Thursday, October 20, 2022

Why Pride becomes before the Fall.

 When addressing this topic, it has some real and some poetic discrepencies. The first point is obvious, the second, comes from the word Fall relying autumn not only descending into darkness. Bacause then Man nears its middle age and end of life, people tend to become more rigid in their beliefs to prove, that they got point and everything was not in vain. 

So why do Christians hate Pride so much, then it has actual positive traits in motivating people into positive action? Because then you're a little bit right and enorce it, you might become blind to the bigger picture, because you're too busy hammering all those nails, which stick out, in!! Pride is what takes discipline away, and makes us forget, that sometimes we need to loose, in order to grant our team or our cause the win. How many times have people found themselves neglecting this hard earned truth and killing it in the heat of the battle? (Battle-Mad Ronin flavour text MTG is still the most motivational thing to me, on this topic.) So many Christians have been laid to rest by God, because they forgat, that they are in it for the Gospel of God, not for the Gosped of insert your name. That they need to defeat Themselves and not Crucify Jesus Christ for the gazillioneth time!! For the same reasons lord Jesus Christ told us not to call people by their titles, going this radical, that he even denyed mother and father or teacher. Which was a big deal in Israel, who honoured and revered those titles the most! It was even told, that Ravens should pluck out any youth eyes, who disparaged or disrespected their parents.

 But sometimes, like Man, a Title can also become a false idol and take the place of the real thing, what is revered through it. Your worthy good deeds or gentle nature, can become a false god. You need to avoid Pride and resort to Humility, in order to keep a keen eye to the real course of action, not delude yourself into thinking, that every action is an Ad Hominem attack Against You and thus God, because if you serve God and fulfill His agenda, who dares to opppose it!! Many times Christians must turn the other cheek, then people spit at your Holy Fire, as the poet Puškin famously put it in his poetry. Turning the other cheek, dost not mean cowerdice and not wanting to retaliate, but deescalation in a situation there both sides have nuclear capabilities and the will the ability and experience to use it. But then you decide to war on Sabbath day, like the Macabites did, because its do or die, you have to go all the way, not revert back to your rights and privileges, then you get called out for it, or if your Gideon run dost not work. 

For those who don't understand Bible. Gideon run went like this. Gideon was asked by God to take a handful of soldiers, which God beforehand decreased through elaborate trials, to make sure, man cannot think this victory his. Those men there required and on the signal to throw down the lamps they had with them, take up the torch and the sword with them and go down the hill with a war cry. Then they did so, it was so unexpected, that it caused turmoil, there some enemies; retreated; another group offended by it, started killing them to reaffirm their pride and courage much like Russia insulted the mulsims in his ranks; and a third party mistook that action as being bought by the israelites and lashed back, which in turn made the punishers think, they had betrayed and joined sided with Israel or are simply put too scared and need to be taught a lesson. In all it was a total bloodbath there the enemy defeated itself, then it had only Pride and great nuimbers going for them, and something unexpected happened, what couldn't be deduced in the heat of the moment... 

Such things can happen with you, then its only your worthy skills and deeds; your discipline and your something else. Eventually you have to resign like Toph in the old years, who had been a Police commissioner. "The Criminals change, but the streets remain the same!" Don't think you are Gods Grace to Earth, the Rupture and Solution to all suffering. The Path to Hell is paved with good intentions and the sculls of well meaners and -doers,. who just wanted the right thing but out came as usual!! Lucifer Fell not because he was foul and lecerous, but because he was perfect and magnificent in all his paths and ways. The Pride of All Godly Might and Creation. He just couldn't suffer one thing -- the creation of Man. That is why he was called Lightbearer, much like Reuben who slept with his fathers concubine, Bilhah, which was not allowed. Gen 35:22 Notice the Master number about it, as the completion of all things, though not many Christians dabble in Numerology and such arts. Just because you're perfect, it menas, you're a blessing to every conversation and event. People know the saying: "You are fun at parties!" which means, you are a spoilsport. I have heard it many times on my person, because I related something from the bible and denied youths their usual. It can also mean, that you're too rigid to understand, that you are Satan (in the way) to not only other people and their path to Heaven but also to God Himself!! Because normally you should be behind God, like a woman is bound to follow her husband on the same path. We should follow Christ not lead with Christ, as though, He is our shield and sword, not like the opposite. Luther sang: "He shall hold us, like shield and sword!" remember that... 

