind to anything in the perifery of your sight. A person gazing on an object, dost see the forest around the trees. 

Don't try to be neither Good nor Evil, nor hold any kind of title or manner! Just be yourself as you there, that is the coolest and sexiest thing, you can do to yourself and your ancestors... Whenever people impersonate Good or Evil, its like a shadowgame on the wall. What do you know about Good and Evil. Just like the merchant praises his product and talks ill of his competition. Even a lover who has fallen for a fair maiden owns more truth, because he is charmed, thus excused for calling his goddess, the fairest of all time! Don't be enslaved of pride and shame, what are laced inside your reputation. Try to move towards a good reputation, but then it can't be had, don't suck up to those, who would seek your peril at a moments notice. It is better to have a good death, than a bad life! Then you impress others, you say: "I feel inconfident about myself, unless you reaffirm me, that I am good!" What if, this person is the devil or a grifter, or somebody who wants your virginity or your gold tooth? You be better than that. Impress yourself every day, to be ready and worthy of your daily bread and purpose, which ever mundane arts you may toil. There was a time, artists and lawyers also merchants there regarded as the scum of the earth, and look there they are now, through shere will and determination. To spite their cruel fate. There are the former lords and ladies, but dust and smoke, long forgotten, replaced with new lords and ladies... Does that rob you of your fervor and drive? Be well, be at peace, for tomorrow you may die! Now, live your best, for only you know, what you want. Be the Praetor and the Pretorian in one Person. The Servant of all Servants and Servitude itself, The Severus of all Snape! Don't give a damn, what others cuss about your worth, but be on your apogee. Do Stars fall from the skies, then mortals loose faith, even if they do, you be on your guard, Vigilant on your realm, like Nimrod was to God!! 

The Hunter before the Lord, then all the people only dreamt of being a sheppard. How abominable seemed his, to live from the wilderness and not from the flock or the field, staying put. A drifter he was, or a hobo, to those who dwelled in huts, but He made the first towns and nations. Do you possess that fire inside, to steal the holy fire from Heavens, like did Prometheus, to spite the Eagle of Zeus? Can you defy the shackles of cruel fate, or do you just accept, what people give you... Because why would you want more than the last place at the table and but a humble sip of the cup? If you are chosen for the challenge and for the Hunt, what business have you with Peace, Jehu, son of Nimshi? Are you chosen, to remove the enchantments of Jezebel, or shall we await another one? Are you the sword and shield, to take the turmoil on your watch, and dost you possess the suit in thy House! Then speak Aye, raise an Angel of God, the Left Hand of Vengeance be Mine. He, who has ears, make them hear! 

Jesus is my Nigger

 I think, we both know, you art offended. For how dare I use this slur, what is so misplaced to say that sentence, to start a Sermon. However, if I had said: "God is in Success!" like many tele-evangelists tell the tale, you would quietly knowingly nod your head, with an enlightened glare in your smiling eyes. Because its as believable as Bill Clinton talking about blowjobs being positive lip service to God!! What's the difference in being politically incorrect and seemingly intolerant, in contrast being mellow nice and sweet with a pathos, that the tooth of the oncles of Casimir rot away, or that clowns from Ben-10 who had to voluntarily muzzle his mouth...  which teacher of your child, would therefore date you? Still quoting Casimir the friendly ghost. It is ill placed to use the word nigger, then addressing Lord Jesus Christ, but its not that if I would embezzle the church funds and abuse the choir or Sunday school attendants. Because if I'm pretty or successful enough, having the right insignia behind my name, everything will fall down from Empire State Building, to save my day, like that could summon the aid of God, which we there adviced not to tempt. The same God, who vanquished Sodom and Gomorrah!! Like Louis Lane to Superman... 

What say you of Lord Jesus Christ? Who is He to you? Your Nigger? Your Homie? Or Your Lord! If Jesus is thou Lord, then how can you possibly neglect your prayer life or attendants to church, because there are more pressing matters. If you would sell your soul to the devil in a zealous cult, you would verily believe so, and give your last penny, to be a good hoe, as you vowed to lust. Then you're a Communist under comrad Stalin, you know to be afraid to take his name in your mouth in vain. You would not even dare to write him an Anthem, much less name your child that. Unless your life is impeckable, to pass the proof of muster!! But to call yourself Christian? What does that even mean! 

If somebody puts a diploma on his dojos wall, stating: "This is the Best Martial Artist in the known world" he'd have a line behind his gates, stretching three rounds the equator, so he could bloody well prove his case, so don't! But if you call yourself Christian, that is not insulting or similar to witch-craft. Worthy of the death penalty in the Bible... Search your soul, and find out, are you really a Christian, or has your posture become that Nigger, what Jesus has to carry around in this world, like a blackface? 

May your lifes deeds precede you, and glorify the grace of your God, Halleluyah!

He done thus?

 Clueless Blind Man, cheated by his Brother

To Hell with you, saint, ye who uphold the straight 

and the narrow! What business do you have on Earth? 

Why do you seekest to ensalt the peoples eyes blight 

them with Virtue and Perseverance, Temprance aint 

the chosen lot for the cattle, who wish to be but worth 

mention in the pot of gold, over the rainbow, to surge 

the leprechaun for the dragons. Head on the berates. 

Those who do good, do betters! Wells far gone, sullen; 

poisoned every venue in light cold reading gentle palm. 

Who can understand parceltongue, smother the bull then; 

to have it drown in its own tears, underground, barren. 

He done thus? How dare ye to hedon mush! Shroom alms

for the treebeards, who ent in the lent to Clark Kent Almas. 

Mater of all dark matters, Sophia was blind and led Surrey! 

Who is still Englishman in New-York, then there are none

who dare to be Yankee? In the Mollies Game, the men lost 

their tracks and asked for more extacy, blackfaced from cum 

they never managed to erect out of their blue balls. Prone 

to judge our council, while never leading by example, Homer!

The Fools, who grift themselves of Heavens doorstep, nomad. 

Don't gossip deeds but do yours; perfect thy Domes Prude!! 

He done thus -- Hedonist in your own guss! What say in posh 

plays, of small giants, who toss the ladder off, afraid of betters. 

Be your own Name, the Firstborn of your own kind -- Porshe 

amongst the Wolkswagen! Mersedez Benz amongst HIMARS. 

Be the redeemer, then people look for SAM sites; trendsetter; 

then people long for Conflict, the First amongst Apocalypse there! 

Now is your chance to gnothi seauthon, do or begone, hush!!

The use of Intolerance

 It is usefull to be intolerant, for those glutton; 

who can eat wholesale the entire menu, seldom 

fare well in their lives. Better to love few futons, 

than burn out many cathedrals! Absolutists screw tons; 

in atheism ends their way, who absolve nihil, whom 

in the darkness, nothing seems great again. O Come 

Ye Superman, Jean D'Arc, make Mills Steward buttons! 

Be a wolf, and whore well with the few, edging shotguns; 

the call for the quickening, then seeing the farmers eyes. 

Is it your shot and your time, or just the picture for fun; 

then you looked at grandfathers chimney and dreamt stunned. 

Reluctant in going down, the new suns of our time, biased 

in their ivory towers, while not impregnated impregnable, hazed; 

those lazy Rapuntzel, who married the wicked witch, not the Don! 

To the gods, then you feel spirited and something to say; 

let the plebs spit on your holy of holies and touch thy elf! 

To the ground, then you're mental, why dost those pray; 

who at every chance, cast rocks on David, holding the tray 

of the altars horns, whenever a tyrant takes seat. Not wealth 

nor fortune propells those to do a single adventure, stealth 

of any peril or doom -- still they'd collect the parables mayday!

Cunning Lingua

Green Day -- Boulevard of Broken Dreams Uncensored 

Cunnilinged many Franks try to hallmark their pranks; 

as though, they are the Joker. On the Stone of entombed 

ordeals, they soon forget their jitterbugged jolly thanks. 

Giving praise to the dark gods of Zeitgeist and freelance 

on every penny, who wishes two cent for a ten pound Fromme. 

Sorry for my German, for Homme du Terre was left au comme! 

Ca, C'est la Vie, va rien ne vas pas, dans le dance du Manse...


 Fratricide in the concise matter, to abide 

by some form of Moral and Concordance! 

Why those, who rebel by nature, choose sides 

with the bleach, what robs all colour from lice? 

Wouldn't it be betters to rot with the sweet entrance 

of becoming one with the soil; the cicle of chance. 

Footmoats are our bloated concurs, scurred to lie. 

To the Whine and the Dance with thou, Wine enobles 

the Wise to give out their best behaviour! Who cares 

who under the tables, hold on to their hungovers -- 

hearken to Astor, you gonna be in good company, Rover! 

Hoe, Hoe, Hoe yer boat, gently down the stream; Mare 

ily, dare vily, care ngl until Azazel lost its counts share!! 

I'm dreaming of Kali fornicating in City of Angels full res. 

