Saturday, October 8, 2022

Moral ambiguity

 Why is it, that people have such a one dimensional mindset on being good? You don't live in a world, the sun always shines. First you have day and then you have night; some people are active at one time and then they need to rest and others at different times. To say that you always need to act out in a certain way, is the dog logic of Morals. When someone asks you, if your father was drunk today as yesterday, your obligation is to lie, not tell the truth, because someone is trying to shame him, while not provide any necessary feedback and tools, how to combat that. At the same time, if you can suggest the drunk better activities and he agrees they are good and possible, the same shame tactics become viable. Context matters very much. The same thing can mean a great difference, depending on the context. Children should have no lip, because they still learning the ropes how to even behave and understand this world, while some kind of ability to selfcritisize and panther is must have for adults. Estonians even have this word called JONN, which translates making a hissyfit or having a tantrum, which is bad, if a child does it, but a man who fights for his political or economical rights is regarded with respect, especially if he prevails over the big dog, while also being the underdog. People should have freedom of speech, but solders; policeofficers and security should not take a lip on what they think about clients and people, because it could damage the environment there they are working and others are trying to run a business. Different people have different morals, based on what and who they are. Not understanding that is like whipping your gas car because it stopped running on diesel. 

I will never understand people, who tell corporeal punishment to fuck off, because of the temporal damage, it causes, compared to the permanent damage of cheating and not controlling your emotions can have on your life and environment. Humans are like programmable bodymasses; the more you act in a certain way, the more habits you create, which is the reason addictions and bad habits are so hard to compete. Or others, who can marry themselves or do whatever they want to just fuck with the culture and appear, as though they have no sense of shame. It does not show that you are bold and cool; ti shows, you failed to learn how dangerous a warped mindset can be. You can always open the can of worms and invite somehting inside your mind and life, but getting it out of there is another matter. Its like dating with an abusive individual, who in words puts you in a pedestal, but in actions cuts off all interaction with you, what doesn't target him first. Just because a person says nice things, does not mean, he has good intentions. Just because someone yells at you, or gives you a long tirade, does not mean, he hates your guts. He might actually have your best intrests in mind. 

The people, who can deny themselves stuff, what is legal, to have a better experience and taste of life and the thing, are mostly regarded with more respect, than people, who always need to do something, because its a sort of habbit or addiction. Also, people, who can force themselves to do things, what nobody else wants, but is necessary for the community, are mutually loved,.such as fecalists or people who clean the forest retreats. Morality is never do X and you get Y; it might be much more complex like playing a trading card game, there some kind of hidden effect could surface or an unexpected occurance. Depending on the culture, some respect if you take care of the elderly and handicapped, others view it as weakness, whatever the deal, people usually like to know in advance, what the meta and rules are to participate in, not that they change on the go. Today regenerate was only once per turn; tomorrow whenever you can spend its cost. People don't like that sort of things. 

Just as people need to be good and feed the white wolf so to speak, people also need to be selfish and think of themselves, to avoid burnouts or giving out too many promises, what could lead to having to go back on your words, which is a bad thing, also not to forget, if you are like Kalevipoeg and vow to sell your fathers book of wisdom to the german merchant, it is wise to go back on  that one, because the respect you loose in honouring such a bad trade, is greater than the upheld mans word. You can admit, you were'nt in full faculty of wits, when you made a certain deal, what is overwhelmingly stupid by mutual regard. You should honour your words and not give them out brazenly as though they have no backing but for the same reason, you should take them serious and not pursue a dead one. For the same reason the Italian Maffia regulates, which vendettas get implemented how and to what extent, because once you send a bullet its way, there is no turning back. You can't unkill somebody or undo the changes in environment, then you get your way in some situations. Demagogues and Pharisees, there'nt always stupid, they used to be well respected members of their society. Its their actions, what let them become the meme, they are now! Morality is not a powerword or drug, what always helps out. Sometimes the bully is right, because having to feed one mouth and desire is always better, than to have to feed a thousand, because its called Parliament! How something gets used, regards, how it gets respected. Don't blame the tool, for being misused, but the user and don't blame the user, if something was created flawed from the start. Normally the right way is the way that the fewest people want to tread, because it gives the least gratification and street cred. But it can also be the opposite. Things run in seasons and change in cicles. The people change come and go, but the world stays the same every millenia. 

