Friday, October 28, 2022

Repent by Mean

 On darkest hour, or blissfull sight; what's your mean; 

redeem your convictions, Peanuts'n'Beans spilt akimbo. 

Repent in mean spirits du sangre Unreal tournament lean; 

Manhole the deus ex Machinations; Femme fatale, Jean: 

For Domremy and gay scientist Hustlers, like a Virgil, in limbo.

Guiding Macchiavelli through Hell and back -- ears Dumbo; 

under which umbrella the next Persephone was born to be Dean! 

Repent by Mean and recite this holy anthem! Malice and Despair behold; 

while scholars and experts scold. Scorn the devils duely elected clappers... 

Its time to shine your Light into darkness, and know what you're been told! 

Forsake you name and title; abandon your hope and believe -- jump bold; 

over the rainbow, sevenfold curses, the cuckoos nest, King Ghidorah rappers; 

where Mothra bat her wings, to farewell to your Armstice and madhatters!! 

There is no rest for the weary, but more wicked stones for your second could-- 

Abyss is calling the curious cat, shall you raise the mistakes or blush coquette? 

glimpse back into the Void, who Nihil exauditi semper salutant voce conspecti! 

Walk your own path and sin gracefully, as your carry your Cross to Corvette, 

driving Canossa out of the building and deer licked salt pantomines regrets... 

Repent by Mean, nobel Windmill Warrior, for Don Quichotte salutes your Bet! 

Machete is the new Sancho, and Pink Panther the new favourite black crayon-T; 

too scandalous and viral to be left without Wilkenson dualwields and Axe B.I. 

(Basic Instinct) 

Can't touch this hot carbage fire , its raining cabbages and Brussel Sprout!! 

Blanquette de Veau wants to owe you 2 sou's and the Souesse channeling 

contest between Warlocks United vs Archwizardo Real -- who's Boyscout 

wants to Nat 180 and squaredance the ship? Much addons nihil about, 

Mach 3 to Nietzsche and Modigliani, I had to beat the cashcow out of Mu Yanling!!

Sales Fish Trial and error, no refunds, for there is no game on a Wild Hunt King. 

Mother Russia shall send its own shamans to renounce Demutšin in Mulholland loud.

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