He, who loves Fame, don't complain, then people fuck 

around and ask consent later, for you are Gomer, daughter 

of Diblaim, not Zahir. Those, who are the inner circle of Bucks; 

wish to play Eliyah in the Ravens den, stabbing own chestducks. 

Being astonished, then the Day of Yahveh comes Meneh Tekhel 

and not like the Ark to the house of Obed-Edom. Those naughters, 

who think themselves holier than Uzza and betters of Good Luck!!

Live with Gods, but dine with people


(Happy St. Valentines day to me, and nobody in particular, whom ever feels worthy)

Live in Aether, as though Virtue, is your food; 

thy chosen boon and providence. Hover above, 

forgetting your true colours fragrance. Brood 

with the vipers and be as witty, while simple mood; 

as a sheep, still a ravenous wolf. The ruined rod; 

Machine Gun Preacher; Bulletproof monk-god. 

More monkey than jaded in palaces of Arkadias Lot. 

Live in the beyond, there Good and Evil cease to persist; 

oblivious and voided from the moral supremacy of lesser 

people, who failed to take heed of their own terms of service! 

What is a man to Superman, and what do Gods do for nice; 

its not for the nature of the Immortal, to care about Messer 

und das Schmied, then agent Smiths Wordsmithe the Betters, 

while never worse off, than bored infantile piece de hesitant!! 

Hogs and Hounds building their own H&H to make all pearls 

to go back whense they came, to askew Homo Sapiens, Why! 

When has a moral busibody ever accompanied Zarathustra, curled 

around his neck, like a tie, not to  hang him somewhere; hurled 

curses and passive-aggressive cuips for the attachment, muse... 

Constitute in the wilderness, not in the fraternity of chosen pose; 

who think Cosmopolitan, while never getting farther than Sears.

Hold the Naught

Sadhguru -- What is Love a Poem


Thinking about, dont, hurl yourself; 

many disgust, to avoid discussion... 

Angered by the sudden meaning, health. 

Then Good Wealth smiles on the shelf; 

there you are not sitting. Monkeys concussion; 

using the others as riffs in thy holy obfusion. 

Kenobi or not Kenobi, the japanese Elf!! 


Reverence to Demons, drives the naughty away; 

remove your pity on Good and Evil; black and white! 

Loose yourself to your meaning, menacing on sway; 

I want to think like Descartes and Will like betrayed 

Zarathustra, then he called for Gods death, being Light. 

How do you adhere to a light, what preaches Might; 

that there will be Darkness, then most of us delayed... 


Orders for the reasoned, then the most seasoned folds, 

to bucket his brandy for the day on Liszt farewelled off. 

How to deny your pleasure, for the sake of virtues gold. 

Who would be that Fool, to God Allmighty, to be sold 

as a servant of servants, like was Joseph, under scoff; 

thinking they would spurn the Matron, and Haslehoff -- 

while seeing your traitorous kin, who sold you in bounds!! 


People understand, gravity and the calendar or seasons; 

still they wont stop adhering to the Sun, for the Moon -- 

how wicked is to be said to fall on her grace! Hear, sons 

and daughters of perdition, hear ye and take heed Top Guns! 

All has started from a pebble to become a Mountain, soon 

it will be dust to become pebble once more. Will it doom 

your desire, or dawn your despair into Paradise Wholesomes! 


There are funboys, who erect dicks, others erect their Richard; 

becoming their presence and resolve, in whole responcibility! 

Then was the last time, your reputation preceded thou, bard? 

So many have to explain, how they are wolves in orchards, 

wearing sheeps coatings with vipers as belts, beyond tranquility, 

trying to be able in places, you should remain silent. Iniquity 

in the place of resigned resistance, to look cool, hot taken Ward. 


There are fungirls, who hoe themselves, getting into the dream; 

then regret, out of shame or madness, wanting the virgin days 

back, as though, her gentle sacrifice meant nothing, but a theme. 

Athens was born from the head of Zeus, Aphrodite from creme 

of the seawaves and the motions of the oceans. In disarray, 

many still try to make it so, theirs are born in a haystack!! Say 

what, nobody understands... shame is no longer of means to Realm! 


What is the worth of a Fuck, what everybody can have? A Kiss, 

easily given to the next pauper on the road. Or the Dominatrix 

who never gives love next to an eunuch who can't! Tormented bliss, 

is the Mans want to destroy himself, the moment all is well in Swiss. 

Better move to Danemark or in Holland mull your drive of idea fix. 

Why is it of importance, then you don't become dirt, before you switch? 

Never seen more empowering the solemn resignation of Maidens caress! 


To be the one, who binds the man on a steady course, to loose success 

for the sake of Family! It takes a Wife to make a Man, not mothers, know; 

no other effort more honored and Heroine -- the Feminine touch in duress; 

to make the Beast into a Knight in Shining Armour, an Angel to confess! 

Precede carefully, on this slippery Kings Road, Ronald Weasly, don't blow 

your frankinsense on a full mouthload, as you pleasure your lack to bow!! 

Good Natures, as good humours seldom found in man and woman to bless... 


Dread in the Naught, that there's no greater enemy, but Fear itself! Mared 

in the nightly Schwartzwald forrest, one spruce shagging another, Gloomed 

even under the hollow presence of the Moon, who could spare a sullen care, 

to be better than the blind leading another to the hole in One. Who dares 

to be Gentleman, then Phyrexians seek to complete the formula? Groomed 

in the ceaseless hunger to go to Arkadia Major and Ultima Thule, broomed 

into shards of clay, what didn't become gold nor diamonds, Bewitched-wellfared. 


Why dost the people seek a prophet or a sign -- they shalt not get another, 

but the virgin birth and death on sculldugger mountain!! Those, who adhere 

the titles, but not the Lord who gave those. How do you love and gather 

the product, while hating the creator? Sic Semper Tyrannis, thus dies father; 

after the Anakim once more turned to Tartaros, while his sons made Severus; 

have to gut their own throat and milk the monster, for virtues sake, Beauvais 

culture the haut in the Owls chant, while Athens is burnt on the stake farther.

The cultural death grip of consent

 The case against sexuality -- Dr. Jordan Peterson 

Marcus Aurelius -- Meditations

Red and Blue pill

Dr. Jordan Peterson talked in his podcast about consent, and how people get rejected as attractive males, compared to attractive females. That is due to, two cultural things happening simultaneously. The culture with its morals works as a way of identity and it does not! Then a woman rejects an offer, its due to women having to prepare for marriage. She can't even accept the first offer, because then she would be perceived as too easy going and bitchy. If you wanted the woman to accept a good offer, you would have to educate them differently. Then the boy gives an offer, its just doing your due diligence, and thus it gets no gratification from the peers. People have seen those memes about coffee, who dost not bitch then you have another. The same allure is to porn. It dost judge you, for coming to it, as you there and wanting to be loved as such!! In France, a prostitute or Maitraise had to be a social worker and understand the bitching of her man, while still be able to pleasure you. The wife was just an incubator to give offspring. It was rare, then some arranged marriages yielded to actual love and companionship. Today, the only fans is the polar opposite of that, there the cuck need to understand their Heroine. All because men and women can't have access to real relationships, without being shamed for some reason or another. 

We're living in a Post Modernist simulacrum, there Neo has already accepted the Red Pill, but not quite touched the mirror. The society is still working in accordance to the Christian telos, but just as Nietzsche proposed, God is dead, and we killed it. You can't follow morals, which you treat, as though, there is no Santa Clause and Leprechauns on Christmas. What is there to replace the office of  God, while we try to figure out our morals, while trying to be nice to our ancestry and cultural remnants? How does it change marriage and consent? Coming back to my last post, what does it mean to consent, then one side has rules about agegaps, while the others can show furries to children? Eventually we need to have the conversation of is a gay parade freedom of speech, then nudist beaches are restricted no child areas with no peeping? How does it work, there on one hand, the rule works one way; but on other hand, it works differently? Who benefits from it, and what is the end game? Nobody wants to end up in oblivion, there nobody gets anything, inside a chaotic primordeal soup, there all the ground rules need to be re-established. People don't want to reinvent the wheel in sex and consent. People think they can, because they also think they are winning. That they have the high ground or to jump over heads. What if people will not support your worthy claim to something? That's what happens, then a culture crumbles and stops to work. Every single time in your day, then you talk, you cause social interactions like a bank account. Then a moral stops to work, or a culture, its like the bankruptcy of Dow Jones, if you will. Its not whatever or meh, its gonna hurt, because all of the sudden, you're inside Tabula Rasa, and experience yourself as a one dimensional unit! Try to live like that with your Existential drive to be something and have a sense of purpose... 

