Sunday, October 16, 2022

What is worth more, Art or Life

 Some children defaced a Van Gogh and Youtube disabled a video talking about that, because you shouldn't talk about that and think of the children. Clearly art is worth more than life, because in the old time, them a child pissed on the eternal fire, he got shot by the guard. There should be the death penalty for disrespectful conduct done by children like in the Old Testament there the Supreme Court gets to decide matters of this magnitude, there a brat defaces a masterpiece. And here I thought and learnd from school, then monks and Christian zealots ran rampart in the society and defaced churches because of iconoclasm or Organs in the Cathedral but true godly music is done by flute and drums!! -- I learned, that this was a bad thing, but now, then you're Captain Planet and spread the awareness of environmental change and love for mother Gayas, its all of the sudden a good thing, then you deface a painting of Van Gogh. Who ever taught this people at shcool should pay reparations to the museum and the director should loose office and have to apologize doing community service for allowing children to be used as agents of influence. If Youtube would think of the children and possible harm done unto them, he would allow debate, because people can also agree with said individuals and not disagree. Censorship kinda gives a clearcut insentive to assume, at least the disablers of the comment section of said video think, that the kids defacing the Van Gogh there wrong. You wouldn't do that, if the most of society would agree with them. 

Also book burning was a bad thing, but if you support Mother Gaya, you can do that, because the good intentions make it up and people will understand. Why wasn't that painting behind bulletproof glass, because its not the first time stuff like that happens. From now on, all green and environmental people are dead to me, because they are no better than mindless savages and troglodytes. Your mommy and daddy are surely proud of you, kids! You became the real rolemodels for your classmates indeed. How Stunning and Brave of you, throwing incense on the Altar of Shame!! Can the opposition burn down a forest the next time they want to spread awareness over their talkingpoints or an ancient offering mouint? Is this the kind of debateform we are lecturing for our future generations? Somebody once said, "Give me Freedom or give me Death!" -- I am pretty sure, art corresponds to a form of free expression, what got taken down by mentally deranged and estranged zealot brats -- think of the kids indeed, Thanks Youtube for being so stunning and brave!! People started loving the environment now then Winter is coming... who needs some pesky sunflowers on a painting, Who cares about Van Gogh -- think of the children! 

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