Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Being a Man and learning to be a Man



We're overwhelmed of selfhelp studies; videos and motivationals. While we run amock for the greener pastures, many forget one ground rule, what Bruce Lee summed up with the saying: "I don't fear the Man, who does a thousand tehniques but once, I fear that Man, who does one tehnique a thousand times!" The reason why we are weak and brittle is because of the Rainbow strategy -- because we want to do Everything while being One with Nothing. You can't at the same time learn and be what you learn. In your youth you should learn through silence and obedience from your peers, then that time is done, you should get on your way and hustle!! One way, how to rob you of your Pride and Reward, is to perpetuate the studies. Following Solomon is a nice thing, because it has so much to give, but also to warn, because in the latter days, Solomon decided to become a simp and listen to his concubines, rather that wisdom, He got from God!! Don't bring foreign culture and habits close to your heart, if it doesn't compute with Your Way -- even if it forces you to sleep on the couch... There is nothing cute about lying to yourself and domesticating yourself into a safe version. Nobody falls in love in a safe Superman nor takes it serious -- no Lex Luther nor Louis Lane!! Its your dangerous side, what gives, but our culture has made us believe, then we are gentle it answers all, forgetting, those gentle giants in the course of history, could have mustered a lot of fierce energy and retribution, if the time and situation required it. For that reason, I have seen pimps and gangsters more Man, than the bitches and sluts, the government and society teaches!! Then I studied chess, I noticed this fenomenon, that only then you lost, people cheered your ability to play; while then they lost, they gnashed their tooth and said nothing about You. There is a time to cheer others and yourself on, and a time, then you shut up and stand up to make your days count. We are mostly taught to give and receive praise; like the cheerleaders or women, who bow, then the faitful knights go to the fray. We are not taught, how to be that Knight, who looses his life, trying to recapture Osgiliath, we're that hobbit, who sings, while the slaughter happens, and while the lords feast and gorge, tormented by their nightmares, what propel them to inaction. Where are you! Are you a Man, or are you perpetually studying the Man, and how to be a Man, until the glare and warmth of your Youth has left your eyes and your bones? Where's your Stand and What's your Say! Godspeed!! 

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