Let's assume, you successfully changed your morals and culture, and turned your back to Christianity entirely. No more toxic masculinity; Male centered social interaction! But what does it mean? It means, women are no longer valuables, and worthy of pursuit! What does that mean? Coming back to Dr. Petersons example of accessibility to sex -- the woman will no longer be approached for a meaningful ship, because she is no longer on the radar!! In order to get her on the radar, she would need to make herself visible. How doe she do that? You can't use the past as reference anymore! What still exists? The Porn-industry and E-Girls! Then the A. I. comes and cyberwaifus become affordable and reliable, why would you even need the consent of a woman, then you can be all life in the room with Monika? Having too much rights; liberations and restrictions, how men can interact with you, to gain consent, is the same, as breaking your spacesuit, in the void and still expect not to bleed from every crevice due to the vacuum of space!! People think White Knights had it good, that the arhetypical Knight got laid a lot. No! They often there expected to serve a Maiden, who was married to the king or some other Lord, and just bring her gifts, which yielded in sending other knights to be under her patronage, while not ruining that image with casual sex. You can glimpse it in Ivanhoe. I really read it as Ivan the Hoe!! You'll get the pun after reading the novel. The same is required of e-girls. The moment you got married or into a serious relationship the audience dost approve, your celebrity status and clicks are over... 

In order for consent to exist, it needs to be feesibly accessible, without resulting in too much harm. We all have seen the Tom & Jerry episode(s), there Tom bought his car, vowing, that he will loose life and limb, if he dared to cross that contract, to win the heart of a girl, who in the end chooses the Penthouse dude anyway. depending on what was aired, it had different endings. At ones you kept waiting for the train to run you down, in other times, Jerry was an angel and moved the train to a different track, which was an anticlimax and made me punch the pillow. I didn't like that, because it removed the moral of the story just like making the endings of fairy tales cutesy. Cause you cant make the wicked witch dance to her death in hot iron slippers, but have to let her run into the wilderness and never be seen again. 

The issue is with taking up responcibility. We have made girls into this Psychopaths dolls on the pedestal, who can never consent to a ship, unless its a White Knight in Shining Armor, in a world, there you go to horny jail, the moment you enter an armory shop to purchace your chainmail. Where is this White Knight gonna come from, then its not ok, to be that White Knight? Are we raising any White Knights -- if we would even go as far to raise Black Knights to have a beauty and the beast moment. 

Or the question, is it rape, then you invite the door to door salesman to your sofa for sex and fail to say no. I think its misplaced. We should not atomize consent, while having ulterior motives in bashing the toxic masculine to always want sex at the detriment of the poor women in distress. -- Most door to door salesmen in Estonia or plumbers would be offended about such an offer. Even "Ment" cracked a joke I liked about so much! The lower you are on the social hierarhcy, the more moral and pious you are, because you cant afford to fuck up your life. That's also the reason, why the black culture in America started with this Bible thumping stereotype, because that was the only valid thing, available to them. Just as playing the Contrabass and loving jazz music. It was their social construct, what was expected of them. -- just like with the dancing narrative of having to reassure mid dancing about willingness. 

The reason, why rich and influenceous people, such as Bill Clinton, letting Monica Levinsky blow him, while calling it lipservice to God as a positive trait, is they can get away with it. Much like the Sons of Eli the Priest. Due to the past giving so much moral credit, you don't know what to do with it, until it runs dry and you are shaking the suit of your debtor like Homer Simpson, because your loan is due!! We need them for a necessity, what can't be done by maney things, such as commerse or leadership or something else like that, thus we cut them some slack, while bashing every body else on the head, for daring to desire the same. If you have nothing above you, like Superman above Lex Luthor, then whats stopping you in indulging your inner hedonist? 

Consent has a meaning, because its an element inside a construct, there you are hierarchically bound to God, to find your place in the narrative and procreate! Then you indulge in your desires, you basically say, I don't want to live; but I wanna live, I just don't want to take responcibility, just give me all my worth now, like the prodical son, without any reason or effort to ever consider coming back to your fathers house, if that's even there after! Consent should be a continuous effect, there you take your responcibility about that, and don't chicken out. The reason and meaning of that, is to keep consent as a high valuable and scarce, not like a casual fine thanks, you can share with everybody. I liked how a specially flown in tutor from America, taught that in my Sunday School. I was a teenager back then. "I love my mother, but its not the same love, as I love my girl friend! Love does not equate to sex!" (Tehnically he was visiting and agreed to take this errand as well. I like American-Estonians, who haven't forgotten their roots...)  

Children and teenagers havent been taught, what consent is. That its a valuable, needed to be, in order to acquire your future spouce! Every time you consent, you should wager, does this man want a Life together with You? Can I raise Superman out of him? In Estonia women are the first sex, because although the culture is oriented around men, all the money is in the hands of the wife, who does all the taxes and mostly has the most intellect and scholarship. Men go to work or battle; business-trip or die from suicides; alcohol poisioning or pointless fights. The only northern stars in our society are Women! If the woman fucks up, the entire society fucks up. Men can fuck around, because they can be replaced -- good women can not. Even if you experience your sexual freedom, you should do so, regarding the end game, of having children and grand children. If you cannot, then perhaps you should join a temple or commit to a brothel and have less pain in your life. I don't mean to blow your bubble or be nasty, I want people to be able to look into the mirror then they turn 40 and not sob, that they just wasted their golden chance for a better life, just because they wanted to be cool; stunning and brave. Don't tell me about it, but tell Yourself. Go out of your way and waste your consent on somebody and make your success-story out of it! Because maybe Mr. Right does not come but has to be birthed by You! All good Men are raised by their Wives not Mothers!" that's another Estonain saying. How did you consent today, to access your future as Matron? 

You could be saying, that you're an Atheist/Agnostic or adherent to a different God. Fair Enough. Still you have in your life moral guidelines, which are older and better than you as an individual, which are like the immovable Batman to your Unstoppable Joker!! People always misunderstand the Batman and Joker parable, just like they misunderstand the Prodical Son. People think they are the prodical son, and Batman, then in reality they are the Joker and the Good son who remained at home, while loathing his father for not killing his prodical son on return, or at least not shooing him off, for wishing father dead, then he wanted his inheritance before the right time. You only inherit on your fathers death! We never fare well in forgiving ourselves and others, making it harder to consent to anything. That's the reason, we blow our stack, any time, a Father kills a full oxen to celebrate The Return of the Prodica Son. Because you never gave that, to the Good son. The Good son was not socially dead, so he didn't need extra helping, so it seems, the Good son is less loved!! We constantly perpetuate those interactions, then on one hand condemning the White Knight, on the other hand Gloryfying the Mick Jaggers and Marilyn Monroes. When was the last time Tony Stark was a Hero - minus the womanising. Just he entrepreneur and obscenely rich reputation, for inheriting his fathers legacy. When was the last time, you watched a good story on Netflix or Hollywood, there the good narrative won? Why? Because we don't wanna fall asleep. The nature of Cinematography is Tesosterone -- Sturm und Drang. Das Niebelungen Lied etc. We want to experience tragedy and not comedy! Because we didn't suffer that, but still we got access to the powers of emotion instilled in those circumstances depicted on stage. People want to be that Hero or Villain, without paying the price for it. You can't remove Porn from the Equasion, Dr. Peterson, then you don't tackle the full formula, including how culture is viewed and children are raised. Being a worker is not sexy... Porn will go away, then workers are put on Hallmark again. Then its ok to be the Plumber again. Aside from the Grandfather of Ben Tennison, when was the last time a regular minimum wage worker was regarded as a Hero of the story? We need more Max Tennissons -- former special ops agents, now turned regular worker. Though its a bullshit narrative, because if you're ever been an agent or minister of any kind you will kill yourself if falling down from Grace this much. But it was a pretty lie, the society needs to believe in, in order to keep functioning. Just as the Leprechauns and Santa Clause are useful for nurturing at a given age or soap operas for middle aged barbers and hairdressers. How do you concent and access your Heroic or Villainous endevour of Father and Motherhood! How to waste your time as a solitary individual in a meaningful way, what gives the society greatest benefits?That is here the question. Btw. Thank You for the conversation, was rather refreshing... UWU 

