Sunday, October 23, 2022

The Canary in the mime

 We are like canaries in the mime, when others play mute sideshows; 

we will in the Light -- to do away the darkness, and then we die. 

There is no oxygen but oxynorons in the high mountains -- and honeydew. 

"Hang in there!" said my Monika to my Sayori and cut Yuri to pieces; 

while Natsuki was starving of despair, fatherless and friendless... 

You don't love memes anymore, overdosing on bingefeeded Moetubes 

and interludes of hagios virtuoso omnis impotentes imposantes sempre salutant!!

Unfazed of the death of Romantic needs and urges in Yourself to grow up and 

a pair of sixpacks in your fridge -- in the fringes still sobbing about your lost 

childhood and tortured Peter Pan, whos heart you cut out, to never bleed again. 

But this is your encore, the Final cut, why not breed with the fat ladybug; 

for the night, there gales met their mountains, to let it rip and grind -- Canary in the Mime!!

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