While it is good, then you have a lot of young 20-35 men in your society, if you have too many it will bleed your society dry, because those kind tend to be the most hotheaded and argumentative, what solve their differences through fighting. It is good, then some men are Aunty and act out like they are feminine, but if its made a norm, it will disrupt the society, because women want to marry one, as much as a chad wants to fuck a crony limping chick with glasses and asthma. Tomboys are cute, but if women are only allowed to be Arya Stark or bust, then more women have to get over it for staying unmarried. I don't know a single man, who likes a leaking roof, which is the comparison for a nagging wife. You don't marry to have somebody play kindergarden teacher to you, but because you want to settle down and raise a family. At least I assume so. Overstressing or understressing Morals is like playing with asthma and hyperventilation. The results are the same. Youn surely get hyped but you also can go too far, and choke to death and negatively increment your life expectancy. You can actually anger a hole in your heart, if you let your blood boil excessively or the piss go in your head, suffer from dementia. Not all those things happen by accident, but because somebody, just like with a workout error and injury failed to mind their emotions how they are ordered and dissiplined. You wouldn't flash a katana sword around, because it might cut you, but people hurl emotional damage and words they don't care or understand around. Crying Wolf is a nice passtime activity, until you need help for an actual wolf. Because people feel so selfimportant social warriors, the latterday society will shame any kind of bravery and things regarding those topics, what are abused today. Teh future men and women will be like Loki and Beergynt. Just because you can only talk about certain topics so much. For instance old Estonians never talked about religion and elements of this world, because that could have invited ill tidings to your life. They never called everything by true name, without offering fielty first, because just like with a platnoy in jail, once you hurt somebody, it might be too late to say your sorry. Just because you managed to say sorry, it does not mean, its ok now. Different violations take different measure of time to be owned up, before people are able to move on. Some things can never be forgiven, like the razors in an apple, you give an elephant in the circus or abuse againsts children, even if you're a criminal. I have noticed, the more to the chaotic side people are, the more they respond violently, then you target children; while the more you are proclivited to order, you tend to have the same effect, then institutions are targeted. An institution is neither good nor evil, its just the superstructure of the people using it. Just because you make the institution go away, dost not mean, the thoughtpatterns what created it also will go away. Change the thoughts and the institutions change on their own. Harping on the moral train and forcing to everybody have a political say on it, is like the claim, that if you draw certain symbols on your gun or mallet, it makes it hit harder and shoot straight. It might give you confidence, but it borders on wishful thinking and autosugestion, not even magic, because that works like the authority of an officer. Just because a cop has a badge, he cannot barge in thtough any door or shoot at any person or bully them around. He has to fulfill a role, and then it gives him privilege, how well he represents that; magic is the same thing. Moral is the same thing. If you use morality properly you can have amasing feats. It can make a coundrel into a gentleman, or a cleric into an inquisitor and tyrant. Having lots of morals, is like wishing the sun would only bathe you or having none, like living in the cold void of outerspace. There is a fair ballance to everything. People tend to hate other people who are either one with nothing, or everything. Have you seen those on the playground, who are either too daft or too smart and therefore noone plays with them. People need relatability with you. If your morality is like playing an Eldrazi on turn one, then expect a Hulk on steroids to slam the kitchen sink at you. Its ok to not have the right answer and need other peoples council; while its not ok to be the educated helpless scrub, there you always shut down your brain and expect someone else to say and do it for you. Just be yourself, and learn what it means to be that guy, who knows itself and how to dissipline that self. Be your best self and have a nice day. 

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