Monday, February 13, 2023

Why we need Faith and Conviction

 Gnostic Parasites -- Dr. James Lindsay 

Breaking the Spell -- Michael Young

What does it mean, to have faith and convictions? It means to be humble and not know it all. That there is something, you need to come back to, which nihilism cannot destroy! That you're dependent on your responcibilities, without being able to dodge it through language; dialectics nor other word shenanigans and spells. Whenever you have Gnosis or a Greater Wisdom, what does it do to you? I give you an example. Some people think, its cringe to read comic books, because they are graphic novels. Because, you should always read books, with no pictures. And then the comic book lover tries to defend himself, you look down on him: "I guess, you're still a child, because I used to be in that phaze as well." Then the problem is really, does the story use simple or complex narratives. Many comic books, especially manga are so complex, some non-picture books need to keep up. But then you Know, its hard to have a conversation with you, because it gets countered with your right answers. Faith and Conviction keeps the conversation clean, and the borders clear, to make sure, that no party gets more momentum. The problem is, that where there is power, where are people, who corrupt themselves and start trading favours. Its eqaully horrendous, if somebody is in disregard of any morals, than if a person, regards morals too much, so that the terms cannot be met. I don't know, which is worse, puritans lecturing about prostitutes being sad women, because men use them; while not providing job opportunities to women; or Gay rallies catering to children, because everything is love and healthy curiosity. Your faith and convictions need to cost you something, and deny you things. The way how to detect a cult is, then it allows you anything, while expecting the cost to be paid by someone else, who is also shamed, for being alive and not being in the know. Faith needs to be transparent, that everybody understands your yes as yes and no as no. Mat 5:37The moment it becomes "actually" it becomes Evil! When was Jesus most mad about the Pharisees? Then they gave vows? Why so? Because Mat 23:16-22 How do you believe any word or oath, then you have to mind these meticulous charts, on then your word is actually binding. The temple is not good enough, but the offering is, because the priests cannot afford to loose the value of their own lot, but if people don't believe in God; in the system, who cares!! How do you claim to love God, then you don't respect the way of life, that God has bestowed upon us. How many of us live according to the Sermon of the Mount Mat 5-7? Free thought is never free, if it curails, that you need to move out of your culture, in order to believe the experts. How do you know, this expert is not a wizard; witch or demon! Why do we check for forged money or mind about grifting and don't loan to every Ugandan prince, who askes our money on PM at twitter or on phone, because he misplaced his wallet or has to immediately pay something, to get his inheritance? Because we don't want to loose our worth and value!! The same is true about accepting Wisdom from suspicious teachers. If it can't be checked without being called a buzzword, then don't trust them. If it talks down on your ways of knowledge as obsolete, then why should you accept it. Many people lost their belongings, then they believed in Prohver Maltsvet in Estonia, that the White Ship will come, and bring them to America. There is a novel written about it. Just because something is systematized and rings true, dost not mean, it is true. You might even have people, who demand some kind of change, what starts well, making people mind alcoholism or better eating habits; but if it changes life fundamentally, don't take such action without scrutiny. How do you know, its not a rouse, to get your money and work? Don't loose your reason; wits and dreams, because you follow people, who claim to have those better than you do. Where did it come from? Who vetted it? Would you trust somebody, who has an alternate meaning for street signs? No? Why So! Because nobody argues with a truck driving you out because you there on the wrong path!! Even if you're right to use the zebra, you still mind, if cars actually stop, before you utilize it. Because there are people, who don't mind the signs. If we would always trust the rules, and expect everybody to do so, whats there to stop the grifter, to drive in front of you, stop and claim damages, because you drove in, and caused damages? Its funny, that awareness, has been made such a cursed word. We do need it, but not in that way, as the woke chant that. We need it in humility, not like lords judging their cattle. 

The problem with the triangle of rule, and owning private property is not necessarily, that they are upside down, like Marx depicts. That's not the main problem of the lie, which started from the way German thought was, that you needed to abuse your Senpai, and go to a sertain point, and then move on to somewhere else, on your own. The other problem is, when you turn the triangle, what makes people become philosophers. In an authoritarian system, they are rewarded by a better life expectancy, so you don't have to enforse it much. If you have a high enough intellect, you will move towards it. To take more responcibility. But if you are the scum, why would you suffer it, while being mocked by the Servant of the Servants" quote from the Bible in a new context. Turning the triangle around makes it into a spinner, because you cannot keep everybody of the working class on top. Most of them will fall down into the middle and be shamed by the top and the bottom, because now they are "Beurgeois". And now the philosophers have a point to funnel their anger. Why would you agree to such Evil? That is the main reason, why Communism is bound to fail, because it disrespects tradition and hierarchy, while trying to impose a new one, which is even worse, than any tyrant could possibly have been, in the course of history. The true count, how much a country can suffer communism, is at very best 40% though 12% would be better. Just as you would account, how many people of an alien religion you would suffer. Why would you let more people in, who want to live a different life, than your beliefs and convictions? 

Watching Cross-Marketing such as Tupperware or Amway, which correspond very well to the Parable of the Sower Mat 13:3-9 People have different abilities in accepting knowledge and make use of it. If you say, everybody, you are lying. Great people can come from any part of society, but not everybody can be equally good in doing so. Not everybody can be Tony Stark or Bruce Wayne, for it gives certain benefits and other counterpoints with enemies. You would have to take responcibilities. You can't always defeat the Joker, because sometimes your sidekick dies! Having private property, is the first step to independent ownership of farming. Why is that important? If you have access to agriculture, the corporations cannot bullshit you with the prices and what they choose to sell on what quality, cause otherwise people vote with their boots and buy it directly. You should always have private property, whether in a Communist or Capitalist system, because otherwise there would be no mechanism to fight fascism, then it manages to scapegoat to power. Many people don't know, that the first Fascists there Communists kicked out of the party... You still want Communism, you just want Corporations; Elites and Experts first!! And the workers always have to pay... 

If you truly want a working community as a worker, you want to move towards Republicanism. You want the rules to be fair, not that One million illegal immigrants voting, what is right or wrong tomorrow. You need to respect your parents, not accuse and condemn them, for being the source of all evil, while you there the first one to see the Truth! Always mistrust somebody, who commend you, in being the chosen one. Maybe he needs somebody to take the blame? There was a time, the crook, who got to break into the cashe registry, got the hardest time, because that was the leaders job, then the criminals got smart and started writing it off, to the next fool. Why do you need to be The One? How do you need to act, in order to remain that? 

Many people have forgotten, that the bible was written to unimaginative masses, who didn't read but listened to it. Why is that important? Because those who listen, while not being able to read, don't talk back! You might argue, that nowadays the world has changed, because most of people can read... Isn't it. But can they truly though. Just because a person can read a sentence together, doesn't mean, he undestands the heart of it. He can be misled by others or by himself; by fears, by desires; by ambitions. 

Then you can freely imagine things, only sky is the limit. You're like the Spirit of God, howering over the primordeal soup and creating all meaning. Its like owning an eye, what makes the body transparent, and can see, like the Sun! The magnificence of an eye is in its focus, that we can close in on things and make other things seem irrelevant. Sometimes you're eyes a tired, and you close them or go to sleep. You can't do that, if you're responcible of transforming the entire world into a better Utopia! You have to always be vigilant, in order to critically judge, that everybody moves the same way, the same road. But what if your vision is corrupted, how big is that darkness? Mat 6:23 You understand it the best, trying to drink Strawberrie slurpies, and think of organic fruit. The same is true about body building and social narratives or constructs. Can you really follow them, and how much? Its funny then woke try to reinterpret meaning and things. The bucket and chair, as told by Dr. Lindsay is a great example. For you can only do this distinction one way. You can use a bucket as a chair, then its sturdy enough, and if you mindfully sit on it, but it will restrict its previous use, not to mention, you can never use the chair, for storing stuff inside. Even better would be the sofa and the bucket. I used to have a sofa in my childhood, there you could turn the individual parts upside down, and they there just hollow boxes. In the argument you could use them as a bucket. The reasons, why I dislike wokeness in using language skills in order to blurr the meaning of different words. For instance, who benefits, then you don't know, what rape; consent or child means? Definitely not that guy, who has issues with pedophilia. Would you really care about a topic, then everything would be rape? The man deceived you. Instead of becoming smarter and more aware, no lets blame it on the society and let them take action. The man is a rapist! The man looked you the wrong way, instead of to learn to give a snarky or sassy comment, to make him back off. Let someone else do it, and shame the man as rapist! Look how it takes all responcibility away, and makes you infantile. No more worries. Just black and white. This or that. The right to have your Faith and Convictions, is also your right to be wrong and make up for it. You can't have that, then some secretive cabal is in charge, who know better, while there are no moral absolutes. I wonder why those people don't buy from a factory store, with no alternatives, there the prices vary dependent on the owners whims and how much probable money you have in your pocket. Having moral absolutes, prevents the strong from abusing the week. It is true, that Nietzsche talks in "Thus spoke Zarathustra" about the abolishion of those, but in order to genuinely go there, you have to become your own moral absolute. You cannot oscilate around, like the woke, changing narrative, whenever it fits your goals, to keep winning. The reason and meaning of rules and absolutes, is how to fairly loose the game, so that the weaker would keep on playing, because then the game stops, then the strong ones loose, for their investment becomes obsolete! Its very telling, that this Son of a God, who could summon 7 Legions of Angels, to do His bidding, chose to be born as a humble carpenters son, who submitted to their rule and council, rose up; lived his ministry and died on the Cross! 