What do shield and sword do? While they are great tools or fire; shields shatter and loose their shine; swords dull and break apart. Eventually they are neglected and put into the grave with the champions or on the wall as heirlooms and forgotten as the peasants forget how to use thme, in the times of peace. Such is the destiny and duty of a Servant ofGod, to be there in the hour of need, and then fuck right off, then the day was saved. And that brings us to the second part of this Sermon. The Fall or Evening of Man, which was best depicted in the Dusk Sammurai and in the character of Maito Guy. Not to be able to use neither ninjutsu (virtuous skills) nor genjutsu (deception) but his own brute strength and dicipline in martial arts. Its the core of zen and Eastern thinking and a theme what repeats itself, there little men fight stupid and mean giants and tall people. The truth is, the more Pride and Intellect you have, its like with an SUV or a monster Truck. You also need more space and gas and more service. It took four footpads to service a knight and get his armour on and him on the horse! Let that sink in...

 If you are highly intelligent, much as Mudahar in his Youtube community has stated -- you're like a handicapped person, because you don't like to be one with everything and average. You like to be the only tiger on the hill! Our Civilisation with its crazed fascination with Intellect; Pride and success, has gone so far, that people get depressed and loose all wits and ability to function -- because there is too much opportunity and chance to hone your skills and become the very best you are. Previously it was held in check with famine; plague and the pointless feuds of the feudal lords; also the lack of internet and ability to commune with everybody. Every lord got its manor -- it means, if you there even slightly more intelligent, like 105 to other peoples 95, you there at the very least a leutenant if not a captain lord or general, if not even a king. Now not even my 147 IQ and 161 PQ is enough to be that way. Hell my entire church was filled to the brim with Theologians, the creme de la creme of Tartu and Estonia, then it came to that topic and Christians, and it did nothing. Now our church is just a shadow of its former self, like the second temple made the elderly weep who had seen the glory of the first!! 

Pride becomes the Fall, if you loose it, or if you look back to your life, growing old. All of the sudden, you cannot take it anymore, that you don't have a finishing move, to leave a legacy to commemorate that you there here, and did something meaningful! Glimpsing at the void, even Mother Theresa started doubting in her diary if even God exists, because she did so much in her mission, like any other woman and Mother has ever done to babies in the shadow of abortion or the sick, who nobody wanted in Society!! In the end she was made a public spectacle by the Press, for the hot take, how a Christian lost her faith in her old days. That can happen, but the caravan must go on, even if the dogs are barking fucking around and tearing each-other apart!! Do you have that resolve, that you can glimpse Oblivion and still say, "This was the Life!", or will you flinch and say: "Not just yet, I have so much still...!"

 Nietzsche did say, that we should say, was this a life, but that wasn't one of his brightest hours. I suspect he used polemics there anyhow, because much of his teachings needed discernment and disagreement, not the agreefulness of a sheeple mind, who just wants to follow a great leader, but not to take responcibility for the actions, in that name. Pride is before the Fall, because it seems to negate consequence and paying your dues, because you have a higher calling!! How many times have Christians said that -- they are too good to fight for this world and country for its pointless wars -- while being a soldier and diplomat of Christ. How many times, have Christians asked the Elon Musks to fuck off, because it didn't advance their agenda and there was nothing in it for them. Always know, who you serve and never forget. You can be that sacrificial piece, regardless if queen or pawn -- that makes no difference, but Christ is your King. Never forget that!! And while you're turning old, an incel; living by your mother or helping out an old relative, having nothing on your credential. Rejoice, because Jesus loves you, and you're doing His work. Even He humbled Himself, then He was young, and submitted to His parents will, while being the Son of God, how small and insignificant is your entitlement compared to that, and how little is required to brittle your cool and make you stumble and fall. Rise up you men and women of Christ and be the best You, the World has ever seen! 

This motivational Sermon was brought to you by a perverted submissive furry brat who likes verbal punishment from women and listens to Satanic music and feminisation binaurals. God bless you and have a nice day. Halleluyah UWU 

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