Wednesday, October 26, 2022

The Criminal and the Coward

 Ready to Kill

Jacob was a grifter and stole his birthright from his older brother, making him into Edom, because he sold it for red soup. After that he had to make a run for it, then His borther sought his life for obvious reasons, and saw his vision, after which he vowed 20% of all he got to God, if he makes it out safe from this vision!! King Saul hid amongst the weapons, then he's name came up and made an offering he was not required, then the prophet was delayed by God, and thus got a wicked spirit to torment himself. Be that Criminal and not that Coward and you shall have no regrets, even in defeat you shall prevail!! A Criminal pays his due, to the society, for what he's done; a coward never stops paying, for what he didn't do!! Remember the lazy servant, who brought his talent back to the master, and excused himself, with the strictness and no mercy of his Lord, while not even giving it to the Bank!! Don't be that guy. Make your crime and do your time, and you shall have your Way of Life. Try to appease and reason your way out, and you shall forfeit everything, including your very soul. "Unless a kernel of wheet falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a seed; but if it dies, it bears much fruit!" John 12:24

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