The problem is not being empty handed, but being without meaning in this existentialist nihilist world. You can be rich or poor, but if you don't have a reason to live, you'll get bored and anxious real soon. All because people don't have moral absolutes, which stay put, then your life is shaking...  As a footnote, I wasn't prepared then I saw the postmodernist house mentioned. It was so ghastly I wanted to barth. Why can't there be rules, what architecture adheres, what don't get violated?? Each side of that house, looked different, there was no symmertry in anything! That's the place then the house built on sand and on rock comes in: Luke 6:48 Why is it, that the leaders of the BLM or other woke grifters, choose to live in white houses with picket fences at gated communities, and not in there they preach? Could it be, that they don't want to be smoked with their own pretards! If everything goes, why not live in a gipsy circus one day at a time? The best irony is, then moral zealoths have secret bank accounts in Swiss. Or environmentalists traveling by private jet/jacht. Why haven't they learned to travel by Angel, Acts 8:26-40? You can't live without moral absolutes, while being strict about language. Why should people care about your correctness zeal, compared to odna baba govarila? Take charge of your Faith and Convictions, and know yourself. Halleluyah, Godspeed!

Friday, February 10, 2023

Verbatim Verboten Vache a lait

 Words what mean, meiden die rien ne vas plus; 

to stear away, unter den linden, prandre la Bastille. 

Insulting the double standards, Trinität chien de rue; 

Truth is vermisst in Ãœbersatz sous lez feux rouges! 

To War, to mar -- Der Lam ist Gar -- pour les mille; 

who is against -- Ferratet Sich, contre sa famille!! 

Verbatim Verboten Vashe a lait -- peut etre juste...

Dig in!

 Digging in the digger, the grin of every nugget; 

not everything is gold, what shines through dark. 

The silver seldom makes good on correct bugle. 

Some wolves are sheepish, some sheeps struggle 

to be ravenous, while eating cabbages in stark 

pathos, as though, it there brains. Don't bark 

on every anvil, what threattens to thunder, Hubble! 

The scope of nosedived Philosophers, has always 

been to be stoned by the virtuous, whos fails, lived 

happily everafter. For yours is to be Grim Stoaway, 

asking for the tickets of the gents and gentiles prey. 

Frail in the figurative, people root pearls on thy gives; 

to engulf in the Sea Shells, degenerating for the hives. 

Commune with the wilderness and spirits for the pray. 

The Diamond of the Nightingale, had to swear on 

the knickers of Merlin, that he is not sugarcoated. 

I couldn't believe, so I burnt it to hot coals. Kolon 

for the next Creol between Wakanda and Erehwon. 

She was stonewalled, to erect the next cathedral, bloated 

in the Corpus Pisti, Storgere Veritas, Justitiam Agite! 

As I went up to the offering mount, Isayah had to glare.

Thy Will be done

 I will, so chill on the Blue Pill, no skill; 

the Red is the path of redemption Black 

and White hath to be sled. Missing kills 

on your spree, I decree for a fealing mill. 

Fight or standup, that is there the track 

to frame your compound positions cracks 

in the fourth wall of a numbscull molehill! 

As the blue ribbon awarded Wardens off; 

virtue was too VR and abstracted Automata. 

Mata Hari invited Hare Krishna and Nemiroff 

to Shach Mata on the Morgana path rough. 

Instilled in the maddened cackophony Kata; 

scattered sacrilegious legions ellegiated Fata. 

Fin -- I'm Fine -- Infinity, the trinity of fuck Off! 

Manifesting the machinations of sensations Will; 

a poet never means anything, but his nightmares. 

Sometimes you ride; other times, you bitch willow. 

Birches marching on your arching marshes mellow. 

Generating more symbols a Sybille could dare 

to give account and defy Apollo for the gifted scare. 

Be afraid, if you dream a vision vivisecting your dill. 

Thy Will be done, before you outgun for northern Goth; 

sold for the solemn tranquility, that good will prevail. 

What if evil is the source code, you need to crue, Nimrod! 

Master once passions, not attach to current circumstnce hod. 

Hodor Mordor, Go Saruman War the Noldor. Frodo grayscale 

Foenor the golden fleeing dutchmen, who forgot to set sail 

to Ultima Thule and Arkadia Major. The Northern Frog Toad.

Temporal Temperance Torque

 Beholding the Torque of Temporal Temperance; 

I have to conclude, in the Hermetic confounds 

of inner sanctity. Me told to Myself, that I operandi 

a modus, to make the game though, there is profundi 

no big nor little spoon, but Alps on a bloke compound! 

The more you open a sentence, you mean nothing sound; 

the poet needs to relieve the scholar of Transcendence!! 

There is no lame duck, but the inane sense to mean something; 

what does Tao give a fuck but Sun Wu Kong mooning the nude 

Emperor, who was Jaded in the Mercurian anthems ninth ring. 

The Gates of No gates, billed no water under the burnt fridgeling; 

to abstract from the contract an abberation of a philosphers crude. 

Shooting Goliaths forehead for a white ship and Davids slingchute. 

Bit by bit our illusion become reality, making the past present the King! 

Contrast of the sharpness of wordy expression, some politically omitted 

some correct remarks on Honore de Balzac, for the Lillies in the Valley 

of Death, loved the hoarcrux of the moment too much. Viper vomited 

out the smothered virgin, it had previously drank, culled Sophia. Comitted 

to the spirit of Sheol, some conflicts went to war with the system. Scully 

Muldered some Kali-fornicated Superman overtures, transient in the Ralley 

to be the first President ever, who was either/or to Kierkegaard for Indomine. 

Insomnia Mundi, indomina pretendi, omnes gnosti molest aestii resurgii! 

The narrator hung over the rainbow, and whooped his own insanity hard; 

the cuckoo and the swinesong there riding a Black Swan to plot holes glee 

inside the portable realms of an Apogee, what failed to apologia Aknology. 

The Windows there wide open and the windowmaker crept into thy orchard. 

Farewell to alms and border control, people could not tell the tale, stalwart 

of the difference, whether ascending to Heaven or descending to Semper Fi!

Fox around and Whatabout

 Nietzsche -- The Meaning of Life

People trott on trespassed territory to trebushet; 

is it Tory or spelling inventory, through Melrose. 

Beverley was on Hills of Mogonda, trez bien cherie; 

Highlanders had claymore to say, on the jars of Prarie! 

Bonanza blew up some balloons and broke the Rose. 

Leondardo Da Vinci was edged in Mercury; sulfur prose; 

the salt must go on, as the sugar-monkeys daddy-ochu. 

Who is more old Fox than hard knox on Knockturn alley-

lie-lee? The Leylines had to give some mischief and grief. 

I missed the chef's kiss, due to my french, amiss the lackey; 

shot sheriff, vodka on the rocks and one handed bars, hacking 

the inner meaning of surreal beaming the elements of belief -- 

the strongest meta in the Multiverse. The L was lost in the W! 

I had to carry it over my entrance, to Transe Le Manse volley. 

The Umbridged version of an Umbrella corporation zombied 

some prohibitted positions for a hostile take on the partition 

unit. NPC or Highway. Btw, the toll for the trollbridge aplied: 

on the three-quarter of the noon, then the moon is full, campy 

on the next cancered Spiderman, who batted an eye on Pokemon. 

It was ruled too Pedophonic to understand young oldsters Mom, 

who had too many white russians go dark matter jobbing hazmath. 

What about the ulterior motives of Deus ex Machina in Deus Mors; 

then Nature strikes again, Urtear put it on ice, and died on a top. 

Gray Fullbuster still mourned her descent into Heroine sanctity. Remorse 

the worsed drug in known history, breaking skulldugger and bonescythe!

The immersion was also heartbroken about the outcome, Dare Deviled, hop 

the shop was opened, under the low hanging fruit, what could have grossed 

Sayori out of it, made her the new Metoo Saint of SAO meh Cringe Absinthe!

Vacuum Cleaver

 The Natural order of Money -- Jordan Peterson

Suck it up, the dirt and fucks, people vat 

cum for breadcrumbs, as Krum Victors 

on the witches broom, vacuum must rat; 

making it clean again, that dirty rugmat. 

As butchers hurl their cleavers, clitoris 

are becoming moist, critically hit Vitores 

churning into outrage, lost translation scat! 

When nothing is become, Nihil, must give; 

grieve on the cleave, of Stevens Universal. 

Who got more stoned, Gomer vs Argive, 

as the black horses rued the world -- hive 

inside my mind, you there always the reversal 

of Fiat trance late for work, but too soon gall! 

As familiar spirits there accused in court Live. 

To succubus or not to succubus, that's the Zion; 

as the Lion oakmonted on the Market, lazy asses 

oscilated on their tatami: "Let someone else cry on 

the rivers of Deep Purple!" Leaving the plaid on 

Scott free, no price is so redeemed to be its own masses! 

Plead guilty on the carcasses, the catwalk had caches 

of mana, what nobody burried alive nor killed on trial!! 

Bully me some buggies, as the bogeyman boogied in Ham; 

the Burg had to urg on the orkish cave-rave, save the Tram. 

