Friday, October 28, 2022

For Game Devs

 I really hate it, that games have become political these days, and don't help a fucker to Nangijala to fight Evil Dengil and his men; but first he has to conviction check to prove he is not racist, I mean not too rightwing. And I thought the Inquisition was bad. So Anyway we should have like with Fearless Huo Yuanjia who restored the honour of China, that every time people start playing the game for the first time, they also accept the terms of this disclaimer: "I, the player, do solemnly swear, that I use this game to have fun, participate in its challenges and social discourse, not to rally and mastermind my own agenda and factional intrests. I will harbour fair play and treat everybody with honour and dignity, regardless of the shortcomings that player may possess outside of this game. I do solemnly swear to not be offended, then this game infringes on my socia;l political or religious beliefs and vow that I am able to take part, without legal reprecussions, and don't bring my rulebook into this realm, but respect the lore and rules as strictly for this use only and not to be converted in any other conversation or means outside of this gameplay experience" Because people wanna have fun, not Nanny 666 to check on them, if they have been naughty or nice in the real world and social media. If I want a Yandere experience I download DDLC and get it from Monika!! Thank you very much and have a nice day. End of transmission

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