"Oh no, the germans are coming!" The tomatoes rolled spam; 

enroll in the next Mayhem University, to ree-duplate. The scam 

of selling the Rainbow bridge of Asgard for a smudgeon ram... 

That Dodge Viper, was lodged into the Whomping Willow - Wham! 

The Gangbang still rang true on motherboard, awareness jammed. 

The Forever Knights high fived Ben Ten and Ned Stark; smelting 

a new Iron Man suit, what built an axe playing Feux Follets Liszt! 

The Vacuum imploded on itself, creating Tohuvabohu's New-Altings. 

Stalin dialed in, seventeen Spring moments, what made farthing 

less of a sence, than burning insence to commemorate the jist 

of it. The nitty gritty DeWitt had to paint it black, numbers enlisted 

greenrooms-miles, what didn't fare well, to parcel Rome for nothing. 

I wanted to write a poem, but it didn't leave my conscience clean. 

Aggrieved, of the aggrevated assault, of my thoughts contempt; 

I confessed to the next genius loci, to hearthe my heart and steam. 

The Punk soul, found solace in Soli Deo Gracia, Silencio te Deum! 

The void was a better friend, than the booth, I tried to nurture, exempt 

from reason reality. Despaired in my pair of three-legged Kampf;  

the camphor had some Amber Bushes to whack, I heard it Self-Esteem.

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Why I didn't become a School-shooter nor a suicide Terrorist.

 Jordan Peterson -- 10 Brutal Truths of Life 

Judging from my motivational writing and poetry, people have mistaken me as a positive character, coming from a healthy setting, having no trouble or chance of failure in his mind. That is the problem with society, that then you seem to reasonably make it, and not be a bother, then you're always meant to do that. As opposed to the previous narratives, I saw, while growing up, what spelled doom and gloom for me. Now it seems, as though they never even existed. 

I started really low, coming from a single mother family. It was good, that her father accepted us, in his appartment, but it didn't stop the moral judgment, of me being a bastard -- being born outside of marriage and ruining her scholarship at the age of 19. Just because my father would not accept responcibility, and would keep drinking with his buddies, until divorce hit in. Two years of bitter marriage in the gutter. 

Back then I grew up, I learned to despise moral zealoths, who take the moral high-ground, to judge single moms or other strugling people, because they there failing to this or that moral principle, what you could have managed, if you understood the faultlines correctly. But instead of offering help, they always offered judgment first. I was full of bitterness and resentful towards the world, because even the Bible told me so, that I was not welcome. How do you deal with yourself, then you're named Christian, but are offered no education to further that name nor a vantage point to approach it positively. You read the Bible, that you need to adhere to sertain rules, but tough shit, you there born outside, first you need to verify your birth! I lacked the language skills to dig deeper into the scripture, which I didn't understand, and which on face value told me to fuck right off... 

So what made the difference, to fall in love with Christ and Christianity, then my first impression was so negative. The first reason was, that it was fun playing around inside a church, without being condemned for it. It gave me an inner calm, and it felt great. My mother couldn't afford a nanny on that Sunday, so she brought me to church to hear the Sermon, and I played under the chairs. I guess the congregation was having a laugh, but it was cool, that I was allowed to be that way. Just playing around, not understanding a thing, what was going on. The second experience, then I was older and attended Sunday School already, in a different church. I believe I was six. Anyway, that church was Ivy League, way over my head. All of them academics and parcing either Greek; Hebrew; or something else. Its like going to enter Silicon Valley for the first time -- and be treated like you're equal, like you belonged there. It was such a cultural shock to me, considering how I was treated on average. It made me try harder with my scholarship, although, my father was a drop out, and had to force himself through evening school, because his girlfriend, my mom, was nagging him. Because I wanted to belong into this posh church, filled with creme de la creme, of what the Baptist society had to offer in Tartu. I couldn't write a readers diary, without copy-paste, which was my understanding back then, I entered grades 1-3. I was a late bloomer. Memorizing poems came hard and brought me to tears. I had to cry myself to sleep, memorising those pesky stansas with my mom or grand-mom, who worked at Tartu Univercity rewriting and deciphring old manuscripts for preservation. They gave me the love for literature and writing, though I was really hard case. I mostly liked to doze off in class, like Shikamaru. I really hated poetry and any classes, what involved themselves with grammar, or spelling. It was the horror. Math was another thing for me, which didn't agree. But because I was treated better, than I expected at this Ivy League church, I suffered it through, and tried to comprehend, what are they seeing, what I am not seeing. At the age of 13 I started considering suicide. It was petty reasons, but back then it seemed so important. I was constantly mad at everything, and not being able to follow through with the Christian moral code. It sucked growing up next to a younger brother who was mentally handicapped, forcing me to grow up sooner, because of being the elder brother, so I could take responcibility. Also my little brother outgrew me, so I had to wear his old clothes, which was unforgivable, not to mention getting the bail outs, thenever he did something, due to handicap. Also at that time I learned, how toxic forgiveness can be, if its misguided. For instance, my little brother was handicapped. Due to that he was never expected any great feats. That was my faculty. At first he tried to get attention, but eventually he gave up, because why even try, then you can only do mischief, and nobody really expect anything from you. Also, just that people expect great things from you. Then I was growing up, there was a end of days craze going on, followed with a Indigo madness. I believe the world needed to end at least three times, then I attended school from 1-9 grade. Of course the world did end for me, because the Soviet Union collapsed, so it wasn't entirely incorrect, just the powerscaling was off. The point is, due to me being born on that date, it gave me annoying attention from the wrong kind of people, who can inflate expectations about your gifted son, just buy this and that lecture about our studies -- and then you're on your own to troubleshoot, because none of those indigo clerics will take responcibility, then something goes south in your life. They just really good at gossiping at the sidelines, and then let somebody else do it. Plus you have to pay for it, in order to figure out, what happens next. Its a good thing, stuff was cheap back then, but still. Eventually you're on your own with 20 new manaburns and 50 new other traits and expressions, which you dind't comprehend and now have to mind. 

It was a good thing, my Sunday School involved physical contact sports, to be mindful of the boys, which there at majority there, so before listening, we would get the pent up energies out. I could just let the rage out and start my Mondays from a fresh sheet. I really loved it. Plus I got lot to know about scripture, to figure out, that there was a way to Christ for a Bastard. You just have to give your prior life up and accept Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour and God. If it works for drug addicts and drunkards, it should work for my kind as well. I also learned, that everything illegitimate belongs to God. That includes cutting yourself, or being offerd to a deity. For I didn't like being called Kristjan by my stupid grandmother, who didn't attend church, out of fear, the locks would change or the appartment burn down, because my grandfather don't aprove the faith! I constantly lived in fear, that somewhere an angel of God would come, and oneshot me like Dagon in his Court... I also was afraid that the bagmen would abduct me from the streets, or a white van would park at our door, because back then you could disappear for research, if your genes there intricate. But lucky for me the Soviet Union collapsed, so that venue was closed. I constantly had nightmares as a child, there a vortex of energy tried to swallow me up, or a black hole, located in my room. After I started walking with Christ, it lost its power over me, and I didn't have to run away anymore, and eventually it didn't took place anymore. The same was with my stomache aches. My mother has also those migranes, there her head makes her bedridden for the entire day. I don't understand, why it wont better for her, because she's also a baptized Christian, It worked wonders for me. After being baptized the stomache aches just stopped. Before that, it felt like somebody would twirl my guts like spagetti with a fork. And it kept on coming, not to mention my anorectic looks and hygene problems; inconfidense, which didn't make it easy making friends. Or my goofy girly mannerisms then talking. 

I had plenty of reasons to shoot my entire classroom, for not understanding me. Hell even I didn't understand myself and the feelings inside. Thankfully I dind't have access to a gun, and I kept going to this Ivy League church, I also attended the first church Sunday school, because I didn't wanna miss out on friends I made there, but they went to different churches. Eventually it was thwarted by adults moving the timelines such a way, you could not attend both on time, which sucked but Christians have always been territorial on, who gets the soul. Like we're not one in Christ. But that's neither here nor there. Because I had something meaningful to do, and mess up. Because many things didn't go perfectly. Some spiritual things I had to learn by failure, but how nice it fealt, that I had a space to do so. And it didn't make the adults hate my guts. That was the best part. Many people know this woke attitude, there you make one mistake and you're cancelled, and never get another chance. I never fealt, like I had to hide myself in that Ivy League church, although it went way over my head. Eventually I even started grasping the existencialism and philosophies behind the sermons. I also followed it through in  my prayer life, asking for more wisdom and discernment as much as I could. Whenever it came up, Jesus looked me in a funny way, and said: "You fool, you should have asked for something else!" I still don't get it, what was so wrong about asking for wisdom and discernment. I wanted to fit in, though it felt like trying to musckle a zealoth build into a Paladin Tank. Either the armour is too thick and big; too heavy, or you are too smoll, to fill it. The stats just would not match. I had it really hard, to find the White Knight in me, coming from my setting. 

If I hadn't attended theology studies -- because at that time, then people go to their mandatory duties as soldier, I had a nasty fight with my mother, whom I deeply admire and respect, considering how much she had to sacrifize in order to raise me. But she didn't approve of the army! Mainly, she didn't believe in me, that I would make it. Truth be told, I did look like the light version of MacGyver, with a pinch of that woke safe space face, what people know to hate. There was plenty of reasons to not believe in me. It still hurt. If I hadn't managed to get into theology, luckily my IQ was 147 and PQ 161 also my church vetted me, I would have turned out a terrorist, because teens like me, there actively sought after, who had nothing to do with their lives. And my grades there mostly average. I did excell at Philosophy and Literature, because I worked really hard on those, but mostly I was average at everything else. At the first year of my theology studies I read Nietzsches "Thus spoke Zarathustra" along with Ain Kalmus "Prohvet" and some other Christian literature, and at the end of the year accepted my faith and got baptized. The year was 2003. The reason was to disprove Nietzche, who was sold to me as the Antichrist. The more I read his book, the more I had to agree with his criticism, and eventually it made me choose Jesus as my Lord and Saviour. Shocking right? Normally people see Nietzche as the antagonist, not as any help for a Christian. Especially in Estonia, then people hate the sentence, "God is Dead!" It gave me new hope, because it translated my anxiety and depression into comprehencive speech. Suddenly I wasn't alone with my questions, like their off place and ill advised. I could see the difference of the concept of God and the Real God. That people could follow up with a tradition, rather the entity behind. -- Let it be told, I never cried, then I found out that the Lerprechauns are not real, who bring candy in Estonia, to childrens slippers, nor Santa Clause. I even learned, how this legend in Catholicism came to pass. Coming from a Soviet setting, I was used to adults lying to me. It happened all the time on newspaper and media. It was just another layer of society, there you asked somebody to sit down, while expecting them to sit on the chair. Or shake hands. Its sad that our new Society, which was meant to mend and better the old, has devolved to the same old. I guess you can't fail the classics. 

Anyway. Since Zarathustra could exist, my God, also known the Father; Son and the Holy Ghost must therefore exist. Its no point in trying to science up this explain. It just had to work for me emotionally. How sad and disappointing it was for me, then studying theology, to find out, that most academics, who write books, don't believe in God, while claiming to be Christian! There was too much Hegel and Marx in theology, mostly Schleiermacher and Eduard Lohse, who can't find Jesus in the bible because they need to suck up to their science friends, to look like scientists and scholars. They taught the woke this annoying theme, of virtue signaling. Because all the evidence is linked back to a church or tradition, they threw everyting out, concluding, due the opposition never claiming the claims of the Bible, therefore Jesus never existed as a real person in the course of History. It blew my mind. I came there, to give my life up, to become a Pastor, and I got a treatise of "There's no spoon!" Hell, my pastor, who burnt out, because of issues at church, paid half my tuition, because I showed that much promise, and then those shenanigans. I just wanted to punch my foot up the teachers ass and the shoe out of his damn mouth! I was beyond pissed. Thus I did it back and became a Christian Communist, botching my education. I just tossed everything out of Communism, what did'nt agree with Jesus being the Boss, just as I saw the scholars doing to God inside theology! For two can play this game. -- I also became a security officer, though my intellect would have allowed me to gather those points and make those essays, but I just had to blow my stack, due to this hissy fit over too much Hegel and Marx in Theology! If I had played ball, I would be a Philosophy or Theology Professor now, but without a moral compass. I would be exactly like Vaush, whos only criteria is how to win the argument -- not even the game, but the argument!! For if your nihilism dost agree with my evidence, why should I accept your narrative? I can also float like God over the Aether, then nothing has yet been created to Tohuvabohu!! 

If misappropriation is the meta, lets do it. And that's how you get a Christian Communist in a Republican setting. Halleluyah, have a nice day! <3 ^^ UWU 

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Meditations of a troubled mind

 The day you die, is the time, you truly start living. The time you stop, is the time your reputation begins. Nobody eats his bread in the oven, but then its taken out and handed over. People learn in the West to be successful and to have a purpose in Life. What is the purpose of sunlight grazing over the motionless pool of water at noon. People hurry, because they cannot see, how to be proud and noticed by their Senpai and people. Throw that away, and you move farther than the shadows of the mobsters, who try to look cool and different. Sometimes the most special thing to do, is not to act special but average and natural. We are stringed together through our hopes and despair, what we love and loathe. A Wise man controls both his Anger and Ambition, guiding his dreams into the right states of mind and vessels of opportunity. Sometimes your path is to be the first generation of building a Cathedral, your own eyes cannot see finished. Never stop believing in your destiny and worth, because nobody else is there to give account on its whereabouts. People are like shrewd merchants, who only tell you, what you want to buy, not what they got to offer. Whether its the truth or not, is irrelevant to that question. If you want something, make it want you more. Luck is for those, who look interesting, not for those, who need it the most. Sometimes you have to be the heartless pillager, to get the fruits you never desired, from the sacred garden, you never ransacked. Be happy then people get in your way, that means, your feet have a path to go; be happy then people slander your words, that means they hold true measure and weight. Only a Harlot is loved mutually, for everybody wants to stick their dicks in it, even the eunuch in his wet dreams. Learn to die every day, so you would live on in your deeds. Die every time, you open your mouth to speak; write every thought you utter with your blood and soul. Only then you'll be worthy of mention and no sooner. People forget to live, because they take meticulous care, in evading responcibility and blame. "It's not my fault, not my fault!" is the anthem of the coward, being afraid to be wrong, he never tries anything new, nor casting a shadow to anybodies way or doorstep. Why should the traveled path leave you to the best places, to pick wild strawberries? Find your own way in the forest to your mushroom grove! Don't tell others, how to live their lives, if you cannot walk a single step, without being upset over something; nor accept advice from people, who always need to explain themselves, how their right but misunderstood. A Wolf never needs to show his ID to the farmer then its his time to take. Nor does the snake ask, then is pernitted time to hiss and bite. Humans create these out of boredom and idle hybris, but nature flows on its own, never giving a damn, what this or that scholar has to say. Your wisdom should be as invisible as nature, everybody stumbles inside, never noticing its true marvel and beauty!! Still it gets everything done, without reckognition or need to be affirmed. That is called inevitable, then people cannot know, what you're striving for, to the point, your as dull as Songoku and formless as a gust of wind. True wisdom has the appearance, as though someone else has already spoken so... If it looks too much like your words, perhaps its not entirely eternal and everlasting, to be called Wise. Why would a Wise man even mean something, then he has accomplished all and moved on under his lemontree?

Monday, February 6, 2023

How to sell your soul?

Jordan Peterson "Women; Pornography and Sadism"

Selling your soul, is a controversial topic for a Christian Baptist. The point is, to give people awareness and understanding, what it means, to commit to a motion. To accept some forms of beliefs or workmanship. Whenever you do something, you sell yourelf to do it, because you execute your time and effort in having that. Do something long enough, and you get rooted in those traits and habits. However, some deeds have been viewed as so corruptive, that touching with it, makes you unable to walk away. Using drugs; or doing crime/ joining a gang; being abusive in your relationships and social life. For that reason, has this kind of interaction been viewed as selling yourself on the open market, and not to anybody in particular, but to darkness or to the devil in person. Why is it important? Let us assume, you never went to crossroads to meet Old Nick etc. You never done Magic. You're the poster boy/girl of legalist action, and everybody looks up for you. You hold a title and position in the society, and everything is going for you. But you can still go to Hell, or be emotionally unsatisfied, because its not really worth awhile, when you haven't broken a sweat, to hold on to your fame and fortune. There is a reason, why people cheat, which is not to commend it, but it springs from not feeling alive and connected with your accomplishments. Gamers experience this kind of burn out, there you have completed the game, and there is nothing to achieve. You can try mods, but that dost really help. Then people tend to burn down the house and try some other game at the best times, but at worst, start ruining the experience for the other gamers as well. 

That's the place, where trolling comes, why it is said: "Money is the source of Evil!" If you have more value, than is needy to keep your alive and your perceived future, you will loose the awe and respect towards the future, and start trambling on your honey. Its also the reason, why many well meaning Christians, lament at churches, how they would deliver their spiritual life under hardship, while its not entirely correct and selfish/cowardly to say. Because, what you don't do under your current effect, you wont do, then your life turns better or worse. In the end, You have to decide, do you want to step up and open yourself to failure, in order to gain the probable boon; or do you keep status quo. Most people let someone else do it, otherwise we wouldn't have the concept of Tricksters and Heroes. Also of Villains and Tyrants. You can sell your soul by doing nothing, although it is not seen that way. You are selling it to cowardice and inaction. The Bible is full of passages, which talk about lions on the market, who might devour you, if you go out of your house into the hostile realm! Tough shit. Either you sell your soul for God -- because becoming a Christian means, being possessed by the Holy Spirit, in order to live in accordance to the Sermon of the Mount; just as Jesus was tossed by the Holy Spirit into the desert, not went there on his own volution. -- Or if you leave yourself out of it, you get possessed by Chaos and Oblivion. 

If you have a different religion, you don't have to listen to me, but what you have learned. Everybody needs a system of values, what comes into action, when your individual life doesn't give, be it the Narrative of Superman, taught by Nietzsche. You still have to believe it, to be valid and available for pursuit. Whenever you do something, or leave undone; say or remain silent about something, you sell yourself to a notion and meaning. Never forget that. You always do, even if you don't! Sometimes our don't speaks more volumes than our do's. It's not said in vain: "A picture tells more than a thousand words!" If you think yourself enlightened and cosmpolitan; worthy to float over the people, like the Spirit of God, but then a meme destroys your reputation and peace of mind, then you're not Wise! You are as good as a drunkard, who starts ranting, falling under the table. The more you censor and usher for the old ways; northern lights and morals, the more becomes self-evident, you don't care at all, what morals people have or you. Otherwise you would correct your mistake, not go after the boys/girls, who call the emperor nude!! Since people want to lead, but not correct their lives, we can see censorship and tyranny along with fighting fascism, while administering fascism in an Umbridge/Skeeter/Lockheart manner. Scisofrenia and Dementia are a symptom, just like overly allergic people, who cannot tolerate gluten or lactose or germs etc. of not wanting to take responcibility of your life and go out in the world. It is easy to hide away, if you can excuse yourself of your ailment. I love how the now infamous act of Tyrion Lannister (Peter Dincklage) about being a dwarf forced him to study, because in a poor family he would have been cast to the rocks. There is no argument, then you need to take action. Argument springs from idle hands, because you're in abundance. But don't worry, God has heard your prayers, and Winter is already here. You shall have hardship and plenty of it!! Those, who do good, do more; those who do evil, become more corrupted and callous... To everybody, in accordance, to what they have sown in their hearts. What's that? It's not fair and Christian, to make people pay for their inaction or poor decisions? Cry me a river! Its just your luck! Those, who saw the branch, they are sitting on, shall fall and those, who drill the boat for oil on the vast sea, shall sink! If you don't like it, then stop your way of life and learn to love thy neighbour like you do You -- how about them potatoes! Have a nice day! <3

Friday, February 3, 2023

The Solomon Problem

 Jordan Peterson and Daniel Higgins

People don't understand the passage, Jesus is giving us, which get overused extencively: "What good is it for Man, if he gained the World, but lost his Soul? For Whoever wants to save his life, will loose it; whoever looses his life for my sake, will inherit it!" Mat 16:26,25; Mark 8:36; "If I spoke in the tongues of men and of Angels, but with no love, I would be like a ringing gong; as a clanging cymban!" 1Cor 13:1 (Though the latter was said by St. Paul, He also had the Holy Spirit and was one with God!) 

Solomon was a wise man, he was called Jedidja, for being born outside of marriage, because King David fornicated with Uriah the Hetites wife, and the firstborn had to die due to that. Because Jedidja was so low and humble, he could pray to Yahveh Sebaot, and be heard, even impress God with his such prayer. Because he prayed for wisdom to lead, not for his enemies soul and wealth to obtain his goals. He had a wise man to teach him the Way, but once he had obtained everything Yahveh Sebaot bestowed upon him, he became disgruntled. For while it is nice to be on the receiving end of a blessing, its not so nice to live in that blessing and learn to let it go. Just read the book of Solomon, also known as Ecclesiastes. In Estonian it was called Koguja (Gatherer; collector) from the word qohelet -- Preacher. It is widely dismissed as dark and gloomy teaching, of how wisdom begets nothing and is just a drag. But that is only on base value. Because we think with our Ego, not with our humility. You don't have wisdom for yourself, like an axe is not for itself. Its exactly this dull and that sharp as the work, its user wishes to do. For carpenters, you need it sharper, for chopping and executions you need it duller. How painful to watch, then somebody brings its sharp blade to butcher and its dull blade to make a chair. Such a pity and a waste of good material! Then Solomon realised, that Wisdom is good for nothing, for a King dost always use it, but also other faculties, he became to lust for his concubines more, until he forsook the ways of Yahveh, to follow sickly sweet and obnoxious gods, who offered more ways. Just as you take in with your mouth, you have to let go with your dick and ass! Nothing stays with you forever. The same is true in the chakra system. Then you stretch your bow, eventually you let go of the arrow, or break the bow! There is no other way around. Solomon didn't understand that, for he only learned, how to receive, but not how to be thankful and let go. You do better and learn! Why do people raise their frequency, then you also need to lower it. God lowered His frequency, do put the Holy Spirit on top of a 14 year old virgin, causing lots of social distress to her family, so Jesus could be born. All the children of same age in that region got killed, then the ruling king sought the life of this Massiah, but could't find it! Then you're on the path of Enlightenment, please be aware, you're not only walking by day, in the Light, you also walking by night, in darkness. Just because you are kind and do no wrong doesn't make your dick go away and your ability to rape! Or your hand grow weak, because you're merciful, what if you want to lift a really heavy bag, but you made yourself harmless! What good would be that? Just because you have sugar in your house, dost not mean, you always put sugar in everything. You have that option. The same is with your rights and wisdoms. Just because you have some privilege, dost not mean you have to always in absolutes utilise it. That is my most firm criticism towards feminism and wokeness. For they are too much Solomon. They can only receive, but not give out! Whenever there is a right, it has to always be consumed! Then there is a walk for pedestrians, they have to absolutely take the living shit out of it -- even if a pickup truck with no breaks would chase towards their green coridor, they would still Karen in front, because they are right! A normal person would wait until the truck would pass through and use their right, but not the woke. They need it Now! Because its Their Right! That is the reason, why times of darkness will come, or times of Femininity, then women are forced to accept their feelings and difference of Masculinity. I believe, people call that time, the Aquarian era, or something really special. The Jews had also something like that. It was called: "Waiting for the Day of Yahveh!" and the prophet told them so: Amos 5:18 "Woe to you, who seek the Day of Yahveh, what is it to you, but darkness not light!" Because you hate the Woman, and her needs and place in this World, God hates you! There will be no good tidings for you, woke people, unless you put a burka on! There will be no snowflakes in Hell, what will be made for Doomguys. Only the strong shall survive and have seven wives each. Isa 4:1 because you hate women, while preaching Feminism. The more you preach, the less I believe and trust you. Would you love somebody, who claims, that you only exist to torment and wrong her, while granting you only servitude and shame? Would you be able to smile to a face and mouth, what only offers you spit? Yet that is exactly, what the terms: "Toxic Masculinity" "Institutonalised Oppression" "Internalised Guilt" and others manifest. Why should men accept such a tab, then they can only loose and never win? Because women only receive, but never give! Do people even know, what it means to be feminine? To listen and understand first, and then take action. To affirm and encourage, like did Katara in Avatar: The Last Airbender, because people think, they should only win like Avatar Korra never seeing her failures and costs of such lifestile. They never sit down cripled, then Korra had lost her bending. That is not empowering enough! They never let go... thus you have depression and anxiety, for not letting go of your mental fatigues and shit! You always want to be woke, never taking a Sabbath day. Try staying up for 3 days and see what it does to you. Just as our bodies need rest, our minds and spirituality needs rest as well. For every Masculine practice what affirms the Sun, you also need to do a Feminine Practice, which affirms the Moon. It is funny and sad to see, how people have not yet grasped, why the Nazi Svastika did not work. It did, but not in a way, what was expected. You cannot indefinitely live in the desert, unless you want to leave your bones there! Eventually you have to come back to your every day life and humble yourself. Zarathustra also came down from his high mountain. Why do you study your thing, if its only good for You, but dost make you a servant of a servant, an underworker like a security officer is? All I hear is, "Me, Me, Me!" "My Enlightenment!" "My Title!" "My Knowledge!" "My Conviction" "My God!" Can you pass it around like water, or like the Sun and the Moon and the Stars do with Light? No I alone have grasped it, like Balkan in the Ninth Gate, killing a woman over a book, and buning/poisoning himself to death, because it had a flaw in it!! How can you trust yourself, not being misled? Where does such confidence rise, then people look down from their high horse; tower or Mountain. What a sad lonely man, who brings his proud steed, on top of his Ivory tower, on the highest Mountain!! Who shall see him there and take notice of his wits  splendor? You need to be like shit, so you could be put on the field and be made use of. That is True Wisdom, like the Life of many Holymen and of Jesus!! When was the last time, you there like water, and allowed others to make coffee and tea out of you? How much did you charge and how much did you judge! What does water in your mug say to you, then you use it? See that difference and learn it! That is the reason, your journey always fail, and your prayers go unanswered. You only receive and consume, but you don't give! James 4:3 Halleluyah, Godspeed!